Friday, August 30, 2013

Countdown on for US strike on Syria. Kerry: Assad's chemicals killed 1,429 Syrians, 426 children

End Of Days News

Countdown on for US strike on Syria. Kerry: Assad's chemicals killed 1,429 Syrians, 426 children
John Kerry accuses Bashar Assad
John Kerry accuses Bashar Assad
DEBKAfile Special Report Aug 30, 2013, 9:33 PM (IDT)
Friday, Aug. 30, US Secretary of State John Kerry accused Bashar Assad of responsibility for poison gas attack on 11 Damascus sites on Aug. 21, causing 1,429 deaths, including 426 children. His words signaled the start of the countdown for the US military strike on Syria, which debkafile’s military sources estimate could be launched from this moment until US Labor Day on Sept. 2.  America cannot look the other way, he said. He also cited US concern for the proximity to Syria of US friends Israel, Jordan and Turkey.

President Obama Comments On Syria

End Of Days News

President Obama Comments On Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
*Still Undecided, Obama Favors 'Limited, Narrow' Act in Syria -- ABC News* President Obama today said he has "not made any decisions" on whether to launch a military strike on Syria, but sought to assure the American public and the international community that if he does, it will be a "limited, narrow act." "We're not considering any open-ended commitment," Obama said, adding, "In no event are we considering any kind of military action that would involve boots on the ground, that would involve a long-term campaign." The president said that punishing Syria would send a message t... more »

Syria Condemned but No Word From Obama as Persecuted Christians Caught in Iran’s Crosshairs

End Of Days News

Syria Condemned but No Word From Obama as Persecuted Christians Caught in Iran’s Crosshairs

An Islamic terror campaign against Christians in Egypt should be headline-grabbing news. Not so. Few media outlets are focusing on the story behind the story in Egypt—a calculated assault against Egypt’s ancient Christian… Read More →

Facebook reportedly considering adding 1+ billion members’ photos to facial recognition database

End Of Days News

Facebook reportedly considering adding 1+ billion members’ photos to facial recognition database

Madison Ruppert at The Daily Sheeple
Facebook is considering adding the majority of its over 1 billion members’ profile photos to a massive facial recognition database, according to Reuters.

Renown researcher Steve Quayle, even stated on-air, “The Government has a Red List of People to be Terminated that includes, radio hosts, bloggers, gun owners ,preppers, conspiracy theorists, and anybody who does not drink the government’s Kool-Aid.”

End Of Days News


Our whole entire system in America is flawed and even substandard. Our fearless leaders in Washington have done nothing to prop up the American people, but rather only pulled us down.

The truth of the matter is that President Obama is a straight up liar. He has done nothing he has promised, except maybe provide “change” of course — in your pocketbook only.

The current establishment has looted more taxpayer dollars from the Corporation of the United States than all presidencies throughout American history combined.

Obama’s push for “change” has only given us less freedom as individuals.

The police state is only intensifying as tanks and hardened vehicles are now roaming the streets of American towns and cities.[1]

We as free-thinking individuals, need to question just why all of these hardened vehicles are on the streets.
What are they for?

Why does the barbwire fence at your local post office point inward?

Why are there cameras on almost every street corner?

Why are major cities designed to be closed-in and locked off by bottlenecks?

Because, likely there is a bigger plan at hand.

Back in the early 80′s the puppet masters pulling the strings had President Ronald Reagan fully wrapped-up.

 The former actor laid the ground work for what eventually will become the demise of most American citizens. The program was called Readiness Exercise 1984, or for short “REX84″. The plan illegally “constituted” internment camps to be constructed throughout America for use in either a “mass exodus” or a “national emergency”. It’s a plan to round-up the “blue” and “red list”. More

PROPHECY UPDATE: Dangerous Times

End Of Days News

Dangerous Times

No one could argue otherwise. Not only is the Middle East on the verge of exploding, the world's economic crisis is threatening to spread far and wide as the U.S. ability to print money 'out of thin air' may come to a close at the end of the year. Additionally, at least according to one author, the situation in the Middle East, specifically Syria, is tied to global economics and the attempted globalist takeover. All of what we are seeing today, as playing out on the world stage seems intertwined and planned. Today's news are highly consistent with these emerging trends. For whatev... more »

Utah sheriffs warn Obama they’ll die to defend Second Amendment

End Of Days News

Utah sheriffs warn Obama they’ll die to defend Second Amendment

The Utah Sheriffs’ Association has issued fightin’ words to President Obama. In a stern letter, the organization hints they would go to war against the federal government in the event their citizens are… Read More →

