Thursday, August 15, 2013

US-Egyptian relations on the rocks. El-Sisi wouldn’t accept Obama’s phone call

End Of Days News

Gen. El-Sisi and President Obama viewed on Egyptian street
Gen. El-Sisi and President Obama viewed on Egyptian street
DEBKAfile Exclusive Report Aug 15, 2013, 3:03 PM (IDT)
When the clashes between Egyptian security forces and pro-Morsi protesters were at their peak in Cairo Wednesday, Aug. 14 – 525 dead and 3,700 wounded to date - President Barack Obama put in a call to Egypt’s strongman, Gen. Abdel-Fattah El-Sissi, debkafile reports.   The general refused to accept the call, anticipating a scolding like the one which forced Hosni Mubarak to quit. The harsh international condemnation of Gen. El-Sissi’s crackdown on the Muslim Brotherhood – led by Washington – will exacerbate the crisis by pushing both sides to greater extremes.

Fukushima now in state of emergency, leaking 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean daily

End Of Days News

Fukushima now in state of emergency, leaking 300 tons of radioactive water into the ocean daily

Japan’s nuclear watchdog has now declared the leak of radioactive water from Fukushima a “state of emergency.” Each day, 300 tons of radioactive water seeps into the ocean, and it’s now clear that… Read More →

In The News: Turmoil In Egypt, Danger From Fukushima

End Of Days News

In The News: Turmoil In Egypt, Danger From Fukushima

It is surprising that developments we see occurring at the Fukushima Reactor aren't receiving a lot more attention in the media. These developments are very real and very dangerous: *Dangerous Operation At Fukushima's Reactor No. 4 Could Ignite 'Atomic Chain Reaction'* * * * * * * * Threatening to trigger a new—and possibly more devastating—nuclear disaster than the original or ongoing one at the Fukishima plant in Japan, a risky plan to remove fuel rods from a damaged reactor building could unleash an "unprecedented" level of radiation, according to experts, if things go wrong... more »