In ancient times watchman would mount the city walls in times of stress to survey the scene outside the fortifications. He was situated on a spot from which he could monitor the approaches to the town. If a threat appeared, he would sound a warning and the town would shut its gates and prepare for battle.
Thursday, February 7, 2013
Bangladesh: 19 Christian Children Rescued From Trafficker Intending To Sell Them To Radical Islamic Centers For ‘Suicide Squads’
End Of Days News
According to ICC sources, on February 3, 19 children, age’s five to twelve were rescued from a trafficker named Binoy Tripura. Binoy confessed that he ‘collected the kids from their parents with lies and convinced them that he will admit all the kids to a Missionary [Christian] school in Dhaka.’
He then collected 15,000 Taka (Roughly $183 USD) from each of their parents and intended to receive payment from the madrassa upon delivery of the children.
The children, Christians from the Tripura tribe, realized something was not right during their long bus journey from the remote ‘Cimbuk Hill’ in the Bandarban district to Bangladesh’s capitol city, Dhaka.
Twelve of the children ran away at a rest stop and called their parents to explain what was happening.
Not knowing what else to do, the parents called Tripura tribal students attending Dhaka University, desperately asking for help. The University students met the bus in Dhaka, rescued the remaining six children, and captured Binoy, who is now in police custody.
This is not the first instance of Christian children being trafficked to madrassas. This year alone, 55 children have been rescued from madrassas in Dhaka. On January 2, police rescued 21 children from five madrassas and ‘other Islamic organizations.’ ICC sources say that these children were forcibly converted to Islam and had their Christian names legally changed to Muslim ones. They believe the children, once fully brainwashed at the madrassa, were ‘destined for suicide squads’ for use in jihad.” Read more.
ICC – “International Christian Concern (ICC) has learned that 19 children, who were to be sold to fundamentalist Islamic boarding schools (madrassas), have been rescued. Traffickers lied to the children’s parents, saying they would take the children to Christian boarding schools in Dhaka, when in fact, they were intending to sell the children to various madrassas. Students from Dhaka University discovered the children and rescued them. This is not the first instance of Christian children being trafficked to madrassas, as upwards of 150 children have been rescued from similar situations since July 2012.
He then collected 15,000 Taka (Roughly $183 USD) from each of their parents and intended to receive payment from the madrassa upon delivery of the children.
The children, Christians from the Tripura tribe, realized something was not right during their long bus journey from the remote ‘Cimbuk Hill’ in the Bandarban district to Bangladesh’s capitol city, Dhaka.
Twelve of the children ran away at a rest stop and called their parents to explain what was happening.
Not knowing what else to do, the parents called Tripura tribal students attending Dhaka University, desperately asking for help. The University students met the bus in Dhaka, rescued the remaining six children, and captured Binoy, who is now in police custody.
This is not the first instance of Christian children being trafficked to madrassas. This year alone, 55 children have been rescued from madrassas in Dhaka. On January 2, police rescued 21 children from five madrassas and ‘other Islamic organizations.’ ICC sources say that these children were forcibly converted to Islam and had their Christian names legally changed to Muslim ones. They believe the children, once fully brainwashed at the madrassa, were ‘destined for suicide squads’ for use in jihad.” Read more.
End Of Days News
The False Prophet
The Mark, The Idol, The Anitchrist's Right Hand Man
The False Prophet
The Mark, The Idol, The Anitchrist's Right Hand Man
The Antichrist’s right hand man, or the third person in the unholy trinity as many scholars refer to him, is known in the Bible as the False Prophet. It is easy to look past this figure in the Scriptures or let the magnitude of the Antichrist over shadow this other beast, but we mustn’t gloss over this figure. Under and with the authority of the Antichrist, he will be the implementer and enforcer of much of the evil that will be brought about by Satan using these two men.Along with John’s vision of the beast that is the Antichrist, John saw another beast (Revelation 13:11) who is later identified as the False Prophet (Revelation 19:20). In the midst of the world wide chaos, the false prophet will use his authority and power to perform unusual signs, deceiving people into false hope and into worshiping an image of the Antichrist (Revelation 13:12-14). Those who refuse to worship the Antichrist will be killed (Revelation 13:15). After the rapture the world’s economy will crash. The False Prophet along with the Antichrist will stabilize it with strict control over who can buy and sell. Every man, woman, and child will receive a mark, without which one cannot participate. This will lead to great suffering for those who refuse it. The mark will either be “the name of the beast or the number of his name…666” (Revelation 13:17-18)One commentator notes:
His arguments will be subtle, convincing, and appealing. His oratory will be hypnotic, for he will be able to move the masses to tears or whip them into a frenzy. He will control the communication media of the world and will skillfully organize mass publicity to promote his ends. He will be the master of every promotional device and public relations gimmick. He will manage the truth with guile beyond words, bending it, twisting it, and distorting it. Public opinion will be his command. He will mold world thought and shape human opinion like so much potter’s clay. His deadly appeal will lie in the fact that what he says will sound so right, so sensible, so exactly what unregenerate man has always wanted to hear.
What we know about this manFrom Revelation 13:11-12 and 19:20, we know a few things about the False Prophet:1) Many scholars believe he will be Jewish because John says he comes up “out of the earth” rather than the sea. In the Bible, the sea is used to refer to the gentile people and nations while the earth (also figs, fig trees, and trees) is used to refer to the Jews and the nation of Israel.2) “He had two horns like a lamb”. The Lord Jesus Christ is often referred to in the Gospels (Book of Mathew, Mark, Luke, and John) and in the book of Revelation as “The Lamb of God”. As such, he has taken away the sin of the world (for those who accept his free gift of salvation).The False Prophet's arrival on the earth will look like a lamb with two horns. Lambs do not have horns, which are symbols of authority. Lambs are meek and mild animals. Jesus said in the Sermon on the Mount, “Watch out for false prophets. They come to like lambs but inwardly they are ferocious wolves” (Matthew 7:15). The False Prophet will come to Israel in sheep’s clothing, but God terms him a “Beast”.3) “He spoke like a dragon” tells us he will derive power of speech from Satan who is the dragon. This False Prophet will then deceive people by acting like a lamb, but he will really speak the words of Satan. Satan is not against religion. He is however against a personal faith in and relationship with Jesus Christ. Therefore, the False Prophet will most likely be one of the chief spokesmen in the Holy Land for the ecumenical power described in Revelation 17.4) “He exercised all the authority of the first best on his behalf” The False Prophet will be given power from the Antichrist.5) “He made the earth and all of its inhabitants worship the first beast” the False Prophet’s basic purpose and operation (with power from the antichrist and the power of speech from Satan) will be to drive people to worship the Antichrist.No false teacher from past to present has possessed the supernatural powers that the False Prophet will have. During the Tribulation period the Antichrist and the False Prophet will have the power to perform “counterfeit miracles, signs and wonders” (2 Thessalonians 2:9). It does not come as any surprise that the False Prophet will be able to reproduce every thing that the two witnesses sent by God (described in Revelation 11) will be able to do.The Mark of the BeastThe apostle John foretold that the Antichrist (the Beast) will be assassinated with a wound to the head or neck and then satanically resurrected at the midpoint of the seven-year long Tribulation period (See our article on the Antichrist for more information). During the first three and a half years of the tribulation period, the Antichrist will present himself to the world as a messiah figure who is an economic, political, and military genius. However, after this resurrection, he will claim to be God. The False Prophet will then demand that everyone on earth worship the resurrected Antichrist as God by taking his mark.Revelation 13:12
“And he exerciseth all the power of the first beast before him, and causeth the earth and them which dwell therein to worship the first beast, whose deadly wound was healed”
During the time of Great Tribulation, people will still need to buy and sell to earn a living for their families and themselves. The Antichrist and the False Prophet will strike their most severe and horrific blow at the level of basic necessities. The False Prophet will institute the Mark of the Beast which will be a system associated with the number 666. If you do not take the mark of the beast you will be killed.The book of Revelation describes a cashless society in the last days. In order to buy or sell, it will be necessary to possess a certain number (666) which is the Mark and Number of the Beast (the Antichrist).Revelation 13:16-18He also forced everyone, small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on his right hand or on his forehead, so that no one could buy or sell unless he had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of his name. This calls for wisdom. If anyone has insight, let him calculate the number of the beast, for it is man's number. His number is 666.This was an astonishing and improbable prophecy when John proclaimed it in the first century. Think that’s still just not possible? The US government in World War II used a rationing system for food and other items. It was not enough to have money sufficient enough to pay for an item. It did not matter how much money you had, if you didn’t have the stamps you couldn’t purchase the item.How could one number be the key to allow a person to transact business, to obtain commodities, or to complete any financial transactions? Today, not only is it possible, it’s easy to implement and the technology is already in use. Already North Americans live in a 97% cashless society. Less than 3 percent of the money in our economy exists as either paper currency or coin. John, in the book of Revelation, prophesies that the number 666 will be placed beneath the skin of people on the right hand or on the forehead as a way to enforce people’s allegiance to the Antichrist as their God and to control people throughout the Antichrist’s world empire.
