End Of Days News
Our whole entire system in America is flawed and even substandard.
Our fearless leaders in Washington have done nothing to prop up the
American people, but rather only pulled us down.
The truth of the matter is that President Obama is a straight up
liar. He has done nothing he has promised, except maybe provide “change”
of course — in your pocketbook only.
The current establishment has looted more taxpayer dollars from the
Corporation of the United States than all presidencies throughout
American history combined.
Obama’s push for “change” has only given us less freedom as individuals.
The police state is only intensifying as tanks and hardened vehicles
are now roaming the streets of American towns and cities.[1]
We as free-thinking individuals, need to question just why all of these hardened vehicles are on the streets.
What are they for?
Why does the barbwire fence at your local post office point inward?
Why are there cameras on almost every street corner?
Why are major cities designed to be closed-in and locked off by bottlenecks?
Because, likely there is a bigger plan at hand.
Back in the early 80′s the puppet masters pulling the strings had
President Ronald Reagan fully wrapped-up.
The former actor laid the
ground work for what eventually will become the demise of most American
citizens. The program was called Readiness Exercise 1984, or for short
“REX84″. The plan illegally “constituted” internment camps to be
constructed throughout America for use in either a “mass exodus” or a
“national emergency”. It’s a plan to round-up the “blue” and “red list”.