Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad

End Of Days News

Moscow sets up Russian Golan brigade, warns Israel Sunnis plus al Qaeda are bigger threat than Assad
Russian MI-24 helicopters designated for Golan
Russian MI-24 helicopters designated for Golan
DEBKAfile Special Report Jun 10, 2013, 7:54 PM (IDT)
Moscow is determined to position Russian troops on the divided Golan as part of the UN force policing the separation sector because, said the Russian lawmaker Aleksey Pushkov Monday, June 10, “we cannot exclude… large-scale Syrian-Israel action.” He warned that if Assad was replaced by radical Islamists, he would seem like “an angel from heaven.” Vladimir Shamanov, Russian Airborne Troops chief, disclosed that a new brigade, dubbed “a peacekeeping unit,” had set up for the Golan and armed with MI-24 combat helicopters.

FDA approves first GMO Flu Vaccine containing Reprogrammed Insect Virus

End Of Days News

FDA approves first GMO Flu Vaccine containing Reprogrammed Insect Virus

A new vaccine for influenza has hit the market, and it is the first ever to contain genetically-modified (GM) proteins derived from insect cells. According to reports, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)… Read More →

Beck: Not a Jew alive if Hitler had Obama's tech

End Of Days News

As reports continue to flood in about President Obama’s massive surveillance state, media powerhouse Glenn Beck says, “There wouldn’t be a Jew alive on the planet today if Hitler had this technology.”
Beck made the statement Friday on his radio program while interviewing NSA whistleblower William Binney.

Binney worked at the National Security Agency for nearly four decades, and said the secret surveillance of Americans began in October 2001.
He believes the NSA is storing information on 3 billion phone calls every day.
“I’m telling you, America,” Beck cautioned, “If we don’t stop this right now, we will be remembered as the most evil nation in history of the world. We will dwarf what Germany did. And I’d say that if Mitt Romney were in office and this were happening. I would be saying exactly the same thing.”

Syrian Military Prepares For An All-Out Assault On Aleppo

End Of Days News

Syrian Military Prepares For An All-Out Assault On Aleppo

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates
*Syria Troops 'Preparing For Aleppo Assault' -- BBC* Syrian government forces are reported to be preparing for a major offensive on rebel-held parts of the northern city of Aleppo and its surroundings. A Syrian security source said it would start "in the coming hours or days". Opposition activists in the city told the BBC that military reinforcements, including Hezbollah fighters, had been sent to parts of Aleppo. Government forces backed by Hezbollah, the Lebanese Shia Islamist group, last week recaptured the town of Qusair. On Sunday, they retook the last remaining rebel-held ... more »

CREEPING SHARIA: California: San Francisco International Airport Uses Public Funds To Accomodate Ritual Foot Baths For Muslim Cab Drivers

End Of Days News

California: San Francisco International Airport Uses Public Funds To Accomodate Ritual Foot Baths For Muslim Cab Drivers

Now that a few Muslim cab drivers have been given an inch, others will follow suit by looking for that extra mile. As we’ve seen elsewhere, we can soon expect to hear about other devout believers demanding the right to refuse service to passengers with dogs, or carrying alcohol in their luggage (or wearing yarmulkes, or “immodest” women). And all […]

Peaceful Islam Murders 15 yr old in front parents!

End Of Days News

Syria: Islamists Execute 15-Year-Old Boy From Aleppo In Front Of Parents For ‘Heretical Comment’

No word on whether the child was Christian, but they accused the 15-year-old boy of “polytheism”, a false charge that Muslims often use to describe the Christian belief in the Triunity of God … Reuters – “Members of an al Qaeda-linked Islamist group in the northern Syrian city of Aleppo executed a 15-year-old boy in front of […]

DISTRESS OF NATIONS: Protests over Syria turn deadly in Lebanon – growing chaos in Turkey

End Of Days News

DISTRESS OF NATIONS: Protests over Syria turn deadly in Lebanon – growing chaos in Turkey

LEBANON – Lebanese troops blocked streets in Beirut with tanks and barbed wire for several hours on Sunday after the killing of a protester outside the Iranian embassy raised factional tensions already inflamed by the… Read More →

Universal Salvation....Laodician Churches=Megachurches=Prosperity=Be Worldly and you will be rewarded by God for it!!!....NOT

End Of Days News

Template for Growing a MEGA CHURCH

Steve Finnell at A CHRISTIAN VIEW
SEEKER FRIENDLY *If growing a mega-church is high on your dream list, then here is the template. Think "seeker friendly."* * * *THE DO'S: Preach a health and wealth gospel. Keep sermons light and cheerful, and promote self esteem. If the message would be well received in the secular world, you are on the right track. Try to be inclusive. After all, we are all striving to get to the same place. Smile a lot. Canvas the area of your choice. Then preach what they want to hear. Watch the numbers grow. When preaching about salvation, quote John 3:16 and ask them to recite some version of... more »

Children of God is not UNIVERSAL SALVATION folks!

Steve Finnell at A CHRISTIAN VIEW
CHILDREN OF GOD? *Does the term"Children of God" include all mankind, regardless of religious belief? Is universal salvation a factual concept? God loves everyone, however, there are requirements and conditions to be accepted as "Children of God."* * * *John 1:12 But as many as received Him, to them He gave the right to become children of God, even to those who believe in His name.* * * *Only those who believe in Jesus have the right to become children of God.* * **Galatians 3:26-27 For you are sons of God through faith in Christ Jesus. 27 For all of you who were baptized into Christ ... more »

Middle East News

End Of Days News

Afghanistan: Islamists Behead Two Children In Kandahar For Accepting Food Handouts From Police

Because, even when you’re starving, if you accept food handouts from any infidels who disagree with Al Qaeda’s “pure” Islamic ideology, then you are automatically suspected of being an infidel yourself. The only thing “pure” about this ideology is how evil it truly is … BBC News – “The Taliban have beheaded two boys for […]

Another Bloody Day In Iraq

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
*Bombs And Battles Hit Northern Iraq, 70 Dead -- Reuters* (Reuters) - Insurgents struck cities across Iraq on Monday with car bombs, suicide attacks and gun battles, killing more than 70 people in worsening sectarian violence. No group claimed responsibility for the day-long attacks, most of them in northern Iraq, but officials blame much of the violence that has killed nearly 2,000 people since April on Sunni Islamist insurgents linked to al Qaeda's local wing. The bloodshed has accompanied rising political tensions between Iraq's majority Shi'ite leaders and the Sunni communi... more »

Sudan Military Forces Have Crossed The Border Into South Sudan

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates
*South Sudan Reports Troop Invasion from North -- Voice of America* South Sudan says at least 3,000 troops from neighboring Sudan have entered its territory, as tensions rise between the countries. Southern army spokesman Philip Aguer says the troops entered the town of Kuake in Upper Nile state on Saturday. He says the alleged incursion violates a 2012 cooperation agreement that led to both countries pulling their forces from disputed border areas. On Saturday, Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir ordered a shutdown of a pipeline that carries South Sudanese oil through the country... more »