The new VeriChip, a beneath-the-skin radio frequency chip, can be implanted beneath the skin and contain comprehensive information about an individual. This chip together with a GPS locator system will allow any interested party or institution not only to locate an individual but to identify a person with his financial, medical, and even criminal records.If you find yourself at this time period, having missed the Rapture, you must not take this mark. All who take this mark will be lost to God forever. This point cannot be stressed enough!Revelation 14:9-11
9 Then another angel, a third one, followed them, saying with a loud voice, "If anyone worships the beast and his image, and receives a mark on his forehead or on his hand,10 he also will drink of the wine of the wrath of God, which is mixed in full strength in the cup of His anger; and he will be tormented with fire and brimstone in the presence of the holy angels and in the presence of the Lamb.11 "And the smoke of their torment goes up forever and ever; they have no rest day and night, those who worship the beast and his image, and whoever receives the mark of his name."Life to the ImagePart of the deception perpetrated by the False Prophet will be his power to give life to the “image of the beast” (Revelation 13:15). The Bible uses the word eikon (“icon”) for “image”. It means a representation derived from a prototype or a “perfect likeness”. It looks like the real thing but it isn’t.Some time after the midway point of Tribulation, after the Antichrist has been slain and resurrected, the False Prophet will have an image of the Antichrist created and demand that it be worshiped (If you do not, you will be killed Revelation 20:4). By some mysterious means, unknown in the previous history of the world, he will give life to the image. What characteristics it will have we are not told. Possibly the characteristic it will manifest is the ability to speak and interact. With the technology of today, that is certainly possible, even easy to-do. Mix in with that, close circuit video monitoring and GPS tracking via the mark of the beast, authorities will certainly know if you are or aren’t worshiping these “images”.We do not know exactly how the False Prophet will do this, but looking at the current technology in place right now, its not hard to see the possibilities. A company named LM3Labs has created an interactive hologram technology named Air Strike. In watching their demonstration of it, it is not hard at all to use your mind’s eye and see the false prophet standing in front of the screen and bringing the hologram of the Antichrist to life:
The Antichrist and the False Prophet will be judged by GodDaniel tells us “ten thousand times ten thousand stood before him: the judgment was set…. I beheld even till the beast [the antichrist] was slain, and his body destroyed, and given to the burning flame. As concerning the rest of the beasts, they had their dominion taken away; yet their lives were prolonged for a season and time." (7:10-12)Some Bible commentators have suggested that Daniel's vision of judgment refers to the Great White Throne Judgment. However, the scripture evidence rules out this conclusion. (Revelation 20) confirms that the Great White Throne Judgment will involve the individual judgment of all unrepentant sinners and will occur in Heaven at the end of the thousand year Millennium Reign. In Daniel’s prophecy, he mentions judgments that will be pronounced by God. These judgments are the judgments of the Gentile nations for their treatment of the Jewish people throughout history, as well as the tribulation period. Jesus foretold that this judgment will occur on earth following the battle of Armageddon and Christ’s establishment of the kingdom of God on earth (Matthew 25:31-46).The final judgment of the Antichrist and the False Prophet (which will occur after the battle of Armageddon) is to be the first ones thrown into the lake of fire (Revelation 19:11-21). Keep in mind, that Satan and all those who have rejected Jesus throughout all time, will not enter the lake of fire until the Great White Thrown judgment which won’t occur until after the Millennial Reign of Christ (1,000 years) ends (Revelation 20) which will then be followed by a new Heaven and new Earth (Revelation 21).ConclusionThere are more events surrounding and involving the False Prophet than what we’ve covered in this article (namely, the one world false religion). The scope of these and other events require their own article to fully cover them. What we’ve tried to do here, is to cover the main biblical aspects involving this person and give greater detail about events in other articles.What is important to know here is that this person, the False Prophet, will be working under and in conjunction with the Antichrist to bring about the evil desires of Satan. Never forget though, the King of Kings and Lord of Lords is, was, and forever will be in complete control. Nothing Satan does will happen without the permission of God.
Eagerly Awaiting the Return of Christ
End Of Days News
We must desire the reward – This should probably go without saying, but it is an important point to mention. As citizens of heaven, we must “set [our minds] on the things above, not on the things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:2). Jesus said, “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21). This is why Paul said, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). We must have that same earnest desire for heaven.
We must recognize that life here cannot compare with life in heaven – Many people become distracted from the goal of heaven by focusing on the “worries and riches and pleasures of this life” (Luke 8:14). Jesus asked, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew 16:26). It may sometimes be easier to focus on the reward of heaven when life is hard. But even when life is good, we must remember that it will never be better, even temporarily, than heaven. The rich man in Jesus’ parable did not appreciate this (Luke 12:16-21). He had no interest in the things of God while life was good. He thought he could focus on spiritual things later. But because he did not make spiritual things his priority even when life was good, Jesus labeled him as a “fool” (Luke 12:20).
Fulfill our normal responsibilities – Even though we “eagerly wait” for the Lord’s return, knowing that “the world is passing away” (1 John 2:17), we cannot ignore the responsibilities we have in life. We must still work to provide for ourselves (2 Thessalonians 3:10), provide for our families (1 Timothy 5:8), and help those in need (Ephesians 4:28). We have obligations as parents, spouses, friends, and brethren that still need to be done, even with the understanding that the Lord could return at any moment (2 Peter 3:10).
Help others get to heaven – We are to be “as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life” (Philippians 2:15-16). As Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10), we must desire to do the same. We should strive to spread the word – both as individuals (1 Peter 3:15) and collectively through the church (1 Thessalonians 1:8; 1 Timothy 3:15) – to those who are outside of the body of Christ. We must also help our fellow Christians by encouraging them to remain faithful to the Lord (Hebrews 3:12-13; 10:24-25).