Thursday, August 29, 2013

After UK opts out, US readies solo action against Syria

End Of Days News

Despite British parliament’s stunning decision, Obama appears determined to move forward with attack plans

BREAKING NEWS: UK Parliament Rejects War Against Syria

End Of Days News

BREAKING NEWS: UK Parliament Rejects War Against Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates
British Prime Minister David Cameron spoke during a debate on Syria in Britain's parliament Thursday. Reuters *U.K. Parliament Rejects Syria Action -- Wall Street Journal* LONDON—British Prime Minister David Cameron lost a preliminary vote on Syria, an early sign of the pushback Western governments may face as they prepare to launch an attack. Thursday evening's vote was nonbinding, but in practice the rejection of military strikes means Mr. Cameron's hands are tied. In a terse statement to Parliament, Mr. Cameron said it was clear to him that the British people did not want to... more »

Administration announces new gun control measures, targets military surplus imports

End Of Days News

The Obama administration unexpectedly announced two new gun control measures on Thursday, including one that would curb the import of military surplus weapons -- in a move that could anger collectors.
Vice President Biden announced the new measures Thursday morning. The new rules, announced while Washington was otherwise focused on the crisis in Syria, took the form of executive actions, which President Obama added to the list of 23 steps the White House already determined the president could take on his own.
The steps come after Congress declined to pass any gun control legislation earlier this year despite an aggressive White House push for action in the wake of the Newton, Conn., shooting massacre. With the political world focused on Mideast tensions and looming fiscal battles, the move signaled Obama's intent to show he hasn't lost sight of the issue.
The National Rifle Association, though, ripped the administration, saying its proposals would do little to reduce crime.
"The Obama administration has once again completely missed the mark when it comes to stopping violent crime," the NRA said in a statement.
One new policy will end a government practice that lets military weapons, sold or donated by the U.S. to allies, be reimported into the U.S. by private entities. The White House said the U.S. has approved 250,000 of those guns to be reimported since 2005; under the new policy, only museums and a few other entities like the government will be eligible to reimport military-grade firearms.
The Obama administration is also proposing a federal rule to stop those who would be ineligible to pass a background check from skirting the law by registering a gun to a corporation or trust. The new rule would require people associated with those entities, like beneficiaries and trustees, to undergo the same type of fingerprint-based background checks as individuals if they want to register guns.
But the NRA said that neither measure would reduce crime, since neither the re-importation of firearms nor the corporate gun registration is known to be a source of weapons for criminals.

Another reason AMERIKA is gonna crash! Wed gay couples win U.S. marriage tax benefits nationwide!

End Of Days News

(Reuters) - All legally wed gay couples, no matter what state they live in, are entitled to the same U.S.

federal tax benefits as married heterosexual couples, the Obama administration said on Thursday.

The U.S. Treasury ruling, following a landmark Supreme Court decision in June, means that whether a married gay couple lives in New York, which recognizes gay marriage, or Oklahoma, which does not, federal tax benefits and responsibilities apply.

The Supreme Court on June 26 invalidated a key portion of a 1996 federal law, known as the Defense of Marriage Act, which had defined marriage as between a man and a woman.

There was some uncertainty after the Supreme Court ruling about how the tax status of gay married couples would be treated in dozens of states that have laws against gay marriage.

"Today's ruling provides certainty and clear, coherent tax filing guidance for all legally married same-sex couples nationwide. It provides access to benefits, responsibilities and protections under federal tax law that all Americans deserve," Treasury Secretary Jack Lew said.

There are about 130,000 same-sex married couples in the United States, according to estimates from the Census Bureau.

Gay rights backers said the ruling could spur same-sex couples in states where gay marriage is not legal to travel to states where it is recognized to wed.

"We will see many more couples from the more than 30 states without marriage equality come to New York," said Nathan Schaeffer, executive director of the Empire State Pride Agenda.

Under the ruling, effective September 16, gay married couples may file amended tax returns to change their filing status going back to tax years 2010, 2011 and 2012 to seek possible tax refunds, the Treasury Department said in a statement. More

Assad obviously does not read the Bible!!!

End Of Days News

DEBKAfile August 29, 2013, 2:20 PM (GMT+02:00)
Syrian president is quoted on state television as say that Syria will defend itself and come out ahead of its historic confrontation with the US ant its allies. He praised the high morale of his regime heads.

We should not treat any brother and sister bad, PERIOD!!! However, HOMOSEXUALITY IS A SIN!

