End Of Days News
In ancient times watchman would mount the city walls in times of stress to survey the scene outside the fortifications. He was situated on a spot from which he could monitor the approaches to the town. If a threat appeared, he would sound a warning and the town would shut its gates and prepare for battle.
Monday, February 25, 2013
David Brennan on It's Supernatural with Sid Roth - Israel Omen
End Of Days News
Zechariah 1 18-21
He answered me, “These are the horns that scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem.”
20 Then the Lord showed me four craftsmen. 21 I asked, “What are these coming to do?”
He answered, “These are the horns that scattered Judah so that no one could raise their head, but the craftsmen have come to terrify them and throw down these horns of the nations who lifted up their horns against the land of Judah to scatter its people.”
Zechariah 1 18-21
Four Horns and Four Craftsmen
18 Then I looked up, and there before me were four horns. 19 I asked the angel who was speaking to me, “What are these?”He answered me, “These are the horns that scattered Judah, Israel and Jerusalem.”
20 Then the Lord showed me four craftsmen. 21 I asked, “What are these coming to do?”
He answered, “These are the horns that scattered Judah so that no one could raise their head, but the craftsmen have come to terrify them and throw down these horns of the nations who lifted up their horns against the land of Judah to scatter its people.”
ABOMINATION!!!!! Prophet performs ‘miracle’ abortion
End Of Days News
The miracle was said to have been performed last Saturday at the corner of Leopold Takawira Street and Kwame Nkrumah Avenue where the youthful prophet conducts his church services.
A local tabloid reports that its news crew did not witness the miracle as it arrived a few minutes later.
However the congregation was still celebrating the abortion miracle and the unidentified woman was lying prostrate on the floor.
In the same service, other congregants claimed to have received miracle money.
When the ‘miracle abortion’ lady was given time to share her testimony she had tears of joy.
“I was four months pregnant and as you can see my tummy is now flat to show that I am no longer pregnant, I was impregnated by my boyfriend four months ago but he has dumped me so I wasn’t prepared to look after the child because I am currently unemployed so I came here expectant of my miracle,” she said.
“This can only be God; we have performed this miracle because we did not want the child to suffer and she has openly said that she is not prepared to have a child yet because her boyfriend who impregnated her has dumped her,” said Prophet Passion on the pulpit.
However the miracle was received with mixed feelings as some of his church members who were present when the miracle happened did not really approve of the miracle.
“This is strange to me; I am so confused with what has happened today becau
se I don’t think God would take away life, but I don’t want to judge because I know our Prophet is a true Man of God,” said one lady who could not disclose her identity. Prophet Passion personal assistant Israel Matthew said:
“Today’s service was one of its kind, we have finished late because there where so many miracles that were happening and this is the grace that is upon our man of God, he was part of the team that went with Prophet Uebert Angel to South Africa and we thank God for using him mightily.
“The woman is not one of our regular members,” he said.
A local tabloid reports that its news crew did not witness the miracle as it arrived a few minutes later.
However the congregation was still celebrating the abortion miracle and the unidentified woman was lying prostrate on the floor.
In the same service, other congregants claimed to have received miracle money.
When the ‘miracle abortion’ lady was given time to share her testimony she had tears of joy.
“I was four months pregnant and as you can see my tummy is now flat to show that I am no longer pregnant, I was impregnated by my boyfriend four months ago but he has dumped me so I wasn’t prepared to look after the child because I am currently unemployed so I came here expectant of my miracle,” she said.
“This can only be God; we have performed this miracle because we did not want the child to suffer and she has openly said that she is not prepared to have a child yet because her boyfriend who impregnated her has dumped her,” said Prophet Passion on the pulpit.
However the miracle was received with mixed feelings as some of his church members who were present when the miracle happened did not really approve of the miracle.
“This is strange to me; I am so confused with what has happened today becau
se I don’t think God would take away life, but I don’t want to judge because I know our Prophet is a true Man of God,” said one lady who could not disclose her identity. Prophet Passion personal assistant Israel Matthew said:
“Today’s service was one of its kind, we have finished late because there where so many miracles that were happening and this is the grace that is upon our man of God, he was part of the team that went with Prophet Uebert Angel to South Africa and we thank God for using him mightily.
