Tuesday, July 23, 2013

NASA starts building faster-than-light warp engine

End Of Days News

Still from Star Trek TV series

Researchers at NASA’s Texas-based Johnson Space Center are trying to prove that it is possible to travel faster than the speed of light, and hope to one day build an engine that resembles the fictional Starship Enterprise.
NASA physicist and engineer Dr. Harold G. White, 43, believes it is possible to bend the rules of time and space that Albert Einstein constructed when he postulated that it is impossible to exceed the speed of light.
White's research is based on the theories of Mexican physicist Miguel Alcubierre, who in 1994 theorized that exceeding Einstein’s galactic speed limit was possible if scientists discovered a way to harness the expansion and contraction of space. And Harold and his team are trying to do just that. 

THESE MEN GO COMPLETELY AGAINST GOD!!! Bloomberg Strikes Again: NYC Bans Food Donations To The Homeless

End Of Days News

Deuteronomy 15:7-11

English Standard Version (ESV)
“If among you, one of your brothers should become poor, in any of your towns within your land that the Lord your God is giving you, you shall not harden your heart or shut your hand against your poor brother, but you shall open your hand to him and lend him sufficient for his need, whatever it may be. Take care lest there be an unworthy thought in your heart and you say, ‘The seventh year, the year of release is near,’ and your eye look grudgingly[a] on your poor brother, and you give him nothing, and he cry to the Lord against you, and you be guilty of sin. 10 You shall give to him freely, and your heart shall not be grudging when you give to him, becausefor this the Lord your God will bless you in all your work and in all that you undertake. 11 For there will never cease to be poor in the land. Therefore I command you, ‘You shall open wide your hand to your brother, to the needy and to the poor, in your land.’

1 John 3:17

New King James Version (NKJV)
17 But whoever has this world’s goods, and sees his brother in need, and shuts up his heart from him, how does the love of God abide in him?

Bloomberg Strikes Again: NYC Bans Food Donations To The Homeless

Mayor Michael Bloomberg’s food police have struck again! Outlawed are food donations to homeless shelters because the city can’t assess their salt, fat and fiber content, reports CBS 2’s Marcia Kramer. Glenn Richter arrived at a West Side synagogue on Monday to collect surplus bagels — fresh nutritious bagels — to donate to the poor. However, under […]

