Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Iron Dome was the only real Israeli winner of the Gaza operation.

The trio which conducted Israel’s eight-day Gaza operation, Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, Defense Minister Ehud Barak, Foreign Minister Avigdor Lieberman, marked the Gaza ceasefire that went into effect Wednesday night, Nov. 21, by announcing that all the goals set for the Pillar of Cloud operation were achieved.

They did not reveal the concessions they made to enable the US and Egypt to persuade Hamas to promise to halt its long missile blitz against Israel. The most damaging was Israel’s consent for Egypt to act as truce monitor and arbitrator between itself and Hamas and the address for complaints of violations, misunderstandings and broker of future negotiations to follow the ceasefire for regulating future relations.

By deferring to Egypt’s superior authority, Israel let itself be demoted to an equal footing with Hamas, a group listed as a terrorist organization in the US and Europe and dedicated to the destruction of the Jewish state.

In some respects, Israel might have been better served by direct talks with Hamas itself rather than placing its strategic policy on two borders in the hands of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.

hey are conditioning our children for when the microchip implant will be enforced!

Student to fight high school over mandatory microchip tracking
 (Reuters / Kai Pfaffenbach)
A high school student from the state of Texas will take legal action after being threatened with expulsion for refusing to wear a microchip-embedded identification card to class.

Sophomore Andrea Hernandez is likely to have her last day at John Jay High School in San Antonio, TX next week unless educators there revoke their promise of kicking her out on Monday, November 26. It’s only the latest episode in an ongoing war involving the mandatory surveillance of students, and it looks like it won’t be the last update given Hernandez’s plans to pursue a court order with the help of her attorneys.

Earlier this school year, all students at John Jay were asked to start wearing ID badges, each one equipped with a Radio Frequency Identification (“RFID”) chip so that teachers there can keep track of their whereabouts on campus. The school told parents that the “Jones attendance office staff will be able to manage attendance reporting more efficiently” by utilizing the cards, because “By reporting increased attendance to the state, Jones Middle School will be eligible for additional funding.” So far just one other school in Texas is employing similar rules in order to ideally bring in some more funding, but if the program is deemed a success, the ID cards could soon come to 112 schools in all and affect nearly 100,000 students.

I applaude you America...for making the news in foreign countries that say our leaders suck and Americans are lazy! Be proud we made headlines on RT!

Americans to pay for Thanksgiving dinner with food stamps in record numbers
People fill out state forms for food stamps. (AFP Photo / Spencer Platt)
While some will spend Thanksgiving and days after it feasting on turkeys, 13 percent of Americans will rely on food stamps to avoid going to sleep hungry this holiday season.

About 42.2 million Americans will eat on a budget of $1 to $1.25 per meal this Thanksgiving as the number of people enrolled in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program remains high, found a new report by The Sunlight Foundation, a nonprofit government watchdog group. The number of Americans relying on food stamps this Thanksgiving is equal to the populations of California and Connecticut combined.

The latest data from the US Department of Agriculture shows that 47.1 million Americans relied on food stamps in August – the highest number yet.

Since 2007, participation in the food stamp program has skyrocketed, increasing by 70 percent. The cost of feeding the approximately 44.7 million Americans who relied on food stamps last year cost the US government a record $72 billion.

Local TV runs ‘Breaking News’ report on poisonous gas below giant Louisiana sinkhole (VIDEO)

According to the Assumption Parish Police Jury website, Texas Brine has reported high levels of Hydrogen Sulfide from their sonic vent well that is drilled into the cap rock at the giant sinkhole near Grand Bayou and Bayou Corne.

Hydrogen Sulfide is a poisonous, flammable gas and has a very bad odor. The smell is described as the smell of rotten eggs. Unlike methane, it is heavier than air and collects at low to the ground levels. No community air monitors have detected Hydrogen Sulfide.

The well was shut down due to these levels. This vent well is the deepest vent well on the property. The Department of Natural Resources’ contractor, The Shaw Group, is currently investigating. Assumption Parish officials are currently waiting on additional details from DNR.

Ahead of ceasefire, Gaza terrorists pummel southern Israel with rockets.....

Operation Pillar of Defense is deep into its eighth day, with continued rocket strikes on southern Israel and Israeli air attacks on terror targets in Gaza. A little after noon, a bus was blown up in central Tel Aviv. The Times of Israel is live-blogging developments.

Read more:

Ceasefire has been agreed upon, but excuse my reluctancy not trusting terrorists....PRAY FOR ISRAEL TRUE CHRISTIANS! Pray their guard is not let down just in case!

Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you for the agreement thats been reached. I have prayed your will be done in this horrible violent situation and you have spoken! I pray for Israel's protection and I pray you soften the hearts of the rest of the middle east! Please Lord, be with all those who have lost someone in this conflict, any loss of life on either side is sad and heartbreaking. Father, please let the rest of the world open their eyes to whats really happening, so they understand that the riches you intend for us do not consist of money, jewels, and gold...Let them see your riches of knowledge and the ability to hear you speak and the wisdom to OBEY you, Lord! I thank you, Lord, for your blessings and Love! In Jesus name I pray, AMEN!

Israeli sources say ceasefire expected this evening; Clinton and Morsi to make statements!

