Sunday, January 27, 2013

AG Holder Begins Implementing Obama’s Executive Orders On Gun Control

End Of Days News


The irony of someone like Attorney General Eric Holder taking the first steps on Friday to begin implementing some of Barack Obama’s 23 executive orders is quite telling, especially since he is still embroiled in the midst of a bloody gun running scandal known as Fast and Furious. Holder released three proposals that are “intended to promote public safety, to enhance the efficiency of the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS) operations, and to resolve difficulties created by unforeseen processing conflicts within the system.”

Never mind that Vice President Joe Biden said they didn’t have time to prosecute those that lied on forms that would be submitted as part of purchasing a firearm.

The proposals put forth by the Obama Justice Department include giving local law-enforcement agencies access to the Federal Bureau of Investigations (FBI) gun-sale database. This would also included preserving records of denied weapons sales indefinitely.

Holder argues that there is no longer any need to remove records for storage after ten years and thus they can be kept indefinitely.

Currently, law enforcement is not able to perform a NICS check when transferring, returning, or selling firearms that have been recovered, seized, or recovered. That would all change under the new rules.

Holder’s proposal in this area is in response to the January 16 Presidential memorandum titled, “Improving Availability of Relevant Executive Branch Records to the National Instant Criminal Background Check System.”

Holder wrote in the proposal notice, “The FBI has therefore determined that for NICS’ own internal business operations, litigation and prosecution purposes, and proper administration of the system, NICS shall retain denied transaction records on site. The retention of denied transaction information … will enhance the efficiency and operational capability of the NICS.”

These rules will also give Native American tribes access to the NICS.

So far, the Justice Department is the first to begin implementation of the directives issued by Obama last week. According to the memo, “Within 60 days of issuance of guidance pursuant to subsection (a) of this section, agencies shall submit a report to DOJ advising whether they possess relevant records, as set forth in the guidance, and setting forth an implementation plan for making information in those records available to the NICS, consistent with applicable law.”

Ahmadinejad: Muslims should mobilize resources to uproot Zionism

End Of Days News

Ahmadinejad: Muslims should mobilize resources to uproot Zionism 

He made the remarks in his speech to the 26th international conference on Islamic Unity.

He said that the prime goal of the Muslims should be terminating the issue of Zionism.

''World Muslims should forge unity in their struggle with bullying powers and by the time that the Zionist usurpers commit crimes through occupation and vandalism. It is not advisable to sit idle and take no action.''

Elsewhere in his speech, he said that it is not possible to attain unity without having a unique leadership.

The only leader who can guide Muslim World is the guidelines of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH), he underlined.

"All differences and discords among Muslims have roots in our misunderstanding of Holy Quran and guidelines of Prophet Mohammad (PBUH).

Today we need leadership similar to the Prophet to get the Muslim World united."

Criticizing management of the global economy led by the US, he said the US has taken helm of global economy which aims to transfer the wealth of world nations into the pockets of certain governments.

US budget deficit stood at dlrs 1,600 billion, he said adding that the US Federal Reserve is printing banknotes without reserve which creates worsening poverty around the globe.

"Enemies of humanity claim they are administering the world. They claim to be advocates of freedom and democracy around the world but under such circumstances, they should not say that they advocate freedom of Muslims. They must call for liberation of all world nations as well as the US people from rein of Zionists."

Israel places missiles near Syria border

End Of Days News

A battery of the Iron Dome missile system (foreground) is seen on March 11, 2012

Israel has deployed missiles in the Haifa area near the Syrian border, a move that the Tel Aviv regime claims is "routine."

On Sunday, an Israeli Army spokesman confirmed reports that two “Iron Dome” missile batteries were moved to the Haifa area.

The official, however, insisted that the move is not due to any specific security situation but part of a routine of rotating these missile systems.

The deployment came after NATO’s first Patriot missile batteries on the Turkish border with Syria became operational on Saturday.

The six missile batteries are being deployed in the southeastern cities of Gaziantep, Kahramanmaras, and Adana.

The US and Germany will provide two Patriot batteries and 400 troopers each to man the missiles. The Netherlands will also dispatch 360 forces and the other two batteries. Each Patriot battery has an average of 12 missile launchers.

Meanwhile, Israeli Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom on Sunday threatened Syria with military strikes if Damascus uses chemical weapons against the foreign-backed militants.

In December 2012, Syrian Ambassador to the UN, Bashar Ja’afari said in letters to the UN Security Council and UN Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon that the foreign-backed militants could use chemical weapons against Syrians and try to shift the blame to the government.

