Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Syrian Clerics Issue Fatwa That Allows The Starving To Eat Cats And Dogs

End Of Days News

Syrian Clerics Issue Fatwa That Allows The Starving To Eat Cats And Dogs

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates
Sheep are slaughtered on the first day of Eid al-Adha in Raqqa, eastern Syria. Photo: Reuters *Syria: Reported Fatwa Allows The Hungry To Eat Cats And Dogs -- CNN* (CNN) -- Muslims throughout the world have been marking Eid al-Adha, but in war-torn Syria there is little to celebrate as most people struggle to meet their basic needs: food, water, and shelter. Their plight has been highlighted by Arabic media reports that cite a fatwa, or religious ruling, by a local imam that allows people who are desperately hungry to eat dogs and cats. Eating dog, cat or donkey is forbidden un... more »

New ATF Manual Recommends Death By Firing Squad For Those Who Leak Secrets

End Of Days News

New ATF Manual Recommends Death By Firing Squad For Those Who Leak Secrets

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
Photo from The Free Republic *Sacrebleu! ATF Threatens French-Style Firing Squad For Agents Who Leak Secrets -- Washington Times* After months of anguished debate over mass shootings, gun control and Second Amendment rights, the Justice Department finds itself on the defensive after a training manual surfaced that suggests federal agents could face a firing squad for leaking government secrets. The online manual for the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives — complete with a photo of a turn-of-the-century firing squad — was obtained by The Washington Times from a ... more »