Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Air force chief warns of ‘surprise war’ with Syria

End Of Days News

Amir Eshel says Assad’s ‘immense arsenal’ could be turned on Israel at any moment, accompanied by rockets from Gaza and Lebanon

Israel Air Force chief Amir Eshel (photo credit: Yossi Zeliger/Flash 90)

The commander of the Israeli Air Force, which has reportedly bombarded targets in Syria several times in recent months, warned Wednesday that war could break out on Israel’s northern border at any moment, demanding the full engagement of the IAF’s resources.
“If tomorrow Syria collapses, and I am not saying that will happen, we could find ourselves in the thick of it very fast and in great number,” IAF commander Maj. Gen. Amir Eshel said, illustrating how the nature of surprise wars had changed for Israel since the Yom Kippur War in 1973.

WHO chief warns, the world is unprepared for a massive virus outbreak

End Of Days News

WHO chief warns, the world is unprepared for a massive virus outbreak

GENEVA — The world is unprepared for a massive virus outbreak, the deputy chief of the World Health Organization warned Tuesday, amid fears that H7N9 bird flu striking China could morph into a form that spreads easily… Read More →

Soldier Beheaded By Muslims On Streets Of London

End Of Days News

Soldier Beheaded By Muslims On Streets Of London

A man reported to be a serving soldier is dead and two people have been shot in Woolwich, south east London, after what Sky sources understand is being treated as a terrorist attack. Downing… Read More →

Growing Israeli Concerns That The Syrian Civil War Is Spiraling Out Of Control

End Of Days News

Growing Israeli Concerns That The Syrian Civil War Is Spiraling Out Of Control

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
Chief of Staff, Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz in action during a live fire exercise for Israeli army battalion commanders taking place on the Golan Heights, Israel, 04 September 2012. (photo credit: Shay Wagner /IDF/FLASH90) *Officials Warn Of Syria Conflict Quickly Spiraling Out Of Control -- Times of Israel* Army chief says flare-ups could devolve into serious confrontations; minister predicts rockets on Israeli cities ‘only a matter of time’. IDF Chief of General Staff Benny Gantz toured the Golan near the border with Syria Tuesday, and told lawmakers that tensions in the north could ...more »

Vermont legalizes assisted suicide

End Of Days News

Vermont legalizes assisted suicide

Vermont Gov. Peter Shumlin has signed a bill into law that has legalized physician-assisted suicide for terminally ill patients who want to end their lives. The governor’s signature has made Vermont the fourth US state to legalize assisted suicide, which Shumlin hailed as a victory for the few terminally ill Americans whose suffering surpasses their will […]