End Of Days News
Attention Oregonians! Legislation has been introduced in Oregon House to require police officers to enter ALL homes annually to "CHECK" for 'ASSAULT WEAPONS." NO Suspicion, NO Probable Cause and NO Exceptions! Legislation has also been introduced in your State to Ban Tobacco making it a Schedule III Class Drug! BETTER WAKE UP OREGONIANS and CONTACT your Legislature NOW.
In ancient times watchman would mount the city walls in times of stress to survey the scene outside the fortifications. He was situated on a spot from which he could monitor the approaches to the town. If a threat appeared, he would sound a warning and the town would shut its gates and prepare for battle.
Tuesday, February 19, 2013
End Of Days News
To provide some perspective, experts estimate that at the peak of the Iraq war American troops were firing around 5.5 million rounds per month. At that rate, the [Department of Homeland Security] is armed now for a 24-year Iraq war right here at Home!
To provide some perspective, experts estimate that at the peak of the Iraq war American troops were firing around 5.5 million rounds per month. At that rate, the [Department of Homeland Security] is armed now for a 24-year Iraq war right here at Home!
North Korea threatens 'final destruction' of South Korea 02/19/2013
End Of Days News
North Korea threatens 'final destruction' of South Korea
Heterosexuals Need Not Apply: DOD Extends Benefits Only to Gay Unmarried ‘Partners’
End Of Days News
(CNSNews.com) - Outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has unilaterally issued a directive stating that the U.S. military will now extend certain benefits to unmarried domestic partners that were formerly reserved for married couples—but will only do so if the domestic partners certify in writing to the Department of Defense that they are of the same sex.
Heterosexual unmarried partners do not qualify for the benefits—and thus are treated unequally by Panetta’s directive on the basis of their sexual orientation.
Panetta issued his directive in a Feb. 11 memorandum to the secretaries of the military departments and the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness. The subject line on the memo said:
“Extending benefits to same-sex domestic partners of military members.”
“At the direction of the President, the Department has conducted a careful and deliberative review of the benefits currently provided to the families of Service members,” Panetta said. “We have now identified additional family member and dependent benefits that we can lawfully provide to same-sex domestic partners of Military Service members and their children through changes in Department of Defense policies and regulations.”
“These benefits shall be extended to the same-sex domestic partners and, where applicable, children of same-sex domestic partners, once the Service member and their same-sex domestic partner have signed a declaration attesting to the existence of their committed relationship.”
Panetta memorandum included a copy of the “declaration” by which homosexual service members will to attest that they are in what Panetta calls a “committed relationship” with another person of the same-sex. The declaration is specifically for homosexuals and does not make any allowance for people of the opposite sex who are engaged in a heterosexual so-called “committed relationship.”
DOD’s “declaration” states that the “definition” of a “domestic partner” is as follows: “Domestic partner means a person in a domestic partnership with a Service member of the same sex.”
The “declaration” also says: “Domestic partnership means a committed relationship between two adults, of the same sex, that meets all the requirements below.”
In addition to being human beings of the same-sex, two service members seeking the special benefits that the Department of Defense will bestow on a “domestic partnership” must formally attest to the federal government that: “Neither of us is married (legally or by common law), joined in civil union with, or domestic partners with anyone else.”
If two people of the same-sex attest to the Department of Defense that they are unmarried domestic partners, they also must later inform the Department of Defense if they break up and no longer are same-sex domestic partners.
“We also agree to, and understand that: … We must inform my Service not later than 30 days after (a) the date of dissolution of the domestic partnership, (b) the date of the partnership no longer meets the eligibility requirements, or (c) termination of the domestic partnership by death.”
Panetta’s referendum said that because of the Defense of Marriage Act, the Defense Department cannot extend all of the benefits given to married couples to unmarried same-sex “domestic partners.”
But, Panetta said, “In the event that the Defense of Marriage Act is no longer applicable to the Department of Defense, it will be the policy of the Department to construe the words ‘spouse’ and ‘marriage’ without regard to sexual orientation, and married couples, irrespective of sexual orientation, will be granted full military benefits.”
Among the benefits that DOD will now give to same-sex “domestic partners” but not heterosexual domestic partners are: joint duty assignments, legal assistance, disability and death compensation, child care, space-available travel on DOD aircraft, payments to missing persons, commissary privileges, exchange privileges, welfare and recreation programs, emergency leave, and youth programs.
(CNSNews.com) - Outgoing Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta has unilaterally issued a directive stating that the U.S. military will now extend certain benefits to unmarried domestic partners that were formerly reserved for married couples—but will only do so if the domestic partners certify in writing to the Department of Defense that they are of the same sex.
Heterosexual unmarried partners do not qualify for the benefits—and thus are treated unequally by Panetta’s directive on the basis of their sexual orientation.
Panetta issued his directive in a Feb. 11 memorandum to the secretaries of the military departments and the undersecretary of defense for personnel and readiness. The subject line on the memo said:
“Extending benefits to same-sex domestic partners of military members.”
“At the direction of the President, the Department has conducted a careful and deliberative review of the benefits currently provided to the families of Service members,” Panetta said. “We have now identified additional family member and dependent benefits that we can lawfully provide to same-sex domestic partners of Military Service members and their children through changes in Department of Defense policies and regulations.”
“These benefits shall be extended to the same-sex domestic partners and, where applicable, children of same-sex domestic partners, once the Service member and their same-sex domestic partner have signed a declaration attesting to the existence of their committed relationship.”