Damascus is "genuinely worried" that Syria’s enemies could provide chemical weapons to armed groups "and then claim they had been used by the Syrian government," Ja’afari stated.

Syria has been experiencing unrest since March 2011. Damascus says outlaws, saboteurs, and armed terrorists are the driving factor behind the unrest and deadly violence.

The Syrian government has said that the chaos is being orchestrated from outside the country, and that a very large number of the militants operating in the country are foreign nationals.

5 moderate earthquakes strike in Earth’s southern polar region

End Of Days News

South Pacific Rise
SOUTH POLE - Today, three earthquakes struck along the southernmost region of the planet, known as the Southern East Pacific Rise. The SEPR lies north of Antarctica. The SEPR quakes occurred in succession, following two moderate 4.7 magnitude earthquakes, which struck east of Bristol Island, near the Sandwich Islands- also north of Antarctica. The East Pacific Rise is a mid-oceanic ridge, a divergent tectonic plate boundary located along the floor of the Pacific Ocean. It separates the Pacific Plate to the west from (north to south) the North American Plate, the Rivera Plate, the Cocos Plate, the Nazca Plate, and the Antarctic Plate. It runs from an undefined point near Antarctica in the south northward to its termination at the northern end of the Gulf of California in the Salton Sea basin in southern California. The oceanic crust is moving away from the East Pacific Rise to either side at a rate of 70mm/year.  The series of earthquakes today ranged in magnitude instensity of from 5.2 to 4.7. We’re seeing more signs of growing tension along tectonic plates in the Ring of Fire.

AGAIN: US banks shaken by biggest fund withdrawals since 9/11

End Of Days News

Joe Raedle / Getty Images / AFP

US Federal Reserve is reporting a major deposit withdrawal from the nation’s bank accounts. The financial system has not seen such a massive fund outflow since 9/11 attacks.
­The first week of January 2013 has seen $114 billion withdrawn from 25 of the US’ biggest banks, pushing deposits down to $5.37 trillion, according to the US Fed. Financial analysts suggest it could be down to the Transaction Account Guarantee insurance program coming to an end on December 31 last year and clients moving their money that is no longer insured by the government.
The program was introduced in the wake of the 2008 crisis in order to support the banking system. It provided insurance for around $1.5 trillion in non-interest-bearing accounts with a limit of $250,000. It was aimed at medium and small banks as the creators of the program believed bigger banks would cope with the crisis themselves.
So the current “fast pace” of withdrawal comes as a surprise to financial analysts because the deposits are slipping away from those banks which supposedly were safe. Experts expected savers in small and medium banks would turn to bigger players come December 31.
There are a number of reasons behind this unpredicted fund outflow. Some experts believe it has to do with the beginning of the year when the money is randomly needed here and there. Others have concluded the funds are getting down to business and being invested.
Another set of data from the US Federal Reserve shows some deposits may have moved within the banking system from one type of account to another.

Holder begins gun-control push

End Of Days News

Attorney General Eric Holder on Friday released three proposals to strengthen the National Instant Criminal Background Check System (NICS), which was one of the 23 actions ordered by Obama last week to tackle gun violence.
The proposed regulations would give local law-enforcement agencies access to the gun-sale database that is maintained by the FBI. The rules would also preserve records of denied weapons sales indefinitely.
The Brady Handgun Violence Prevention Act already requires federal background checks for gun purchases, but not every firearm sale is covered under the law.
Currently, law enforcement agencies cannot perform a NICS check when transferring, returning or selling weapons that have been confiscated, seized or recovered. The new rules would change that, allowing officials to perform a background check on people who receive those weapons to ensure that they are permitted to own a gun.