“The woman is not one of our regular members,” he said.
Israel successfully tests Arrow III interceptor
End Of Days News
The trial flight of the next-generation of the Arrow (Hetz) ballistic missile
interceptor, carried out a early Monday, represented a powerful upgrade of
Israel’s multi-tier defense system that includes Iron Dome against missile
threats, from Iran or Syria, said the Defense ministry. The US-backed Arrow is
designed to shoot down incoming missiles at altitudes high enough for
unconventional warheads to disintegrate safely. The Pentagon’s missile defense
agency and the US Boeing are partners in Arrow. The Pentagon’s missile defense
agency and the US Boeing are partners in Arrow.
Egypt condemns Israel for prisoner’s death
End Of Days News
Egypt’s foreign minister on Monday condemned Israel’s policies toward Palestinian inmates, and specifically the alleged mistreatment of Arafat Jaradat, a prisoner who died on Saturday.
Mohammed Kamel Amr warned that, if continued, Israel’s policies would lead to a conflagration in the Palestinian territories, and could have serious implications for the entire region. Amr blamed Israel for any deterioration in regional stability.
Amr, a former Mubarak-era diplomat, expressed his condolences to the Jaradat family and called on the international community to adopt a strong stance against Israel’s “inhuman practices against the Palestinian prisoners,” according to the Egyptian Foreign Ministry.
The Egyptian Embassy in Tel Aviv was not immediately available for comment.
In a response to Cairo’s statements, Israeli Foreign Ministry spokesperson Yigal Palmor told The Times of Israel that “Israel’s treatment of detainees and prisoners is transparent and up to the best international standards of Western democracies” and that inmates have regular access to the International Red Cross.
“There are disciplinary measures, of course,” he said, in response to queries about accusations of solitary confinement. “Everything at all points is supervised and/or inspected or visited by the ICRC and human rights NGOs.
“We wish our dear neighbors would reach this standard of human rights and penitentiary services at some point,” he added. “We denounce the political manipulation by the PA and Hamas of the issue of due legal process of criminals.”
Cairo’s statements came in the wake of scathing criticism of Israel by Palestinian Authority officials, who accused Israel of torturing Jaradat to death in Megiddo Prison.
“Israel is killing our children with live fire,” Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas said at an address in Ramallah on Monday, adding that he wouldn’t let Palestinians waste away in Israeli jails.
PA Minister of Detainees Issa Karake said at the press conference Sunday evening that “the information we have received so far is shocking and painful; the evidence corroborates our suspicion that Mr. Jaradat died as a result of torture, especially since the autopsy clearly proved that the victim’s heart was healthy, which disproves the initial alleged account presented by occupation authorities that he died of a heart attack.”
Israel said Jaradat died of heart failure, and that marks on his body were a result of efforts made to resuscitate him.
Syrian government ready to talk to all parties
End Of Days News
The Assad regime took another big step towards talks for ending the Syrian war
Monday when Foreign Minister Walid al-Moallem said in Moscow: The Syrian regime
is ready for dialogue with all who want dialogue including those who bear arms.”
DEBKAfile: Damascus is ready for the first time to talk to all the rebel
factions, without barring the al-Qaeda-linked Jabhat al-Nusra, the best-armed
and most effective rebel arm. Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov added there
was no alternative to a political solution for the two-year conflict but through
Abbas by fomenting Palestinian unrest risks losing control
End Of Days News
Day by day, Palestinian fury on the West Bank is stoked by one charge against Israel after another. The protesters of Hebron, Nablus and other West Bank towns and villages are in no mood to hear Israel’s version of the facts. Sunday, Feb. 24, Palestinian Authority officials alleged that Israeli mistreatment caused the death of a 30-year old Palestinian Arafat Jaradat in custody after taking part in rocking-throwing clashes with Israeli troops. Israel denied he was beaten and said he had died of heart failure. Israel’s forensic institute conducted an autopsy with a Palestinian physician in attendance with uncertain results. But the Palestinian street, demonstrating violently for the past week in solidarity with four Palestinian inmates on hunger strike, weren’t waiting. Tomorrow, there will be another trigger for protest and Israeli troops will disperse the rioters and stone-throwers with crowd dispersion measures.