“For our citizenship is in heaven, from which also we eagerly wait for a Savior, the Lord Jesus Christ; who will transform the body of our humble state into conformity with the body of His glory, by the exertion of the power that He has even to subject all things to Himself” (Philippians 3:20-21).As citizens of heaven, Paul tells us that we ought to be eagerly looking forward to the Lord’s return. But there is more to this than just the mental desire for Christ to return. Notice the words of God revealed through the prophet Amos:
“Alas, you who are longing for the day of the Lord, for what purpose will the day of the Lord be to you? It will be darkness and not light; as when a man flees from a lion and a bear meets him, or goes home, leans his hand against the wall and a snake bites him. Will not the day of the Lord be darkness instead of light, even gloom with no brightness in it?” (Amos 5:18-20).There were people in Amos’ day – just as there are in our day – who were looking forward to the day of the Lord, thinking that it would be a time for their deliverance, rather than judgment and punishment. We do not want to delude ourselves like those of whom Amos prophesied. If we want to genuinely and properly look forward to Christ’s return, there are certain things we must do and things we must understand.
What Must Be True for Us to “Eagerly Wait”
We must be saved – When the Lord returns, those who are “in Christ” – both living and dead – “will be caught up…in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air, and so we shall always be with the Lord” (1 Thessalonians 4:16-17). However, those who are not saved will not enjoy the same reward at His return. Instead, Paul writes, “When the Lord Jesus will be revealed from heaven with His mighty angels in flaming fire, dealing out retribution to those who do not know God and to those who do not obey the gospel of our Lord Jesus” (2 Thessalonians 1:7-8). The way to be saved is by obeying the gospel, which is done by believing in Christ (John 8:24; Mark 16:16), repenting of sins (Luke 13:3, 5; Acts 2:38), confessing faith in Christ (Romans 10:9-10), and being baptized into Christ (Acts 2:38; Romans 6:3; 1 Peter 3:21).We must desire the reward – This should probably go without saying, but it is an important point to mention. As citizens of heaven, we must “set [our minds] on the things above, not on the things that are on earth” (Colossians 3:2). Jesus said, “But store up for yourselves treasures in heaven, where neither moth nor rust destroys, and where thieves do not break in or steal; for where your treasure is, there your heart will be also” (Matthew 6:19-21). This is why Paul said, “I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 3:14). We must have that same earnest desire for heaven.
We must recognize that life here cannot compare with life in heaven – Many people become distracted from the goal of heaven by focusing on the “worries and riches and pleasures of this life” (Luke 8:14). Jesus asked, “For what will it profit a man if he gains the whole world and forfeits his soul?” (Matthew 16:26). It may sometimes be easier to focus on the reward of heaven when life is hard. But even when life is good, we must remember that it will never be better, even temporarily, than heaven. The rich man in Jesus’ parable did not appreciate this (Luke 12:16-21). He had no interest in the things of God while life was good. He thought he could focus on spiritual things later. But because he did not make spiritual things his priority even when life was good, Jesus labeled him as a “fool” (Luke 12:20).
What Must We Do While We Are Waiting
Faithfully obey the Lord – While we “eagerly wait” for the Lord’s return, we must do certain things. The most fundamental is that we continue to faithfully obey the Lord. Many believe in the concept of “once saved, always saved,” but this concept is false – a Christian can fall from grace and be lost (Galatians 5:4; 1 Corinthians 9:27). Jesus told the Christians in Smyrna, “Be faithful until death, and I will give you the crown of life” (Revelation 2:10). Because Paul had “fought the good fight…finished the course, [and] kept the faith,” he was able to look forward to receiving “the crown of righteousness” (2 Timothy 4:7-8). This hope exists for all those who remain faithful to the Lord.Fulfill our normal responsibilities – Even though we “eagerly wait” for the Lord’s return, knowing that “the world is passing away” (1 John 2:17), we cannot ignore the responsibilities we have in life. We must still work to provide for ourselves (2 Thessalonians 3:10), provide for our families (1 Timothy 5:8), and help those in need (Ephesians 4:28). We have obligations as parents, spouses, friends, and brethren that still need to be done, even with the understanding that the Lord could return at any moment (2 Peter 3:10).
Help others get to heaven – We are to be “as lights in the world, holding fast the word of life” (Philippians 2:15-16). As Jesus came “to seek and to save that which was lost” (Luke 19:10), we must desire to do the same. We should strive to spread the word – both as individuals (1 Peter 3:15) and collectively through the church (1 Thessalonians 1:8; 1 Timothy 3:15) – to those who are outside of the body of Christ. We must also help our fellow Christians by encouraging them to remain faithful to the Lord (Hebrews 3:12-13; 10:24-25).
It is good that we eagerly await the Lord’s return. But we must be sure we are ready for it, so that we may “be found by Him in peace, spotless and blameless” (2 Peter 3:14).
Citadel: Survivalists build city-fortress with mandatory weapon ownership
End Of Days News
Ever wished you could travel back in time? Idaho might soon provide a glimpse into the past: a group of survivalists are planning to build a giant medieval-style fortress in which residents would carry their own weapons and defend against invaders.
The walled city would be built in the woods of the Idaho Panhandle, 70 miles southeast of Spokane, Wash. Few people live in Benewah County, and the population 9,000 would be more than doubled if the survivalists most into the region.
Coined the “Citadel”, the fortress would house 7,000 people and include houses, a school, and a gun factory. The people of Idaho are well-known for their love of guns and panic about proposed federal gun rules has only spurred a rush to purchase more of them out of fear of having their Second Amendment rights being taken away.
But those who are proposing the establishment of the Citadel say that all of the city’s residents would have to own an AR-15 rifle, 1,000 rounds of ammunition and enough supplies to withstand a collapse of society. And since AR-15s have become difficult to obtain and would be outlawed if Congress reinstates the 1994 ban on assault weapons, the fortress would have its own factory to produce them.
Residents would also be required by law to carry a side arm – a small weapon worn in a holster – whenever visiting the town center.
“Marxists, Socialists, Liberals, and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles,” states the proposal’s website.
Organizers refer to their proposed city as “a community of liberty”, which has no leader and instead hosts “a significant group of equals… each bringing their own professional skills and life experiences to the group,” Christian Kerodin, a convicted felon who is a promoter of the project, told the Associated Press.
“It is very much a ‘grass-roots’ endeavor,” he added.
Such proposals are more common among groups who have a stark opposition to mainstream society and politics in the US. Right-wing television host Glenn Beck last month revealed his plans to build a self-sustaining community named “Independence, USA”. Beck’s utopian city would remain cut off from the rest of the US and thereby isolate its residents from the propaganda that Beck believes Americans are exposed to in their current society, as well as provide them with freedom that he believes the US is lacking.
And the number of ‘patriot groups’ desiring their own utopias has only grown since President Obama was first elected, according to spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center Mark Potok. But Potok said these ideas rarely generate into action and that the Citadel’s organizers are unlikely to actually build their fortress.
“The people behind the Citadel are like 12-year-old boys talking about the tree house, or the secret underground city they’re going to build some day,” he told AP.
