Tuesday, April 30, 2013

Sweden: Stockholm Bows Down To Allah, Allows Broadcast Of Islamic Call To Prayer Over Loudspeakers For The First Time Ever

End Of Days News

The Swedish city of Malmo surrendered to Muslims, now Stockholm bows down to their god.Placating to an ideology that hates all things non-Islamic will not stem the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Sweden. It will not eliminate attacks against converts to Christianity. It will not bring about a swift end to Islamic cruelty and terrorism and “rape jihad.” It will do nothing but encourage more of this behavior, for the Ummah will not settle with just one mosque broadcasting the Islamic call to prayer. They will not settle for just one city. They will not settle for just one nation. They will not settle until every country and city and mosque in Europe proclaims loud and clear that “there is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger” …
By Cynthia Yacowar-Sweeney, American Thinker – “Calls to summon Muslims to prayer were broadcast over loudspeakers for the first time ever in Sweden this past Friday on April 26th at the Fittja Mosque in the Stockholm municipality of Botkyrka.  The Islamic call to prayer (adhan), resonating from the towering 104-foot (32-meter) minaret, began with the ear-shattering ‘Allahu Akbar’ (Allah is Great) and was followed by the Shahada, the Muslim declaration of faith: ‘There is no God but Allah, and Muhammad is the messenger of Allah’.  Every Friday, people from as far as two kilometers away will be subjected to hear what U.S. President Obama called ‘one of the prettiest sounds on earth’.
This is what Swedes in the Stockholm municipality of Botkyrka will have to get used to, now that the decision rendered by the Botkyrka Municipal Assembly and authorized by the Botkyrka Police to approve the public call to worship, has taken effect.  Whether or not Swedes find it offensive, loud, or disruptive, they have no choice but to listen every Friday to the live three-to-five-minute amplified recitation of the Muslim declaration of faith that calls the people to come together and pray. To pray for what?
Has anyone ever wondered, or taken the time to understand what these prayers, to which Muslims are now being publicly called, are all about?  One of the Friday prayers consists of the seven verses of the opening chapter of the Koran, Al-Fatiha (The Beginning).  This prayer, which is repeated twice during Friday noon prayer, and repeated 17 times a day by religious Muslims, instills distrust of the non-believer by asking Allah to keep Muslims away from the path of the Jews and Christians:
Guide us to the Straight Way, the Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians).
According to Louis Palme who often writes on Muslim apostate websites, Friday prayers include recitation of two additional Koranic chapters, chapters 62 (Friday) and 63 (Hypocrites).  These chapters encourage hatred of not only Jews and Christians, but also of those who renounce their Muslim faith. Jews are compared to ‘the likeness of a donkey who carries huge burdens of books (but understands nothing from them)’ and are told to long for death if they pretend to be friends of Allah.  Non-believers (i.e., Christians, Hindus, Buddhists) are condemned to a state of error until Mohammed purifies them ‘from the filth of disbelief and polytheism’ with his verses.  Hypocrites or apostates ‘are the enemies so beware of them. May Allah curse them!’
The application to demand permission for the amplified call to prayer in Botkyrka was submitted in January 2012 by the President of the Botkyrka Islamic Cultural Association, Ismail Okur.  He convinced the majority of the Botkyrka Municipal Assembly members to concede to his demand after telling Swedish newspaper Dagen that ‘now we want to have religious freedom.’


End Of Days News


Weinstein goes on:
If these fundamentalist Christian monsters of human degradation … and tyranny cannot broker or barter your acceptance of their putrid theology, then they crave for your universal silence in the face of their rapacious reign of theocratic terror. Indeed, they ceaselessly lust, ache, and pine for you to do absolutely nothing to thwart their oppression. Comply, my friends, and you become as monstrously savage as are they. I beg you, do not feed these hideous monsters with your stoic lethargy, callousness and neutrality. Do not lubricate the path of their racism, bigotry, and prejudice. Doing so directly threatens the national security of our beautiful nation.

Weinstein says those guilty of this “treason” must be “punished.” Under federal law, the penalty for treason is death. And the Obama administration is sitting down to talk with this man to craft new policies for “religious tolerance” in our military. 