Obama ordered the rule change in a Jan. 16 memo that called for “rulemaking to give law enforcement the ability to run a full background check on an individual before returning a seized gun."
Holder is also proposing that the NICS hold on to records of denied weapon sales that are more than 10 years old. When the NICS was established, the Justice Department ordered that the records be moved to a storage facility after 10 years, which Holder says is no longer necessary.
"The FBI has therefore determined that for NICS’ own internal business operations, litigation and prosecution purposes, and proper administration of the system, NICS shall retain denied transaction records on site," Holder wrote in a notice to be published in Monday's Federal Register. "The retention of denied transaction information ... will enhance the efficiency and operational capability of the NICS."
The proposed rules would also give Native American tribes access to NICS. Currently, only federal, state, or local agencies can perform the checks, which leaves out “domestic dependent nations” recognized by the United States.
The Justice Department isn’t the only part of the administration that has been asked to take action in response to last month’s school shooting in Newtown, Conn. The president has also ordered the Department of Health and Human Services, the Department of Education and the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) to get involved.
One of Obama’s directives was to ensure coverage of mental health treatment in Medicaid and under the healthcare reform law. He also ordered increased training of school staff to help them recognize signs of mental illness.
The CDC, meanwhile, was directed to study the causes of gun violence. The president urged Congress to approve $10 million for the agency to examine whether there are links between shooting sprees and violent entertainment.
Comments on the Justice Department proposals are due by March 28.

Morsi declares state of emergency in Egypt hours after seven people die in fresh clashes

End Of Days News

Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi has declared a 30-day state of emergency in Egypt and called for national dialogue, after ongoing clashes and protests led to the deaths of 49 people and left hundreds injured.

Morsi set curfews in the most volatile cities of Port Said, Suez and Ismailia.
Seven people were killed in Port Said on Sunday.

"I promised not to take extraordinary measures unless I was forced to, and here I am doing so. I announced a state of emergency in the cities of Ismailia, Suez and Port Said for a period of 30 days," President Morsi said in his televised address on Sunday evening.

"I instructed interior ministry officials to strictly deal with whoever threatens people and public and private institutions," he said.

In his address the president also called for a meeting with senior politicians and groups. The spokesman for the main Egyptian opposition coalition has welcomed steps by Morsi to restore security and said he wanted more details about an invitation for dialogue.

"Of course we feel the president is missing the real problem on the ground which is his own polices," Khaled Dawoud told Reuters. But he added: "His call to implement emergency law was a right move given what is going on, namely thuggery and criminal actions."

The state of emergency is set to start at midnight.

"The protection of the nation is the responsibility of everyone. We will confront any threat to its security with force and firmness within the remit of the law," Mursi said.

Shortly after the state of emergency was declared, some 200 people marched in the streets of Ismailia, Reuters reported citing witnesses."Down with Mursi, down with the state of emergency," they chanted.

18-year-old Abdel Rahman Farag was killed by a gunshot wound to the chest, the head of Port Said hospitals told Reuters. No immediate details were available about the other two victims. More than 416 people suffered from teargas inhalation, while 17 sustained gunshot wounds, he said.

“There are still bloody and chaotic scenes in Port Said…the army has been deployed…eyewitnesses say they see tanks on the street at the moment," journalist Bel Trew, who is in Cairo, told RT.

Muslim Brotherhood leader Mohamed El-Beltagy has urged Egyptian authorities to "step in with full strength in order to prevent the killing of civilians."  

Thousands of people turned out for the funerals of 35 rioters who were killed in Port Said on Saturday. The mourners shouted,"There is no God but Allah, and Morsi is God's enemy" after praying for the dead at the city's Mariam Mosque.

Teargas was fired in the vicinity and gunfire was heard nearby. Emergency vehicle sirens were also heard, a witness told Reuters.

Thousands of demonstrators also gathered in Cairo's Tahrir Square on Sunday. Protesters threw petrol bombs at riot police who responded by firing teargas.

Rallies have been taking place in Cairo, Alexandria, Suez and half a dozen other places, many of which have become violent. Protesters have taken to the streets in greater numbers following Saturday’s death sentence verdicts over a stadium stampede last February.

Watch more from Cairo's Tahrir Square:

­The Egyptian city of Port Said has experienced the most violent clashes, with 32 killed on Saturday alone. Armored vehicles and military police have attempted to quell the violent protests in the town of 600,000. However, protests reach back to Friday when nine people were killed in a separate demonstration against of the Islamist Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi.

Egyptian protesters carry an injured boy during a demonsration in Cairo′s Tahrir Square on January 26, 2013. (AFP Photo/Mohhamed Abed)
Egyptian protesters carry an injured boy during a demonsration in Cairo's Tahrir Square on January 26, 2013. (AFP Photo/Mohhamed Abed)
­The outbreak of violence is a consequence of Saturday’s sentencing of 21 people to death for their role in the deaths of 74 people at a soccer stadium riot and stampede last year.
Spectators were trampled and eyewitnesses saw some thrown off balconies following a match between Al Ahly and local team al-Masri.  Many Al Ahly fans accused police of playing a role in the deaths.
The sentencing was reportedly followed by the immediate deaths of two policemen

n Egyptian protester next to a fire, throws stones towards riot police during a demonstration in Cairo′s Tahrir Square on January 26, 2013. (AFP Photo/Mohhamed Abed)
n Egyptian protester next to a fire, throws stones towards riot police during a demonstration in Cairo's Tahrir Square on January 26, 2013. (AFP Photo/Mohhamed Abed)
­About 18 prisoners in Suez police stations managed to escape during the violence, a security source reported. Approximately 30 police weapons were stolen. Soldiers have taken up positions at important state facilities, including the local power and water stations, administration buildings, banks and courts.

