Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Pakistan, I plead with you, DO NOT MURDER ANYMORE CHRISTIANS, God's wrath is very real! You are in my prayers!

End Of Days News

Pakistan’s death toll from double earthqukes rises to 825

The Extinction Protocol at The Extinction Protocol: 2012 and beyond 
October 1, 2013 – PAKISTAN - The death toll from two powerful earthquakes that devastated an impoverished region of Balochistan has climbed to 825, National Disaster Management Authority said on Tuesday. more than 30 villages, containing some 20,000 homes, were flattened across 15,400 square miles of the remote Balochistan region. Dozens of bodies are being […]

New USDA rule allows hidden feces, pus, bacteria and bleach in conventional poultry

End Of Days News

USDA intends to throw more chemicals, less regulation at poultry industry dilemma
But like all other chemical-based solutions that compliment industrial food production, this process is ultimately failing to subdue and kill pathogens the same way that it used to back in the old days. A cohort of new scientific research recently submitted to the USDA reveals that the routine processes by which the factory food industry covers its frightful tracks are no match to a whole new generation of “superbugs” that resist these chemicals — and the USDA’s proposed solutions only further add to the problem by covering it up with even more chemicals.
“If the new rule is implemented, all chicken will be presumed to be contaminated with feces, pus, scabs, and bile and washed in a chlorine solution,” explains ChickenJustice.org. “Consumers will eat chicken with more chemical residue and contaminants. With faster production rates, workers’ injuries will increase. They will also face breathing and skin problems from constant exposure to chlorine wash. OSHA will take the next 3 years to study the impact of the faster processing lines on workers, but USDA wants to implement the rule immediately.”
To take direct action against this heinous USDA agenda for factory chicken, you can contact the White House by visiting the ChickenJustice.org ”Take Action Now!” page:
Sources for this article include:
- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/new-usda-rule-allows-hidden-feces-pus-bacteria-and-bleach-in-conventional-poultry_102013#sthash.oAE18V6f.dpuf

New USDA rule allows hidden feces, pus, bacteria and bleach in conventional poultry


NaturalNews Network at The Daily Sheeple 

But a whole new set of guidelines being proposed by the USDA will make things even worse by allowing companies to self-inspect themselves, as well as use an even more aggressive barrage of chemicals to treat their tainted meat before selling it to consumers.
USDA intends to throw more chemicals, less regulation at poultry industry dilemma
But like all other chemical-based solutions that compliment industrial food production, this process is ultimately failing to subdue and kill pathogens the same way that it used to back in the old days. A cohort of new scientific research recently submitted to the USDA reveals that the routine processes by which the factory food industry covers its frightful tracks are no match to a whole new generation of “superbugs” that resist these chemicals — and the USDA’s proposed solutions only further add to the problem by covering it up with even more chemicals.
“If the new rule is implemented, all chicken will be presumed to be contaminated with feces, pus, scabs, and bile and washed in a chlorine solution,” explains ChickenJustice.org. “Consumers will eat chicken with more chemical residue and contaminants. With faster production rates, workers’ injuries will increase. They will also face breathing and skin problems from constant exposure to chlorine wash. OSHA will take the next 3 years to study the impact of the faster processing lines on workers, but USDA wants to implement the rule immediately.”
To take direct action against this heinous USDA agenda for factory chicken, you can contact the White House by visiting the ChickenJustice.org ”Take Action Now!” page:
Sources for this article include:
- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/new-usda-rule-allows-hidden-feces-pus-bacteria-and-bleach-in-conventional-poultry_102013#sthash.oAE18V6f.dpuf
USDA intends to throw more chemicals, less regulation at poultry industry dilemma
But like all other chemical-based solutions that compliment industrial food production, this process is ultimately failing to subdue and kill pathogens the same way that it used to back in the old days. A cohort of new scientific research recently submitted to the USDA reveals that the routine processes by which the factory food industry covers its frightful tracks are no match to a whole new generation of “superbugs” that resist these chemicals — and the USDA’s proposed solutions only further add to the problem by covering it up with even more chemicals.
“If the new rule is implemented, all chicken will be presumed to be contaminated with feces, pus, scabs, and bile and washed in a chlorine solution,” explains ChickenJustice.org. “Consumers will eat chicken with more chemical residue and contaminants. With faster production rates, workers’ injuries will increase. They will also face breathing and skin problems from constant exposure to chlorine wash. OSHA will take the next 3 years to study the impact of the faster processing lines on workers, but USDA wants to implement the rule immediately.”
To take direct action against this heinous USDA agenda for factory chicken, you can contact the White House by visiting the ChickenJustice.org ”Take Action Now!” page:
Sources for this article include:
- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/new-usda-rule-allows-hidden-feces-pus-bacteria-and-bleach-in-conventional-poultry_102013#sthash.oAE18V6f.dpuf
USDA intends to throw more chemicals, less regulation at poultry industry dilemma
But like all other chemical-based solutions that compliment industrial food production, this process is ultimately failing to subdue and kill pathogens the same way that it used to back in the old days. A cohort of new scientific research recently submitted to the USDA reveals that the routine processes by which the factory food industry covers its frightful tracks are no match to a whole new generation of “superbugs” that resist these chemicals — and the USDA’s proposed solutions only further add to the problem by covering it up with even more chemicals.
“If the new rule is implemented, all chicken will be presumed to be contaminated with feces, pus, scabs, and bile and washed in a chlorine solution,” explains ChickenJustice.org. “Consumers will eat chicken with more chemical residue and contaminants. With faster production rates, workers’ injuries will increase. They will also face breathing and skin problems from constant exposure to chlorine wash. OSHA will take the next 3 years to study the impact of the faster processing lines on workers, but USDA wants to implement the rule immediately.”
To take direct action against this heinous USDA agenda for factory chicken, you can contact the White House by visiting the ChickenJustice.org ”Take Action Now!” page:
Sources for this article include:
- See more at: http://www.thedailysheeple.com/new-usda-rule-allows-hidden-feces-pus-bacteria-and-bleach-in-conventional-poultry_102013#sthash.oAE18V6f.dpuf

