Friday, October 25, 2013

For years, human rights activists have been imploring the Obama administration to make aid to Egypt contingent on respect for the human rights of all Egyptians, including Christian minorities

End Of Days News

Raymond Ibrahim: ‘The President Of The United States Is Firmly In Bed With Islamic Terrorists’

By Raymond Ibrahim, American Thinker – “Who is more deserving of punishment by the United States?  Millions of Egyptians, for ousting the Muslim Brotherhood?  Or the Muslim Brotherhood, for habitually terrorizing and murdering Christians, among many other crimes?
According to the unmistakably clear actions of the Obama administration, it is the millions of anti-Brotherhood Egyptians who deserve punishment.
Last Sunday, the Church of the Virgin [Mary] in Waraq near Cairo was attacked during a wedding ceremony, leaving four dead and many wounded.  According to Dr. Hisham Abdul Hamid of forensics, two of those who were murdered were Christian children.  Both girls were named Mary: 12-year-old Mary Nabil Fahmy, who took five shots in the chest, and 8-year-old Mary Ashraf Masih (Christ), who took a bullet in the back.
It should be noted that this scene — attacked Coptic churches and murdered Christians, especially on holy days and celebrations — has become a normalized aspect of Egypt’s landscape (see Crucified Again: Exposing Islam’s New War on Christians, especially pgs. 42-43 and 56-62).
So too are the murders of Christian children increasingly common in Egypt.  Indeed, along with Sunday’s two murdered Marys, back in July, another Christian girl, 10-year-old Jessi Boulos, was shot dead while walking home from Bible class. More