Panetta memorandum included a copy of the “declaration” by which homosexual service members will to attest that they are in what Panetta calls a “committed relationship” with another person of the same-sex. The declaration is specifically for homosexuals and does not make any allowance for people of the opposite sex who are engaged in a heterosexual so-called “committed relationship.”
DOD’s “declaration” states that the “definition” of a “domestic partner” is as follows: “Domestic partner means a person in a domestic partnership with a Service member of the same sex.”
The “declaration” also says: “Domestic partnership means a committed relationship between two adults, of the same sex, that meets all the requirements below.”
In addition to being human beings of the same-sex, two service members seeking the special benefits that the Department of Defense will bestow on a “domestic partnership” must formally attest to the federal government that: “Neither of us is married (legally or by common law), joined in civil union with, or domestic partners with anyone else.”
If two people of the same-sex attest to the Department of Defense that they are unmarried domestic partners, they also must later inform the Department of Defense if they break up and no longer are same-sex domestic partners.
“We also agree to, and understand that: … We must inform my Service not later than 30 days after (a) the date of dissolution of the domestic partnership, (b) the date of the partnership no longer meets the eligibility requirements, or (c) termination of the domestic partnership by death.”
Panetta’s referendum said that because of the Defense of Marriage Act, the Defense Department cannot extend all of the benefits given to married couples to unmarried same-sex “domestic partners.”
But, Panetta said, “In the event that the Defense of Marriage Act is no longer applicable to the Department of Defense, it will be the policy of the Department to construe the words ‘spouse’ and ‘marriage’ without regard to sexual orientation, and married couples, irrespective of sexual orientation, will be granted full military benefits.”
Among the benefits that DOD will now give to same-sex “domestic partners” but not heterosexual domestic partners are: joint duty assignments, legal assistance, disability and death compensation, child care, space-available travel on DOD aircraft, payments to missing persons, commissary privileges, exchange privileges, welfare and recreation programs, emergency leave, and youth programs.
Russian Christians, Muslims and Jews launch political party
End Of Days News
Christians of various confessions supported by Muslims, Jews and even some agnostics have gathered for a founding convention of the Ten Commandments Party – a secular movement which seeks to establish religious ethical principles in the society.
The founding convention hosted 134 delegates from 45 different regions of Russia. The head of the newly-established movement is Sergey Mezentsev – a professional philosopher and the leader of the Blissful Russia movement.
He began to create the party about a year ago and back then said that the project would follow the common spiritual and ethical norms based on the well-known Decameron of the Old Testament.
Despite the fact that the Blissful Russia unites mostly Evangelical Baptists, the Ten Commandments Party gained support from the Russian Orthodox Church.
The head of the Holy Synod’s department for relations between the Church and the society, Vsevolod Chaplin, spoke at the convention and stated that he hoped that the new party could “bring back the ethical dimension and God’s Ten Commandments to the everyday political practice and the society’s life.”
“Unfortunately, many of our citizens understand the secular society as a manifestation of militant secularism connected with the destruction of the traditional cultures of the peoples of our country.
None of the religions can give an adequate response to these challenges by itself,” the RIA Novosti news agency quoted Chaplin as saying.
However, in later press comments Chaplin noted that the Russian Orthodox Church is not planning to grant any preferences to the Ten Commandments Party, as it is open for equal dialogue with all political forces that do not reject such communication.
He added that Orthodox priests cannot join the party, as the Church has officially forbidden them from any participation in political projects since 1997.
Chaplin, however again stated that he welcomed the participation of various believers in the project – be they Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Jews and even agnostics who follow the traditional religious values in their lives.
The Ten Commandments Party is not yet registered as a political party that can run in elections and this can be a problem for its founders.
Russian law forbids the creation of political parties based on religious beliefs – the regulations, and even names, of political parties cannot state the protection of religious interests as an objective.
He began to create the party about a year ago and back then said that the project would follow the common spiritual and ethical norms based on the well-known Decameron of the Old Testament.
Despite the fact that the Blissful Russia unites mostly Evangelical Baptists, the Ten Commandments Party gained support from the Russian Orthodox Church.
The head of the Holy Synod’s department for relations between the Church and the society, Vsevolod Chaplin, spoke at the convention and stated that he hoped that the new party could “bring back the ethical dimension and God’s Ten Commandments to the everyday political practice and the society’s life.”
“Unfortunately, many of our citizens understand the secular society as a manifestation of militant secularism connected with the destruction of the traditional cultures of the peoples of our country.
None of the religions can give an adequate response to these challenges by itself,” the RIA Novosti news agency quoted Chaplin as saying.
However, in later press comments Chaplin noted that the Russian Orthodox Church is not planning to grant any preferences to the Ten Commandments Party, as it is open for equal dialogue with all political forces that do not reject such communication.
He added that Orthodox priests cannot join the party, as the Church has officially forbidden them from any participation in political projects since 1997.
Chaplin, however again stated that he welcomed the participation of various believers in the project – be they Protestants, Orthodox Christians, Roman Catholics, Muslims, Jews and even agnostics who follow the traditional religious values in their lives.
The Ten Commandments Party is not yet registered as a political party that can run in elections and this can be a problem for its founders.
Russian law forbids the creation of political parties based on religious beliefs – the regulations, and even names, of political parties cannot state the protection of religious interests as an objective.
DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH! Pharmaceutical = Witchcraft
End Of Days News
This industry has done a lot of evil to the people in the last 100 years. Many patients died due to wrong diagnosis, to the ever-changing, experimental drugs in the name of new drug research, and to many other direct or indirect damages that the industry caused. Many people got locked up in mental institutions for non-exist mental disorders that the establishment invented. In fact, a lot of people started showing mental symptoms because of the prescribed drugs they took. Real mental disorders are usually brain damages that are caused by toxins, heavy metals, and abuses. In other words, witchcraft causes mental disorder! (verbal, emotional, and physical abuses are witchcraft)
Do you know how much poisons and pharmaceutical mind altering drugs they put into our tap water?
Many experts have voiced their concerns, but the governments did not listen. There are many documented harms that come from the drugs in our water. Fluoridation of the water is a spiritual attack. The main purpose of fluoridation is to pacify the population, so they would cause less trouble for the state. The first nation that fluoridated the water was the Nazi German in World War Two. It was documented that they did it to control the people. Fluoride also minimizes fertility, so it fits the depopulation agenda of the elites too. Witchcraft is about control!
The drug industry has generated a lot of profits for the evil elites. Illegal drugs sales and smuggling are also their domain. The Satanic elites behind the drug industry are also the people who controlled the “drug war”, and the private prison systems that imprisoned the drug addicts that they created. They monopolized the health care being provided to the prisoners as well. The money they are making through witchcraft is huge.
If you want to know the many sins of the pharmaceutical industry, please visit healthwyze.org, a Christian alternative health site that gives you a lot of great insights and well researched information about health. They cover the drugging of our tap water very well, and expose shocking truth about cancer, diabetes, autism, and more.
The ultimate mind control is the Illuminati mind control, which is well documented in the Christian book, The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave. The authors, Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, named many names, locations, organizations, occult religion, and secret societies behind the conspiracy of creating total mind controlled slaves for the Satanic elites.
When you read it, you will find out that ingredients for mind control are really there in plain sight:
hypnotism, mind altering drugs, tortures, sodomy (to assault the nerves at the end of the spine to achieve a white state of the mind), and invoking demons. Through systematic traumatization of young children (from infant to age 6) who have the genetic ability to dissociate (creating isolated memory to handle trauma), they are able to create new personality (alter) in a child. By creating a lot of alters, they program the mind of the child like a computer. This is what causes the Multiple Personality Disorder (a.k.a. Dissociative Identity Disorder).
Also, the motive to create mind controlled slaves is there. It’s about power. If you have lived in this real world for enough time at all, you know there are always evil people who will be more than happy to use whatever available to create mind controlled slaves for their evil agenda and pleasures.
It is almost 100% proven that the CIA, and some other government agencies are corrupted and infiltrated. They helped the evil people to gain access to the children as well. See the links section in my article “Pray for the Children”.
When you combine the ingredients, the motives, and the resources that the elites have had in their disposal, it is not hard to believe that such things can exist.
I read the book last year, but some other researches I have been doing recently led me back to it. The more I research about it, the more dirt I dig up. Many people have awaken to the truth, and more whistle-blowers have stepped up. I have cried at least three times in these couple of days when I think about what the victims have been going through, especially when their torments started when they were children. To this day, many thousands of children go missing each year in the U.S. alone. It’s not hard to imagine the reason behind that, given the knowledge of the dark deeds that have been going on in the last century.
The reality is far more unbelievable than the wildest erotic fiction. The book in question estimated there were 2 millions Americans who had become mind controlled slaves as of writing (it was written 10+ years ago), and they were integrated into different part of the society secretly. It only takes one phone call to access the programming of these individuals, and make them do things that their front alter won’t ever remember, unless the programming malfunction (to them its malfunction, but to the victim it’s sign of recovery).
Many people have started coming out, even though many victims have been silenced, locked up in mental institutions, discredited as schizophrenic or bipolar, and threatened. Other credible people such as therapists, independent journalists, ex-programmers, and other activists have stepped up too.
In Hollywood alone, you can see the strange symbols, hand signs, and lines (verbal codes to access slaves’ minds) in many movie, TV show, talk show, concerts, and cartoons. Until this week, I still overlooked them, but after I was got tipped off by others who have read the book, I recognize them to be triggers that reinforce the programming of the slaves! Many celebrities are MPD slaves! I was heartbroken when I realized so many of the celebrities are mind controlled slaves!
This is not funny, even though I can imagine it would seem that way for those who have never heard of the Illuminati mind control, and that to say that many celebrities are mind controlled robotic humans are just too out there.
Assuming you have read the book, and the link I just provided above, and believed in what I am saying here, what’s next? Next is to think about how infiltrated other industries and sectors are by the mind controlled slaves, if it is already so horrible in Hollywood alone.
They have us surrounded! They have infiltrated governments, military, churches, charities, and many other strategic organizations. The only thing we can do to win this spiritual warfare is to pray.
On a lesser level but on a more massive scale, there are brainwashing for the mass. We are being force-fed with violence, promiscuity, murder, torture, betrayal, and other immorality everywhere we go. The reason they do that is to promote evil. This explains why there are increasing number of abusive relationships and families. When we watch these things, our souls would be defiled. We must be vigilant and guard our heart carefully.
