Monday, July 28, 2014

“The End Of Israel Has Arrived”: Iran Vows To Hunt Down Israelis House To House, “Islamic Movements Are Armed, Missiles Are Positioned”

End Of Days News

“The End Of Israel Has Arrived”: Iran Vows To Hunt Down Israelis House To House, “Islamic Movements Are Armed, Missiles Are Positioned”

It's Allah's version of House Hunters International, posthumously produced by the "prophet" of Islam himself. No word on whether this episode will air before or after the Mohammed-inspired versions of Law and Order, Killer Instinct and Jericho ... Psalm 83:2,4, “For behold, Your enemies make a tumult; And those who hate You have lifted up their head… They have said, ‘Come, and let us cut them off from being a nation, that the name of Israel may be remembered no more.’” By Reza Kahlili, The Daily Caller - "The deputy commander of Iran’s Revolutionary Guards vowed revenge against Isra... more »

CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION/ THE BEAST RISING: ISIS Caliphate Now Aggressively Pursuing Christians In Towns Across The Nineveh Plain

End Of Days News

ISIS Caliphate Now Aggressively Pursuing Christians In Towns Across The Nineveh Plain

Nahum 1:11-12a, "From you, Nineveh, has one come forth who plots evil against the LORD and devises wicked plans. This is what the LORD says: 'Although they have allies and are numerous, they will be destroyed and pass away.'" Heavenly Father, make what was true then in the vision of Nahum be true today. Mosul wasn't enough, and the evil that was plotted against it is now being plotted against the rest of Nineveh. Yet, even the rest of Nineveh will not be enough to satisfy this wickedness. When we are weak, You are strong. Be the strength that Your people need to endure this hour, un... more »

River in China mysteriously turns blood-red overnight

End Of Days News

River in China mysteriously turns blood-red overnight

The Extinction Protocol at The Extinction Protocol
July 2014 – CHINA – Baffled locals who used to boast that they had one of the healthiest rivers in China because there were no factories along its banks were baffled when within the space of an hour the river … Continue reading →

PLAGUES: Deadly Ebola virus reaches Nigeria – spreads to fourth country in Africa

End Of Days News

Deadly Ebola virus reaches Nigeria – spreads to fourth country in Africa

The Extinction Protocol at The Extinction Protocol 
July 2014 – AFRICA - A Liberian man who was hospitalized in Nigeria’s biggest city, Lagos, with the Ebola virus has died, Nigerian Health Minister Onyebuchi Chukwu said. “The patient was subjected to thorough medical tests … which confirmed he … Continue reading →

ANTISEMITISM: Hitler Would Be Proud: Belgian Cafe Posts Sign Banning Jews From Entering Store

End Of Days News

Hitler Would Be Proud: Belgian Cafe Posts Sign Banning Jews From Entering Store

ICA at MidnightWatcher's Blogspot - 20 hours ago
Has the whole of Europe become 1930's Germany? Recent events certainly suggest it. Considering that this sign was also in Turkish suggests that the owners may have been Muslim, though I have no confirmation. Nevertheless, could you imagine the riots and potential deaths -- not just across Belgium, but much of Europe -- if a Christian or Jewish business owner were to post a sign that allowed dogs but not Muslims? ... Hadith, Sahih Muslim, 41:6985, “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and tre... more »

Global Warning: The Hate-Wave All Over The Islamicized West

End Of Days News

Global Warning: The Hate-Wave All Over The Islamicized West

There's a reason why so many Nazis converted to Islam. There's no place like home, there's no place like home, there's no place like home ... By Dr. Inna Rogatchi, INN (Op-Ed) - "The wave of anti-Israel and anti-Semitic hatred has sprung all over Europe readily seizing the pretext of the completely justified Israeli military operation in Gaza. Mass demonstrations in London and the other cities of the United Kingdom, violent riots in Paris, ‘Kristallnacht’-style attacks on synagogues in France, Ireland and Poland, public hate preaches of imam calling for the death ‘the Jews until the...more »


End Of Days News

A Reminder Of Who Is In Control

It is so easy to get caught up in our daily watch, which frankly, is often depressing. Let's face it - the vast majority of prophecy watching involves immersion in some pretty depressing news. Of course we are focused on the good news of what awaits us, presumably in the near-term future, but prior to that we have to continue to live in the shadow of the Tribulation and that is a dark place. The so-called "leaders" of the nations are almost a parody of true leadership as we watch them continue to build towards globalism, totalitarianism, oppression, enslavement, poverty, and all... more »

PSALMS 83: Palestinian Authority Calls Upon Muslims To Wage War For Allah, “The Big Explosion Is Coming”

End Of Days News

Palestinian Authority Calls Upon Muslims To Wage War For Allah, “The Big Explosion Is Coming”

Yes, a "big explosion" is coming. Unfortunately for them, it's not the one that the Muslims surrounding Israel are hoping for ... Joel 3:11-12, 14, "Hasten and come, all you surrounding nations, And gather yourselves there. Bring down, O LORD, Your mighty ones. Let the nations be aroused And come up to the valley of Jehoshaphat, For there I will sit to judge All the surrounding nations… Multitudes, multitudes in the valley of decision! For the day of the LORD is near ..." 2 Peter 3:10, "... the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night, in which the heavens will pass away wit...more »

CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION: Nigeria, At Least Five Christians Killed After Muslims Throw Bomb Inside Church During Service

End Of Days News

Nigeria: At Least Five Christians Killed After Muslims Throw Bomb Inside Church During Service