4 soldiers injured in rocket attack; 21 injured in central Tel Aviv bus bombing, which is condemned by US, France, UN; police on trail of bomber; Clinton meets with Egyptian president; in south, one house hit by rockets twice.
Hillary Clinton meets Mohammed Morsi in Cairo in June. (photo credit: AP Photo/Brendan Smialowski)
Operation Pillar of Defense is deep into its eighth day, with continued rocket strikes on southern Israel and Israeli air attacks on terror targets in Gaza. A little after noon, a bus was blown up in central Tel Aviv. The Times of Israel is live-blogging developments.

In Israel-Hamas clash, Iran casts a shadow!

Israeli soldiers pray next to an artillery gun along Israel's border with Gaza on Wednesday, November 21. Violence continued in the region Wednesday, leaving hopes of a cease-fire in tatters just hours after a halt in fighting seemed close.
In the latest round of fighting between Israelis and the Palestinian militants of Hamas in Gaza, one key player looms like an ominous, lengthening shadow: Iran.
Never far from sight or mind, the standoff between Iran and the West over Iran's nuclear program serves as the backdrop to the fighting. It frames Israeli tactics and strategy and influences the international diplomatic response. Iran and its nuclear program also play a powerful psychological role, as observers and participants ponder the parallels between the latest Israel-Hamas conflict and a possible war in which Iran would stand against the U.S. or Israel, and perhaps other NATO allies.

Egypt confiscates warheads smuggled from Libya!

The Egyptian officials said authorities seized the pick-up trucks, carrying 108 warheads for Soviet-designed Grad rockets, near Marsa Matrouh, 270 miles (430 kilometers) northwest of Cairo on the Mediterranean coast.
Egyptian authorities confiscated trucks carrying explosive warheads and a variety of small-arms ammunition smuggled from Libya, security officials said Wednesday.
A flood of weapons from its western neighbor has added to Egypt's security concerns as police have yet to fully return to their duties since last year's uprising. Smuggled weapons often fall into the hands of Islamist militants in the Sinai Peninsula, or pass via underground tunnels to the Gaza Strip, the site of fierce fighting over the past week between Hamas militants and Israeli forces.
The Egyptian officials said authorities seized the pick-up trucks, carrying 108 warheads for Soviet-designed Grad rockets, near Marsa Matrouh, 270 miles (430 kilometers) northwest of Cairo on the Mediterranean coast. Suspected smugglers had fled the scene.

Sick animals!

Brazen faking of images reveals Hamas’ desperation
There is only one thing worse than the image of a child killed by military conflict, and that is the image of a child killed by military conflict having deliberately been placed in the line of fire.
War is, by definition, a very nasty business, and invariably it is the innocents on all sides who bear a significant cost in lives lost, people maimed and communities traumatized.
But solid evidence now reveals how Hamas and Islamic Jihad in Gaza have been deliberately placing their civilian population in mortal danger, choreographing a number of seemingly gory scenes, as well as releasing images from other conflicts, such as Iraq and Syria, and passing them off as dead Gazan civilians killed by Israeli missiles. least one of them noticed that Israel is under attack by terrorists!

Clinton calls Tel Aviv bus bombing a ‘terrorist attack,’ as truce deal between Israel, Gaza militants appears more distant
A bomb exploded aboard an Israeli bus near the nation's military headquarters in Tel Aviv on Wednesday, wounding 27 people, delivering a major blow to diplomatic efforts to forge a truce to end a week of fighting between Israel and Gaza's militant Hamas rulers. Thousands of Palestinians fled their homes in Gaza fearing Israeli airstrikes.
Hours after the bus blast, U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton, who is shuttling across the region in truce talks, arrived in Cairo and met with Egyptian President Mohammed Morsi, who is mediating between Israel and Hamas to end the fighting that has killed more than 140 Palestinians and five Israelis.

Clinton in Cairo amid waning Gaza truce bid. 27 injured in Tel Aviv bus bombing!


US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton joined world leaders in harshly condemning bombing of a Tel Aviv bus Wednesday, Nov. 21, as a “terrorist attack” when she arrived in Cairo from Jerusalem and Ramallah. She found Egyptian-brokered ceasefire for the Gaza Strip near vanishing point. Police are hunting for the bomber who placed his explosive device under a bus seat and fled before it blew up on Shaul Hamelekh Blvd. opposite the defense ministry and IDF GHQ and injured 27 people. Three are still in serious condition.

Hamas is aiming to KILL CIVILIANS WHERE IS THE CONDEMNATION IN THAT MAINSTEAM MEDIA! 21 wounded in terror attack on Tel Aviv bus!

An ambulance at the scene of a bus bombing in Tel Aviv on Wednesday (photo credit: Joshua Davidovich/The Times of Israel)

An explosion ripped through a bus in central Tel Aviv around noon on Wednesday — the first bombing attack in the city since 2006.
Twenty-one people were injured in the bombing, three of them seriously. No one was killed.
Police commander Yohanan Danino said police had been “braced for an attack of this kind.”

PM, ministers deliberate Israel’s next step after Tel Aviv bus bombing

The scene of a bombing attack on a bus in Tel Aviv, Wednesday (photo credit: Roni Schutzer/Flash90)

Operation Pillar of Defense is deep into its eighth day, with continued rocket strikes on southern Israel and Israeli air attacks on terror targets in Gaza. A little after noon, a bus was blown up in central Tel Aviv. The Times of Israel is live-blogging developments. Refresh for latest updates.