Pharmaceutical = Witchcraft
The chemical drugs are called pharmaceutical drugs for a reason. The word “pharmaceutical” is derived from the Greek word, “Pharmakeus”, which means “to practice witchcraft”. Using chemical to suppress certain symptoms while creating other symptoms is a manipulation of the body. Mind altering drugs manipulate the mind, but there are no conclusive evidence that show that psychiotic drugs heal any “mental disorders”. There are also very little actual evidence that prove that some of the so called “mental disorders” really exist at all, or if the disorders are just results of malnourishment, poisoning, or drug induced damages.This industry has done a lot of evil to the people in the last 100 years. Many patients died due to wrong diagnosis, to the ever-changing, experimental drugs in the name of new drug research, and to many other direct or indirect damages that the industry caused. Many people got locked up in mental institutions for non-exist mental disorders that the establishment invented. In fact, a lot of people started showing mental symptoms because of the prescribed drugs they took. Real mental disorders are usually brain damages that are caused by toxins, heavy metals, and abuses. In other words, witchcraft causes mental disorder! (verbal, emotional, and physical abuses are witchcraft)
Do you know how much poisons and pharmaceutical mind altering drugs they put into our tap water?
Many experts have voiced their concerns, but the governments did not listen. There are many documented harms that come from the drugs in our water. Fluoridation of the water is a spiritual attack. The main purpose of fluoridation is to pacify the population, so they would cause less trouble for the state. The first nation that fluoridated the water was the Nazi German in World War Two. It was documented that they did it to control the people. Fluoride also minimizes fertility, so it fits the depopulation agenda of the elites too. Witchcraft is about control!
The drug industry has generated a lot of profits for the evil elites. Illegal drugs sales and smuggling are also their domain. The Satanic elites behind the drug industry are also the people who controlled the “drug war”, and the private prison systems that imprisoned the drug addicts that they created. They monopolized the health care being provided to the prisoners as well. The money they are making through witchcraft is huge.
If you want to know the many sins of the pharmaceutical industry, please visit healthwyze.org, a Christian alternative health site that gives you a lot of great insights and well researched information about health. They cover the drugging of our tap water very well, and expose shocking truth about cancer, diabetes, autism, and more.
Mind Controlled Slaves
Zombie isn’t entirely fictional. The notorious lobotomy procedure was used to treat people with “mental disorder” in the last century. Today it is still used in rare case. Using mind altering drugs to change the chemistry of the brain to suppress normal emotions, or even to chemically lobotomize the brain to remove its functions, is part of the zombiemization of human beings.The ultimate mind control is the Illuminati mind control, which is well documented in the Christian book, The Illuminati Formula to Create an Undetectable Total Mind Control Slave. The authors, Fritz Springmeier and Cisco Wheeler, named many names, locations, organizations, occult religion, and secret societies behind the conspiracy of creating total mind controlled slaves for the Satanic elites.
When you read it, you will find out that ingredients for mind control are really there in plain sight:
hypnotism, mind altering drugs, tortures, sodomy (to assault the nerves at the end of the spine to achieve a white state of the mind), and invoking demons. Through systematic traumatization of young children (from infant to age 6) who have the genetic ability to dissociate (creating isolated memory to handle trauma), they are able to create new personality (alter) in a child. By creating a lot of alters, they program the mind of the child like a computer. This is what causes the Multiple Personality Disorder (a.k.a. Dissociative Identity Disorder).
Also, the motive to create mind controlled slaves is there. It’s about power. If you have lived in this real world for enough time at all, you know there are always evil people who will be more than happy to use whatever available to create mind controlled slaves for their evil agenda and pleasures.
It is almost 100% proven that the CIA, and some other government agencies are corrupted and infiltrated. They helped the evil people to gain access to the children as well. See the links section in my article “Pray for the Children”.
When you combine the ingredients, the motives, and the resources that the elites have had in their disposal, it is not hard to believe that such things can exist.
I read the book last year, but some other researches I have been doing recently led me back to it. The more I research about it, the more dirt I dig up. Many people have awaken to the truth, and more whistle-blowers have stepped up. I have cried at least three times in these couple of days when I think about what the victims have been going through, especially when their torments started when they were children. To this day, many thousands of children go missing each year in the U.S. alone. It’s not hard to imagine the reason behind that, given the knowledge of the dark deeds that have been going on in the last century.
The reality is far more unbelievable than the wildest erotic fiction. The book in question estimated there were 2 millions Americans who had become mind controlled slaves as of writing (it was written 10+ years ago), and they were integrated into different part of the society secretly. It only takes one phone call to access the programming of these individuals, and make them do things that their front alter won’t ever remember, unless the programming malfunction (to them its malfunction, but to the victim it’s sign of recovery).
Many people have started coming out, even though many victims have been silenced, locked up in mental institutions, discredited as schizophrenic or bipolar, and threatened. Other credible people such as therapists, independent journalists, ex-programmers, and other activists have stepped up too.
In Hollywood alone, you can see the strange symbols, hand signs, and lines (verbal codes to access slaves’ minds) in many movie, TV show, talk show, concerts, and cartoons. Until this week, I still overlooked them, but after I was got tipped off by others who have read the book, I recognize them to be triggers that reinforce the programming of the slaves! Many celebrities are MPD slaves! I was heartbroken when I realized so many of the celebrities are mind controlled slaves!
This is not funny, even though I can imagine it would seem that way for those who have never heard of the Illuminati mind control, and that to say that many celebrities are mind controlled robotic humans are just too out there.
Assuming you have read the book, and the link I just provided above, and believed in what I am saying here, what’s next? Next is to think about how infiltrated other industries and sectors are by the mind controlled slaves, if it is already so horrible in Hollywood alone.
