Thursday, October 3, 2013

UK: Imam who says gays should be thrown off a mountain to speak at London conference

End Of Days News

UK: Imam who says gays should be thrown off a mountain to speak at London conference

Meanwhile, I speak out against the Islamic oppression of gays, and am banned from Britain. The British government has made a clear choice. What could possibly go wrong? "Throw gays off a mountain imams to speak at London conference," by Omar Kuddus for GayStarNews, October 3 (thanks to The Religion of Peace): Ustadh Murtazah Khan who says gays should be thrown off a mountain and stoned is speaking at the London conference. An iman who says gays should be thrown off mountains and stabbed in the gums by Muslim dentists is to be a lead speaker at a conference in London. He is among... more »

Parents warned about porn in schools! Teachers may introduce profiles from 'LGBT History' month campaign

End Of Days News

President Obama already has declared June to be homosexual “Pride” month, but “gay” activists now are designating October “LGBT History Month.”
The move has prompted a pro-family organization in California to issue a warning to parents across the United States about the possibility their children would be confronted with explicit pornography in their public schools this month.

President Obama already has declared June to be homosexual “Pride” month, but “gay” activists now are designating October “LGBT History Month.”
The move has prompted a pro-family organization in California to issue a warning to parents across the United States about the possibility their children would be confronted with explicit pornography in their public schools this month.



President Obama already has declared June to be homosexual “Pride” month, but “gay” activists now are designating October “LGBT History Month.” The move has prompted a pro-family organization in California to issue a warning to parents across the United States about the … Continue reading →

DAYS OF LOT: ‘Reformation Project’ Recruits Volunteers Nationwide to Influence Churches to Embrace Homosexuality

End Of Days News

DAYS OF LOT: ‘Reformation Project’ Recruits Volunteers Nationwide to Influence Churches to Embrace Homosexuality

A homosexual advocacy group is recruiting volunteers to influence churches nationwide to embrace homosexuality. The Reformation Project describes itself as “a Bible-based, Christian non-profit organization that seeks to reform church teaching on sexual orientation and gender identity.” Based in Wichita, Kansas, … Continue reading →

OUR WORLD IS SO EVIL! What kind of mother does this? Belgian Woman Euthanized After Botched Sex Change Operation, Mother Says Good Riddance, She Was 'So Ugly' Anyway!

End Of Days News

Nathan Verhelst, Nancy 
A Belgian woman who felt rejected by her family as a woman was legally euthanized on Monday after a botched sex change operation left her with "unbearable psychological suffering," and her mother says she is happy she is gone because she was "so ugly" anyway.

The woman born Nancy Verhelst, 44, according to The Telegraph, had tried to become Nathan after undergoing hormone therapy in 2009 followed by a mastectomy and the surgical construction of a penis in 2012. Unfortunately, "none of these operations worked as desired".

Due to the unbearable trauma that followed her disappointing quest for happiness, Verhelst opted to be euthanized by cancer specialist Wim Distelmans who euthanized congenitally deaf twins late last year who were afraid they were also going blind.
"I was the girl that nobody wanted," Verhelst reportedly told Het Laatste Nieuws newspaper during her final hours. "While my brothers were celebrated, I got a storage room above the garage as a bedroom. 'If only you had been a boy', my mother complained. I was tolerated, nothing more," she said. More

We are not to conform to the WORLD! Why I’d Rather Worship With the Lights On!

End Of Days News


1. Worship shouldn’t be focused on the stage. A skilled worship leader points people to heaven—not to the platform, the singers or the guitarists. If the only lights in the room are on the praise team, worship can quickly become a spectator sport. God likes to hear all His people singing—not just the band.

2. Worship is not just about “me and Jesus.” Worship in a dark room isn’t wrong—but it makes it more about a personal experience and less about corporate connection. There is something deeply inspiring when a congregation joins in unity to exalt Jesus; yet this is lost when we can’t even see each other.

3. Worship is nothing to be embarrassed about. I can sort of understand the desire to dim the lights so newcomers aren’t completely freaked out by hand-raising or other exhuberant expressions of praise. But why hide the excitement? Jesus said: “Everyone who confesses Me before men, I will also confess Him before My Father who is in heaven” (Matt. 10:32). If we’re going to boldly confess Christ, let’s do it in the light where people can see us.

4. Dark auditoriums are risky. Has anyone considered the legal ramifications of this lights-out policy? Suppose a child is trampled in the aisles because a worshiper gets rowdy. What if an elderly person falls and no one notices until the third song is over? Even movie theaters have lighting in the aisles, but I’ve never seen a church that provides that. If you insist on turning the lights off, be careful!

5. Some people think darkness is creepy. The church should be a welcoming place that feels safe and inviting. That’s why we call churches sanctuaries. But psychologists tell us that people who have been abused or traumatized often suffer from fear of the dark. Can you imagine how these people feel in church if the lights go out and strangers are shuffling next to them? Caring pastors will not allow people to feel threatened or unsafe in God’s house.

6. God likes light! The first thing God created was light, and in the last book of the Bible we are told “there will no longer be any night” when Christ rules over the new earth (see Rev. 22:5). We are also told in 1 John 1:5: “God is light, and in Him there is no darkness at all.” So if heaven is full of light, and eternity will be fully illumined by the radiance of God’s glory, why would we want to worship in the dark?

Northern Lights my patootie! IT'S HAARP! Do your research people! God wants you to know what your up against!

End Of Days News

Northern Lights Shine Above Colorado Wind farm In Rare Appearance

As the name “Northern Lights” suggests, the best places to see them are, well, north in places like Greenland, Iceland and Sweden. But some early risers in northern Colorado were able to catch the rare beauty late Tuesday night and early Wednesday morning: … Continue reading →

PROPHECY UPDATE: In The News: Netanyahu 'Prophetically Correct'

End Of Days News

In The News: Netanyahu 'Prophetically Correct'

* * *This first article comes from Israel Today and touches on Netanyahu, his knowledge of the bible and prophecy:* * * * * * * Netanyahu Prophetically Correct At UN * It is yet to be seen whether or not Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s speech at the UN gained any diplomatic or political ground for Israel. The message, however, was certainly ground-breaking. On the floor of the United Nations General Assembly, in front of the nations of the world, Netanyahu quoted from the Bible no fewer than five times. Surely more than any other speech in UN history. “Abraham, Isaac and Jacob” ... more »