Meanwhile, Palestinian officials keep the heat up by accusing Israel of “murder, racism, and brutality.”
Clearly, Abbas (Abu Mazen) and his henchmen are prepared to risk matters getting out of hand on the West Bank.
debkafile examines their motives.
Abbas appears to count on reining in the violence whenever he decides it has exhausted its political usefulness. The Palestinian Authority chairman seems to believe that he only has to give the order for the seven special commando battalions subservient to the PA for the forces to go into action and restore order to the Palestinian street. But Western and Israeli military circles familiar with the situation in Ramallah think his calculus is flawed, because he is doesn’t seem to realize that parts of the PA commando force have established relations with Hamas, the rival group which rules the Gaza Strip.
This takes the Palestinian military structures into a period of uncertainty which recalls the early months of their second uprising (intifada) in 2000. It was hard then to make out which Palestinian units and security arms served which Palestinian strongman. The militias of the day, including the one under the command of Jibril Rajoub – a close Abbas aide today – divided their loyalties and their time between different Palestinian masters. At times, this was contingent on how much they were paid.
debkafile’s military sources estimate that if the current unrest is allowed to continue unchecked, Abbas will be swept aside by the turbulence. Faceless officers will take over and the force will break up into militias and the Palestinian Authority sink into anarchy.
Already Abbas’s relevance among the Palestinians at large is ebbing along with the welcome mat and donations extended him in most Arab capitals.
Even if Abbas does manage to squeeze another settlement construction freeze out of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, along with the release of jailed prisoners, and even revive the stalled flow of funds to the bankrupt Palestinian Authority, he will still face a tough impediment from the Gaza Strip.
To solve it, he would have to turn the clock back to November, 2012 and reverse a process launched then after the Israel Gaza Operation. The US, Turkey, Qatar, Egypt, Hamas and Israel, struck a deal, which ended the operation with a ceasefire and boosted Hamas domestically and internationally by ending the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip and promoting cooperation between the Palestinian fundamentalists and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.
Mahmoud Abbas clearly hopes that by fostering spiraling anti-Israel unrest on the West Bank, he can catch up with Hamas’s enhanced standing and recover a strong bargaining position for resumed talks with Israel in time for US President Barack Obama’s visit next month to Jerusalem and Ramallah. But he is skating on very thin ice.
This visit in any case may be postponed if Netanyahu fails to set up a post-election government coalition by March 20.
Day by day, Palestinian fury on the West Bank is stoked by one charge against Israel after another. The protesters of Hebron, Nablus and other West Bank towns and villages are in no mood to hear Israel’s version of the facts. Sunday, Feb. 24, Palestinian Authority officials alleged that Israeli mistreatment caused the death of a 30-year old Palestinian Arafat Jaradat in custody after taking part in rocking-throwing clashes with Israeli troops. Israel denied he was beaten and said he had died of heart failure. Israel’s forensic institute conducted an autopsy with a Palestinian physician in attendance with uncertain results. But the Palestinian street, demonstrating violently for the past week in solidarity with four Palestinian inmates on hunger strike, weren’t waiting. Tomorrow, there will be another trigger for protest and Israeli troops will disperse the rioters and stone-throwers with crowd dispersion measures.
Meanwhile, Palestinian officials keep the heat up by accusing Israel of “murder, racism, and brutality.”
Clearly, Abbas (Abu Mazen) and his henchmen are prepared to risk matters getting out of hand on the West Bank.
debkafile examines their motives.
Abbas appears to count on reining in the violence whenever he decides it has exhausted its political usefulness. The Palestinian Authority chairman seems to believe that he only has to give the order for the seven special commando battalions subservient to the PA for the forces to go into action and restore order to the Palestinian street. But Western and Israeli military circles familiar with the situation in Ramallah think his calculus is flawed, because he is doesn’t seem to realize that parts of the PA commando force have established relations with Hamas, the rival group which rules the Gaza Strip.