They have us surrounded! They have infiltrated governments, military, churches, charities, and many other strategic organizations. The only thing we can do to win this spiritual warfare is to pray.
On a lesser level but on a more massive scale, there are brainwashing for the mass. We are being force-fed with violence, promiscuity, murder, torture, betrayal, and other immorality everywhere we go. The reason they do that is to promote evil. This explains why there are increasing number of abusive relationships and families. When we watch these things, our souls would be defiled. We must be vigilant and guard our heart carefully.
End Of Days News

Mentally ill roundup plan after train pushes
The city is making a major push to sweep the streets of dangerous, mentally ill New Yorkers — and has even compiled a most-wanted list, The Post has learned.
The measure follows a pair of high-profile subway-shove fatalities from December allegedly involving mentally ill individuals.
The city has already drawn up a list of 25 targets, sources said.
“After the Queens subway attack [of immigrant Sunando Sen], the [city] decided to take a proactive approach to track down the most dangerous mental-health patients that currently have mental-hygiene warrants” out for them, a law-enforcement source said.
Paul Martinka
TRACKING ’EM: The city, fearing liability following splashy front-page subway-shove tragedies — like those involving suspects Erika Menendez (above) and Naeem Davis — is looking to get the mentally ill off the streets.
Steven Hirsch
Naeem Davis
Those warrants mean that the patients are not wanted for a crime but instead are being sought because they are not getting their court-ordered treatment.
There are a handful of cops assigned to the detail, which began working in the past few weeks, the source said.
Cops in the NYPD’s Real Time Crime Center are using high-tech methods to first track down the individuals, and detectives on the street have been assigned to then go after them and take them to hospitals, law-enforcement sources said.
In the past, the city Department of Health would ask cops for help finding mentally ill people who aren’t taking their court-mandated meds so they could be taken to clinics. But that only applied to those who had known addresses — and patients who went off the grid were rarely pursued, the sources said.
The city is now concerned it could be liable if one of those people goes off the rails and hurts someone — or themselves, the sources said.
And that’s prompted the Health Department to seek more help from the NYPD. These patients could, of course, be dangerous, health officials noted.
Now, “you have a family member who goes to the Department of Health and gives them the information. Then they go to the Police Department, and together, the DOH person and the police go out and try to track down these people,” said a city official. “They’re just trying to get these people help.”
“All of these patients are receiving treatment for mental-health conditions,” said Department of Health spokesman Sam Miller. “If they do not receive sustained treatment . . . they could pose some risk to themselves, family members or others.”
But tracking them down won’t be easy. “There’s no rhyme or reason to their craziness,” said a law-enforcement source.
“You might find yourself looking all over the place for one of these kooks who rides the subway back and forth.”Such craziness includes homeless man Naeem Davis’ alleged Dec. 3 fatal subway push of a Queens father — Davis has claimed voices guided his deadly act — and the horrifying shove of Sen allegedly by accused Muslim-hating maniac Erika Menendez.
Menendez told The Post in a rambling jailhouse interview that she likely would not have killed the hard-working man had she smoked weed that day — she uses it to self-medicate for bipolar disorder.
She also has allegedly told authorities that she killed Sen, a Hindu, because of 9/11 — not because so many people died, but because of the destruction of the buildings.
She has been found fit to stand trial.
Global Elitism: The Character Traits Of Truly Evil People
End Of Days News
What frightens the average American today is not the abhorrent action of criminality; rather, it is criminality without rationality. What frightens the common citizen is the possibility that some people hurt others not because their mommy and daddy “mistreated” them or because they have a psychological deficiency, but because they fully and consciously enjoy doing what they do.
Our society is desperate to make excuses for the monsters of our era, perhaps because we would rather not entertain the possibility that there is a dark side to humanity that, if allowed, could take control in a deliberate and calculated way.
This is why the greatest crimes of our time often go ignored by the public. The idea, for instance, that international financiers and political elites would purposely create economic disparity, social chaos and global war out of a desire for centralized power and a disturbed sense of superiority is simply too much for many to handle. Surely, these terrible events throughout our modern history are merely the result of random coincidence and human error, right?
Unfortunately, this is not the case. In fact, most catastrophic cultural policies and tragedies can be traced back directly to a subset of people who use their positions of influence for ill purpose and who knowingly engineer calamity not just for personal gain, but also for the gain of their social class.
In the liberty movement, we often refer to members of this group as “globalists” or “elitists.” They permeate the upper echelons of our Nation, and they do indeed have a culture that is entirely separate and disparate from our own. If one studies their literature, initiatives and motives, he would discover another world, driven by outlandish goals and an even more outlandish brand of religious fervor. Here are some of the character traits and beliefs that make these people easy to identify.
Global elitists tend to see themselves as a separate breed of human being, a superior class with superior faculties, born to rule over the rest of us. In their writings they often espouse the teachings of The Republic by Plato and the concept of the philosopher kings. They believe that some men and women are endowed with a genetic predisposition to leadership and that the average person does not have the intelligence to determine his own destiny. They see the rest of humanity as a blank canvas and themselves as the artists. We are to be molded, and our social dichotomies are to be manipulated.
In reality, they are no smarter than the rest of us. Rather, they inherit positions of wealth and influence, and they automatically assume this makes them superior. Their ability to mold society is derived entirely from their extensive capital and their complete lack of morality. If they were not in the top .1 percent of the world’s rich, they would be treated like common criminals for their behavior. But sadly, in our day and age, money often buys undue respect. Imagine a group of John Wayne Gacys or Charles Mansons, except with 80 percent of the world’s wealth at their disposal and the means to purchase good publicity and legal immunity. That is essentially what we are dealing with.
