Friday, August 15, 2014

I STAND WITH ISRAEL: Thousands Demonstrate In Tel Aviv, Demanding End To Rockets From Hamas In The South

End Of Days News

Thousands Demonstrate In Tel Aviv, Demanding End To Rockets From Hamas In The South

*More Than 30,000 Demonstrate In Tel Aviv Against Hamas Rockets* *At least 30,000 demonstrators from the communities close to the Gaza Strip and sympathizers from across Israel filled Rabin Sq. in Tel Aviv Thursday night in support of the demand for the government to put an end to the rockets raining down on them year after year. “All we want is to live normally,” they said. Their leaders first met with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, who promised not to end Operation Defensive Edge until it achieved its goal of long-term quiet.* *Thousands Demonstrate Support For South... more »

PLAGUES: Pulitzer-prize winning writer of The Coming Plague warns, ‘you are not nearly scared enough about Ebola’

End Of Days News

Pulitzer-prize winning writer of The Coming Plague warns, ‘you are not nearly scared enough about Ebola’

The Extinction Protocol at The Extinction Protocol 
“Experimental drugs and airport screenings will do nothing to stop this plague. If Ebola hits Lagos, we’re in real trouble,” warns Pulitzer-prize winning writer of The Coming Plague, Laurie Garrett August 2014 – AFRICA – Attention World: You just don’t … Continue reading →

PROPHECY UPDATE: ISIS 'Genocide' Aims For Christian-Free Nation, Guinea Declares Ebola Health Emergency, 1st Cavalry Soldiers Head To Poland, Baltics

End Of Days News

ISIS 'Genocide' Aims For Christian-Free Nation, Guinea Declares Ebola Health Emergency, 1st Cavalry Soldiers Head To Poland, Baltics

*ISIS 'Genocide' Aims For Christian-Free Nation* *The attacks on Christians in Iraq by the Islamic State terror army, formerly known as ISIS, amount to “genocide” in pursuit of a “Muslim-only” nation, and President Obama needs to stop the “exterminations,” contend two representatives of Christians in the troubled nation.WND reported Tuesday atrocities by ISIS include beheading of children, crucifixion, execution and mass burials, sometimes of live victims.* *Nahren Anweya of the Assyrian Church of the East told Hannity the beheadings are one tactic in an ISIS effort to kill all ... more