This takes the Palestinian military structures into a period of uncertainty which recalls the early months of their second uprising (intifada) in 2000. It was hard then to make out which Palestinian units and security arms served which Palestinian strongman. The militias of the day, including the one under the command of Jibril Rajoub – a close Abbas aide today – divided their loyalties and their time between different Palestinian masters. At times, this was contingent on how much they were paid.
debkafile’s military sources estimate that if the current unrest is allowed to continue unchecked, Abbas will be swept aside by the turbulence. Faceless officers will take over and the force will break up into militias and the Palestinian Authority sink into anarchy.
Already Abbas’s relevance among the Palestinians at large is ebbing along with the welcome mat and donations extended him in most Arab capitals.
Even if Abbas does manage to squeeze another settlement construction freeze out of Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu, along with the release of jailed prisoners, and even revive the stalled flow of funds to the bankrupt Palestinian Authority, he will still face a tough impediment from the Gaza Strip.
To solve it, he would have to turn the clock back to November, 2012 and reverse a process launched then after the Israel Gaza Operation. The US, Turkey, Qatar, Egypt, Hamas and Israel, struck a deal, which ended the operation with a ceasefire and boosted Hamas domestically and internationally by ending the Israeli siege on the Gaza Strip and promoting cooperation between the Palestinian fundamentalists and the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood.
Mahmoud Abbas clearly hopes that by fostering spiraling anti-Israel unrest on the West Bank, he can catch up with Hamas’s enhanced standing and recover a strong bargaining position for resumed talks with Israel in time for US President Barack Obama’s visit next month to Jerusalem and Ramallah. But he is skating on very thin ice.
This visit in any case may be postponed if Netanyahu fails to set up a post-election government coalition by March 20.
THIS IS THE HOMETOWN I GREW UP IN! I AM DISGUSTED!Students made to wear burqas – in Texas
End Of Days News
There’s a new controversy in Texas involving the online public school curriculum called CSCOPE, which already has been the subject of heated debate and state legislative hearings.
There are reports now that students were made to wear Muslim burqas as part of their public school lessons.
CSCOPE has been facing criticism over its alleged Islamic and anti-American bias. It is a “curriculum management system” now used in 80 percent of Texas classrooms – and recently was the subject of a heated inquiry that culminated in hearings conducted by the Texas Senate Education Committee chaired by Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston.
According to a joint press release by Sen. Patrick, State Board of Education Chairperson Barbara Cargill and CSCOPE representatives, CSCOPE ultimately agreed to “significant changes,” but it is unclear when these changes will take place, and whether or not the pledged cooperation is legally binding or simply to mollify critics.
WND contacted Sen. Patrick’s office but has been unable to obtain documentation confirming whether CSCOPE compliance is required or optional.
He did release a statement: “Be assured we are working on this issue as is the SBOE almost every day. The hearing was step one, the letter step two. The only thing that is binding from a legislative standpoint is legislation. We are working on those issues based on what we are discovering now. We are doing our job, one that must be thorough and will take time.”
CSCOPE has come under fire for controversial curriculum content, including accusations of multiple lessons showing a pro-Islamic agenda. CSCOPE representatives had claimed that such content had been “taken out of context” or that they were “old lessons that have since been taken down.”
CSCOPE proponents have denied the existence of such lessons, or, when faced with documentation, have dismissed critics’ claims as exaggerations.
However, in Lumberton, Texas, this week, high school girls were made to wear burqas as part of a CSCOPE study of Islam.
One student quoted the teacher as saying, “We are going to work to change your perception of Islam.”
The teacher in the burqa lesson, according to a student, also said, “I do not necessarily agree with this, but I am supposed to teach you that we are not to call these people terrorists anymore, but freedom fighters.”
Critics argue that this should not be a teacher’s role, and are concerned that CSCOPE curriculum appears agenda-driven.
According to a student in the class, the lesson was to teach about the life of women in Islam. The burqa exercise focused on fashion and did not include the fact that to be in public without a burqa in many Muslim countries is punishable by death.
At the end of class, the students were assigned to write a paper about Egypt. According to one student, they were instructed to discuss “how Egypt was a good country until democracy took over, and that things were finally corrected when the Muslim brotherhood came into power.”