Zero Conscience
Elitists believe that conscience is a hindrance to success, instead of a worthwhile virtue. They knowingly and deliberately abandon their moral compass because they see it as an unnatural restriction, an obstacle that makes getting what they want more difficult. Conscience, however, never quite disappears in anyone. In order to reconcile their wretched mindset with that distant nagging sensation of guilt, they claim that their actions are “for the greater good of the greater number.” They desperately want to believe that they are serving the future of mankind and that we should appreciate their guiding hand, even though the things they do seem far more hateful than helpful. They would call this “tough love.”
They further attempt to avoid the fact of their own dysfunction by trying to elicit criminality in others. If they can convince the masses that morality is relative and that right and wrong are subject to interpretation, if they can convince us to ignore our own inner voices which are inborn, then their monstrosity could be considered normal — even preferable. In a world of moral relativists, the man with a conscience becomes the criminal, the outcast; and the elites become the heroes they always wanted to believe themselves to be.
Promote Collectivism
Top globalists are not necessarily collectivists themselves. In fact, they often swing far to the other end of the spectrum into an aberrant form of individualism. As discussed above, they even see conscience as a restriction on their personal freedom and rebel against it as if rebelling against enslavement. What they do not grasp is that the inherent nature of conscience is a gift, one which has, so far, kept humanity away from the brink of total self-destruction, at least to this point. It is not a prison. Rather, it is protection from ourselves.
The elitist’s insane ideal of pure individualism without self-discipline is a private matter they rarely discuss. In public, they constantly promote the collectivist lifestyle and admonish individualism in common people. If people can be convinced that they are devoid of inherent qualities and characteristics and that their environment is the totality of their existence, then they will hand over all power to anyone who promises them the best possible surroundings. That is to say, when we have no faith in our own individualism and self-responsibility, we will automatically seek protection, usually from a nanny government or dictatorship.
People often confuse “collectivism” with “community.” This is caused by a lack of understanding as well as a lack of experience. Community is a voluntary gathering of individuals for the purpose of mutual aid. Collectivism is the gathering of people by threat of force or loss, for the purpose of consolidating power into the hands of a few. It is the act of destroying individualism in the name of protecting the group. In America today, we have disappearing sense of community, while the “advantages” of collectivism are being sung to the rooftops by global elites.
The Noble Lie
Elitists are very adamant about the idea of the noble lie, the use of a lie to attain a positive goal. In their view, average citizens lack the capacity to understand the bigger political and social picture; so we must be lied to in order to make us do what is best for ourselves. Of course, their version of what is best for our culture always seems to include first and foremost what is best for them.
The noble lie is a logical fallacy of epic proportions, and I often wonder if global elitists secretly doubt its legitimacy. If you need to lie to people in order to get them to accept your ideas, then there must be something terribly wrong with your ideas. Ideas with vitality and honesty do not need to be “sold” to the public through chicanery; the truth takes on a life of its own. Only destructive philosophies need a foundation of lies in order to take root.
Population Reduction
One of the centerpieces of the globalist religion is the concept of population reduction. They not only see themselves as a separate species with superior genetic makeup and a propensity for rulership, they also see the rest of us as cockroaches and “useless eaters,” a herd that needs to be culled. The funny thing about population reductionists is that they always want other people to die in order to save the planet. They never offer their own life as a sacrifice for the greater good. This is because they assume they are too important (ostensibly because they think they are intelligent), while many of us are expendable.
Of course, overpopulation today is an oversold myth that has been disproven in many scientific circles. Population expansion is also not necessarily a bad thing. Greater population means more minds working on more problems. It drives technological advancement and forces us through the survival imperative to invent more efficient methods of production. There are advantages to growth.
In the end, though, global elites do not care about the Earth. They do not believe in population reduction because they want to reduce pollution or the so-called “carbon footprint,” save the poor animals, or even protect finite resources. They want population reduction because first, they are eugenicists who see some people as genetically inferior to others, and second, because a culled population is easier to dominate. Again, fewer minds working means fewer problems solved and fewer individuals to rock the boat when the state abuses its power.
The Source Of Our Pain
Globalists are not the only source of our social pain. We bear some responsibility. When we are not vigilant, when we deny our own ignorance and refuse to learn, when we lie to ourselves and when we cater to personal superficial desires rather than taking the future into account, we open the door for the devil. Evil, like conscience, resides in us all.
That said, global elites are not just randomly terrible people. They have constructed an entire culture of deviance. They are organized evil, and this is a problem we must deal with soon. Good men are defined not only by their adherence to the inner voice of truth, but also by their willingness to act when the truth is threatened. We must educate others and, when the time comes, put ourselves in harm’s way to remove the globalist ilk before they destroy everything in a raging elitist fervor.
The first dangerous mistake the average person makes is the assumption that “evil” is a kind of subjective concept. We would love to believe that all destructive and malicious behavior is merely a product of bad environment, bad upbringing or mental psychosis. Deviance in the name of “profit” or “status” is often more acceptable to the public, as long as there is a reason we can easily understand and grasp.What frightens the average American today is not the abhorrent action of criminality; rather, it is criminality without rationality. What frightens the common citizen is the possibility that some people hurt others not because their mommy and daddy “mistreated” them or because they have a psychological deficiency, but because they fully and consciously enjoy doing what they do.