End Of Days News

DAYS OF LOT: Christians should ‘repent’ over past treatment of gays, says Archbishop

Christians should be ‘repentant’ about the Church’s past treatment of gay and lesbian people, the Archbishop of Canterbury said last night. The Most Rev. Justin Welby told a group of traditional evangelical Christians… Read More →

Military Guide Lumps Christians and Jews with ‘Extremists’

End Of Days News

Military Guide Lumps Christians and Jews with ‘Extremists’

The Department of Defense classified Catholics, evangelicals, Jews and Mormons as religious “extremists” in military training materials, according to the Chaplain Alliance for Religious Liberty. More than 1,500 pages of documents were just released to the… Read More →

WAR DRUMS: Thousands crowd gas mask centers in Haifa, Tel Aviv

End Of Days News

WAR DRUMS: Thousands crowd gas mask centers in Haifa, Tel Aviv

Thousands of Israelis lined up outside gas mask distribution centers on Thursday, despite efforts by authorities to calm fears of being on the receiving end of a threatened Syrian retaliation should the US… Read More →

America's Allies Are Backing Away From Military Action Against Syria

End Of Days News

America's Allies Are Backing Away From Military Action Against Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
*Britain, France Seek More Time To Weigh Military Strike On Syria -- Washington Post* LONDON — U.S. efforts to forge an international coalition to support a military strike on Syria faced fresh uncertainty Thursday, as British Prime Minister David Cameron confronted a political fight in Parliament over military action and France called for a delay until U.N. inspectors finish their work on the ground. Speaking in the House of Commons, Cameron pledged that Britain would take no action until the United Nations had reviewed a report from weapons inspectors, who are in Syria examin... more »

.Speaking of Bad Break-ups: Kim Jong-un’s Ex-Girlfriend Executed by Firing Squad

End Of Days News

Speaking of Bad Break-ups: Kim Jong-un’s Ex-Girlfriend Executed by Firing Squad

Kimberly Paxton at The Daily Sheeple 
Kim Jong-un, who claimed for himself the honor of Sexiest Man Alive, can now claim the title of Worst Ex-Boyfriend Alive as his former lover has been executed and her entire family imprisoned.

Syria Threatens To Use Kamikaze Pilots Against The West

End Of Days News

Syria Threatens To Use Kamikaze Pilots Against The West

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates
A Syrian Air Force fighter jet launches missiles at El Edaa district in Syria's north-western city of Aleppo September 1, 2012. Photo by Reuters *Syrian Army May Use Kamikaze Pilots Against West, Assad Officer Claims -- The Guardian* At least 8,000 suicide 'martyrs' ready to foil US warplanes hand-in-hand with Hezbollah and Iran, says regime loyalist The Syrian air force is considering using kamikaze pilots against attacks by western forces, a Syrian army officer operating air defences near Damascus has claimed in an interview with the Guardian. The officer said 13 pilots had s... more »

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Psalms 25 - A Plea for Deliverance and Forgiveness

End Of Days News

A Psalm of David.

25 To You, O Lord, I lift up my soul.
2 O my God, I trust in You;
Let me not be ashamed;
Let not my enemies triumph over me.
3 Indeed, let no one who waits on You be ashamed;
Let those be ashamed who deal treacherously without cause.

4 Show me Your ways, O Lord;
Teach me Your paths.
5 Lead me in Your truth and teach me,
For You are the God of my salvation;
On You I wait all the day.

6 Remember, O Lord, Your tender mercies and Your loving kindnesses,
For they are from of old.
7 Do not remember the sins of my youth, nor my transgressions;
According to Your mercy remember me,
For Your goodness’ sake, O Lord.

8 Good and upright is the Lord;
Therefore He teaches sinners in the way.
9 The humble He guides in justice,
And the humble He teaches His way.
10 All the paths of the Lord are mercy and truth,
To such as keep His covenant and His testimonies.
11 For Your name’s sake, O Lord,
Pardon my iniquity, for it is great.

12 Who is the man that fears the Lord?
Him shall He[a] teach in the way He[b] chooses.
13 He himself shall dwell in prosperity,
And his descendants shall inherit the earth.
14 The secret of the Lord is with those who fear Him,
And He will show them His covenant.
15 My eyes are ever toward the Lord,
For He shall pluck my feet out of the net.

16 Turn Yourself to me, and have mercy on me,
For I am desolate and afflicted.
17 The troubles of my heart have enlarged;
Bring me out of my distresses!
18 Look on my affliction and my pain,
And forgive all my sins.
19 Consider my enemies, for they are many;
And they hate me with cruel hatred.
20 Keep my soul, and deliver me;
Let me not be ashamed, for I put my trust in You.
21 Let integrity and uprightness preserve me,
For I wait for You.