Protests have been spreading throughout Egyptian cities since Thursday, prior to the sentencing. Opponents of Morsi have been gathering to mark the second anniversary on Friday of the beginning of the revolution that led to Hosni Mubarak’s overthrow.

Morsi has condemned the violence, and appealed for calm among the population. He has proposed “a broad national dialogue”, and Egypt’s army has been summoned to prevent any further escalation for the violence. However, his opposition believes that he has betrayed the economic and representative goals of the previous revolt.

"None of the revolution's goals have been realized," protester Mohamed Sami told Reuters.

“There’s a lot of anger towards the president – this started just at the end of last year when he pushed through what was seen as an unpopular constitution drafted by an Islamist dominated constituent assembly. People also say that he has not made any of the changes that were called for during the January 25 revolution two years ago, so he’s really lost quite a lot of legitimacy on the streets,” Trew said.

“Right now here in the capital there are clashes raging between protesters and security forces on the…lots of tear gas in the air here in down-town Cairo. Rocks have also been exchanged.”

“Security have upped up their presence around government buildings, as the focus of the anger here for protesters is very much against Morsi’s administration… the situation in Egypt really descends into a bit of a crisis”

Egyptian protesters carry a wounded man during a demonstration in Cairo′s Tahrir Square on January 26, 2013. (AFP Photo/Mohhamed Abed)
Egyptian protesters carry a wounded man during a demonstration in Cairo's Tahrir Square on January 26, 2013. (AFP Photo/Mohhamed Abed)
A protester opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi throws stones at riot police during clashes along Mohamed Mahmoud street which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013.  (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
A protester opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi throws stones at riot police during clashes along Mohamed Mahmoud street which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
Al Ahly fans, also known as "Ultras", celebrate with local hand-made gun and shout slogans in front of the Al Ahly club after hearing the final verdict of the 2012 Port Said massacre in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
Al Ahly fans, also known as "Ultras", celebrate with local hand-made gun and shout slogans in front of the Al Ahly club after hearing the final verdict of the 2012 Port Said massacre in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi shout slogans during a fire at a French school along Mohamed Mahmoud street which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi shout slogans during a fire at a French school along Mohamed Mahmoud street which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi flee from tear gas fired by riot police during clashes along Mohamed Mahmoud street which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi flee from tear gas fired by riot police during clashes along Mohamed Mahmoud street which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
A protester opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi carries a wounded boy affected by tear gas during clashes along Mohamed Mahmoud street which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
A protester opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi carries a wounded boy affected by tear gas during clashes along Mohamed Mahmoud street which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi damage the door of the French Lycee School (L) along Mohamed Mahmoud street, which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
Protesters opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi damage the door of the French Lycee School (L) along Mohamed Mahmoud street, which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
A masked protester opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi sits near a burning table during clashes with riot police along Mohamed Mahmoud street, which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
A masked protester opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi sits near a burning table during clashes with riot police along Mohamed Mahmoud street, which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
A protester opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi gestures at riot police during clashes as a fire (rear) is seen at the French Lycee School along Mohamed Mahmoud street, which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)
A protester opposing Egyptian President Mohamed Morsi gestures at riot police during clashes as a fire (rear) is seen at the French Lycee School along Mohamed Mahmoud street, which leads to the Interior Ministry, near Tahrir Square in Cairo January 26, 2013. (Reuters/Amr Abdallah Dalsh)

Ex-Iranian diplomat warns Israel: If Iran gets the bomb, it will fire on you

End Of Days News

Mohammad Reza Heydari, interviewed on Israel's Channel 2, January 25 (photo credit: Channel 2 screenshot)

