Wednesday, July 23, 2014

The Beast Rising: ISIS Caliphate-Linked Cleric Calls Upon Muslims To Fight Israel In Gaza, Says Allah Will Soon Send “Extraordinary Soldiers Who Will Fight And Defeat The Jews”

End Of Days News

ISIS Caliphate-Linked Cleric Calls Upon Muslims To Fight Israel In Gaza, Says Allah Will Soon Send “Extraordinary Soldiers Who Will Fight And Defeat The Jews”

They would love nothing more than to swarm upon and devour the State of Israel and its people ... Joel 3:11-12, “Hasten and come, all you surrounding nations [H1471 gowy, "peoples" or, figuratively, "swarm of locusts"], and gather yourselves there. Bring down, O LORD, Your mighty ones. Let the nations be aroused And come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat, For there I will sit to judge All the surrounding nations.” Revelation 9:2-3, 11, “When he opened the Abyss, smoke rose from it like the smoke from a gigantic furnace. The sun and sky were darkened by the smoke from the Abyss. And ou... more »

ISIS Is Making 'Tens Of Millions' From Oil Sales To Fund It's Caliphate And War Machine

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
Militant Islamist fighters parade on military vehicles along the streets of northern Raqqa province. Reuters *Isis Smuggling $50m of Oil Monthly to fund Medieval Caliphate in Iraq and Syria -- IBTimes* The Islamic State, which reportedly generates $50m (£25m) a month in oil operations in neighbouring Syria, has expanded its oil business in Iraq to fund its recently declared 'caliphate.' Having seized vast swathes of territory across Iraq, the jihadist group has begun selling crude oil and gasoline on black markets to fund its cross-border caliphate. Militants from the Islamic Sta... more »

Uganda: 18-Year-Old Girl Killed After Muslims Savagely Attack Christians During Church Prayer Service

End Of Days News

Uganda: 18-Year-Old Girl Killed After Muslims Savagely Attack Christians During Church Prayer Service

The church was attacked because congregants weren't bowing down towards the idols of Mecca and praying to "Allah." So much for the false claim that Islam is an Abrahamic faith which worships the same God as Jews and Christians ... Hadith, Sahih Muslim 1:33a, “The Messenger of Allah [Mohammed] said: ‘I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Mohammad is the messenger of Allah, and they establish [Islamic] prayer …” Barnabas Fund - "An 18-year-old Christian woman was hacked to death and a one-year-old baby injured in a savage ... more »

Human Shields: “Hamas Wants Israel To Kill Their Children”

End Of Days News

Human Shields: “Hamas Wants Israel To Kill Their Children”

Qur’an Sura 9:5, “… fight and slay the Pagans [non-Muslims] wherever ye find them, and seize them, beleaguer them, and lie in wait for them in every stratagem (of war) …” And according to Islamic terrorists, "every stratagem of war" includes putting innocent men, women and children in harm's way. If the Old Testament words of Jeremiah and David rang true against the rebelliousness of an unfaithful Israel, how much more will the Lord surely punish the wickedness of “Allah's harlot”? ... Jeremiah 5:29, “‘Should I not punish them for this?’ declares the LORD. ‘Should I not avenge mysel... more »

Shocking testimony from hospitalized soldiers reveals extent of Hamas’ use of children as human shields.

Parents of wounded soldiers spoke to Kol Yisrael on Tuesday and shared some of the disturbing stories they had heard from their sons. They said soldiers have repeatedly seen young children in Sheijaya, Gaza, be sent out into the streets with guns to try to attack IDF troops.

One parent reported that terrorists had run at IDF soldiers with a gun in one hand and a baby in the other, apparently in hopes that the soldiers would see the child and hold their fire. If soldiers fired, the parent added, the child’s death could be used as propaganda against Israel.

