Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Announcement TODAY 6/30/15-FAA approves license for Houston Spaceport at Ellington Airport It will be the 10th licensed commercial spaceport location in the nation

End Of Days News
As it has for so many decades, Houston will once again play a key role in the future of aerospace aviation.

This morning, Mayor Annise Parker along with the Houston Airport System announced that Ellington Airport will become a licensed commercial spaceport.


June 30, 2015- TONIGHT!!! You Will See The Star Of Bethlehem, A Sign That Christ’s Second Coming Is Around The Corner! Praise Yeshua!

End Of Days News

How could King Herod's own advisors have been unaware of a star so bright  that it could have led the wise men to Jerusalem? According to Professor David Weintraub, this may be because it disappeared briefly

Christians need to think while watching the Star of Bethlehem which will appear after an absence of roughly 2000 years. Tomorrow (June 30th, 2015) the Star of Bethlehem will be making a return. Will this mean that the signs of the end is beginning to unfold? And what did this sign mean? Is it a time of joy or suffering or both?

June 30, 2015- Negotiators extend deadline for Iran nuclear talks- Another week?

End Of Days News

International negotiators seeking a nuclear deal with Iran announced they are extending talks for another week, after being unable to meet the original Tuesday deadline. 
A senior State Department official said the so-called P5+1 negotiators, along with Iran, have decided to extend the deadline until July 7, "to allow more time for negotiations to reach a long-term solution." 
The extension was widely expected, coming as all sides try to iron out their remaining differences. 

June 29, 2015- Law of the land- The Supreme Court Just Announced a Major Ruling on The Use of Lethal Injection for Executions

End Of Days News

In a 5-4 decision, the United States Supreme Court has ruled that the use of the drug midazolam, which sedates prisoners before being executed via lethal injection, does not violate the Constitution.
According to SCOTUSblog, the challenge, filed by death row inmates:
“failed to establish a likelihood of success on the merits on their claim that the use of midazolam violates the Eighth Amendment.”

June 29, 2015- California law- California Senate Passes Tough Vaccine Law

End Of Days News

California lawmakers on Monday sent the governor a contentious bill that would impose one of the strictest school vaccination laws in the country in reaction to a recent measles outbreak at Disneyland.
The Senate reaffirmed the bill striking California's personal belief exemption for immunizations on a 24-14 vote. Mississippi and West Virginia are the only two states with such strict requirements in place.

June 26, 2015- Law of the land- U.S. Supreme Court rules in favor of gay marriage

End Of Days News

States cannot keep same-sex couples from marrying and must recognize their unions, the Supreme Court says in a ruling that for months has been the focus of speculation. The decision was 5-4.
Justice Anthony Kennedy, seen as a pivotal swing vote in the case, wrote the majority opinion. All four justices who voted against the ruling wrote their own dissenting opinions: Chief Justice John Roberts and Justices Antonin Scalia, Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.