22 Redeem Israel, O God,
Out of all their troubles!

Citing Russian logjam, US says it will act on Syria without UN green light

End Of Days News

As Security Council meeting ends with no progress, State Department says it can’t be held up by Moscow’s ‘intrasingence’

Muslim Violence Targets Christians (Again)

End Of Days News

Muslim Violence Targets Christians (Again)

The mainstream media and Western governments ignore what is an obvious and growing problem
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Israel adds Iron Domes to northern interceptor deployment

End Of Days News

DEBKAfile August 28, 2013, 7:11 PM (GMT+02:00)
Ahead of a US strike against Syria, the IDF Wednesday installed two Iron Dome missile interceptors in the northern “Valleys” region and Safed in addition to Haifa. Another Iron Dome battery was posted in the heavily populated central district.  Arrow, Patriot anti-missile missiles, as well as Iron Domes, have been deployed more widely across Israel than ever before. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that Israel’s Arrow and Patriot interceptors are linked to the US missile shield with which their operation is synchronized.

Syria asks UN to immediately investigate three new ‘chemical attacks’ by rebels

End Of Days News

Syria asks UN to immediately investigate three new ‘chemical attacks’ by rebels

The Syrian government is demanding that the United Nations immediately investigate three alleged chemical attacks carried out by rebel groups on the outskirts of Damascus last week, Syria’s envoy to the UN said.

The attacks took place on August 22, 24 and 25, Bashar Jaafari told journalists Wednesday. The “militants” used toxic chemical gas against the Syrian army, the ambassador said.

"We are asking UN to incorporate 3 more locations where the Syrian soldiers inhaled the nerve gas also in the suburbs of Damascus. So the spectrum of investigation is increasing compared to the initial phase of investigation," Jaafari said.


Why Is The U.S. Administration Revealing Their War Plans On Syria?

End Of Days News

Why Is The U.S. Administration Revealing Their War Plans On Syria?

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
US President Barack Obama speaks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in January 2012. (photo credit: Peter Souza/White House/File) *Loose Lips On Syria -- Wall Street Journal* U.S. leaks tell Assad he can relax. The bombing will be brief and limited. An American military attack on Syria could begin as early as Thursday and will involve three days of missile strikes, according to "senior U.S. officials" talking to NBC News. The Washington Post has the bombing at "no more than two days," though long-range bombers could "possibly" join the missiles. "Factors weighing into the t... more »

It's a God thing!! Collapse reported on Jerusalem’s Temple Mount!

End Of Days News

** FILE ** Israeli police walk through the Al-Aqsa Mosque compound, also known to Jews as the Temple Mount, in Jerusalem's Old City on Wednesday, March 17, 2010. (AP Photo/Tara Todras-Whitehill) 

Turkish media reported earlier this week that a portion of the Temple Mount platform near the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem’s Old City has collapsed, “creating a serious safety hazard and a possible threat to the stability of the Islamic structure,” Israel Today reported Tuesday.

If the report is accurate, it would be the second serious collapse on the Temple Mount in the past five years, caused by “deliberate Israeli action” to bring down the mosque so that the Jewish Temple can be rebuilt, the report said.

Experts have warned for years that the construction projects being carried out by Muslims atop the Temple Mount are destabilizing the structure, and many believe it is only a matter of time before it collapses completely.

Partial Israel reserves call-up. US beefs up Qatar air base. Syria moves units into sheltered sites

End Of Days News

Partial Israel reserves call-up. US beefs up Qatar air base. Syria moves units into sheltered sites
US B-1 strategic bombers
US B-1 strategic bombers
DEBKAfile Special Report Aug 28, 2013, 4:34 PM (IDT)
Ahead of the US strike on Syria, the Israeli security cabinet Wednesday, Aug. 28, ordered the partial mobilization of select IDF reserves: Rocket, Air Force, missile interception, Home Defense command and intelligence units. Anti-missile Arrow, Patriot and Iron Dome systems were spread out more widely than ever before across Israel. US and Syria were winding up last military preparations. Barring last-minute hold-ups, debkafile’s military sources report the US operation is scheduled to start Friday night, early Saturday Aug. 30-31.

Israel’s security cabinet in special session

End Of Days News

DEBKAfile August 28, 2013, 12:49 PM (GMT+02:00)
The security cabinet was called into special session Wednesday to examine possible repercussions of US military intervention in Syria. Among those repercussions was a possible decision by President Bashar Assad to hit back at Israel for the US attack. Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Tuesday that Israel was ready for any scenario. Although uninvolved in the Syrian civil war, Israel would not hesitate to fight back at any attempted attacks – and would do so forcefully. 

