Thursday, May 23, 2013

Israel gearing up for ‘surprise war’ with Syria if Assad falls – general

End Of Days News

The damage caused by an Israeli strike according to SANA. Israel carried out a pre-dawn air strike near Damascus on May 5.(AFP Photo / SANA)

The unrest engulfing the Middle East could result in Israel becoming involved in a “surprise war” with Syria, according to the head of the Israeli air force.
"When you look [around] today I think that a surprise war can be born in very many configurations," Major General Amir Eshel said at a conference near Tel Aviv.
In particular, the general stressed that if rebels ousted Syrian President Bashar Assad and seized the huge stockpiles of missiles within the country, it could lead to a major conflict in the region.
"If Syria collapses tomorrow, we are liable to find ourselves in this stew very quickly and in a very big way,"Eshel said.
"The enormous arsenal parked there... will be spread all over the place and you find yourself having to act on a very broad scale."
On Tuesday, Israeli chief of staff Lt. Gen. Benny Gantz issued a personal warning to President Assad, saying the Syrian leader would “bear the consequences” in the event of further attacks on Israeli forces. The threat followed the Syrian military firing across the armistice line on the Golan Heights, hitting an Israeli military vehicle. Israeli troops have responded to such events by taking retaliatory shots at targets across the Syrian border.

Texas Mega-Church Welcomes Islamists to Global Faith Forum

End Of Days News

The 3,000-member NorthWood Church of Keller, T.X. is holding a Global Faith Forum in November. In yet another Islamist-attended interfaith event, Christians will hear from a former Saudi intelligence chief, a former director-general of Al-Jazeera, officials from U.S. Muslim Brotherhood entities and the non-Muslims who embrace them.

Kerry: Israeli ‘prosperity’ preventing sense of urgency about peace

End Of Days News

President Shimon Peres meets with US Senator John Kerry at the President's Residence in Jerusalem in May 2012 (photo credit: Uri Lenz/Flash90)

Israelis’ “sense of security” prevents them from feeling sufficient urgency to resume peace talks with the Palestinians, US Secretary of State John Kerry said in Jerusalem Thursday, warning of fast-approaching “challenges” that required a change of approach for the Jewish State.
“I think there is an opportunity [for peace], but for many reasons it’s not on the tips of everyone’s tongue,” Kerry told reporters before entering a meeting with President Shimon Peres. “People in Israel aren’t waking up every day and wondering if tomorrow there will be peace because there is a sense of security and a sense of accomplishment and of prosperity.”