An Iranian diplomat who defected in Norway in 2010 warned Israel on Friday that if the Iranians got the bomb they would use it against the Jewish state.
In an interview with Israel’s Channel 2 TV, Mohammad Reza Heydari, the former Iranian consul in Oslo who resigned and obtained political asylum there three years ago, said that ”If Iran is given more time, it will acquire the knowledge necessary to build a nuclear bomb within a year.” Asked whether it would use the bomb against Israel, he said: “If Iran gets to the point where it has an atomic bomb, it will certainly use it, against Israel or any other [enemy] country.”
Heydari — who defected soon after he was asked to identify his son in photos taken during the protests that followed the 2009 vote in which Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was reelected — said the regime in Tehran was aiming to develop two or three bombs. It saw nuclear weapons as “insurance” to guarantee its survival.
Regime leaders “believe that when they acquire a nuclear bomb, [others] will start to behave toward them as they do toward North Korea,” said Heydari. “As a matter of fact, the leading way of thinking in Iran is [devoted to] protecting their own security, and nobody else’s,” he added.
“They are busying themselves with ideological preparations for the arrival of the hidden Imam and are preparing the ground for that in a practical way; for this purpose, they are willing to spill much blood and destroy many countries.”
Heydari, who was previously stationed at Tehran’s Imam Khomeini International Airport as the representative of the Iranian Foreign Ministry, said that while he worked there he noticed that Hezbollah groups would come to Iran, acquire knowledge and send it back to Lebanon, under the auspices of the Revolutionary Guards. He said that Hezbollah had contacts with terrorist outfits in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as the Taliban and al-Qaeda, with which it had close ties.
Heydari, who went on to serve as an Iranian diplomat in Georgia, Germany and finally Norway, said he knew of civilian airplanes from South America arriving with no passengers but with weaponry and material for the nuclear program. He spoke in the interview of uranium purchased for and transported to Iran by Venezuela.
“Venezuela might buy uranium from another country, and after that, send it to Iran by civil flight,” Heydari said. He suggested that the uranium was bought from “the mafia.”
He also said he had been told when serving as a diplomat to try to recruit western nuclear scientists for large salaries and had personally arranged for dozens of North Korean nuclear personnel to come to Iran. He said Iran used diplomatic mail to import material relating to its nuclear program.
“If the US and Western countries believe Iran belongs to the Axis of Evil, as George Bush said, and that it aids international terrorists, they have to oust this regime,” said Heydari. He said that with strong enough sanctions, such as closing all Iranian embassies abroad and preventing Iranian ministers from leaving the country with the threat of their arrests, it would be possible “to help the Iranians.” In order to achieve results, he said, Iran must be treated “like the apartheid regime in South Africa.”
Heydari described his rise up the Foreign Ministry ranks, saying that he was considered loyal to the regime because he had participated and sustained wounds in the Iran-Iraq war. He said that though he wasn’t a religious man himself, he and other government employees had been instructed to “uphold the religious principles,” pray several times a day, fast when necessary, grow beards and “dress like Hezbollah men.”
He said he gradually began to realize that he was “not alone” — that many other Foreign Ministry employees were only pretending to be religious and ideologically loyal to the regime.
He was posted as consul to Norway in 2008. In 2010, he resigned and has stayed in Oslo since, in a location strictly guarded by the Norwegian authorities.
During the interview, Heydari claimed that five other Iranian diplomats — in Brussels, London, Geneva, Milan and Paris — had defected recently.
The interview was brokered by an Iranian Jewish woman who immigrated to Israel 13 years ago, and arranged it via Norway’s security authorities. It took place in an Oslo hotel; Heydari had insisted on a public location, the report said.
Heydari acknowledged that his relatives still in Iran have asked him not to speak out publicly, but said he felt the imperative to speak, and had no problem with the interview being screened in Israel.


End Of Days News

UNHRC threatens ‘action’ against Israel, which cut ties with the body in March, if it fails to show up for Tuesday’s evaluation

The UN Human Rights Council (photo credit: CC-BY US Mission Geneva, Flickr) 

Israel will not participate in a routine evaluation of its human rights situation to be conducted by the United Nations Human Rights Council, being the only of 193 UN member states to boycott the periodic review process. 

Anticipating such a step, the Geneva-based council threatened Israel with “as yet unspecified action” if it fails to appear at its review, which is scheduled for Tuesday.

Earlier this month, The Times of Israel reported that Israel’s permanent representative to the UNHRC, Ambassador Eviatar Manor, spoke to the council’s president, Remigiusz Henczel, in what was believed to be the first senior-level official dealing between the two parties since Israel unilaterally severed ties and ceased cooperating with the body last March over a planned fact-finding mission into the West Bank settlement enterprise.