Israel deploys missile interceptors in broadest spread ever

End Of Days News

DEBKAfile August 28, 2013, 12:34 PM (GMT+02:00)
Ahead of a US strike against Syria, the IDF continued Wednesday to distribute its anti-missile Arrow, Patriot and Iron Dome systems more widely than ever before across the country. Iron Dome batteries are positioned in the heavily populated central region. DEBKAfile’s military sources report that Israel’s Arrow and Patriot interceptors are linked to the US missile shield with which their operation is synchronized.

Middle East Updates: Syria: U.S. Attack On Syria Would Justify Retaliation Against Israel - Tel Aviv Will Be Hit If Damascus Attacked

End Of Days News

Middle East Updates: Syria: U.S. Attack On Syria Would Justify Retaliation Against Israel - Tel Aviv Will Be Hit If Damascus Attacked

* Watching the prophetic scriptures come to life as we watch: Syrian Army Source: U.S. Attack On Syria Would Justify Retaliation Against Israel* * * * * * * * Syria and Iran on Tuesday threatened to attack Israel in retaliation for any Western military action, with some reports indicating strikes against the regime could begin later this week. A senior Syrian army source told Iran’s Fars News Agency on Tuesday that a full-scale US attack on Syria would justify an attack on the Jewish state. * *“If Damascus comes under attack, Tel Aviv will be targeted too and a full-scale war agai... more »

Tuesday, August 27, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Syria Positions 500 Scud Missiles At Israel in Preparation of War

End Of Days News

BREAKING NEWS: Syria Positions 500 Scud Missiles At Israel in Preparation of War

BREAKING NEWS: Lebanese website reported that Syrian Army Award 500 Scud missiles and directed them toward Israel. According to the report, which received validation from anyone, Russian-made missiles have warheads weighing half a… Read More →

“Don’t believe in God? Join the club.”

End Of Days News

A new billboard, left, countering the Coalition of Reason's billboard, right, is seen on 12th Street near Grange Avenue in Sioux Falls Monday, Aug. 26, 2013. 

Sioux Falls has dueling billboards.

A sign went up on West 12th Street last week saying, “Don’t believe in God? Join the club.”

Now another sign is up greeting motorists at 12th and Grange. It quotes Psalm 14.
“The fool hath said in his heart, ‘There is no God.’”

BSR Construction is sponsoring the new billboard in direct response to the sign that the South Dakota Coalition of Reason placed last week.

“I think there’s a lot of people who do believe in God, and I just wanted to represent them,” said William Kreider, 44, owner of BSR Construction.

Westbound motorists at 12th and Grange can see both signs at the same time. More

Facebook: Governments demanded information on 38K users, among them protesters and political activists

End Of Days News

The reception at Facebook headquarters in Palo Alto, CA (AFP Photo / Ryan Anson)

Facebook received about 26,000 government requests for information about 38,000 users in the first six months of 2013, with half of the orders coming from the United States government.

The social networking service published the numbers on Monday, following the release of customer information data requests from Microsoft and Google. Facebook said government agents from 74 countries demanded information about its users, but the vast majority of these requests came from the US, the Associated Press reported.

Classified documents leaked to the Guardian newspaper recently revealed that the National Security Agency (NSA) paid millions of dollars to keep tech companies – including Facebook – cooperating with the US government. US federal law allows the government to demand Facebook data without a warrant, and companies must fight such requests in secret court hearings if they deny them. Facebook provided user data in response to about 60 percent of such requests, AP reports. And out of all US government information requests, the social networking service released some data about 79 percent of the user accounts in question.

But because the US government prohibits companies from releasing exact numbers on how often they have been forced to turn over information, Facebook has been unable to specify exactly how many of the 38,000 user information requests came from the US. Facebook has announced the exact number of requests for all other countries, but simply provided a number range for the US. MORE

US officials: missile strikes against Syria Thursday – CNBC

End Of Days News

DEBKAfile August 27, 2013, 5:03 PM (GMT+02:00)
Missile strikes against Syria could be launched "as early as Thursday," senior U.S. officials said Tuesday to CNBC TV, as the White House intensified efforts toward an international response to the suspected use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government. The officials spoke of "three days" of strikes that would be limited in scope and carry a message to the Assad regime. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told the BBC that the US military is “ready to go” for when Obama orders action.