But the Citadel’s organizers are already making money off of their proposal: several hundred people have already paid the $208 application fee to live in the Citadel if it is developed.
Although no construction has begun on the fortress, organizers have already purchased 20 aces of land. Eventually, they hope to acquire the entire 2,000-3,000-acre compound.
And while organizers already have at least several hundred supporters, some Idaho residents are skeptical about the idea – especially the requirement for future residents to carry arms and defend themselves against invaders.
Coined the “Citadel”, the fortress would house 7,000 people and include houses, a school, and a gun factory. The people of Idaho are well-known for their love of guns and panic about proposed federal gun rules has only spurred a rush to purchase more of them out of fear of having their Second Amendment rights being taken away.
But those who are proposing the establishment of the Citadel say that all of the city’s residents would have to own an AR-15 rifle, 1,000 rounds of ammunition and enough supplies to withstand a collapse of society. And since AR-15s have become difficult to obtain and would be outlawed if Congress reinstates the 1994 ban on assault weapons, the fortress would have its own factory to produce them.
Residents would also be required by law to carry a side arm – a small weapon worn in a holster – whenever visiting the town center.
“Marxists, Socialists, Liberals, and Establishment Republicans will likely find that life in our community is incompatible with their existing ideology and preferred lifestyles,” states the proposal’s website.
Organizers refer to their proposed city as “a community of liberty”, which has no leader and instead hosts “a significant group of equals… each bringing their own professional skills and life experiences to the group,” Christian Kerodin, a convicted felon who is a promoter of the project, told the Associated Press.
“It is very much a ‘grass-roots’ endeavor,” he added.
Such proposals are more common among groups who have a stark opposition to mainstream society and politics in the US. Right-wing television host Glenn Beck last month revealed his plans to build a self-sustaining community named “Independence, USA”. Beck’s utopian city would remain cut off from the rest of the US and thereby isolate its residents from the propaganda that Beck believes Americans are exposed to in their current society, as well as provide them with freedom that he believes the US is lacking.
And the number of ‘patriot groups’ desiring their own utopias has only grown since President Obama was first elected, according to spokesman for the Southern Poverty Law Center Mark Potok. But Potok said these ideas rarely generate into action and that the Citadel’s organizers are unlikely to actually build their fortress.
“The people behind the Citadel are like 12-year-old boys talking about the tree house, or the secret underground city they’re going to build some day,” he told AP.
But the Citadel’s organizers are already making money off of their proposal: several hundred people have already paid the $208 application fee to live in the Citadel if it is developed.
Although no construction has begun on the fortress, organizers have already purchased 20 aces of land. Eventually, they hope to acquire the entire 2,000-3,000-acre compound.
And while organizers already have at least several hundred supporters, some Idaho residents are skeptical about the idea – especially the requirement for future residents to carry arms and defend themselves against invaders.
They will not convert so is the mark of the beast more than a microchip? Is the mark of the beast the exceptance of ALLAH? Christian Bishop in Egypt: Christians Are Currently Experiencing Their Worst Time in Recent Centuries, Many Now Unable to Buy or Sell
End Of Days News
“Christians in Egypt are currently experiencing their worst time in recent centuries. This statement was made by the Coptic Orthodox Bishop Stephanos of Beba and Elfashn to the international Catholic charity Aid to the Church in Need (ACN). Christians are being violently killed under the eyes of the international media. Also, for the first time in many years, churches are being systematically burned and destroyed. The police are taking no action and nobody is punished for it. In the Egyptian media, ‘the facts are systematically covered up in order to keep the international media from reporting the truth and bringing pressure from outside,’ he complained. However, video films showing the massacre of demonstrators on 9 October were broadcast by the three television stations operated by the Coptic Church and have thus also found their way into the international media. This time the attacks on Copts ‘have been better documented’.
Problems are also experienced in day-to-day life because calls are often made in the media not to buy from Christian merchants or to sell anything to Christians. Businessmen are therefore faced with a struggle for economic survival. Christians are indirectly excluded from employment, for example by job advertisements specifying ‘a female employee with headscarf’. Attempts are being made ‘to drive the Christians out’.” Read more.
‘Bloody’: Christian Persecution is ‘Coursing Through Muslim-Majority Nations from One End of the Globe to the Other’ – “We hear so often about Muslims as victims of abuse in the West and combatants in the Arab Spring’s fight against tyranny. But, in fact, a wholly different kind of war is underway—an unrecognized battle costing thousands of lives. Christians are being killed in the Islamic world because of their religion. It is a rising genocide that ought to provoke global alarm…” Read more.
Mali: Christian Leader Beheaded as Islamists Terrorize Country, Create List of All Christians They Intend to Execute by Beheading – “A Christian leader has been beheaded and others are being threatened with similar treatment as Islamic militants run amok in Mali, West Africa. Christians have fled the town of Timbuktu in the north of the country where harsh Sharia Law has already been imposed amid reports that churches in Gao, 200 miles to the east, have been completely destroyed… ‘We have escaped in the wake of horrible death threats as the Islamists have a list of all the Christians in Timbuktu whom they intend to execute by beheading.’” Read more.
Egypt: Rising Islamic Leader Declares ‘We Will Launch a Campaign of Islamic Conquest Throughout the World’, ‘Exterminate’ Christians Who Get In the Way of Sharia - “A rising leader in the radical Islamic movement in Egypt that has become a major political player since the demise of Hosni Mubarak’s regime says Christian churches may need to be blown up and Christians exterminated to allow the advance of Islamic law, or Shariah. The comments come from Sheik ‘Adel Shehato, a senior leader with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad terrorist group… The sheik, a senior jihadist leader, responded to a question about using violence against Christians, who make up a substantial minority in Egypt.” Read more.
Islamic Militants Calling Themselves ‘The Unknown Soldiers of The Hidden Imam’ Threaten to Hunt Down and Execute Christians Who Flee Iran – “Islamic militants with suspected ties to Iranian security forces have been terrorizing evangelical Christians with threats to ‘repent’ or die, it was reported Sunday. Christian Solidarity Worldwide has reported that 11 Iranian Christians who fled Iran in the wake of a government campaign against Christianity have received threats via email to ‘repent’ or face extrajudicial execution, from a group identifying itself as the ‘The Unknown Soldiers of The Hidden Imam.’ The threatening emails that were sent to each individual on Sept. 14 aspired to extend the arm of Iranian Islamic militancy beyond the borders of Iran by implying that, although the recipients have left Iran, they have not escaped the ‘acute eyes of the unknown soldiers.’” Read more.
‘It’s Just the Beginning’: The Unprecedented Persecution of Christians – “‘It’s just the beginning.’ That’s what one of the attackers said while bombing a church in eastern Kenya last week. Two people were killed and three others injured in the attack, which authorities believe was carried out by the al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab. This month at least 65 people were killed in the city of Damaturu in northeastern Nigeria, when Islamist insurgents bombed churches, mosques and police stations. The Boko Haram militant sect claimed responsibility.” Read more.
Revelation 13:16-17, “And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.”
Problems are also experienced in day-to-day life because calls are often made in the media not to buy from Christian merchants or to sell anything to Christians. Businessmen are therefore faced with a struggle for economic survival. Christians are indirectly excluded from employment, for example by job advertisements specifying ‘a female employee with headscarf’. Attempts are being made ‘to drive the Christians out’.” Read more.