Muslim women are portrayed as liberated in CSCOPE literature. In a lesson entitled, “Thinking About Sexuality,” that utilizes a series of film clips, students are asked, “What do the women portrayed in these film clips think Islam teaches about sexuality? How are their thoughts similar or dissimilar to your own ideas about sexuality?”
Under the subheading, “For further discussion,” select quotes from Muslim women are included for student reflection, e.g. Harlina Halizah, who says, “I don’t think it is fair to say that Islam restricts your sexual desire. It is more directing it toward a more purposeful kind of life.”
Halizah goes on to say, “I don’t need to be liberated. I was born a free person.”
Students are then asked, “Do you agree? What would you define as the criteria for being ‘liberated’?”
Another Muslim female prototype, Zainah Anwar, is quoted under the subheading, “Thinking about Gender Relations,” as saying, “We found that it is not Islam that discriminates against women, it is not the verses in the Quran, it is the way that these verses have been interpreted by men, living in patriarchal societies who wish to maintain their dominance, and their superiority and control over women.”
To get a better understand of the situation, WND reached out to Mary Bowen. Bowen is a teacher of more than 30 years with a masters degree in curriculum who recently testified during the Senate Education Committee hearing about CSCOPE’s academic deficiencies and its politically driven nature.
In response to the picture and the companion lesson, Bowen said the following,
“As for these smiling children, [pictured above] I wonder if they have been taught that the women they are representing cannot drive, cannot be schooled, that they do not have legal birth records and if they are accused of rape/sexual impropriety their father can legally take them out on the patio and kill them like a dog without legal penalty …I just wonder if they are being taught the real story behind the burqa.”
CSCOPE has been heavily criticized by parents and teachers for other controversial content. One lesson from a CSCOPE social studies unit teaches students that communism is the highest attainable economic system, and is the most fair, and that capitalism is merely an evolutionary step on the ladder. The lesson calls “Communism” a system where “all people work together for everyone,” and shows a man climbing stairs towards a communist pinnacle. Capitalism is defined as a system where “all people strive to fulfill their own needs and wants,” and is at the bottom of the included handout.

A civics unit defines political viewpoints and paradigms on a continuum. Fascism/Nazism are placed under “Conservative,” in spite of the fact that these ideologies dictate total state control and ownership of resources, while conservatism dictates less government and wide economic and political freedom.
Students read on the handout that conservatism exists when “the state/group” is “greater than the individuals themselves.” Liberalism allegedly exists when “the individual is above all else and the state is not greater than the individuals that create it.”
Republicans are defined as favoring “big business over labor unions.”
Democrats are defined this way: “Will spend more tax dollars on education to benefits [sic] each individual.”
CSCOPE oversight legislation is pending in the Texas House of Representatives and took less than a week to gain the full support of a majority of representatives.
In the meantime, teachers are legally required under CSCOPE contracts to teach only CSCOPE lessons, and are not permitted to discuss content with parents and others in the community.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/students-made-to-wear-burqas-in-u-s-state/#VTTEwtgcmfukbtmb.99
There are reports now that students were made to wear Muslim burqas as part of their public school lessons.
CSCOPE has been facing criticism over its alleged Islamic and anti-American bias. It is a “curriculum management system” now used in 80 percent of Texas classrooms – and recently was the subject of a heated inquiry that culminated in hearings conducted by the Texas Senate Education Committee chaired by Sen. Dan Patrick, R-Houston.
According to a joint press release by Sen. Patrick, State Board of Education Chairperson Barbara Cargill and CSCOPE representatives, CSCOPE ultimately agreed to “significant changes,” but it is unclear when these changes will take place, and whether or not the pledged cooperation is legally binding or simply to mollify critics.
WND contacted Sen. Patrick’s office but has been unable to obtain documentation confirming whether CSCOPE compliance is required or optional.
He did release a statement: “Be assured we are working on this issue as is the SBOE almost every day. The hearing was step one, the letter step two. The only thing that is binding from a legislative standpoint is legislation. We are working on those issues based on what we are discovering now. We are doing our job, one that must be thorough and will take time.”
CSCOPE has come under fire for controversial curriculum content, including accusations of multiple lessons showing a pro-Islamic agenda. CSCOPE representatives had claimed that such content had been “taken out of context” or that they were “old lessons that have since been taken down.”