Assad may hit back at Israel for US strike, trusting Obama to tie Israel’s hands against major reprisal

End Of Days News

Assad may hit back at Israel for US strike, trusting Obama to tie Israel’s hands against major reprisal
Saudi Air Force F-15
Saudi Air Force F-15
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Aug 27, 2013, 3:24 PM (IDT)
There is little logic in the Netanyahu government’s public assurances that the Syrian ruler Bashar Assad would not risk a major showdown with Israel for fear of an IDF response powerful enough to overthrow his regime. debkafile: President Barack Obama would not countenance an Israeli military strike against Syria disproportionate to a US operation, or capable of endangering Assad’s rule. Assad's Russian advisers have undoubtedly briefed him on Israel’s tied hands. However, even a limited US strike is likely to spread since Syria’s allies will not stand by idly.

Do people want to know what God has shown others? Are you part of the body of Christ?

End Of Days News
In 2 days I have tried talking to 3 people about the end days and what the Bible says about the things to come. None of which have done a lick of research on it! ALL 3 shut me off and go into what they know, not giving me a chance to share with them some of the things God has shown me. I try to always hear out others because sometimes God answers us in the most unknown ways and I care what people have to say! God does not reveal all the secrets directly to me so I try to put the pieces together by hearing what others have been shown by God.

I honestly feel like everything is a debate and if they want one up on me FINE! I pray we can have a conversation with others and it be in love. If you shut someone off before they share with you what they have been blessed with, you may shut off God. The things that God revealed to your friend may have been for you!

I am just putting this out there because I think it is important to know that as a body, the church should be able to communicate without it being a competition. If we can't simply communicate, how will we be useful to the Lord in his kingdom? For a whole body to work, there are many parts that have to work together or it is useless! As the body of Christ we are to put on the mind of Christ and learn to work TOGETHER, NOT AGAINST each other!

I love you all brothers and sisters!!!


Syria Crisis: Russia And China Step Up Warnings

End Of Days News

Syria Crisis: Russia And China Step Up Warnings

* Today's articles focus on the predictable aftermath of U.S. involvement in Syria and not surprisingly, it all lines up with biblical prophecy: Syria Crisis: Russia And China Step Up Warning Over Strike* * * * * *Russia and China have stepped up their warnings against military intervention in Syria, with Moscow saying any such action would have "catastrophic consequences" for the region.* * * * * * Russian foreign ministry spokesman Alexander Lukashevich has called on the international community to show "prudence" over the crisis and observe international law. "Attempts to bypas... more »

BREAKING NEWS: Russian ship and Syrian senior officials flee in preparation of War

End Of Days News

BREAKING NEWS: Russian ship and Syrian senior officials flee in preparation of War

BREAKING NEWS: Syrian opposition elements claimed on Monday that a Russian navy ship, which has docked for a long time in the vicinity of the Latakia port, has left its harbor. In addition, it was reported by opposition… Read More →

Pentagon Labels Founding Fathers, Conservatives as Extremists

End Of Days News

Pentagon Labels Founding Fathers, Conservatives as Extremists

George Washington would not be welcome in the modern U.S. military. Neither would Thomas Jefferson or Benjamin Franklin, according to Department of Defense training documents that depict the Founding Fathers as extremists and… Read More →

A Rare Snow Falls in Atacama Desert of Chile

End Of Days News

A Rare Snow Falls in Atacama Desert of Chile

A rare snowfall in Chile’s Atacama desert has delighted visitors to one of the world’s driest areas. Residents of San Pedro de Atacama say the weekend snow was the heaviest in three decades for the desert city, which is 750 miles (1,200 kilometers) north of the capital, Santiago. But local officials say they are concerned the snow […]

Stocks drop amid worries over Syria

End Of Days News

Stocks drop amid worries over Syria

Stocks declined near session lows Tuesday, with all key S&P sectors in the red, amid building worries over potential U.S. military action in Syria. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told the BBC the U.S. military is “ready to go” if President Barack Obama orders action over a chemical weapons attack in Syria. Meanwhile, NBC News reported the U.S. could launch […]

Russia And China Warn The West To Not Launch A Military Strike Against Syria

End Of Days News

Russia And China Warn The West To Not Launch A Military Strike Against Syria

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
*Syria Crisis: Russia And China Step Up Warning Over Strike -- BBC* Russia and China have stepped up their warnings against military intervention in Syria, with Moscow saying any such action would have "catastrophic consequences" for the region. The US and its allies are considering launching strikes on Syria in response to deadly attacks last week. The US said there was "undeniable" proof of a chemical attack, on Monday. UN chemical weapons inspectors are due to start a second day of investigations in the suburbs of Damascus. The UN team came under sniper fire as they tried to... more »

Monday, August 26, 2013

Kerry harshly accuses Syrian government of “heinous crime”

End Of Days News

DEBKAfile August 26, 2013, 10:20 PM (GMT+02:00)
US Secretary of State John Kerry delivered a powerful and harsh message Monday night, accusing the Assad regime of the "heinous crime" of chemical warfare on civilians. “Our understanding is grounded in facts and common sense,” he said: This regime held custody of those weapons, had the rockets to use them and was capable of doing so. “Basic humanity is offended by this crime and even more by the attempts to cover it up. “The US will hold those responsible accountable,” Kerry vowed.