Pentagon chief says shutdown hurts U.S. credibility with allies

End Of Days News

Pentagon chief says shutdown hurts U.S. credibility with allies

The U.S. government shutdown will undermine American credibility abroad and lead allies to question its commitment to treaty obligations, the U.S. defense chief warned on Tuesday as he prepared to put 400,000 civilian workers on unpaid leave. Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel, … Continue reading →

Feds approve taxpayer subsidies for abortion coverage.

End Of Days News

Feds approve taxpayer subsidies for abortion coverage.

The Office of Personnel Management ruled Monday that members of Congress and their staffs will be able to buy health care plans that pay for abortions, even though the premiums are funded largely by taxpayer money — a move that … Continue reading →

ILLUMINATI: NWO – World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World

End Of Days News

NWO – World Bank Whistleblower Karen Hudes Reveals How The Global Elite Rule The World

Karen Hudes is a graduate of Yale Law School and she worked in the legal department of the World Bank for more than 20 years. In fact, when she was fired for blowing the whistle on corruption inside the World … Continue reading →

Pope Francis to Rewrite Catholic Apostolic Constitution in ‘Unprecedented’ Move

End Of Days News

Pope Francis to Rewrite Catholic Apostolic Constitution in ‘Unprecedented’ Move

Pope Francis and eight hand-picked cardinals are set to rewrite the Apostolic Constitution Pastor Bonus of the Roman Catholic Church in what some are calling an “unprecedented“ move as they hold a three-day meeting this week. The seven cardinals representing the Church on different … Continue reading →

Ten states where Obamacare wipes out existing health care plans

End Of Days News

Ten states where Obamacare wipes out existing health care plans

President Barack Obama famously promised, “If you like your health care plan, you can keep your health care plan.” He later got even more specific. “If you are among the hundreds of millions of Americans who already have health insurance through … Continue reading →

Plagues and Pestilence: Florida beach flesh-eating bacteria Spreading across the State kills 9 people so Far

End Of Days News

Florida beach flesh-eating bacteria Spreading across the State kills 9 people so Far

