10 Commandments monument toppled in DC.

End Of Days News

10 Commandments monument toppled in DC.

A stone monument of the Ten Commandments that sits on a street behind the U.S. Supreme Court in Washington and was the subject of controversy in the past has been toppled by vandals. The 3-foot-by-3-foot granite monument weighs 850 pounds and … Continue reading →

Why has Mahmoud Abbas given the nod to lone wolf Palestinian terror?

End Of Days News

Why has Mahmoud Abbas given the nod to lone wolf Palestinian terror?
Israeli soldier Gal Kobi shot dead by a Palestinian sniper
Israeli soldier Gal Kobi shot dead by a Palestinian sniper
DEBKAfile Exclusive Analysis Sep 23, 2013, 11:34 AM (IDT)
Secretary of State John Kerry has kept a tight lid on the bubbling Palestinian stew by forbidding Israeli and Palestinian negotiators to publicly give the game away about the true state of their talks, which are stuck. This has let Kerry pretend the talks are gong well; Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu avoid giving up settlements to keep his coalition intact; and Palestinian leader Mahmoud Abbas to quietly let terrorists partly off the leash for attacks on the Israeli military. Saturday and Sunday, two soldiers were murdered by Palestinians.

Historian: We Are Now Watching ‘The Effective Extinction Of Christianity From Its Birthplace’

End Of Days News

Historian: We Are Now Watching ‘The Effective Extinction Of Christianity From Its Birthplace’

Matthew 24:22,27, “And unless those days were shortened, no flesh would be saved; but for the elect’s sake those days will be shortened… For as the lightning comes from the east and flashes to the west, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Lapido Media - "MIDDLE EAST historian Tom Holland told a briefing in London last night that the world is watching the effective extinction of Christianity from its birthplace. In an apocalyptic appraisal of the worsening political situation in the region, a panel of experts provided a mass of evidence and statistics for the end of the re... more »

Maryland: CAIR-backed Muslim groups want schools closed on Muslim holidays

End Of Days News

Maryland: CAIR-backed Muslim groups want schools closed on Muslim holidays

creeping at Creeping Sharia 
The Marylander’s who fought for independence wouldn’t recognize the state today. via Coalition wants Montgomery County schools to close on Muslim holidays — Gazette.Net. A coalition of local Muslims and others are urging Montgomery County Public Schools to close on two holidays, which the coalition’s co-chair, Saqib Ali, framed as a civil rights issue. Besides […]

PROPHECY UPDATE: Updates From The Middle East: Focus Iran

End Of Days News

Updates From The Middle East: Focus Iran

*Rouhani Poses Challenge For Israel Ahead Of UN Meeting* * * * * * * *Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu provided the UN with a memorable moment last year when he displayed a cartoon bomb illustrating what he said was Iran’s march toward the development of a nuclear weapon. When he addresses the world body next week, he is expected to again call for a hard line to stop Iran’s suspect nuclear program, backed by the credible use of force.* *But the goalposts have moved a little: Some at the General Assembly’s annual meeting will be calling for a more nuanced approach by the world in re... more »