Friday, August 9, 2013

Israel says won’t sign EU deal under new terms

End Of Days News

Israel says won’t sign EU deal under new terms

Veterans Today at Veterans Today 
Israel says won’t sign EU deal under new terms — Turkish Daily News JERUSALEM – Israel would rather forego hundreds of millions of dollars in EU research grants than accept an anti-settlement clause Europe wants written into any new partnership deal, Israel’s deputy foreign minister said Friday, a day after Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu […]

Peace Talks Dominate The News: More Baby Steps Towards Daniel 9:27

End Of Days News

Peace Talks Dominate The News: More Baby Steps Towards Daniel 9:27

Just like everything else we see in the news today - the urgent push towards a Middle East peace plan is setting the stage for the ultimate peace plan that will be confirmed by the antichrist. That doesn't mean that this specific peace plan, whatever it is, will end up being the antichrist's final covenant, but the focus and the effort will quite possibly lay the groundwork for what is to come. Just taking a look at one day's worth of news reveals this massive effort that is underway: *U.S.-Sponsored Israel-Palestinian Interim Peace Talks Near Moment Of Decision* ** * * * ... more »