Details are scarce & media coverage has been completely restricted by officials, stories of what victims of Hurricane Sandy are experiencing at the hands of the Federal ER Agency in the wake of the storm have begun to emerge.
In ancient times watchman would mount the city walls in times of stress to survey the scene outside the fortifications. He was situated on a spot from which he could monitor the approaches to the town. If a threat appeared, he would sound a warning and the town would shut its gates and prepare for battle.
Thursday, November 15, 2012
Franklin Graham Was 'Shocked' to Find Mormonism Is a Cult Article on BGEA Site.
2 Timothy 4:3–4
3 For the time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine; but wanting to have their ears tickled, they will accumulate for themselves teachers in accordance to their own desires,
Evangelist Franklin Graham discusses politics with CNN, Nov. 14, 2012. |
A month after the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association removed an article describing Mormonism as a "cult" from its website, ministry head Franklin Graham clarified on Wednesday that he was unaware of the article's existence.
Agenda 21 - NOW CALL ME A CONSPIRACY THEORIST! There will be many more that I have told you about! I wish it was not true!
According to its authors, the objective of sustainable development is to integrate economic, social and environmental policies in order to achieve reduced consumption, social equity, and the preservation and restoration of biodiversity. Sustainablists insist that every societal decision be based on environmental impact, focusing on three components; global land use, global education, and global population control and reduction. Social Equity (Social Justice) Social justice is described as the right and opportunity of all people “to benefit equally from the resources fforded us by society and the environment.” Redistribution of wealth. Private property is a social injustice since not everyone can build wealth from it. National sovereignty is a social injustice. Universal health care is a social justice. All part of Agenda 21 policy.
Economic Prosperity?
Public Private Partnerships (PPP). Special dealings between government and certain, chosen corporations which get tax breaks, grants and the government’s power of Eminent Domain to implement sustainable policy. Government-sanctioned monopolies.
Local Sustainable Development policies Smart Growth, Wildlands Project, Resilient Cities, Regional Visioning Projects, STAR Sustainable Communities, Green jobs, Green Building Codes, “Going Green,” Alternative Energy, Local Visioning, facilitators, regional planning, historic preservation, conservation easements, development rights, sustainable farming, comprehensive planning, growth management, consensus.
Who is behind it?
ICLEI – Local Governments for Sustainability (formally, International Council for Local Environmental Initiatives). Communities pay ICLEI dues to provide “local” community plans, software, training, etc. Addition groups include American Planning Council, The Renaissance Planning Group, International City/ County Management Group, aided by US Mayors Conference, National Governors Association, National League of Cities, National Association of County Administrators and many more private organizations and official government agencies. Foundation and government grants drive the process.
Where did it originate?
The term Sustainable Development was first introduced to the world in the pages a 1987 report (Our Common Future) produced by the United Nations World Commission on Environmental and Development, authored by Gro Harlem Brundtland, VP of the World Socialist Party. The term was first offered as official UN policy in 1992, in a document called UN Sustainable Development Agenda 21, issued at the UN’s Earth Summit, today referred to simply as Agenda 21.
What gives Agenda 21 Ruling Authority?
Revealing Quotes From the Planners
“Agenda 21 proposes an array of actions which are intended to be implemented by EVERY person on Earth…it calls for specific changes in the activities of ALL people… Effective execution of Agenda 21 will REQUIRE a profound reorientation of ALL humans, unlike anything the world has ever experienced ” Agenda 21: The Earth Summit Strategy to Save Our Planet (Earthpress, 1993). Emphases – DR
Urgent to implement – but we don’t know what it is!
“The realities of life on our planet dictate that continued economic development as we know it cannot be sustained…Sustainable development, therefore is a program of action for local and global economic reform – a program that has yet to be fully defined.” The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996.
“No one fully understands how or even, if, sustainable development can be achieved; however, there is growing consensus that it must be accomplished at the local level if it is ever to be achieved on a global basis.” The Local Agenda 21 Planning Guide, published by ICLEI, 1996.
Agenda 21 and Private Property:
“Land…cannot be treated as an ordinary asset, controlled by individuals and subject to the pressures and inefficiencies of the market. Private land ownership is also a principle instrument of accumulation and concentration of wealth, therefore contributes to social injustice.”From the report from the 1976 UN’s Habitat I Conference.
“Private land use decisions are often driven by strong economic incentives that result in several ecological and aesthetic consequences…The key to overcoming it is through public policy…”Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development, page 112.
“Current lifestyles and consumption patterns of the affluent middle class – involving high meat intake, use of fossil fuels, appliances, home and work air conditioning, and suburban housing are not sustainable.” Maurice Strong, Secretary General of the UN’s Earth Summit, 1992.
Reinvention of Government:
“We need a new collaborative decision process that leads to better decisions, more rapid change, and more sensible use of human, natural and financial resources in achieving our goals.” Report from the President’s Council on Sustainable Development
“Individual rights will have to take a back seat to the collective.” Harvey Ruvin, Vice Chairman, ICLEI. The Wildlands Project
“We must make this place an insecure and inhospitable place for Capitalists and their projects – we must reclaim the roads and plowed lands, halt dam construction, tear down existing dams, free shackled rivers and return to wilderness millions of tens of millions of acres or presently settled land.” Dave Foreman, Earth First.