‘Bloody’: Christian Persecution is ‘Coursing Through Muslim-Majority Nations from One End of the Globe to the Other’ – “We hear so often about Muslims as victims of abuse in the West and combatants in the Arab Spring’s fight against tyranny. But, in fact, a wholly different kind of war is underway—an unrecognized battle costing thousands of lives. Christians are being killed in the Islamic world because of their religion. It is a rising genocide that ought to provoke global alarm…” Read more.
Iraqi Christian Ashur Yacob Issa Beheaded by Islamists
Islamic Militants Behead Afghan Christian
Egypt: Rising Islamic Leader Declares ‘We Will Launch a Campaign of Islamic Conquest Throughout the World’, ‘Exterminate’ Christians Who Get In the Way of Sharia - “A rising leader in the radical Islamic movement in Egypt that has become a major political player since the demise of Hosni Mubarak’s regime says Christian churches may need to be blown up and Christians exterminated to allow the advance of Islamic law, or Shariah. The comments come from Sheik ‘Adel Shehato, a senior leader with the Egyptian Islamic Jihad terrorist group… The sheik, a senior jihadist leader, responded to a question about using violence against Christians, who make up a substantial minority in Egypt.” Read more.
Christian Beheaded by Islamists In Somalia
Islamic Militants Calling Themselves ‘The Unknown Soldiers of The Hidden Imam’ Threaten to Hunt Down and Execute Christians Who Flee Iran – “Islamic militants with suspected ties to Iranian security forces have been terrorizing evangelical Christians with threats to ‘repent’ or die, it was reported Sunday. Christian Solidarity Worldwide has reported that 11 Iranian Christians who fled Iran in the wake of a government campaign against Christianity have received threats via email to ‘repent’ or face extrajudicial execution, from a group identifying itself as the ‘The Unknown Soldiers of The Hidden Imam.’ The threatening emails that were sent to each individual on Sept. 14 aspired to extend the arm of Iranian Islamic militancy beyond the borders of Iran by implying that, although the recipients have left Iran, they have not escaped the ‘acute eyes of the unknown soldiers.’” Read more.
Convert to Christianity Beheaded in Tunisia
‘It’s Just the Beginning’: The Unprecedented Persecution of Christians – “‘It’s just the beginning.’ That’s what one of the attackers said while bombing a church in eastern Kenya last week. Two people were killed and three others injured in the attack, which authorities believe was carried out by the al-Qaida-linked militant group al-Shabab. This month at least 65 people were killed in the city of Damaturu in northeastern Nigeria, when Islamist insurgents bombed churches, mosques and police stations. The Boko Haram militant sect claimed responsibility.” Read more.
Snowiest winter in 100 years paralyzes Moscow traffic for 3,500 km
End Of Days News
February 6, 2013 – RUSSIA – The snowiest winter in a century has hit the Russian capital, causing Muscovites to get stuck in traffic jams 3,500km in length on Monday evening – the distance from Moscow to Madrid. Since the beginning of the winter, over 2 meters of snow has fallen on the Russian capital, the Moscow mayor’s aide in housing and public utilities Pyotr Biryukov told Interfax. Snowfall is expected in Moscow for four or five more days, he added. On Monday, 45,000 community services employees and 15,000 units of equipment were attempting to cope with 26 cm of snow – nearly a fifth of the average annual fall. The latest snowfall has become a nightmare for drivers with the capital’s commuters trapped in gridlock. Many of those who left their workplace in the evening had to spend five to 10 hours getting home. The average speed of vehicles was no more than 7-9 km/h. The number of road accidents – 3,000 – was much higher than during an ordinary day, with minor accidents quadrupling, according to Channel One TV. Pedestrians were having a hard time, too, trying to make their way through ice and huge snowdrifts on the sidewalks. Over 50 people were injured after falling. On Tuesday morning, the streets became virtual ‘skating rinks’, with passengers of minibuses forced to push the vehicles up the hill from time to time, and then jumping into the moving vehicles. Overnight, almost 150 huge trucks became stuck on the Moscow ring highway, blocking it for hours. Moscow’s Yandex Traffic Jams application showed that traffic was at level 10, the highest possible. Meanwhile, over a hundred flights were grounded at Moscow airports. Notably, Russian PM Dmitry Medvedev’s plane was unable to land in Vnukovo airport, and proceeded to St. Petersburg. It’s not the first time that Moscow has seen massive snowfalls this winter – in mid-January the situation was similar in terms of heavy falls – and traffic. Yandex Traffic Jams also recorded level 10 at that time. In December, the harshest temperatures in 70 years were recorded, with thermometers showing temperatures as low as -50 degrees Celsius in some regions of Russia. Meteorologists predict more snow is in store for Muscovites in February and March. “March is considered a winter month here,” one top Hydro Meteorological Center official indicated to Interfax. –RT
Netanyahu: Iran, Hizbullah Waging Global Terror Campaign
End Of Days News
Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu spoke on Wednesday evening with Bulgarian Prime Minister Boyko Borissov and thanked him for his country's thorough and professional investigation into the terrorist bombing in Burgas last July.
Netanyahu told Borissov, "The findings of the investigation are clear and prove that Hizbullah was responsible for the atrocity in Burgas. This is an additional indication that Iran, through its proxies, is conducting a global terrorist campaign that crosses borders and continents.
“I hope that the Europeans will draw the necessary conclusions regarding the true character of Hizbullah after this criminal attack on European soil against an EU member state,” he added.
On Tuesday, Bulgaria officially blamed Hizbullah for the Burgas terror attack, in which five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian driver were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up near a tourist bus.
Netanyahu released a statement Tuesday after Bulgaria officially blamed Hizbullah for the attack, in which he called on the international community to recognize Hizbullah as a terrorist organization.
Shortly after the Burgas bombing, the EU decided not to list Hizbullah as a terrorist group, but EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said on Tuesday that there is “a need for reflection over the outcome of the investigation.”
Hizbullah, meanwhile, accused Israel on Wednesday of waging an “international campaign” against it.
Naim Kassem, the terror group’s second in command, slammed the “international campaign of intimidation waged by Israel against Hizbullah,” adding that it is “ever improving its equipment and training” in order to bring about the destruction of the Jewish state.
“[T]hese charges will change nothing,” he said, referring to the Bulgarian investigation.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday urged Europe to cut off funding to the Hizbullah terror group in the wake of its responsibility for the Burgas attack.
"We strongly urge other governments around the world -- and particularly our partners in Europe -- to take immediate action to crack down on Hizbullah," Kerry said.
"We need to send an unequivocal message to this terrorist group that it can no longer engage in despicable actions with impunity," he added.
Hizbullah has been on a U.S. terror blacklist since 1995 after a series of anti-American attacks, including the bombing of the U.S. embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut in the 1980s.
Netanyahu told Borissov, "The findings of the investigation are clear and prove that Hizbullah was responsible for the atrocity in Burgas. This is an additional indication that Iran, through its proxies, is conducting a global terrorist campaign that crosses borders and continents.
“I hope that the Europeans will draw the necessary conclusions regarding the true character of Hizbullah after this criminal attack on European soil against an EU member state,” he added.
On Tuesday, Bulgaria officially blamed Hizbullah for the Burgas terror attack, in which five Israeli tourists and a Bulgarian driver were killed when a suicide bomber blew himself up near a tourist bus.
