Uncovered story by our corrupt media Christians attacked by 'gay' activist, whom wanted to kill as many as he could!

End Of Days News


One year ago on Thursday, a heavily armed homosexual activist, by his own words inspired by an anti-family diatribe posted on the website of the Southern Poverty Law Center, entered the Washington offices of the Family Research Council with the intention of killing “as many people as I could.”

The sentencing for Floyd Lee Corkins II, a volunteer at an LGBT community center who pleaded guilty to terrorism after his attack was halted with only one person injured, is expected this fall. But the targets in that attack still are wondering when – and if – there will be an accountability for the organization that Corkins admitted directed him to the pro-family advocates.

Lt. Gen. (Ret.) William G. “Jerry” Boykin is the FRC’s executive vice president, with oversight of daily operations such as policy, church ministries, finance, human resources and facilities.

He was one of the original members of the U.S. Army’s Delta Force and later commanded the Green Berets, so battle strategy is nothing new to him.

But he wonders about the current politically correct environment where organizations can pin a “hate” label on a group such as the FRC, and not face any consequences.

“One year after Floyd Lee Corkins attempted to commit mass murder at the Family Research Council, the SPLC is still recklessly labeling people and groups as Hate Mongers and Hate Groups, which clearly endangers those who have been labeled as it unquestionably incites people like Corkins to violence,” Boykin said.

“Corkins pled guilty to domestic terrorism after explaining to the judge in his federal trial, that he targeted FRC as a result of the SPLC Hate Map, yet nothing has been done regarding the dangerous and potentially deadly actions of SPLC. SPLC is now connected to terrorism in federal court. Yet no one in the mainstream media seems to care. When will the media hold groups like SPLC accountable?” Boykin said.

Corkins was subdued after shooting building manager Leo Johnson in the arm and injuring him. A video of the attack reveals Corkins entering the building and approaching Johnson, then leaning over to place his backpack on the floor. When he straightens up, Corkins points a handgun – a loaded semi-automatic – directly at Johnson and fires. More

Three 15-yr-old black teens beat up a 13-yr-old white kid because he told school officials they tried to sell him drugs,” the former Army colonel wrote on his Facebook page. “Do you hear anything from Sharpton, Jackson, NAACP, Stevie Wonder, Jay-Z, liberal media, or Hollywood? Cat got your tongues or is it that pathetic hypocrisy revealing itself once again?

End Of Days News


Florida’s Department of Juvenile Justice today recommended probation for two of the three black teens charged in a vicious school-bus attack on a white student in Gulfport, Fla., last month, according to the Tampa Tribune.

The state agency has not recommended a punishment for the third teen, but prosecutors say they have not made any plea offers in the case.

“The state is not offering probation,” said Bruce Bartlett, the chief assistant state attorney for the Pinellas-Pasco State Attorney’s Office. “We are not making a statement where probation is appropriate by any stretch of the imagination.”

The father of one of three black teens, said his son is “sorry” for taking part in the July beating that made national headlines.

Julian McKnight said his son Julian, 15, has “had his consequences” in the aftermath of the July 9 assault in Pinellas County, Fla.

“This is life. I am sorry what happened to the victim. It’s just the way it is. My son ain’t never been no bad person, he just got mixed [up] with bad people, that’s all … he’s sorry,” said the elder McKnight during an appearance in court Tuesday.

Get the book that documents racial violence in America, with hundreds of episodes in more than 80 American cities since 2010, where groups of blacks are assaulting, intimidating, stalking, threatening, shooting, stabbing and killing victims.

As WND reported, a cell-phone video captured the 13-year-old boy’s screams for help as he was pummeled with fists and kicked by three bigger, older youths who “ganged up” on him as he was about to get off at his bus stop.

The bus driver told authorities he was too afraid to physically intervene. And according to Lealman Intermediate School’s policy, he is only required to call dispatch.

“The three boys just jumped on him and started pounding on him. And I did all I can,” he told WFLA-TV. “I was looking. It was like I was in shock. I was petrified.”

Police say the youths attacked the victim after he told officials at their drop-out prevention school that one of them had tried to sell him drugs.

Former Florida Rep. Allen West chided Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson for their silence in the wake of the attack, noting they condemned the state of Florida following the Trayvon Martin shooting. More

PROPHECY UPDATE: In The News: Peace Talks With Those Who Don't Want Peace

End Of Days News

In The News: Peace Talks With Those Who Don't Want Peace

What a strange and bizarre world we are living in as we approach the end of the age: *US-Led Israeli-Palestinian Talks Get Off To Confused Start* *They say that the US delegation chairing the negotiations “appears to be at sea on which issue to lead off.” There is anger in Jerusalem over the leak from US Secretary of State John Kerry’s circle of his threat that Israel would face a campaign against its legitimacy unless it gives way to pressures on West Bank settlements.* * * *“The Secretary would be better advised to focus on the hardening of the Palestinian position,” said... more »

California Considers Punishing Youth Groups Against Homosexuality as ‘Bathroom Bill’ Becomes Law

End Of Days News

California Considers Punishing Youth Groups Against Homosexuality as ‘Bathroom Bill’ Becomes Law

California State Capitol 

SACRAMENTO – On the same day that the governor of California signed a bill into law mandating that boys who identify as girls be allowed to use girls’ bathrooms and vice versa, a California committee approved legislation which would cause any non-profit organizations that do not embrace homosexuals to lose tax-exempt status.

Senate Bill 323 (SB323) was first introduced in mid-February by Ricardo Lara, a Democratic state senator from Los Angeles. Lara is himself an open homosexual, as well as a member of the California Legislative LGBT Caucus. According to the bill’s introduction, SB323 would “provide that an organization that is a public charity youth organization that discriminates on the basis of gender identity, race, sexual orientation, nationality, religion, or religious affiliation is not exempt from [state taxes].”
Later in the legislation, approximately 25 youth organizations are specifically listed as entities that would have to embrace these “gender identity” and “sexual orientation” guidelines, or else lose their tax-exempt standing. Little League, Boy Scouts, Cub Scouts, Girl Scouts, Young Men’s Christian Association, Young Women’s Christian Association, Future Farmers of America, Future Homemakers of America, 4-H Clubs, Boys’ Clubs, and Girls’ Clubs are all included.
On Monday afternoon, California’s Committee on Revenue and Taxation held a hearing on SB323, and eventually approved the legislation by a 6-3 vote. Now the bill moves forward to the Committee on Judiciary.