What is not sustainable?
Ski runs, grazing of livestock, plowing of soil, building fences, industry, single family homes, paves and tarred roads, logging activities, dams and reservoirs, power line construction, and economic systems that fail to set proper value on the environment.” UN’s Biodiversity Assessment Report.
Hide Agenda 21’s UN roots from the people!
“Participating in a UN advocated planning process would very likely bring out many of the conspiracy- fixated groups and individuals in our society… This segment of our society who fear ‘one-world government’ and a UN invasion of the United States through which our individual freedom would be stripped away would actively work to defeat any elected official who joined ‘the conspiracy’ by undertaking LA21. So we call our process something else, such as comprehensive planning, growth management or smart growth.” J. Gary Lawrence, advisor to President Clinton’s Council on Sustainable Development.
Tom Deweese the publisher/editor of The DeWeese Report and is the President of the American Policy Center, a grassroots, activist think tank headquartered in Warrenton, Virginia.
Twenty-eight pilot whales stranded in Golden Bay this morning.
Sixteen whales were euthanased this afternoon after 12 of their pod died earlier in the day following a stranding in Golden Bay.
You better listen to God People! THIS IS NOT A REQUEST FROM HIM!
Obenience To God Is Not A Request.
Whether one is a Baptized "Born Again" Christian, belonging to any of the various denominations, ie. Baptist, Anglican, Pentecostal, or a Roman Catholic, or a would be Christian Coverter, or someone seeking truth and knowledge about God and Christianity, there is one fundamental choice we all must make, especially if we desire salvation from sin by God.
The ‘Perfect Human Being’: How Can An Islamic Antichrist Present Himself As God And Receive Worship, Yet Remain A Servant Of ‘Allah’?
With great anticipation, the Islamic world awaits a “savior.” They call him “The Mahdi.” They believe that he will unite the Muslim world together against all who refuse to submit to Islam, creating peace and lasting security by leading all nations into a new era of global Islamic “justice.” This year, at the annual United Nations General Assembly and in front of millions of people around the world, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad announced that we would soon witness a new “global management” ruled by the “perfect human being” Imam Al-Mahdi along with his deputy, the prophet “Jesus Christ.”
First three Gaza missiles hit Tel Aviv. Israel drafts 30,000 reservists.
Israeli leaders said enough is enough.
The first three Palestinian missiles reached the Tel Aviv conurbation, Gush
Dan, Thursday night, Nov. 15. shortly after a long-range missile exploded in
Rishon Lezion southeast of Tel Aviv and sirens sounded in outlying towns of
Holon, Ness Ziona, Gan Raveh and Beer Yacov. None report casualties or damage.
Defense Minister Ehud Barak has ordered 30,000 army reservists drafted. The IDF
spokesmen earlier reported units of the elite paratroop and Givati Brigades were
mustering outside the Gaza Strip on the second day of Israel's counter-terror
operation Pillar of Cloud.
Tel Aviv residents scramble for cover as rockets fired into country’s economic capital.
America's election process an international embarrasment!
Imagine a country on election day where you know the results the instant the polls close. The votes are counted electronically, every district and state has the same rules and the same organized voting procedure. It is managed by a non-partisan independent body. Sounds like the greatest democracy in the world, right? Try Mexico. Or France, Germany, Brazil. Certainly not the United States of America.
After months of mystery, China unveils new top leaders
Beijing (CNN) -- China on Thursday unveiled the elite group of leaders who will set the agenda for the country for the next decade, the culmination of months of secretive bargaining and a carefully choreographed performance of political pomp.
Israeli launches retaliation strikes against Hamas rocket attacks.
JERUSALEM – Israel moved closer to an all-out ground war with Hamas Thursday, as Israeli planes, tanks and gunboats pounded suspected militant positions in Gaza in retaliation for another day of Hamas rocket attacks that left at least three Israelis dead.
Space Weather
CHANCE OF FLARES: NOAA forecasters estimate a 40% chance of M-class solar flares and a 5% chance of X-flares today. The most likely source would be sunspot AR1613, which has an unstable magnetic field. Because AR1613 is directly facing Earth, any eruptions from the active region will almost certainly be geoeffective.
The Classification of X-ray Solar
or "Solar Flare Alphabet Soup"
or "Solar Flare Alphabet Soup"
A solar flare is an
explosion on the Sun that happens when energy stored in twisted magnetic fields
(usually above sunspots) is suddenly released. Flares produce a burst of
radiation across the electromagnetic spectrum, from radio waves to x-rays and
gamma-rays. [more
Scientists classify
solar flares according to their x-ray brightness in the wavelength range 1 to 8
Angstroms. There are 3 categories: X-class flares are big; they are major
events that can trigger planet-wide radio blackouts and long-lasting radiation
storms. M-class flares are medium-sized; they can cause brief radio
blackouts that affect Earth's polar regions. Minor radiation storms sometimes
follow an M-class flare. Compared to X- and M-class events, C-class
flares are small with few noticeable consequences here on Earth.