Damascus: Any attack on Syria deemed coming from Israel

End Of Days News

DEBKAfile August 26, 2013, 3:20 PM (GMT+02:00)
A Syrian official spokesman warned Monday that Israel would be held responsible for any attack on his country and be treated accordingly. He said that Syria had strategic weapons pointing at Israel and that country and other parts of the Middle East would  go up in a ball of fire.

300 Oklahoma Air National Guard To Deploy To Afghanistan

End Of Days News

300 Oklahoma Air National Guard To Deploy To Afghanistan

BREAKING NEWS: Approximately 300 Oklahoma Air National Guard personnel will be leaving in August to head to Afghanistan, a spokesperson said. The 125th Expeditionary Fighter Squadron, part of the 138th Fighter Wing, will… Read More →

In The News: Wars And Rumors Of War - 'Doomsday Scenario In Syria'

End Of Days News

In The News: Wars And Rumors Of War - 'Doomsday Scenario In Syria'

*'Doomsday Scenario In Syria'* * * * * * * * * * Days after the regime of Syrian President Bashar Assad allegedly carried out a chemical attack in a Damascus suburb that killed hundreds of people, Western nations and their Arab allies are actively planning a military strike. This would be the first show of force by an outside power since the Syrian civil war began in March 2011, all Arab dailies lead off. * * * *Assad came to an understanding with the United Nations that will allow an international fact-finding team to investigate the chemical attack as early as Monday. The Syria... more »

Friday, August 23, 2013

Feds are building a detective squad to target consumers and companies that don’t follow Obamacare’s rules

End Of Days News

Feds are building a detective squad to target consumers and companies that don’t follow Obamacare’s rules

FREEDOM WATCH: More than 1,600 new employees hired by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Resources in the aftermath of Obamacare’s passage include just two described as ‘consumer safety’ officers, but 86… Read More →

Americans in shock as businesses cut work hours and health benefits because of Obamacare

End Of Days News

Americans in shock as businesses cut work hours and health benefits because of Obamacare

Contributing Author at The Daily Sheeple 
Increasingly, more and more Americans have discovered that the Affordable Care Act is not just unaffordable, but is costing them dearly, as work hours are slashed to part time and spouses are slashed from their company’s healthcare coverage.

Netanyahu: We’ll Hurt Whoever Hurts Us

End Of Days News

WAR DRUMS: Netanyahu: We’ll Hurt Whoever Hurts Us

“We are operating on all fronts, in the north and south, in order to protect the citizens of Israel from these attacks,” Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu said Thursday in the aftermath of a… Read More →

PROPHECY UPDATE: Updates From The Epicenter

End Of Days News

Updates From The Epicenter

*IAF Carries Out Airstrike On Target Near Beirut In Response To Rockets Fired At Western Galilee* * * * * * * *The Israeli Air Force struck a "terrorist" target 7 kilometers south of Beirut early on Friday morning, the IDF said in a statement.* *The airstrike was carried out in response to four rockets being fired from Lebanon into northern Israel on Thursday.* *"Yesterday’s attack is a blatant breach on Israeli sovereignty that jeopardized Israeli civilian life. Israel will not tolerate terrorist aggression originating from Lebanese territory," the IDF said in a statement.* *The I... more »

Israeli Warplanes Striking A Target South Of Beirut In Response To A Rocket Attack

End Of Days News

Israeli Warplanes Striking A Target South Of Beirut In Response To A Rocket Attack

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
*Israeli Jets Bomb Lebanon Target After Rocket Strike -- BBC* Israeli jets have bombed a target south of Beirut a day after rockets were fired from Lebanon into Israel. They targeted a "terror site" near the coastal town of Naameh, between Beirut and Sidon, the Israeli military said. The Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine-General Command (PFLP-GC) said one of its bases had been hit. But the group denied any involvement in Thursday's rocket attack into Israel. Neither incident caused casualties or much damage. *Read more* .... *More News On Israeli Warplanes Strikin... more »

SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: Sun blasts solar storm volley at Earth, the second in two days

End Of Days News

SIGNS IN THE HEAVENS: Sun blasts solar storm volley at Earth, the second in two days

The sun fired off an intense solar storm at Earth Wednesday — the second in two days — hurtling billions of tons of charged particles at our planet, but should not pose a… Read More →

FROM BAD TO WORSE: Fukushima nuclear plant facing new disaster

End Of Days News

FROM BAD TO WORSE: Fukushima nuclear plant facing new disaster

Tokyo Electric Power Company workers have detected high levels of radiation in a ditch that flows into the ocean from a leaking tank at the crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear plant. Japan’s nuclear watchdog said… Read More →

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Four Katyusha rockets fired from S. Lebanon on northern Israel

End Of Days News

Four Katyusha rockets fired from S. Lebanon on northern Israel
DEBKAfile Special Report August 22, 2013, 5:22 PM (IDT)
Tags: Israel, missile attacks, Lebanon,

Residents of northern Israel – from the coastal towns in the West to Upper Galilee – have been ordered to go into shelters after sirens alerted the region to four rockets fired from South Lebanon. After returning fire, the IDF closed Israeli air space over Galilee. Three rockets landed around Nahariya, Acre and Shlomi and further east near Kiryat Shemona. A fourth was intercepted by an Iron Dome battery. The rockets were launched in two volleys from the Tyre and Kleia regions of South Lebanon, according to Lebanese sources. No injuries are reported. Police are scouring the area for the fallen ordnance. Developing…

Rockets from Lebanon hit Israel, no casualties

End Of Days News

Rockets from Lebanon hit Israel, no casualties

At least two rockets fired from Lebanon hit northern Israel on Thursday, Israeli police and Lebanese security sources said. There were no reports of casualties or damage. A security source in Lebanon said two rockets were fired, but Israeli police said it appeared that at least three had struck, Reuters reported. Israeli media say that one of the rockets was intercepted by the "Iron Dome" anti-missile system. There was no immediate claim of responsibility for the attack. MORE

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Obama's brother linked to Muslim Brotherhood

End Of Days News


NEW YORK – President Obama’s half-brother in Kenya could cause the White House more headaches over new evidence linking him to the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt and establishing that controversial IRS supervisor Lois Lerner signed his tax-exempt approval letter.

Malik Obama’s oversight of the Muslim Brotherhood’s international investments is one reason for the Obama administration’s support of the Muslim Brotherhood, according to an Egyptian report citing the vice president of the Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt, Tehani al-Gebali

In a news report on Egyptian television of a Gebali speech, translated by researcher Walid Shoebat, a former Palestinian Liberation Organization operative, Gebali said she would like “to inform the American people that their president’s brother Obama is one of the architects of the major investments of the Muslim Brotherhood.”

“We will carry out the law, and the Americans will not stop us,” she said. “We need to open the files and begin court sessions.

“The Obama administration cannot stop us; they know that they supported terrorism,” she continued. “We will open the files so these nations are exposed, to show how they collaborated with [the terrorists]. It is for this reason that the American administration fights us.”

Shoebat said Gebali explained the news is important to Americans who are concerned about their president’s actions, calling it “is a gift to the American people,” implying there were more revelations to come. More

WILL THIS CAUSE ISAIAH 17??? Reported Syrian gas attack killing hundreds after first US-trained rebel incursion from Jordan

End Of Days News

Reported Syrian gas attack killing hundreds after first US-trained rebel incursion from Jordan
Nerve gas reported used in Syria Aug. 21 
Nerve gas reported used in Syria Aug. 21
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Aug 21, 2013, 12:41 PM (IDT)
Syrian opposition activists reported between 200 and 650 dead in a poison gas air strike by government forces on rebel-held areas of eastern Damascus Tuesday, Aug. 21. This has not been verified. The regime denied the accusation. debkafile reports the first major incursion Saturday, Aug. 17 of Syrian rebels from Jordan into southern Syria, after receiving US training in special operations. Bashar Assad has said that if Damascus was in danger, he would resort to chemical warfare and the entire Middle East including Israel would go up in flames.

Opposition says as many as 1,300 killed in gas attack near Damascus

End Of Days News

Opposition says as many as 1,300 killed in gas attack near Damascus

The Extinction Protocol at The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond 
August 21, 2013 – SYRIA - Syria’s opposition accused President Bashar al-Assad’s forces of gassing many hundreds of people – by one report as many as 1,300 – on Wednesday in what would, if confirmed, be the world’s worst chemical … Continue reading →