Vaccine Infects 10-Month-Old Baby with Polio in India

End Of Days News

Vaccine Infects 10-Month-Old Baby with Polio in India

Truthstream Media at The Daily Sheeple
According to the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, eradicating polio is a top priority. Sadly, anyone hurt in the process of achieving this goal is just collateral damage.


End Of Days News

Tipping Point Syria: U.S. To Intervene - Opening Full-Scale Proxy War With Russia/Iran

We are about to see a major turning point and escalation in the Syrian civil war. Russia has passionately warned the U.S. and Israel to stay away from the Syrian crisis, as the Assad government is tightly aligned with both Iran and Russia. Additionally, by aiding and assisting the so-called "rebels", the U.S. is actually helping radical elements of Islam, such as al-Qaeda, who are sworn to destroy Israel. It seems evident that U.S. leadership hasn't read Genesis 12:3. Regardless, it also seems that the situation in Syria has moved ahead in the race regarding the ongoing watch to f... more »