Friday, April 26, 2013


End Of Days News


Woe to those with child or nursing in these last days!

US imam calls on Muslims in US to wage jihad

End Of Days News

Brothers and sisters, this is getting more serious by the day! Creeping Sharia is rearing its ugly head! As we have seen on the other side of the world, Islam is on a mission to exterminate anyone that does not agree with them! The peaceful religion of Islam teaches them to take these measures in the name of allah! If you saw my video yesterday you will find that the Pentagon has shut down access to a Christian Church because they spew "HATE" but I assure you this mosque website is still up and running, I just checked (! Spewing hate is OK as long as you do it to Christians, Jews, or anyone against the administrations agenda to socialize Amerika. Get ready folks We may have to do the SAME thing for Jesus that he did for us, DIE FOR HIM! I pray you stay strong and keep your faith in the ONE TRUE GOD! There is nothing left for us here folks! Whatever comes your way NEVER REPAY EVIL WITH EVIL! We are not like them and Jesus said to turn the other cheek!

US imam calls on Muslims in US to wage jihad

The controversial imam of a prominent mosque in Arlington, Va., has urged immigrant Muslims in the United States to wage war for .
“The enemies of Allah are lining up. The question for us is, are we lining [up] or are we afraid because they may call us terrorists?” Shaker Elsayed told a crowd of Ethiopian Muslims during a lecture at T.C. Williams High School in Alexandria, Va.
“Let me give you the good news: they are already calling us terrorists anyway. Whether you sitting at home, watching TV, drinking coffee, sleeping or playing with your kids, you are a terrorist because you are a Muslim.”

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Obama: "God Bless Planned Parenthood"--"We Got To Spread The Word, Parti...

End Of Days News

This is sick! If women chose to keep their legs closed as 

quickly as they chose to murder the baby they laid down 

and made we would have no problems!


North Korea Issues Threat at Ceremony for Military

End Of Days News

SEOUL, South Korea — On an anniversary known for military showmanship, North Korean generals on Thursday declared that their forces were ready to launch intercontinental ballistic missiles and kamikazelike nuclear attacks at the United States if threatened.

“Stalwart pilots, once given a sortie order, will load nuclear bombs, instead of fuel for return, and storm enemy strongholds to blow them up,” the North’s official Korean Central News Agency quoted its Air and Anti-Air Force commander, Ri Pyong-chol, as saying during a ceremony in observance of the anniversary of the founding of the North Korean People’s Army.
Another general, Kim Rak-gyom, the Strategic Rocket Force commander, reiterated the claim that the North is “one click away from pushing the launch button.”
“If the U.S. imperialists and their followers dare make a pre-emptive attack, they will be made to keenly realize what a real nuclear war and real retaliatory blows are like,” he said.
Threats to launch nuclear strikes and warnings of “nuclear holocaust” have become common since the country’s latest nuclear test, its third, in February. Although North Korea is believed to have a small nuclear weapons arsenal, most analysts doubt it could follow through on threats to deliver them to the United States by missile.