Monday, September 16, 2013

Syrian Rebels To Christian Woman After Slitting Her Fiance’s Throat: “Jesus Didn’t Come To Save Him”

End Of Days News

Syrian Rebels To Christian Woman After Slitting Her Fiance’s Throat: “Jesus Didn’t Come To Save Him”

Michael Snyder at The Daily Sheeple 
In Syria, Christians, Jews and Muslims of all types have been living fairly peacefully with one another for centuries, but the Syrian “rebels” want to change all that. The truth is that the “rebels” have no interest in “freedom” or “democracy” whatsoever.

UN report: ‘Clear’ evidence sarin used in Syria

End Of Days News

Ban Ki-moon to present findings, which diplomats say could place blame on Assad regime for devastating August 21 strike

Gunman “contained" after several shooters cause up to 12 casualties at Navy Yard, Washington

End Of Days News

Gunman “contained" after several shooters cause up to 12 casualties at Navy Yard, Washington
DEBKAfile Special Report Sep 16, 2013, 5:29 PM (IDT)
A gunman is reported "contained" at the top floor of the four-story
 Navy Yard base in Washington Monday, Sept. 16, after more than one shooter fired several shots causing at least 12 casualties including 4 fatalities – civilians and police officers. No figures are so far confirmed and are rising. The building is home to the US Naval Sea System Command HQ in Washington. One gunman is described at black, wearing black clothing and using an AR15 assault rifle.