Netanyahu released a statement Tuesday after Bulgaria officially blamed Hizbullah for the attack, in which he called on the international community to recognize Hizbullah as a terrorist organization.
Shortly after the Burgas bombing, the EU decided not to list Hizbullah as a terrorist group, but EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton said on Tuesday that there is “a need for reflection over the outcome of the investigation.”
Hizbullah, meanwhile, accused Israel on Wednesday of waging an “international campaign” against it.
Naim Kassem, the terror group’s second in command, slammed the “international campaign of intimidation waged by Israel against Hizbullah,” adding that it is “ever improving its equipment and training” in order to bring about the destruction of the Jewish state.
“[T]hese charges will change nothing,” he said, referring to the Bulgarian investigation.
U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Tuesday urged Europe to cut off funding to the Hizbullah terror group in the wake of its responsibility for the Burgas attack.
"We strongly urge other governments around the world -- and particularly our partners in Europe -- to take immediate action to crack down on Hizbullah," Kerry said.
"We need to send an unequivocal message to this terrorist group that it can no longer engage in despicable actions with impunity," he added.
Hizbullah has been on a U.S. terror blacklist since 1995 after a series of anti-American attacks, including the bombing of the U.S. embassy and Marine barracks in Beirut in the 1980s.
Israel Faces Increasing Danger As Assad Weakens
End Of Days News
But Syria's southern neighbor is facing an increasingly dangerous situation on its borders as the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad weakens.
“Israel will miss the Assads,” a veteran intelligence source told The London Times. In reference to keeping peace in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights he added: “The Assads, father and son, were very nasty people. But with them, we knew that a promise was a promise, and an agreement was solid as the boulders of Mount Hermon.”
As the Syrian civil war continues into its 23rd month, Israel is considering creating a buffer zone reaching up to 10 miles inside Syria to secure the 47-mile border against the threat of Islamic radicals in the area.
Ranaan Gissin, who served as senior advisor to Israel’s former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, upped the ante when he told Al-Arabiya that "Revolutionary Guards [IRGC] from Iran, Hezbollah and other global jihads groups are taking control over some parts of the border" as Assad deploys his resources elsewhere.
Israel has already deployed a third Iron Dome missile defense system near its northern borders, strengthened its border fence while upgrading intelligence-gathering capabilities in the area, and bombed a Syrian military facility near Damascus.
The strike was partly meant to deter Hezbollah—the powerful Shiite group against which Israel fought a devastating 2006 war—from acquiring sophisticated antiaircraft and chemical weapons from Assad.
Despite the increasing danger, Israel is not about to switch sides in the conflict.
Officials told UPI and The Times of London that Israel is considering further airstrikes in the area, including one on an Iranian electronic listening post in the Golan Heights.
At the end of the day, Israel wants to see Assad fall because it would weaken Iran.
"There is no doubt that the very falling of this central link in the Iranian array is a blow to Iran and Hezbollah, and something Iran is doing everything to prevent," a senior security official told Agence France-Press.
In August an IRGC member told The Wall Street Journal the Quds force—the foreign operations arm of the IRGC—is sending soldiers to Syria because "fighting for Syria is an integral part of keeping the Shiite Crescent intact," referring to the geographical link between Shiites from Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria.
In July 2011 Israeli President Shimon Peres said that "Assad must go."
But Syria's southern neighbor is facing an increasingly dangerous situation on its borders as the rule of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad weakens.
“Israel will miss the Assads,” a veteran intelligence source told The London Times. In reference to keeping peace in the Israeli-occupied Golan Heights he added: “The Assads, father and son, were very nasty people. But with them, we knew that a promise was a promise, and an agreement was solid as the boulders of Mount Hermon.”
As the Syrian civil war continues into its 23rd month, Israel is considering creating a buffer zone reaching up to 10 miles inside Syria to secure the 47-mile border against the threat of Islamic radicals in the area.
Ranaan Gissin, who served as senior advisor to Israel’s former Prime Minister Ariel Sharon, upped the ante when he told Al-Arabiya that "Revolutionary Guards [IRGC] from Iran, Hezbollah and other global jihads groups are taking control over some parts of the border" as Assad deploys his resources elsewhere.
Israel has already deployed a third Iron Dome missile defense system near its northern borders, strengthened its border fence while upgrading intelligence-gathering capabilities in the area, and bombed a Syrian military facility near Damascus.
The strike was partly meant to deter Hezbollah—the powerful Shiite group against which Israel fought a devastating 2006 war—from acquiring sophisticated antiaircraft and chemical weapons from Assad.
Despite the increasing danger, Israel is not about to switch sides in the conflict.
Officials told UPI and The Times of London that Israel is considering further airstrikes in the area, including one on an Iranian electronic listening post in the Golan Heights.
At the end of the day, Israel wants to see Assad fall because it would weaken Iran.
"There is no doubt that the very falling of this central link in the Iranian array is a blow to Iran and Hezbollah, and something Iran is doing everything to prevent," a senior security official told Agence France-Press.
In August an IRGC member told The Wall Street Journal the Quds force—the foreign operations arm of the IRGC—is sending soldiers to Syria because "fighting for Syria is an integral part of keeping the Shiite Crescent intact," referring to the geographical link between Shiites from Iran, Iraq, Lebanon and Syria.
Endtime News Updates 2-7-13 With Hummingbird027
End Of Days News
THIS SPEAKS VOLUMES! Frabjous day? Obama’s coming to town
End Of Days News
The Israeli press is still dissecting the news of US President Barack Obama’s upcoming visit, its significance, its implications, and the White House’s announcement that Obama isn’t bringing a new peace plan with him.
Haaretz quotes White House Press Secretary Jay Carney saying that Obama “expects to discuss with Israeli leaders the issues of a nuclear Iran and the situation in Syria,” but not peace with the Palestinians. Israel Hayom quotes US Ambassador to Israel Dan Shapiro saying Obama has no demands for Netanyahu during his upcoming visit, which is intended to convey the significance Obama sees in the “strong and deep connection between both countries.” Yedioth Ahronoth calls the White House announcement “lowering expectations.” Makor Rishon reports that Netanyahu has placed his national security adviser, Yaakov Amidror, in charge of the president’s visit.
Haaretz’s op-ed argues that Obama’s visit “presumably attests to the new order of priorities of Obama’s second term,” namely, “negotiations with the Palestinians, and the close relationship he sees between the peace process and stability in a Middle East undergoing convulsions.” It also charges that Obama “seeks to influence the coalition negotiations, and to make it clear to whatever Israeli government is formed that he won’t allow it to shove the diplomatic issue onto the back burner or into the deep freeze.”
In Maariv, Eli Avidar contends that Obama’s decision to visit Ramallah and Amman as well as Jerusalem is all about political pressure on Israel. “President Obama is coming to fulfill his promise to the Palestinian leadership to exert greater pressure on Israel with the beginning of his second term,” he writes. The problem is that Obama seeks political leadership that the Palestinians cannot provide, he argues. “The Abbas government and its political perspective are bankrupt. Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad is a acceptable person, but he has no public support. Abbas’s situation is even worse, and it’s vrey doubtful if he can provide the goods that President Obama is interested in.”
Haaretz leads with the behind-closed-doors statements attributed to Amidror that West Bank settlement construction is harming Israel’s standing abroad.