CSCOPE proponents have denied the existence of such lessons, or, when faced with documentation, have dismissed critics’ claims as exaggerations.
However, in Lumberton, Texas, this week, high school girls were made to wear burqas as part of a CSCOPE study of Islam.
One student quoted the teacher as saying, “We are going to work to change your perception of Islam.”
The teacher in the burqa lesson, according to a student, also said, “I do not necessarily agree with this, but I am supposed to teach you that we are not to call these people terrorists anymore, but freedom fighters.”
Critics argue that this should not be a teacher’s role, and are concerned that CSCOPE curriculum appears agenda-driven.
According to a student in the class, the lesson was to teach about the life of women in Islam. The burqa exercise focused on fashion and did not include the fact that to be in public without a burqa in many Muslim countries is punishable by death.
At the end of class, the students were assigned to write a paper about Egypt. According to one student, they were instructed to discuss “how Egypt was a good country until democracy took over, and that things were finally corrected when the Muslim brotherhood came into power.”
Muslim women are portrayed as liberated in CSCOPE literature. In a lesson entitled, “Thinking About Sexuality,” that utilizes a series of film clips, students are asked, “What do the women portrayed in these film clips think Islam teaches about sexuality? How are their thoughts similar or dissimilar to your own ideas about sexuality?”
Under the subheading, “For further discussion,” select quotes from Muslim women are included for student reflection, e.g. Harlina Halizah, who says, “I don’t think it is fair to say that Islam restricts your sexual desire. It is more directing it toward a more purposeful kind of life.”
Halizah goes on to say, “I don’t need to be liberated. I was born a free person.”
Students are then asked, “Do you agree? What would you define as the criteria for being ‘liberated’?”
Another Muslim female prototype, Zainah Anwar, is quoted under the subheading, “Thinking about Gender Relations,” as saying, “We found that it is not Islam that discriminates against women, it is not the verses in the Quran, it is the way that these verses have been interpreted by men, living in patriarchal societies who wish to maintain their dominance, and their superiority and control over women.”
To get a better understand of the situation, WND reached out to Mary Bowen. Bowen is a teacher of more than 30 years with a masters degree in curriculum who recently testified during the Senate Education Committee hearing about CSCOPE’s academic deficiencies and its politically driven nature.
In response to the picture and the companion lesson, Bowen said the following,
“As for these smiling children, [pictured above] I wonder if they have been taught that the women they are representing cannot drive, cannot be schooled, that they do not have legal birth records and if they are accused of rape/sexual impropriety their father can legally take them out on the patio and kill them like a dog without legal penalty …I just wonder if they are being taught the real story behind the burqa.”
CSCOPE has been heavily criticized by parents and teachers for other controversial content. One lesson from a CSCOPE social studies unit teaches students that communism is the highest attainable economic system, and is the most fair, and that capitalism is merely an evolutionary step on the ladder. The lesson calls “Communism” a system where “all people work together for everyone,” and shows a man climbing stairs towards a communist pinnacle. Capitalism is defined as a system where “all people strive to fulfill their own needs and wants,” and is at the bottom of the included handout.
A civics unit defines political viewpoints and paradigms on a continuum. Fascism/Nazism are placed under “Conservative,” in spite of the fact that these ideologies dictate total state control and ownership of resources, while conservatism dictates less government and wide economic and political freedom.
Students read on the handout that conservatism exists when “the state/group” is “greater than the individuals themselves.” Liberalism allegedly exists when “the individual is above all else and the state is not greater than the individuals that create it.”
Republicans are defined as favoring “big business over labor unions.”
Democrats are defined this way: “Will spend more tax dollars on education to benefits [sic] each individual.”
CSCOPE oversight legislation is pending in the Texas House of Representatives and took less than a week to gain the full support of a majority of representatives.
In the meantime, teachers are legally required under CSCOPE contracts to teach only CSCOPE lessons, and are not permitted to discuss content with parents and others in the community.
Read more at http://www.wnd.com/2013/02/students-made-to-wear-burqas-in-u-s-state/#VTTEwtgcmfukbtmb.99
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