Manor’s January 10 phone call to Henczel fueled hopes that Israel might participate in the so-called Universal Periodic Review, a standard assessment of the human rights records of all UN member states overseen by the council since its founding in 2006.

Israel participated in the first round of reviews, which was concluded by October 2011. Manor asked Henczel to postpone Israel’s review, without giving any reason for his request.

But on Sunday, Foreign Ministry spokesman Yigal Palmor ended all speculation: 

We are under an ongoing policy of suspension of all our contacts with the Human Rights Council in Geneva and all its branches,” he told The Times of Israel, “after their sequence of systematically anti-Israel moves, which have come to contradict the mission statement of the organizations and sheer common sense.”

On January 18, UNHRC spokesman Rolando Gomez said Israel’s review  – which is to be overseen by the Maldives, Sierra Leone and Venezuela – was still scheduled for Tuesday at 2:30 p.m., and that “if a delegation from the country was not to attend then action, as yet unspecified, would be taken.”

He also explained that in the UNHRC’s founding resolution states that, “After exhausting all efforts to encourage a State to cooperate with the universal periodic review mechanism, the Council will address, as appropriate, cases of consistent non-cooperation with the mechanism”. If Jerusalem chooses not to be represented on January 29, “then appropriate action would be taken.”

According to Haaretz, senior US officials tried to pressure Israel to suspend its boycott of the UNHRC, as Jerusalem’s failure to participate in the review would create a precedent that could inspire other countries to skip the evaluation as well.

“Tough talks” were held on the matter between senior State Department officials and the head of the Foreign Ministry’s department for foreign organizations, Aharon Leshno-Yaar, the paper reported Sunday. The US officials also said that even though Israel’s boycott might be justified, it would eventually harm Israel’s reputation in the international arena.

“We have encouraged the Israelis to come to the council and to tell their story and to present their own narrative of their own human rights situation,” Eileen Donahoe, Washington’s ambassador to the UNHRC, told reporters in Geneva last week. “The United States is absolutely, fully behind the Universal Periodic Review and we do not want to see the mechanism in any way harmed.”

Israel is also expected to not cooperate with a probe into the country’s reported use of drones against Palestinian targets, launched last week, Haaretz reported. 

Israel does not admit to using drones in aerial strikes. The US and Britain are expected to work with the investigation, which does not have official backing from the UNHCR, but was prompted by requests from China, Russia and Pakistan.

“It’s hard to understand how the countries that initiated this investigation have any moral right to review or to opine on human rights records of other countries,” an anonymous Israeli official said. “Such countries that have long records jailing and/or assassinating their political opponents are in no position to lecture anyone on human rights.”

Israel’s relations with the UNHRC, never good, reached a nadir in March 2012, after the council decided to dispatch an independent international fact-finding mission to “investigate the implications of the Israeli settlements on the civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights of the Palestinian people” throughout the West Bank and East Jerusalem. Incensed about the council’s apparent obsession with Israel, the government in Jerusalem decided not to allow the council to carry out the probe and canceled any cooperation with it.

“From now on, we will no longer work together in any way, shape or form with any officials from the council, including High Commissioner [Navi Pillay],” a top Foreign Ministry official said at the time. “If anyone from the council calls us, we just won’t answer the phone.”

As Syria totters, Israel places Iron Domes in north

End Of Days News

The Iron Dome missile defense system in action, November 15, 2012 (photo credit: Uri Lenz/Flash90)

Israel deployed two Iron Dome batteries in the north on Sunday, at least one of them near Haifa, stationing the missile defense system in the north of the country for the first time amid growing fears that Syrian chemical weapons may be turned against Israel.

On Sunday, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu summoned Home Front Defense Minister Avi Dichter for a special discussion regarding Syria’s chemical weapons and Israel’s preparedness.

The emergency meeting between Netanyahu and Dichter had to do with recent developments regarding the stockpile of weapons held by the Syrian regime, Ynet reported. Dichter is acting as interim defense minister while outgoing Defense Minister Ehud Barak heads home from the Davos Economic Forum.

Haifa was targeted by Hezbollah — a terror group and Iranian proxy based in Lebanon  – during the second Lebanon war in 2006. The city and its port are considered by many to have strategic importance.

Israel previously expressed concern about the possibility of chemical weapons being smuggled to Hezbollah or other terror groups.

Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom said Sunday the transfer of such weapons to Hezbollah would cross “a red line,” that Israel couldn’t ignore.