“Construction in the settlements has become a diplomatic problem and is causing Israel to lose support even among its friends in the West,” the paper quotes him saying.
The report adds that Amidror opposed responding with new settlement construction to the November 29 United Nations General Assembly vote on upgrading the Palestinians’ status to a nonmember state. “He especially opposed the announcement that Israel would move forward with planning for the E1 corridor, which links Jerusalem with the settlement of Ma’aleh Adumim, warning that this would provoke an international outcry,” the paper writes.
Amidror’s opinion, it adds, is shared by Netanyahu’s special negotiator with the Palestinians, Yitzhak Molcho.
Maariv leads with the Channel 2 story reporting on satellite images of the Syrian scientific research facility allegedly struck by Israel last week. According to the report, the images taken in the last week show a blackened parking lot, which it claims is proof of the Israeli hit. The only thing missing is damage to the buildings that Syria claimed Israel inflicted when IAF planes bombed the site. It cites the report’s claims that the strike hit the convoy in the parking lot but dealt no damage to the nearby buildings.
It also reports on the near-completion of the fully-reinforced hospital in Haifa that can withstand nonconventional weapons — including an atomic bomb — and can treat up to 2,000 patients in case of war. Maariv also mentions that the owners of planes at a Haifa airport were ordered to remove their aircraft from the field and given no explanation why.
Israel Hayom reports on the ongoing coalition talks between Netanyahu and the various party leaders, and the scheduled round two of meetings between the once and future prime minister and Yesh Atid leader Yair Lapid.
“Netanyahu is expected to tell Lapid that he sees the ultra-Orthodox parties as partners in his future government, and that if Lapid wants to join the government, he must ease his positions — especially his demands concerning universal draft,” it reports. Israel Hayom adds that according to a source familiar with the coalition talks, “Netanyahu is interested in assembling the broadest possible government that includes Lapid, [Hatnua leader Tzipi] Livni and [Kadima leader] Shaul Mofaz from the center-left side of the political map, and the ultra-Orthodox factions and Jewish Home from the right side of the map.”
Yedioth Ahronoth also reports that Netanyahu and Lapid will meet on Wednesday to discuss forming a coalition with Jewish Home and Shas, and the article appears to quote the same source saying the prime minister “intends to try to convince Lapid to ease up on the issue of the draft,” and form a broad coalition.
It quotes sources in Yesh Atid, however, saying that it would be impossible to form a broad coalition because of the vast disparity in opinions between the parties Netanyahu aims to unite, and because a broad coalition would be bloated with ministers.
Makor Rishon, the religious-nationalist paper that acquired Maariv in November, reports on Hezbollah’s accusing Israel of launching “an international campaign” against it. According to the report, the Lebanese Shiite militia’s No. 2 told students that “Israel is trying to besmirch Hezbollah worldwide” and is conducting an “international fear campaign against Hezbollah because it failed in military confrontation against us.”
“We see Israel’s political expressions and the public accusations it disseminates in the international press, and we understand that it is trying to bring down the resistance in a political and international fashion, for in a military manner it cannot contend with us,” Sheikh Naim Kassem is quoted saying.
The same author, Assaf Gibor, writes a similar report in Maariv, except he leaves out the final accusatory statement and leads the article with European reactions to the Bulgarian statement accusing Hezbollah of carrying out last year’s bombing in Burgas.
Ali Khamenei shuts door on direct nuclear talks with US
End Of Days News
Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei turned down the US offer of one-on-one talks on its nuclear program Thursday, Feb. 7, just 24 hours after US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced that due to budgetary constraints, the US could only keep one, not two, US aircraft carrier strike groups in the Persian Gulf, and had cancelled the departure of a second carrier, the USS Harry S. Truman.
The ayatollah in a speech posted on his web site accused the US of proposing talks while "pointing a gun at Iran.”
On Saturday, US Vice-President Joe Biden suggested direct talks – separate from the wider international discussions scheduled for Feb. 26 in Kazakhstan between the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany. No previous negotiations in this format over the years have ever produced a breakthrough.
Biden said Washington was prepared for direct talks with Iran "when the Iranian leadership, supreme leader, is serious". "That offer stands,” he said later, “but it must be real and tangible and there has to be an agenda that they are prepared to speak to. We are not just prepared to do it for the exercise," he said.
But the ayatollah said such negotiations "would solve nothing.” He added: "You are holding a gun against Iran saying you want to talk. The Iranian nation will not be frightened by threats."
Wednesday, the US widened sanctions on Iran for tightening the squeeze on Tehran's ability to spend oil cash.
The cancellation of the Harry Truman’s departure for the Gulf leaves a single US aircraft carrier in the vast naval region of the Persian Gulf, Mediterranean and southern part of the Indian Ocean bordering on Africa, debkafile's military sources report, and no US fleet presence opposite Syria.
Khamenei’s rejection of Washington’s latest offer of direct talks followed the new US ban imposed Wednesday on the transfer of revenues from Iranian oil exports to its coffers. The money will henceforth be available only for the purchase of goods in the countries of destination for Iranian oil.
Senior American officials said that this sanction would significantly restrict Iran's freedom to use its oil income at will.
Khamenei did not say so specifically, but his rejection of dialogue with Washington was undoubtedly influenced by President Barack Obama’s forthcoming visit to Israel. By the metaphor of “holding a gun against Iran,” the Iranian leader was not just reacting to the new sanctions; he was also hitting back at the White House announcement’s stress that the president’s talks with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu would focus on Iran and Syria - as debkafile reported Wednesday.
The expectation is that Obama and Netanyahu will confer on the military option both governments have reserved for dealing with Iran’s nuclear program.
Khamenei's rejection of face-to-face talks does not cancel the international negotiations scheduled to take place in Kazakhstan. It does, however, render them more pointless than ever.
Iran’s supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei turned down the US offer of one-on-one talks on its nuclear program Thursday, Feb. 7, just 24 hours after US Defense Secretary Leon Panetta announced that due to budgetary constraints, the US could only keep one, not two, US aircraft carrier strike groups in the Persian Gulf, and had cancelled the departure of a second carrier, the USS Harry S. Truman.
The ayatollah in a speech posted on his web site accused the US of proposing talks while "pointing a gun at Iran.”
On Saturday, US Vice-President Joe Biden suggested direct talks – separate from the wider international discussions scheduled for Feb. 26 in Kazakhstan between the five permanent members of the UN Security Council plus Germany. No previous negotiations in this format over the years have ever produced a breakthrough.
Biden said Washington was prepared for direct talks with Iran "when the Iranian leadership, supreme leader, is serious". "That offer stands,” he said later, “but it must be real and tangible and there has to be an agenda that they are prepared to speak to. We are not just prepared to do it for the exercise," he said.
But the ayatollah said such negotiations "would solve nothing.” He added: "You are holding a gun against Iran saying you want to talk. The Iranian nation will not be frightened by threats."
Wednesday, the US widened sanctions on Iran for tightening the squeeze on Tehran's ability to spend oil cash.
The cancellation of the Harry Truman’s departure for the Gulf leaves a single US aircraft carrier in the vast naval region of the Persian Gulf, Mediterranean and southern part of the Indian Ocean bordering on Africa, debkafile's military sources report, and no US fleet presence opposite Syria.
Khamenei’s rejection of Washington’s latest offer of direct talks followed the new US ban imposed Wednesday on the transfer of revenues from Iranian oil exports to its coffers. The money will henceforth be available only for the purchase of goods in the countries of destination for Iranian oil.