Those words were recently written by Mikey Weinstein, founder of the Military Religious Freedom Foundation (MRFF), in a column he wrote for the Huffington Post. Weinstein will be a consultant to the Pentagon to develop new policies on religious tolerance, including a policy for court-martialing military chaplains who share the Christian Gospel during spiritual counseling of American troops.
Weinstein decries what he calls the “virulent religious oppression” perpetrated by conservative Christians, whom he refers to as “monstrosities” and “pitiable unconstitutional carpetbaggers,” comparing them to “bigots” in the Deep South during the civil rights era.
He cites Dr. James Dobson—the famous Christian founder of Focus on the Family—as “illustrating the extremist, militant nature of these virulently homophobic organizations’ rhetorically-charged propaganda.” Regarding those who teach orthodox Christian beliefs from the Bible, Weinstein concludes, “Let’s call these ignoble actions what they are: the senseless and cowardly squallings of human monsters.”
Weinstein then endorses the ultra-left Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC), who publishes a list of “hate groups.” Alongside truly deplorable organizations like the KKK, the SPLC’s list includes a host of traditional Christian organizations (for their support of traditional marriage) and Tea Party organizations (for supporting limited government). Weinstein says SPLC correctly labels them all as “hate groups.” 

Obama says there is evidence of chemical weapon use in Syria

End Of Days News

U.S. President Barack Obama speaks to the media in the Brady Press Briefing Room at the White House in Washington, April 30, 2013. (Reuters/Larry Downing)

United States President Barack Obama said Tuesday that his administration has evidence of chemical weapon use in Syria but remains hesitant to respond with the might of the US military until more details develop.
Last week the White House said that Syrian President Bashar al-Assad was believed “with varying degrees of confidence” to have used chemical weapons and had “demonstrated a willingness to escalate its horrific use of violence” against the people of his country engaged in a two-year-old civil war. Speaking to reporters on Tuesday, Pres. Obama upgraded his administration’s stance to say proof of chemical weapon use in Syria is concrete but cannot be directly tied to Pres. Assad’s regime at this time.
“What we now have is evidence that chemical weapons have been used inside of Syria, but we don’t know how they were used, when they were used [or] who used them,” said Obama.
The president made the remarks after White House Correspondents Association President Ed Henry asked, “Do you risk US credibility if you don’t take military action?” Obama spent several minutes responding by saying his administration has long opposed the actions of Pres. Assad and has been adamant with his requests for the leader to resign from office.
I think it’s important to understand that for several years now what we’ve been seeing is a slowly unfolding disaster for the Syrian people. And this is not a situation which we’ve been simply bystanders to what’s been happening. My policy from the beginning has been that President Assad had lost credibility, that he attacked his own people, has killed his own people, unleashed a military against innocent civilians and that the only way to bring stability and peace to Syria is going to be for Assad to step down,” said Obama.

THIS WAS NO MIX UP FOLKS! Baby returned to parents after mix-up over ‘neglect’

End Of Days News

Sammy Nikolaev. (Image from facebook.com)

A Sacramento court has ruled for the return of a baby who had been forcefully taken from his parents by police and child protective services without a warrant on April 24, according to a Russian consulate spokesperson’s statement.
The five-month-old child had been temporarily taken from his family after his parents - a Californian couple - were involved in an argument with doctors over the course of his treatment following a medical check-up they took him to after he began exhibiting signs of flu.

Sammy Nikolaev has been in protective custody since April 24, when the police and Child Protective Services (CPS) had forced their way into the Nikolaevs’ California apartment after the family took the child from the hospital without proper discharge.

The CPS claimed the boy had suffered “severe neglect” at the hands of his parents.

“After five hours of deliberation and analysis of factual information presented by both sides, the judge decided to dismiss all charges against the parents”, the Russian Consul in San Francisco, Evgeny Avdoshin, told RIA Novosti.

“In line with the verdict, the baby will remain with his parents”, he added.
Image from facebook.com
Image from facebook.com

Avdoshin also said that the US court has fully respected the rights of Aleksandr Nikolaev - a Russian citizen - as a parent and that everything was according to proper procedure.
Yet just a few days ago, a completely different picture of distrust and accusations was being painted.
“I was pushed against the building, smacked down,”Alex said.
“I said, ‘Am I being placed under arrest?’ He smacked me to the ground and yelled out ‘I think I got the keys to the house!’” Alex later told reporters,
“It doesn’t seem like parents have any rights whatsoever.” During the commotion in the driveway Anna had set up a camera pointing at the door. At least four police officers, who did not have a warrant, are shown on film barging into the home followed by CPS workers demanding Sammy.

FSA says Israeli jets hit chemical site

End Of Days News

DAMASCUS, Syria, April 28 (UPI) -- The Free Syrian Army says Israeli air force jets flew over President Bashar Assad's palace and bombed a chemical weapons site near Damascus, Maariv reported.

The report said Israeli jets entered Syrian airspace close to 6 a.m Saturday and flew over Assad's palace in Damascus and other security facilities before striking a chemical weapons compound near the city.

The Hebrew language daily said a Syrian army air defense battery positioned in the city fired at the Israeli jets, but the aircraft left Syrian airspace unscathed. FSA rebels posted a video showing smoke rising from the headquarters for chemical weapons.

There were no reports of the extent of damage or casualties.

Neither Damascus nor Jerusalem responded to the report.