“They’re continuing the same trick of using children as human shields, just as they did in Operation Cast Lead,” one father said. Women are used as human shields as well, he added. More

THE BEAST RISING: ISIS Caliphate Spreading- Christians killed After Jihadist Attack

End Of Days News

Authorities Fear Support For ISIS Caliphate Spreading Throughout Indonesia

Parasites and pathogens spread rapidly when conditions are right. And conditions are right in the Islamic world today ... Islamic Scholar Sayyid Abul Ala Maududi: “Islam wishes to destroy all States and Governments anywhere on the face of the earth which are opposed to the ideology and programme of Islam regardless of the country or the Nation that rules it. Islam requires the earth – not just a portion – but the whole planet.” By Mathias Hariyadi, AsiaNews - "Indonesian security forces 'will not remain silent'; they will react to the growing number of supporters for radical Sunni g... more »

Nigeria: Christian Pastor Dead, Family Members Missing, Dozens Of Others Killed After Jihadist Attack

Revelation 2:10, “Do not fear any of those things which you are about to suffer … Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life.” By Maina Maina, Daily Post - "The killing of a Redeemed Christian Church of God (RCCG) pastor by the Boko Haram sect in troubled Borno State has thrown the church into mourning and apprehension. The pastor, Taiwo Dokun was killed by the insurgents when they launched attack on Dille village in Askira-Uba Local Government Area of the state on Monday. According to some members of RCCG who spoke to journalists in Maiduguri, the whereabouts of ... more »

More On MH17- Russia/Putin is being 'punished' and marginalized for not going along with the globalist agenda!

End Of Days News

More On MH17

It is becoming more and more apparent that Russia/Putin is being 'punished' and marginalized for not going along with the globalist agenda - Putin addresses this below (second article). It seems to be working. As a result of the downed flight 17 the EU is already threatening to withdraw further from Russia by imposing additional sanctions, as is the U.S. The fix seems to be in. As usual - look at who has the most to gain from any 'action' or any such 'incident'. One thing is clear - it sure isn't Russia. The very end of this article is very thought-provoking and worthy of some thou...more »

Israeli Military Stunned By Scale Of Hamas Tunnel War Infrastructure -- World Tribune

End Of Days News

Israeli Military Stunned By Scale Of Hamas Tunnel War Infrastructure -- World Tribune

TEL AVIV — Israel has been shocked by the scope and methods of Hamas tunnel warfare.

In at least one case, Hamas fighters have infiltrated Israel wearing Israeli military uniforms. “This is a threat to the south,” Maj. Gen. Sami Turgeman, head of the Army’s Southern Command, said.

The Hamas attack tunnels, estimated at up to 60, have forced Israel to close areas to civilian traffic.

“The [Hamas] organization has used the period in which the Muslim Brotherhood ruled Egypt to establish a real military industry in the Gaza Strip, with advanced tooling equipment, and to smuggle a large amount of anti-tank missiles, including Kornet anti-tank missiles that were transferred to Syria before the outbreak of the civil war
there,” Israeli analyst Amir Rapaport said.

Read more ....

UN Head Ban Ki-moon: 'Predictable, Uninformed, Dangerous Drivel'

End Of Days News

UN Head Ban Ki-moon: 'Predictable, Uninformed, Dangerous Drivel'

This first review comes from the *American Thinker *and perfectly characterized 'the nations' reaction to the Gaza crisis: *Ban Ki-moon's Predictable, Uninformed, Dangerous Drivel* *What part of “death to Jews!” and all that goes with it do some people not understand?* *On Tuesday, a UN delegation, lead by UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon, met with Prime Minister Netanyahu and Israeli leaders. At the end of the day, the Secretary General and the Prime Minister offeredstatements (video embedded below).* *Prime Minister Netanyahu made an opening statement that was strong and... more »

ISIL – Operating In Gaza + Live from War with Dan Gordon – Update

End Of Days News

ISIL – Operating In Gaza + Live from War with Dan Gordon – Update

lamarzulli at L.A. Marzulli's Blog 
Analysis by L. A. Marzulli “Patience, Jews, our appointment is at Jerusalem tomorrow,” and “Jews, we have broken the border.” ISIL—The Islamic Strate of Iraq and the Levant—seems to have joined the fray in GAZA. We can glean from the quote above that the goal of ISIL—not ISIS—is the control of Jerusalem. This is […]

Gaza Strip Hamas Complain, ‘Their God Changes The Paths Of Our Rockets In Mid-Air

End Of Days News

Headlines in Israel claim miracles are protecting the Jews during the Gaza Strip ground war, with one headline proclaiming that Hamas terrorists are complaining about God changing the direction of rockets in mid-air.
In a related report by The InquisitrHamas leader are worth millions of dollars and critics claim they have been skimming money from donations. The issue of donations also came up in regards to the support provided to the Gaza Strip by Israel since the Hamas tunnels were built with cement provided by the government.