Our society is desperate to make excuses for the monsters of our era, perhaps because we would rather not entertain the possibility that there is a dark side to humanity that, if allowed, could take control in a deliberate and calculated way.
This is why the greatest crimes of our time often go ignored by the public. The idea, for instance, that international financiers and political elites would purposely create economic disparity, social chaos and global war out of a desire for centralized power and a disturbed sense of superiority is simply too much for many to handle. Surely, these terrible events throughout our modern history are merely the result of random coincidence and human error, right?
Unfortunately, this is not the case. In fact, most catastrophic cultural policies and tragedies can be traced back directly to a subset of people who use their positions of influence for ill purpose and who knowingly engineer calamity not just for personal gain, but also for the gain of their social class.
In the liberty movement, we often refer to members of this group as “globalists” or “elitists.” They permeate the upper echelons of our Nation, and they do indeed have a culture that is entirely separate and disparate from our own. If one studies their literature, initiatives and motives, he would discover another world, driven by outlandish goals and an even more outlandish brand of religious fervor. Here are some of the character traits and beliefs that make these people easy to identify.
Global elitists tend to see themselves as a separate breed of human being, a superior class with superior faculties, born to rule over the rest of us. In their writings they often espouse the teachings of The Republic by Plato and the concept of the philosopher kings. They believe that some men and women are endowed with a genetic predisposition to leadership and that the average person does not have the intelligence to determine his own destiny. They see the rest of humanity as a blank canvas and themselves as the artists. We are to be molded, and our social dichotomies are to be manipulated.
In reality, they are no smarter than the rest of us. Rather, they inherit positions of wealth and influence, and they automatically assume this makes them superior. Their ability to mold society is derived entirely from their extensive capital and their complete lack of morality. If they were not in the top .1 percent of the world’s rich, they would be treated like common criminals for their behavior. But sadly, in our day and age, money often buys undue respect. Imagine a group of John Wayne Gacys or Charles Mansons, except with 80 percent of the world’s wealth at their disposal and the means to purchase good publicity and legal immunity. That is essentially what we are dealing with.
Zero Conscience
Elitists believe that conscience is a hindrance to success, instead of a worthwhile virtue. They knowingly and deliberately abandon their moral compass because they see it as an unnatural restriction, an obstacle that makes getting what they want more difficult. Conscience, however, never quite disappears in anyone. In order to reconcile their wretched mindset with that distant nagging sensation of guilt, they claim that their actions are “for the greater good of the greater number.” They desperately want to believe that they are serving the future of mankind and that we should appreciate their guiding hand, even though the things they do seem far more hateful than helpful. They would call this “tough love.”
They further attempt to avoid the fact of their own dysfunction by trying to elicit criminality in others. If they can convince the masses that morality is relative and that right and wrong are subject to interpretation, if they can convince us to ignore our own inner voices which are inborn, then their monstrosity could be considered normal — even preferable. In a world of moral relativists, the man with a conscience becomes the criminal, the outcast; and the elites become the heroes they always wanted to believe themselves to be.
Promote Collectivism
Top globalists are not necessarily collectivists themselves. In fact, they often swing far to the other end of the spectrum into an aberrant form of individualism. As discussed above, they even see conscience as a restriction on their personal freedom and rebel against it as if rebelling against enslavement. What they do not grasp is that the inherent nature of conscience is a gift, one which has, so far, kept humanity away from the brink of total self-destruction, at least to this point. It is not a prison. Rather, it is protection from ourselves.
The elitist’s insane ideal of pure individualism without self-discipline is a private matter they rarely discuss. In public, they constantly promote the collectivist lifestyle and admonish individualism in common people. If people can be convinced that they are devoid of inherent qualities and characteristics and that their environment is the totality of their existence, then they will hand over all power to anyone who promises them the best possible surroundings. That is to say, when we have no faith in our own individualism and self-responsibility, we will automatically seek protection, usually from a nanny government or dictatorship.
People often confuse “collectivism” with “community.” This is caused by a lack of understanding as well as a lack of experience. Community is a voluntary gathering of individuals for the purpose of mutual aid. Collectivism is the gathering of people by threat of force or loss, for the purpose of consolidating power into the hands of a few. It is the act of destroying individualism in the name of protecting the group. In America today, we have disappearing sense of community, while the “advantages” of collectivism are being sung to the rooftops by global elites.
The Noble Lie
Elitists are very adamant about the idea of the noble lie, the use of a lie to attain a positive goal. In their view, average citizens lack the capacity to understand the bigger political and social picture; so we must be lied to in order to make us do what is best for ourselves. Of course, their version of what is best for our culture always seems to include first and foremost what is best for them.
The noble lie is a logical fallacy of epic proportions, and I often wonder if global elitists secretly doubt its legitimacy. If you need to lie to people in order to get them to accept your ideas, then there must be something terribly wrong with your ideas. Ideas with vitality and honesty do not need to be “sold” to the public through chicanery; the truth takes on a life of its own. Only destructive philosophies need a foundation of lies in order to take root.
Population Reduction
One of the centerpieces of the globalist religion is the concept of population reduction. They not only see themselves as a separate species with superior genetic makeup and a propensity for rulership, they also see the rest of us as cockroaches and “useless eaters,” a herd that needs to be culled. The funny thing about population reductionists is that they always want other people to die in order to save the planet. They never offer their own life as a sacrifice for the greater good. This is because they assume they are too important (ostensibly because they think they are intelligent), while many of us are expendable.