Haarp Status
November 14, 2012 - 6:30p EST
Light - Moderate sustained frequency over Central and Southern California with numerous scalar waves being detected. Look at this video of them over San Diego!

Wavelengths -
Shortwaves indicate near events, a high short spike usually means a short term major event is about to happen in that area.
Longwaves and steady increases usually mean a large scale change is developing in the area that will effect a large area's upper level jet stream.
Light - Moderate sustained frequency over Central and Southern California with numerous scalar waves being detected. Look at this video of them over San Diego!
Wavelengths -
Shortwaves indicate near events, a high short spike usually means a short term major event is about to happen in that area.
Longwaves and steady increases usually mean a large scale change is developing in the area that will effect a large area's upper level jet stream.
M1 - M2 - Slight change is expected, but overall the weather pattern is not being affected.
M3 - M5 - Change is expected and the reading indicates between then and and a few days it will happen. This is considered a moderate reading, which if a short spike can be a nearby event such as severe weather, unexpected lightning, or a tornado.
M6 - M9 - Significant change is expected. Anything over M7 is rare and special attention must be directed when readings go seven and higher. Severe storms are associated with this reading, which if a short spike can be a nearby event and a long duration and slow build being a large scale change.
M10 - Associated with tornado outbreaks. This also can be strong hurricanes and blizzards.
M3 - M5 - Change is expected and the reading indicates between then and and a few days it will happen. This is considered a moderate reading, which if a short spike can be a nearby event such as severe weather, unexpected lightning, or a tornado.
M6 - M9 - Significant change is expected. Anything over M7 is rare and special attention must be directed when readings go seven and higher. Severe storms are associated with this reading, which if a short spike can be a nearby event and a long duration and slow build being a large scale change.
M10 - Associated with tornado outbreaks. This also can be strong hurricanes and blizzards.
Endtime News Updates Daily with Hummingbird027
You can subscribe to hummingbird027 on You Tube for daily news relating to endtime prophecy. She is very knowledgeable and informative...She also has other videos that explain the difference in the GOG/MAGOG invasion vs. Armageddon. Click the link below to subscribe.
Barak: Israel will restore its deterrence whatever it takes.
Since Wednesday night, Israeli air strikes over Gaza have succeeded in
eliminating Hamas’s military chief, destroyed most of its long -range Fajr
missile stock and all but knocked out its capacity to launch them – and that’s
just for starters,” Defense Minister Ehud Barak reported on a tour of southern
areas targeted by Palestinian missiles with OC Southern Command Maj. Gen. Tal
IDF digs in for long haul after sustained rocket fire kills three Israelis.
As the rockets kept coming through Wednesday night – and the first three
fatalities Thursday morning, Nov. 15 - the cautious lift in
Israeli spirits generated by the death of Ahmed Jabari, who fashioned Hamas into
a paramilitary machine of terror, and the destruction of dozens of missile sites
in Gaza, gave way to resignation for a long haul before southern Israel is free
of its decade-long rocket nightmare.
A Fajr-5 missile exploded in Rishon Lezion SE of Tel Aviv.
The Mayor of Rishon Lezion has confirmed that a long-range missile exploded
in his town, which lies southeast of Tel Aviv. He did not report casualties or
damage. The Police Minister confirmed missile explosions and alerts outside
Holon on the outskirts of Tel Aviv and the nearby towns of Ness Ziona, Gan Raveh
and Beer Yaacov. The IDF spokesmen reports that units of the elite paratroop and
Givati Brigades are mustering outside the Gaza Strip.
Cesium over 500,000 Bq/kg detected in sediment nearby Fukushima gov’t offices.
515,000 becquerels per kilogram of cesium was measured from the soil of an
irrigation channel in Fukushima city [60km from Daiichi].
It’s Watari area, where is 2km South East of Fukushima prefectural government
The measurement was conducted by a citizen’s organization on 10/14/2012.
Obama executive order expands Homeland Security reach into local law enforcement.
President Barack Obama signed an executive order Friday that expanded the Department of Homeland Security’s ties to local law enforcement.
- - - - - - -
Prepare for a Massive Market Meltdown.
The markets are going to go into meltdown
soon, so expect stocks to lose 20 percent of their value, Marc Faber, author of
the Gloom, Boom and Doom report told CNBC on Tuesday.
More Layoffs Announced, Including 500 At NBC, Citibank, And One Huge Obama Donor’s Medical Company.
Update: Additional layoff announcements have been added to this story at the end of the post.
Obama Backs Israel 'Self-Defense' in Calls...Speaks to Bibi, Egypt's Morsi in Bid To Quell Violence.
President Barack Obama spoke to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and Egyptian President Mohamed Mursi on Wednesday and reiterated U.S. support for Israel’s right to self-defense in light of rocket attacks from Gaza, the White House said.
Read more:
Read more:
Rocket fire from Gaza slows as IDF strikes take their toll.
Israel suffers first three fatalities after rocket hits residential building in Kiryat Malachi; thousands attend Hamas military chief’s funeral; defense minister speaks of ‘more to come’; three soldiers injured by mortar fire; 245 rockets fired into Israel since start of operation.
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