Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Israel’s Iron Dome to Protect Obama From the Same Terrorists He Supports

End Of Days News

New missile interceptor stationed to defend Air Force One against Obama-backed militants in Syria

Israel is stationing a new Iron Dome missile interceptor at Ben Gurion International Airport in preparation for next week’s visit by President Obama as a defense mechanism against a potential attack by the very same terrorists Obama supports in Syria.

“The innovative counter-missile weapon is to be deployed there, not just as a spectacle to honor the US president for his contribution to its development, but out of necessity for his safety,” reports DebkaFile. “Air Force One might be seen as fair game for the ground-to-ground missiles wielded by Al Qaeda units fighting Assad in Syria and its affiliates in the Sinai Peninsula at the very moment that the US President steps down to the strains of the IDF welcoming band.”
The fear is that Al-Qaeda affiliated terrorists who have poured into Syria to lead rebels in the fight against Bashar Al-Assad over the last 12 months could target Air Force One using missiles loaded with poison chemicals.
The newly positioned Iron Dome will remain in place for three days while Obama visits Israel and Jordan. Existing missile defense systems positioned north and south of Tel Aviv were deemed insufficient to protect against the possibility of a rocket attack targeting Obama’s plane.

Obama Boycotting the Knesset and Ariel University

End Of Days News

Boycotted by Obama: These students at the Ariel University Center of Samaria will not be welcome alongside the rest of Israel's university students at the U.S. president's speech.

U.S. President Barack Obama has decided not to address the Knesset during his visit to Israel next week. Senior U.S. officials said that, after long deliberations and discussions, the White House decided that the president will address students from universities in Israel at the ICC (Binyaney Ha’uma) in Jerusalem.
That initial snub did not go unnoticed. The Prime Minister’s Office and a number of Knesset members passed messages to the White House saying they would be much happier if the speech took place in the Knesset. But senior U.S. officials have insisted that Obama decided to deliver his messages directly to the Israeli public, especially the younger generation, not just to politicians in the Knesset.
Has the president been following the recent changes in the Knesset? Many of the new elected MKs wouldn’t know a politician if they ran one over on their mountain bikes. But, obviously, Obama does not think much of national institutions in third world countries, or he wouldn’t be spending so much treasure overturning them.
On Tuesday it turned out that the White House has little respect for Israeli academic institutions as well. According to Reshet Bet, almost all of Israel’s universities received invitations to hear the president’s speech in the big hall in Jerusalem – with the noted exception of Ariel University.

The devils puppet Barak Hussein Obama meets with anti-Israel Arab groups ahead of Israel trip

End Of Days News

Obama is paving the way for Sharia Law! Wake up You scoffing FOOLS!

President Barack Obama met with several controversial anti-Israel Arab groups ahead of his visit to the Jewish state on March 20.
Obama held an “intimate” gathering Monday with Arab American leaders and others to solicit advice and ask questions in preparation for his visit to Israel and the Palestinian territories next week.
Included in the meeting was Haris Tarin, D.C. director of the controversial Muslim Public Affairs Council (MPAC), a Muslim-American group that has falsely accused Israel of harvesting Palestinian organs and has asked for Hamas and Hezbollah to be removed from the list of United States-designated terror groups.
MPAC’s founder, Salam al-Marayati, has come under fierce criticism for suggesting that Israel should have been added to the “suspect list” for the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks.
Also in attendance was the American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee (ADC), a group that has called Israel an “apartheid state” and once presented an award to the author of an essay titled, “Zionism is a Form of Racism.”
The Arab groups offered Obama specific policy recommendations regarding the Israel-Palestine peace process.
“Haris Tarin, the director of MPAC’s Washington, D.C., office, attended the intimate meeting with the president, as he prepares his agenda for this visit to Palestine, Jordan and Israel,” MPAC said in a statement.
Tarin and others pushed Obama to engage the Palestinians, many of whom have been holding violent protests in the lead up to the president’s visit, according to MPAC.
“The group discussed with the president and his senior advisers how his trip can be a catalyst for restarting the dialogue that will lead to the implementation of a comprehensive peace plan in the coming months,” according to MPAC’s statement. “Ideas were also presented on how to engage the Palestinian people, especially the burgeoning youth population.”
“Tarin and others shared with the president some of the important work being done by the Palestinian people in achieving their aspirations for an independent and viable Palestinian state,” the statement continued.
The inclusion of these controversial groups in the meeting drew criticism from congressional sources and Jewish observers who questioned why Obama would meet with a group that has been cited as explicitly anti-Israel.
“It is truly disturbing,” said one congressional aide upon reviewing the list of those groups invited to brief Obama.
The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) cited MPAC in late 2009 after itpromoted a false article claiming that Israel harvested Palestinian organs. The reports that MPAC prominently promoted were quickly rebuked and debunked as anti-Semitic by the ADL.
MPAC did not respond to a request for comment about whether it still endorses the article’s claims.
The American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee has also taken controversial anti-Israel positions.
ADC officials have accused Israel of “high-tech ethnic cleansing” and have complained that the “American taxpayer is footing the bill for Israel’s criminal activities.”
The ADL has criticized American-Arab Anti-Discrimination Committee for sponsoring anti-Israel rallies in Chicago, California, and Washington D.C., where a speaker is reported to have declared, “from this podium I salute Hezbollah.”