Such a scenario “would be crossing a line that would demand a different approach, including even action,” Shalom told reporters. Asked whether this might mean a pre-emptive attack, he said: “We will have to make the decisions.”

The deployment of the anti-missile battery may signal a new peak in fears by Israeli officials that the country could come under attack from Syrian weapons.
Israeli officials also feared the possibility of Scud missiles or other advanced weapons reaching Hezbollah, Channel 2 reported.

In October, Israel deployed a Patriot anti-missile battery to the port city, two days after a drone airplane, reportedly launched by Hezbollah, penetrated Israel’s airspace.

Over the weekend, Turkey also activated a number of Patriot missile batteries supplied by NATO along its border with war-torn Syria.

Last week the defense establishment announced it had successfully tested an upgraded version of the homegrown Iron Dome platform, intercepting medium-range missiles.

Meant to protect strategic assets and heavy populated areas, the Iron Dome system proved effective during Operation Pillar of Defense, intercepting 84 percent of the rockets fired from the Gaza Strip at residential areas in Israel’s south and center.

Calling for a broad coalition to deal with the threats Israel has to face, earlier in the morning Netanyahu warned about possible deterioration in the north and a possible escalation from Syria.

“We must look around us, at what is happening in Iran and its proxies and at what is happening in other areas, with the deadly weapons in Syria, which is increasingly coming apart,” Netanyahu told ministers Sunday morning.

Syria is believed to have one of the world’s largest chemical weapons stockpiles, and some fear the arms may find their way into the hands of terrorists should the Assad regime fall.

Iron Dome anti-missile batteries deployed in northern Israel

End Of Days News

The Israeli Defense Forces announced Sunday that for some days, Iron Dome anti-missile batteries have been posted to renforce security in northern Israel and its key port of Haifa. The official statement described the deployment as “testing the system and its ability to locate potential sources of activity in situations of escalation.”

US refueling for French warplanes as Timbuktu within sights

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Defense Secretary Leon Panetta has approved the request from Paris to provide French warplanes with mid-air refueling as French-led forces in Mali advance on the key northern city of Timbuktu. Saturday, they captured the key town of Gao and other towns from Al Qaeda and rebel forces. Many Islamists fled into desert hideouts and will be hard to hunt down. The Pentagon is also discussing widening US involvement in the French-led campaign to liberate northern Mali from Islamist extremist rule by helping to transport troops from other African countries including Chad and Togo. The French are preparing to hand over securing Gao to forces from Niger and Chad.

Iranian-Hizballah convoy blown up on Syrian Golan. Border tensions shoot up

End Of Days News

Officers were killed in a mysterious twin-car bomb explosion Friday, Jan. 25 at Syrian regional intelligence headquarters in Quneitra on the Syrian side of the Golan Heights. Some of the fatalities were Syrian, but Western intelligence sources disclosed to debkafile that most were high-ranking Iranian Al Qods Brigades and Hizballah officers. The blasts sent tensions shooting up on the Israeli and Jordanian borders with Syria.  Israeli, Jordanian and US Special Forces posted in the kingdom went on high alert. Heavy Syrian reinforcements were seen streaming toward the two borders.

Syrian regime sources said the explosive devices were attached to the intelligence command building’s outer walls. But the Western sources report that two large bomb cars were lying in wait on both sides of the road leading to the Syrian HQ and were detonated as the two-car convoy of Iranian and Hizballah officers drove by. There were no survivors.

Those sources also refute reports that the al-Qaeda linked Jabhat al-Nusrah fighting with the Syrian rebels claimed responsibility for the attack. This was a rare occasion when no Syrian opposition group issued any statement at all, they said. The speed with which Syrian army helicopters flew in to remove the casualties indicated their high rank.

In the view of a Jordanian military source, this attack by an unknown hand has delayed Bashar Assad’s advanced preparations for an all-out armored offensive to finally crush the revolt against his regime. His first targets were to have been the rebel-held villages along the Israeli and Jordanian borders.

The Syrian ruler was working to a plan of operations his generals had drawn up with Iranian Al Qods Brigades strategists.
Saturday, Ali Akbar Velayati, an aide to Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, warned that Iran would consider any attack on Syria an attack on itself: "Syria has a very basic and key role in the region for promoting firm policies of resistance [against Israel]... For this reason an attack on Syria would be considered an attack on Iran and Iran's allies."

