Thursday, May 8, 2014

Palestinian TV Show Encourages Children to Kill Jews

End Of Days News

Palestinian TV Show Encourages Children to Kill Jews

Just days after its much-vaunted reconciliation pact with Mahmoud Abbas’s PLO, Hamas’s official TV channel aired a children’s program in which viewers were encouraged to “kill the Jews”. During the show, called “Pioneers of Tomorrow”, young children are interviewed by a young presenter and her “bumblebee” co-host and encouraged to carry out a variety of violent … Continue reading »

Yellowstone eruption: Report claims that US has contingency deal with Brazil, Australia to move millions of Americans

End Of Days News

Yellowstone eruption: Report claims that US has contingency deal with Brazil, Australia to move millions of Americans

The Extinction Protocol at The Extinction Protocol 
May 2014 – WYOMING - If the Yellowstone supervolcano erupts then millions of U.S. citizens could end up in Brazil, Australia, or Argentina. That’s according to the South African news website Praag, which said that the African National Congress was … Continue reading →