6 Apocalyptic Technologies That Most People Have Not Even Heard About Yet

End Of Days News

#1 Facial Recognition Software That Replaces Bank Cards
Will people soon pay for things by having their faces scanned at the checkout counter?  That may sound absurd, but according to the Daily Mail a company from Finland has already launched this technology…
Bank cards are already being replaced by phones and wristbands that have payment technology built-in but the latest threat to the lowly plastic in your pocket could be your face.
A Finnish startup called Uniqul has launched what it calls the first ever payment platform based on facial recognition.
The system doesn’t require a wallet, bank card or phone – instead a camera is positioned at the checkout and takes a photo of a shopper’s face when they are ready to pay.
It then scans a database for the face and matches it to stored payment details in order to complete the transaction.
#2 Facial Recognition Technology Already Being Used In Stores And In Digital Advertising Displays
Do you remember the billboards in the movie “Minority Report” that used facial recognition technology to scan faces and produce appropriate ads?  Personally, I never thought that I would see such a thing in my lifetime, but the truth is that a company called Amscreen already has over 6,000 digital screens that use this kind of technology.  In fact, their advertising screens are already being viewed by approximately 50 million people
Advertising network Amscreen recently launched a unique face-detection technology, originally developed by automated audience measurement firm Quividi.
Cameras have been installed in Amscreen’s digital advertising displays that can scan a person’s face and determine their gender, age, date, time and volume of the viewers.
This is so adverts are served to the most appropriate audience.
Amscreen already has over 6,000 digital screens seen by a weekly audience of over 50 million people.
And according to NPR, this kind of facial recognition technology is now being used in some retail stores to identify VIPs…
This lack of recognition is precisely what the VIP-identification technology designed by is supposed to prevent.
The U.K.-based company already supplies similar software to security services to help identify terrorists and criminals. The ID technology works by analyzing footage of people’s faces as they walk through a door, taking measurements to create a numerical code known as a “face template,” and checking it against a database.
In the retail setting, the database of customers’ faces is comprised of celebrities and valued customers, according to London’s . If a face is a match, the program sends an alert to staff via computer, iPad or smartphone, providing details like dress size, favorite buys or shopping history.
#3 Google Wants To Put A Chip In Our Brains?
Would you allow a technology company to put a chip in your brain?
According to a recent article in a major UK newspaper, apparently this is exactly what executives at Google believe will happen someday…
It began, just 15 years ago, as a service that enabled you to type a request into a personal computer and be given links to associated websites. Things have rather moved on. Soon Google hopes to have the ubiquitous presence of a personal assistant that never stops working, capable of conversing naturally in any language. Ultimately, as Page and co-founder Sergey Brin have asserted, the goal is to insert a chip inside your head for the most effortless search engine imaginable.
In fact, on a recent visit to Google the reporter writing the article quoted above was told the following by Google Vice President of Search Ben Gomes…
Where will it end? Gomes agrees that a chip embedded in the brain is far from a sci-fi fantasy. “Already people are beginning to experiment with handicapped people for manoeuvring their wheelchairs,” he says. “They are getting a few senses of direction with the wheelchair but getting from there to actual words is a long ways off. We have to do this in the brain a lot better to make that interaction possible. We have impatience for that to happen but the pieces of technology have to develop.”
#4 The Pentagon Is Developing A “Terminator Robot” Named Atlas
Did you know that the U.S. military is building robots?
Okay, so they aren’t quite like “the Terminator” yet.  But apparently they are rapidly becoming very advanced
ATLAS is 6 ft and 2 inces, it weighs 330 pounds. Its primary purpose is said to be joining in relief efforts particularly in those places where involvement of human beings is lethal or downright impossible. Boston Dynamics, who built the ATLAS body, say that the robot is strong and coordinated enough to climb using its hands and feet, as well as pick its way in congested spaces. The people who have been called in to work on the robot are tasked with programming it to interact in the most efficient way it can be made to. DARPA has released a video which shows ATLAS walking, avoiding obstacles, withstanding brute force applied at its torso and even climbing the stairs.
You can view that video of ATLAS doing those things right here.
So as these robots become more sophisticated, will there be any limits on how the U.S. military will employ them?  A recent article in the Washington Post painted a frightening picture…
But what’s to stop the same indestructible robots that can walk over rubble, manipulate complex tools and enter burning buildings from being used in entirely different scenarios by the U.S. military? They might, for example, be able to march through debris-strewn war zones, manipulate weapons and hunt down terrorists, on a house-by-house basis. In other words, the DARPA Robotics Challenge could result in the creation of a real-life Terminator bot.
#5 Using Only Sound Waves To Levitate And Move Small Objects
Did you know that it is possible to levitate and move small objects using only small waves?  Just check out what a team of scientists in Switzerland recently discovered
A team of researchers in Switzerland have developed a way of levitating and transporting small objects using nothing but sound.
Using ultrasonic waves – that is, sound waves whose frequency is too high for humans to hear – scientists at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zurich have made water droplets, instant coffee crystals, styrofoam flakes, and a toothpick, among other objects, hang in midair, move along a plane, and interact with each other. It is the first time that scientists have been able to use sound to simultaneously levitate several objects next to each other and move them around.
#6 Ultrasonic Neural Dust
This is perhaps the most frightening technology on the list.  The advances in the field of nanotechnology that we have seen over the past decade have been absolutely mind blowing.  Now, some scientists are talking about actually being able to put thousands of tiny little computer chips inside our heads.  The following is from a recent Time Magazine article
Here’s how it might work: First you pop through the skull and the brain’s dura (the membrane surrounding the brain), dipping into the brain’s neural sea itself, roughly two millimeters down, where you position thousands of low-powered CMOS chips (the “neural dust,” each as tiny as millionths of a meter) to begin capturing neural signals using electrodes and piezoelectric sensors, which convert the data to ultrasonic signals. Those signals are then picked up by a sub-dural transceiver (sitting just above the “dust” chips and simultaneously powering them ultrasonically), which relays the data to an external transceiver resting just outside the skull (ASIC, memory, battery, long-range transmitter), which in turn communicates wirelessly with whatever computing device.
Like most futurist notions, this one hasn’t been tested yet — it’s just a formal proposal — but it’s another fascinating glimpse into where we might be headed, bypassing clumsy literal BMI head-jacks for micro-scale interfaces that would link us, wire-free, to future galaxies of virtual information.

ALERT: Obama Administration ‘pushed for boycott of Jerusalem and Biblical Territories’

End Of Days News

ALERT: Obama Administration ‘pushed for boycott of Jerusalem and Biblical Territories’

Genesis 12:3 - I will bless those who bless you, And I will curse him who curses you; And in you all the families of the earth shall be blessed.” Zechariah 12:2-3 - 2 “Behold, I will make Jerusalem a cup of drunkenness to… Read More →

U.S Funded Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Leader Calls for Attack on US Embassy

End Of Days News

U.S Funded Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood Leader Calls for Attack on US Embassy

A Muslim Brotherhood leader is calling on Egyptians to lay siege to the U.S Embassy in Cairo to protest what he said was American support for the ouster of Islamist President Mohamed Mursi. U.S.… Read More →

PROPHECY UPDATE: Updates From The Epicenter

End Of Days News

Updates From The Epicenter

* Looking Behind The Curtain: Who Is Behind 'Boycott Of Jerusalem, Biblical Territories'?* * * * * * * *A European Union boycott of financial dealings with Jews in the biblical West Bank, Golan Heights and eastern Jerusalem was fully coordinated with the Obama administration, a senior Palestinian negotiator told WND.“Without the U.S. support, the EU wouldn’t have taken such measures,” the negotiator said.* * * * * * On Friday, the EU published guidelines forbidding its 28 members from having any financial dealings with what it calls Jewish settlements or territories that have been... more »