Some beach lovers in Florida are hanging up their swim trunks and staying home this weekend. A deadly case of flesh-eating bacteria is spreading across the state. Anyone that touches the bacteria, may become sick. 9 people have already died from the deadly … Continue reading →

Libya: Group Of Muslims Tie Up And Execute Christians For Refusing To Convert To Islam

End Of Days News

Libya: Group Of Muslims Tie Up And Execute Christians For Refusing To Convert To Islam


May our Heavenly Father receive them into His loving arms ... John 16:2b-3, “… the time is coming when those who kill you will think they are doing a holy service for God. This is because they have never known the Father or Me.” Morning Star News - "A group of Muslims robbed two Egyptian Christians living in Libya, then tied up and shot them to death after the two Copts refused their demand to convert to Islam, relatives said..."

Why Are They Trying So Hard To Demonize Gun Owners?

End Of Days News

Why Are They Trying So Hard To Demonize Gun Owners?

Michael Snyder at The Daily Sheeple 

There is an all-out effort to demonize gun owners in the United States today. Those that own guns are repeatedly portrayed as being uneducated, mentally deficient racists in the mainstream media. No evidence is ever produced to actually back up those claims.

Government Shutdown: The Next Step In The Collapse Of The Dollar?

End Of Days News

Government Shutdown: The Next Step In The Collapse Of The Dollar?

Contributing Author at The Daily Sheeple
There is a considerable amount of debate in alternative economic circles as to whether a federal government shutdown would be a “good thing” or a “bad thing”.

U.S. Government Shutdown May Mean That DoD Contractors May Not Get Paid

End Of Days News

U.S. Government Shutdown May Mean That DoD Contractors May Not Get Paid

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
*Shutdown May Disrupt DoD Contractor Pay, Official Says -- Defense News* A government shutdown could potentially disrupt or delay payments to contractors and some will not be paid at all, according to a Sept. 26 letter from a top DoD official. Frank Kendall, undersecretary of defense for acquisition, technology and logistics, said in a letter to trade groups that contractors performing work on contracts made in fiscal 2013 or before will “generally” be paid, but that only fiscal 2014 contracts for “excepted” activities will be paid during a shutdown. “There may, however, be dela... more »

PROPHECY UPDATE: Russia Moves To Push Elimination Of WMDs In Mideast: Is This A Kremlin Ploy Against Israel?

End Of Days News

Russia Moves To Push Elimination Of WMDs In Mideast: Is This A Kremlin Ploy Against Israel?

Or more stage-setting for the coming Gog-MaGog war? *A Kremlin Ploy?* * * * * * * * * *Even as Prime Minister Netanyahu meets with President Obama in Washington, Russian President Vladimir Putin is suddenly signaling a major new international move that could shift the focus off of Iran’s nuclear threat and place enormous international focus and pressure on the State of Israel to disclose and dismantle its own strategic weapons.* * * * * * “Russia wants to revive plans for a conference on ridding the Middle East of weapons of mass destruction now that Syria has pledged to abando... more »

NSA keeps metadata on millions of people for up to a year, builds ‘pattern-of-life’ profiles of non-NSA targets

End Of Days News

NSA keeps metadata on millions of people for up to a year, builds ‘pattern-of-life’ profiles of non-NSA targets

Madison Ruppert at The Daily Sheeple 
New top secret documents reveal that the National Security Agency (NSA) is storing metadata for up to a year and building a detailed profile of millions of people, even if they are not directly targeted by the NSA.

Saudi Mufti again calls for destruction of all churches on Arabian Peninsula

End Of Days News

Saudi Mufti again calls for destruction of all churches on Arabian Peninsula

 This is on Muhammad's orders: "I will expel the Jews and Christians from the Arabian Peninsula and will not leave any but Muslim." (Sahih Muslim 19.4366) "Saudi Mufti again calls for destruction of all churches on Arabian Peninsula," from Pravoslavie, September 30 (thanks to Filip): Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia Abdulaziz Bin Abdullah has once again called for the destruction of all Churches on the Arabian Peninsula. Bin Abdullah, head of the Ulema Council and the Standing Committee on Fatwas, made this statement after a presentation by the Kuwaiti parliame... more »