Tuesday, July 16, 2013

EU Redraws Israel Borders to 1949 Lines

End Of Days News

EU Redraws Israel Borders to 1949 Lines

For the first time, the EU formally forbids trade with bodies located beyond 1949 Armistice lines, including Golan.

map of Israel

The European Union has issued orders forbidding its member states from cooperating, transferring funds, giving scholarships or researchgrants to bodies in Judea and Samaria, eastern Jerusalem , and even the Golan Heights, Haaretzwrote Tuesday.

The new instruction, promulgated by the European Commission, which is the operative arm of the EU, sets parameters for cooperation between the EU and its members states, on the one hand, and Israeli governmental and private elements on the other. The instructions are for the years 2014 – 2020 and will go into force on Friday, July 18.

The decision also states that any future agreement signed with Israel must include a section that says the “settlements” are not part of sovereign Israel and therefore not included in the agreement.

senior source in the Foreign Ministry said Tuesday that the new EU decision is dramatic, and can be called “a true earthquake.”

The Revived Roman Empire Begins Predictable Action Against Israel

End Of Days News

The Revived Roman Empire Begins Predictable Action Against Israel

It's about time. We knew these wheels would start turning sooner or later. Let us recall - the EU will, at some point, morph into "10 kings" and these 10 kings will produce the antichrist and then begin the worst period of persecution against the Jews and Christians ever seen in history. We may be seeing the beginnings of this process: *New EU Directive Bars All Dealings With Israel-Held Areas Over The Pre-1967 Lines* *A dramatic new directive published by the European Union bars its 28 members from all cooperation with Israeli entities in the West Bank and East Jerusalem.*... more »

IGNORANT AMERICA!!! WW3 Brews As Nation Distracted!

End Of Days News

WW3 Brews As Nation Distracted By Trayvon Martin Case

Contributing Author at The Daily Sheeple 
Israel recently launched an attack on Russian missiles that were apparently sold to Syria and stationed at a critical point within the country.