Of course, overpopulation today is an oversold myth that has been disproven in many scientific circles. Population expansion is also not necessarily a bad thing. Greater population means more minds working on more problems. It drives technological advancement and forces us through the survival imperative to invent more efficient methods of production. There are advantages to growth.
In the end, though, global elites do not care about the Earth. They do not believe in population reduction because they want to reduce pollution or the so-called “carbon footprint,” save the poor animals, or even protect finite resources. They want population reduction because first, they are eugenicists who see some people as genetically inferior to others, and second, because a culled population is easier to dominate. Again, fewer minds working means fewer problems solved and fewer individuals to rock the boat when the state abuses its power.
The Source Of Our Pain
Globalists are not the only source of our social pain. We bear some responsibility. When we are not vigilant, when we deny our own ignorance and refuse to learn, when we lie to ourselves and when we cater to personal superficial desires rather than taking the future into account, we open the door for the devil. Evil, like conscience, resides in us all.
That said, global elites are not just randomly terrible people. They have constructed an entire culture of deviance. They are organized evil, and this is a problem we must deal with soon. Good men are defined not only by their adherence to the inner voice of truth, but also by their willingness to act when the truth is threatened. We must educate others and, when the time comes, put ourselves in harm’s way to remove the globalist ilk before they destroy everything in a raging elitist fervor.
Assad’s troops retreat from Golan, leaving Islamist rebels to confront Israel
End Of Days News
President Bashar Assad has evacuated most of the troops of his 5th Army Division from their permanent bases on the Golan opposite Israeli forces and transferred the unit along with its artillery to Damascus, debkafile’s military sources report.
The Syrian ruler’s step had three purposes:
1. To reinforce his Damascus defenses;
2. To carve out a buffer zone along the Israeli border and leave it under rebel control.
3. To provide the jihadists fighting in rebel ranks with access to the Israeli border fence. Senior officers in the IDF’s northern command believe it is just a matter of time before these al Qaeda-associated fighters hurl themselves at the border fence to break through, or target Israeli military targets from across the Syrian border.
Assad first practiced this stratagem on Syria’s northern frontier with Turkey.
Six months ago, he opened the door of his border region to let armed bands of the separatist PKK (Kurdish Workers’ Party) through from Iraq and set up new strike bases opposite Turkey’s back door, to which they could flee after attacks.
The PKK took full advantage of this opportunity. Indeed, to curb the Kurdish offensive, Ankara was forced to enter into negotiations with PKK leaders for a settlement of their claims, although they are still poised in Syria to resume their attacks.
Israel does not have that option because most of the Islamists fighting with the Syrian rebels are associated with al Qaeda and committed to jihad against the Jewish state.
debkafile reports that Saturday, Feb. 16, Israeli government and military leaders were at odds over whether to extend medical treatment to seven Syrians injured in battle on the Golan. In the event, they were allowed to cross the border and transferred to hospital in Safed.
But because of the argument, the official communiqué said only that the decision was taken on humanitarian grounds but omitted to specify whether the injured Syrians were soldiers or rebels.
However, there was never any doubt that they were in fact Syrian conscripts wounded in the course of their unit’s withdrawal from the Golan. The argument against giving the soldiers medical treatment was that they were Bashar Assad’s troops and looking after them was tantamount to endorsing Assad’s hostile schemes and therefore unacceptable. It was settled by avoiding identifying the wounded men.
Syrian rebels occupy
President Bashar Assad has evacuated most of the troops of his 5th Army Division from their permanent bases on the Golan opposite Israeli forces and transferred the unit along with its artillery to Damascus, debkafile’s military sources report.
The Syrian ruler’s step had three purposes:
1. To reinforce his Damascus defenses;
2. To carve out a buffer zone along the Israeli border and leave it under rebel control.
3. To provide the jihadists fighting in rebel ranks with access to the Israeli border fence. Senior officers in the IDF’s northern command believe it is just a matter of time before these al Qaeda-associated fighters hurl themselves at the border fence to break through, or target Israeli military targets from across the Syrian border.
Assad first practiced this stratagem on Syria’s northern frontier with Turkey.
Six months ago, he opened the door of his border region to let armed bands of the separatist PKK (Kurdish Workers’ Party) through from Iraq and set up new strike bases opposite Turkey’s back door, to which they could flee after attacks.
The PKK took full advantage of this opportunity. Indeed, to curb the Kurdish offensive, Ankara was forced to enter into negotiations with PKK leaders for a settlement of their claims, although they are still poised in Syria to resume their attacks.
Israel does not have that option because most of the Islamists fighting with the Syrian rebels are associated with al Qaeda and committed to jihad against the Jewish state.
debkafile reports that Saturday, Feb. 16, Israeli government and military leaders were at odds over whether to extend medical treatment to seven Syrians injured in battle on the Golan. In the event, they were allowed to cross the border and transferred to hospital in Safed.
But because of the argument, the official communiqué said only that the decision was taken on humanitarian grounds but omitted to specify whether the injured Syrians were soldiers or rebels.
However, there was never any doubt that they were in fact Syrian conscripts wounded in the course of their unit’s withdrawal from the Golan. The argument against giving the soldiers medical treatment was that they were Bashar Assad’s troops and looking after them was tantamount to endorsing Assad’s hostile schemes and therefore unacceptable. It was settled by avoiding identifying the wounded men.
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