Qur’an Sura 9:29-30, “Fight those who believe not in Allah nor the Last Day … nor acknowledge the religion of [Islam], even if they are of the People of the Book … the Christians say: The Messiah is the son of Allah; these are the words of their mouths; they imitate the saying of those who disbelieved before; may Allah destroy them …” Sky News - "At least five people have been killed and eight injured in a bomb attack on a Catholic church in a mainly Christian area of Kano, the largest city in Nigeria's north. The attack came shortly after the end of mass, police spokesman Frank Mba...more »

ANTISEMITISM: Somalia- Islamic Terrorists Call For Worldwide Attacks Against “Jews And Their Properties” Everywhere

End Of Days News

Somalia: Islamic Terrorists Call For Worldwide Attacks Against “Jews And Their Properties” Everywhere

And they're not just limiting targets to military and men only. They're referring to every Jewish man, woman and child wherever they may be found, along with synagogues, schools, businesses and anything else belonging to Jews. Why wait for the "Day of Judgment" tomorrow when they can get a head start today? For peaceful purposes ... Hadith, Sahih Muslim, 41:6985, “The Day of Judgement will not come about until Muslims fight the Jews, when the Jew will hide behind stones and trees. The stones and trees will say O Muslims, O Abdullah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him …” The ... more »

I STAND WITH ISRAEL: U.S. Diplomacy Has Failed To End The Israeli - Hamas War

End Of Days News

U.S. Diplomacy Has Failed To End The Israeli - Hamas War

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates
John Kerry's Proposed 7-Day Gaza Truce in Limbo (ABC News) *Kerry’s Diplomacy Falls Short to End Gaza Fighting -- Bloomberg* It took U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry five days in the Middle East to negotiate a 12-hour pause in the bloody fighting between Hamas and Israel. Prospects for extending that humanitarian halt in the Gaza war had evaporated by the time Kerry landed in Washington shortly after midnight yesterday following a sleep-deprived week in which he served as a round-the-clock, Cairo-based diplomatic call center for Israel, Egypt and intermediaries to Hamas. While K... more »

In A Phone Call To Israeli PM Netanyahu President Obama Calls For An 'Immediate' Ceasefire In Gaza

End Of Days News

In A Phone Call To Israeli PM Netanyahu President Obama Calls For An 'Immediate' Ceasefire In Gaza

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
US President Barack Obama speaks with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in January 2012. (photo credit: Peter Souza/White House/File) *In Phone Call With Netanyahu, Obama Stresses Need For 'Immediate' Gaza Cease-Fire -- Jerusalem Post* *Obama told Netanyahu he wants a ceasefire "that both allows Palestinians in Gaza to lead normal lives and addresses Gaza’s long-term development and economic needs."* JERUSALEM -- An immediate and unconditional ceasefire ending Israel's assault on Hamas is a "clear strategic imperative" to Israel, US President Barack Obama told Prime Minister Benya... more »

THE BEAST RISING: ISIS Caliphate Displays 50 Heads On Poles After Mass Beheadings

End Of Days News

Medieval Darkness: ISIS Caliphate Displays 50 Heads On Poles After Mass Beheadings

This is Islam's version of "Game of Thrones" -- only this time it's all real. Because "Allah is Greater" than all other gods. But if the religion of the most magnificent and merciful "Allah" were to take over the world, the centuries following the 21st would be much more reminiscent of the those witnessed during the Dark Ages. Backwardness. Barbarism. Bloodshed. Where would Islam be without it? ... Hadith, Sahih Muslim 1:33a, “The Messenger of Allah [Mohammed] said: ‘I have been commanded to fight against people till they testify that there is no god but Allah, that Mohammad is the ... more »

CHRISTIAN PERSECUTION/ THE BEAST RISING: ISIS Militants Continue The Destruction Of Iraq's Cultural Treasures And The Extermination Of The Christian Faith

End Of Days News

ISIS Militants Continue The Destruction Of Iraq's Cultural Treasures And The Extermination Of The Christian Faith

War News Updates Editor at War News Updates 
*ISIS Militants Wreak Havoc On Iraq's Cultural Treasures -- FOX News* The Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant (ISIS), the Sunni Muslim insurgent group who swept across northern and western Iraq earlier this year, menacing Baghdad in the process, has commenced the systematic destruction of the country's cultural treasures. The Wall Street Journal reported that the group had destroyed a mosque in the northern Iraq city of Mosul that contained a shrine believed to be the tomb of Jonah -- who is revered as a prophet by Christians, Jews, and Muslims. The paper reported that the milita... more »

A History Lesson for President Erdogan….

End Of Days News

A History Lesson for President Erdogan….

lamarzulli at L.A. Marzulli's Blog
Commentary & Analysis by L. A. Marzulli Thanks to everyone who came out this past weekend for the PITN conference. It was great to see you all! L.A. Turkish Prime Minister: Israel Has ‘Surpassed What Hitler Did To Them’ Turkish Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdoğan ridiculed Israel’s ground invasion of Gaza, accusing the Israeli government of […]

PROPHECY UPDATE: 'The Nations' vs Israel: Anti-Semitism On The Rise

End Of Days News

'The Nations' vs Israel: Anti-Semitism On The Rise

With every passing day we see more and more protests against Israel (a scenario that deserves its own commentary - as such protests defy any shred of logic and thus points to the supernatural nature of Israel's relationship with a secular world) - as the nations line up in concert in the ongoing efforts to destroy the Nation of Israel. *Thousands Take To NY Streets To Protest Israeli Offensive In Gaza* * Thousands of people took to the streets of New York City on Friday evening to protest Israel's offensive in the Gaza Strip and demand an end to the violence that has reported...more »