Meanwhile in Iran itself, the Fordo underground uranium enrichment plant was again reported targeted for sabotage, according to an unconfirmed report published by Reza Kahlil, who is described as a former Iranian Revolutionary Guards officer who worked under cover as a double agent for the CIA until he escaped to the United States.

Kahlil reported that at 11:30 a.m., Monday, Jan. 21, the day before Israel’s general elections, a large explosion occurred 100 meters deep inside the underground plant, trapping 240 nuclear staff in the third centrifuge chamber.  Among them, he said, were Iranian and Ukrainian technicians.

There was no information about casualties or the extent of damage to the 2,700 centrifuges which have been turning out 20-percent enriched uranium.

Khalil cited his source as Hamidreza Zakeri, a former Iranian Intelligence Ministry agent, who said the regime believes the blast was sabotage and the explosives could have reached the area disguised by the CIA as equipment imported for the site or defective machinery.

None of the information about an explosion at Fordo has been verified either by US officials or regime sources in Tehran.

Thursday, Jan. 24, Israel’s Chief of Staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz and Military Intelligence Director Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi ceremonially promoted Col. G., commander of the elite Sayeret Matkal, to the rank of major general in recognition of his unit’s “outstanding covert operations.”

Nationwide effort to strip local sheriffs of most of their enumerated powers that are mandated in the state constitutions of the various states.

End Of Days News

Janet Napolitano's Department of Homeland Security is supplying its federal law enforcement division with 500 million rounds of hollow point bullets. 

A news report has been quietly making its way around the alternative media, under the radar screen, concerning a Delaware legal decision to strip county sheriffs of their arrest powers in the state.
The mainstream media has not reported the story, but the son of Vice President Joe Biden, who serves as Attorney General for the state of Delaware, has issued a mandate to county commissioners informing them that sheriffs in the state's three counties no longer have arrest powers.
When the information reached this reporter late yesterday evening, further investigation revealed that there is a nationwide effort to strip local sheriffs of most of their enumerated powers that are mandated in the state constitutions of the various states. Such a move would have the net effect of abolishing local sheriffs departments and strengthening the power of federal law enforcement agencies.
And this is not the first time such an effort has been launched.
In the 1970s an initiative was launched by county supervisors in California to eliminate the office of sheriff, but one supervisor instead was able to persuade two state legislators to get a question placed on the California ballot as to whether or not the office of the sheriff should be an elected office. The measure passed overwhelmingly, and the mandate for elected sheriffs was placed in the state constitution.
And in 1935 President Franklin D. Roosevelt was set to eliminate all of the 48 states in order to implement nine regional governments that would operate as extensions of the federal government. All local law enforcement would be eliminated. The plan failed, but the fact that it was attempted points to an ever present, insidious stealth plan on the part of some within the federal government to take away the right of the people and the states to elect their own local law enforcement and to vastly strengthen the hand of the numerous federal law enforcement agencies that currently operate throughout America.
Proponents of such unconstitutional measures desire to forge a world government of sorts under the control of the United Nations. Various methods are used to expedite this plan, including the infamous 'Agenda 21' that has raised the alarm among some citizens.
The key to the success of the implementation of such plans is enforcement. How would the federal government insure compliance among the states and their citizens?
Dozens of federal agencies have their own law enforcement divisions, and those divisions are growing quickly under the Obama Administration. Homeland Security is purchasing 450 million rounds of hollow point bullets. The IRS will need roughly 16,500 new employees to implement ObamaCare. The White House has just sent $500 million to the IRS to enforce the new healthcare law. The EPA's recent penchant for using heavy handed tactics outside the authority given to it by Congress has placed businesses under the gun and stymied economic recovery. Citizens complain that the agency regularly violates private property rights.
And then there are such agencies as the FBI, ATF, DEA, ICE, and others that are under suspicion for widespread corruption in the Fast and Furious scandal, a fact that has not hampered Congressional Democrats from calling for massive new funding and expanded powers for these agencies.
The move to weaken and dismantle sheriffs offices around the country is viewed by Constitutional watchdogs as an ominous signal in a broader attempt to usurp the rights of citizens on the local level in lieu of an expanded nationalized police force under the control of a federal bureaucracy.
Notice! My latest entry in what is turning into a regular, ongoing series of musings after midnight at my blog, The Liberty Sphereis now posted. I present more in depth personal reflections delineating the acute danger America faces at this hour. It is a dire warning to the serious reader who loves freedom and the principles handed down to us by the Framers. Don't miss it.