Friday, May 3, 2013

Israel Air Force bombs Syrian chemical and other targets from Lebanon, Golan

End Of Days News

American sources reported Israeli air strikes Saturday, May 4, against a number of targets in Syria including a chemical weapons depot outside Damascus. They were carried out remotely from Lebanese air space and the Golan starting Friday and continuing up until early Saturday, May 3. Neither Damascus nor Jerusalem has yet confirmed the attacks in which according to US sources 16 IAF warplanes took part.  According to one report, Israeli jets were seen early Saturday circling over Assad's presidential compound in Damascus before moving on to target a weapons site. The Israeli jets reportedly received fire but returned to base unscathed.

Some sources say the target attacked was a convoy transporting chemical arms to the Lebanese Hizballah, which Israeli leaders have vowed to prevent.

DEBKAfile’s military sources say the start of the Israeli air force operation can be fixed by the sirens set off over the Golan Friday afternoon and again before dawn Saturday. The IDF spokesman said they were set off by a “technical glitch.” They now prove to have been triggered automatically by the Israeli aerial movements.

Friday, Lebanon reported a number of Israeli warplane intrusions of its air space.

DEBKAfile reported earlier that this week, thousands of Basij militiamen landed in Syria, establishing an Iranian military presence opposite Israel from Syria as well as Lebanon. They joined a comparable number of Hizballah militiamen fighting for the Bashar regime.

See this earlier DEBKAfile report:

US officials recently gave Israel a video demonstration of the new features which enable its biggest bunker buster bomb (Massive Ordnance Penetrator) to destroy Iran’s underground uranium enrichment plant at Fordo near Qom, in a bid to dissuade Israel from a unilateral attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

This is reported by the Wall Street Journal.

The video displayed the improved bomb, which Israel does not have, as hitting the ground near its target and setting off a massive underground explosion.

DEBKAfiles military sources report that this videotaped demonstration was in line with the Obama administration’s latest campaign to convince Israel that the US is getting ready to strike Iran itself.

Israeli planes hit targets in Syria, say US officials

End Of Days News

Illustrative photo of IAF F-15s flying in formation. (photo credit: Moshe Shai/Flash90)

The CNN report followed Lebanese media reports of increased Israeli Air Force activity over southern Lebanon on Thursday and Friday.
The Israeli military declined to comment on the CNN report.
As many as eight Israeli warplanes reportedly entered Lebanese airspace, according to Hezbollah news outlet Al-Manar, while The Daily Star on Friday quoted the Lebanese military as saying that a succession of Israeli warplanes flew over the country, culminating in a pair of planes which circled South Lebanon for nearly three hours on Friday afternoon.
On Thursday, “two Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace entering above the sea west of Sidon and flying over all Lebanese areas as they conducted aerial maneuvers,” the Daily Star quoted a statement from the Lebanese Army as saying.
The Israeli army’s top intelligence analyst Brig. Gen. Itai Brun was the first  prominent figure to publicly declare that President Bashar Assad was using chemical weapons — he specified Sarin — against rebel targets. Brun’s public assertion caused initial dismay in the US, and was initially rejected by Secretary of State John Kerry, but soon afterwards confirmed by the US and other world powers.
US President Barack Obama had said such use would be a game-changer, and Obama has been weighing how to respond for several days. Israel has said repeatedly that it will intervene to prevent Syrian chemical weapons falling into the hands of terror groups such as Hezbollah.

Lebanon reports Israeli jet overflights

End Of Days News

The Lebanese media report that after noon Friday Israeli warplanes were sighted over southern Lebanon. Earlier Israeli fighter jets were sign flying over the Mediterranean opposite Beirut.


Iranian troops face Israel from Syria. US video shows upgraded bunker buster

End Of Days News

US officials recently gave Israel a video demonstration of the new features which enable its biggest bunker buster bomb (Massive Ordnance Penetrator) to destroy Iran’s underground uranium enrichment plant at Fordo near Qom, in a bid to dissuade Israel from a unilateral attack on Iran’s nuclear facilities.

This is reported by the Wall Street Journal.

The video displayed the improved bomb, which Israel does not have, as hitting the ground near its target and setting off a massive underground explosion.

DEBKAfiles military sources report that this videotaped demonstration was in line with the Obama administration’s latest campaign to convince Israel that the US is getting ready to strike Iran itself.

In actual fact, the improved American MOP is not news - any more than the Israeli Air Force’s possession of bombs capable of penetrating the Fordo underground plant.  This capability has given Israeli officials the confidence to assert that Israel can destroy Iran’s nuclear facilities on its own.

What Washington has in common with Jerusalem is that while both make no secret of their capabilities – and Israeli leaders are also free with threatening rhetoric - neither is actually exercising them.

The only parties on the move are Iran and Hizballah.

At the end of the week, DEBKAfile’s military sources report that both established a military presence in Syria and Lebanon, just across Israel’s two northern borders. An Iranian airlift placed Iranian boots on the ground in Syria for the first time in more than two years of its civil war. It was also the first time Israel had ever seen uniformed Iranian soldiers present at close quarters on the soil of a close neighbor.

The arrivals are members of the violent Basij volunteer militia which is trained in urban combat tactics for suppressing anti-regime unrest in Iranian cities. They are the first Iranian troops to confront Syrian rebels in combat. Roughly 6,000-8,000 militiamen have arrived so far – a figure comparable to the size of the Hizhballah elite units fighting for Bashar Assad in Syria.

The Basij militiamen were stationed in Damascus and sent to guard Syrian Shiite border villages situated opposite Hizballah-controlled South Lebanon. This deployment has placed Iranian troops opposite the intersection of the Israeli, Syrian and Lebanese borders.

Chinese Soldiers March Into Indian Territory, Pitch Tents, Declare Land For China

End Of Days News

jammu and kashmir

China and India are once again at each other’s throats over an unmarked border in the Himalayas.
But this time, oddly, nobody seems to know why.
In mid-April, around 30 Chinese troops marched across the de facto border between China and India and pitched tents 19 kilometers inside Indian territory, just when relations between the two were going so well. The Indian government, which has so far exercised relative restraint, was accused by opposition politicians as being “weak, cowardly and incompetent” for not driving the troops off. The Chinese, on the other hand, deny that their soldiers ever crossed into Indian territory.
China and India haven’t been able to agree on how to carve up the Himalayas since they fought over the border in 1962, but this latest development has baffled experts. As recently as March, Chinese leader Xi Jinping met with the Indian prime minister at a summit in South Africa, calling for India and China to deepen military ties and come to a border solution “as soon as possible.”
So why would China provoke conflict between the two nuclear neighbors? Here are some possible explanations.

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