Senior American officials said that this sanction would significantly restrict Iran's freedom to use its oil income at will.
Khamenei did not say so specifically, but his rejection of dialogue with Washington was undoubtedly influenced by President Barack Obama’s forthcoming visit to Israel. By the metaphor of “holding a gun against Iran,” the Iranian leader was not just reacting to the new sanctions; he was also hitting back at the White House announcement’s stress that the president’s talks with Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu would focus on Iran and Syria - as debkafile reported Wednesday.
The expectation is that Obama and Netanyahu will confer on the military option both governments have reserved for dealing with Iran’s nuclear program.
Khamenei's rejection of face-to-face talks does not cancel the international negotiations scheduled to take place in Kazakhstan. It does, however, render them more pointless than ever.
The Big Reset: America’s Financial System Will Suffer a Horrible Reset By 2014
End Of Days News
America will soon suffer a horrible reset. That’s inevitable.
But the people of this country and their unique nature, with the resolve to roll up their sleeves, deal with the reset, and get back on to a sound hard asset backed currency (even if they have to dig it out of the ground with their bare hands) will reestablish a sound economy, like the one embodied in the best elements of the Constitution and Bill of Rights along with the beliefs and morality that existed before the banksters came to rule the land. The present day currency cargo cult will come to an end.
I have optimism in that. But until we go cold turkey on a century of debt and take the cure, these things will not happen. The longer we wait, the worse the reset will be.
If one currency devalues itself into hyperinflation, all debts, foreign and domestic, would suffer either a complete default, with the principal and interest unpaid or the debts would be paid with hard assets such as gold or other commodities.
The difference in how the debts are resolved would be a test of the national character, will of the people, and courage of the political leaders. The people’s will is reflected in how much hardship they can take until they hit the breaking point.
Weimar Germany tried the former by printing its way out of war reparations. That ended badly and WWII was one of the result. Political courage is lacking in our country as it is in most. The people’s will is pretty questionable given that over half of the people in this country live almost entirely on government transfer payments.
The problem we face today is that the same problems that beset Germany and the dozens of other countries who went through hyperinflation, is that we now have dozens of countries pursuing the same policies but on a global basis.
What was once a single country reset to normalcy, will be world wide.
The FIAT empires are designed to enrich some and em-beggar the common folks. Inflation is the only path these people follow, knowing that inflation removes debt, but the cost is terrible.
Inflation is insidious and its effects have 4,000 of historical precedence. How to fix its effects are well known.
The historical record is full of countries that printed themselves into penury and after their painful and deadly resets, many countries came back from the dead by creating a gold and silver backed currency. They survived the currency/debt reset because what the system had to deal with was funny money. People will almost always persevere evenif the FIAT does not.
The financial system we had worked well in the US for nearly 150 until the Federal Reserve was founded (with mal intent and a plan to destroy America). Subsequently gold and silver were either stolen from the citizenry or repudiated by the government—see Johnson taking silver from our coins and Nixon taking us off the gold standard. The stage was then set.
Since then our country has not made even a single step forward in real growth of wages and wealth. While the charts of debt and income went upwards for 40 years, most of us have been stuck in the euphoria of inflation induced pseudo-wealth or, for a few, transformed formerly honorable professions like banking, lawyering and political offices into a dog eat dog hog wallow of moral and financial turpitude. The coarser elements of human nature forced their ways into the fabric of this country. those who’s lives were devoted to plunder took power from good people.
So, the answer would be, and maybe some good news here, is that America will suffer a horrible reset. That’s inevitable.
But the people of this country and their unique nature, with the resolve to roll up their sleeves, deal with the reset, and get back on to a sound hard asset backed currency (even if they have to dig it out of the ground with their bare hands) will reestablish a sound economy, like the one embodied in the best elements of the Constitution and Bill of Rights along with the beliefs and morality that existed before the banksters came to rule the land. The present day currency cargo cult will come to an end.
I have optimism in that. But until we go cold turkey on a century of debt and take the cure, these things will not happen. The longer we wait, the worse will be the reset.
The US economy contracted by .1% in the 4th Q. We are back into recession, not that we left it. Anything that you hear from the government and others that we are recovering is false hope and muddled thinking. But that is no surprise to regular readers here on SD. Most of us are living that reality and are prepared as best we can for the reset.
I think that when bond rates go back to their historic norm of 5%, or higher, the bond bubble will rupture. This will remove 25% of the bond values and start the reset. That might take a while, maybe mid 2013 or into 2014.
But the people of this country and their unique nature, with the resolve to roll up their sleeves, deal with the reset, and get back on to a sound hard asset backed currency (even if they have to dig it out of the ground with their bare hands) will reestablish a sound economy, like the one embodied in the best elements of the Constitution and Bill of Rights along with the beliefs and morality that existed before the banksters came to rule the land. The present day currency cargo cult will come to an end.
I have optimism in that. But until we go cold turkey on a century of debt and take the cure, these things will not happen. The longer we wait, the worse the reset will be.
If one currency devalues itself into hyperinflation, all debts, foreign and domestic, would suffer either a complete default, with the principal and interest unpaid or the debts would be paid with hard assets such as gold or other commodities.
The difference in how the debts are resolved would be a test of the national character, will of the people, and courage of the political leaders. The people’s will is reflected in how much hardship they can take until they hit the breaking point.
Weimar Germany tried the former by printing its way out of war reparations. That ended badly and WWII was one of the result. Political courage is lacking in our country as it is in most. The people’s will is pretty questionable given that over half of the people in this country live almost entirely on government transfer payments.
The problem we face today is that the same problems that beset Germany and the dozens of other countries who went through hyperinflation, is that we now have dozens of countries pursuing the same policies but on a global basis.
What was once a single country reset to normalcy, will be world wide.
The FIAT empires are designed to enrich some and em-beggar the common folks. Inflation is the only path these people follow, knowing that inflation removes debt, but the cost is terrible.
Inflation is insidious and its effects have 4,000 of historical precedence. How to fix its effects are well known.
The historical record is full of countries that printed themselves into penury and after their painful and deadly resets, many countries came back from the dead by creating a gold and silver backed currency. They survived the currency/debt reset because what the system had to deal with was funny money. People will almost always persevere evenif the FIAT does not.
The financial system we had worked well in the US for nearly 150 until the Federal Reserve was founded (with mal intent and a plan to destroy America). Subsequently gold and silver were either stolen from the citizenry or repudiated by the government—see Johnson taking silver from our coins and Nixon taking us off the gold standard. The stage was then set.
Since then our country has not made even a single step forward in real growth of wages and wealth. While the charts of debt and income went upwards for 40 years, most of us have been stuck in the euphoria of inflation induced pseudo-wealth or, for a few, transformed formerly honorable professions like banking, lawyering and political offices into a dog eat dog hog wallow of moral and financial turpitude. The coarser elements of human nature forced their ways into the fabric of this country. those who’s lives were devoted to plunder took power from good people.
So, the answer would be, and maybe some good news here, is that America will suffer a horrible reset. That’s inevitable.
But the people of this country and their unique nature, with the resolve to roll up their sleeves, deal with the reset, and get back on to a sound hard asset backed currency (even if they have to dig it out of the ground with their bare hands) will reestablish a sound economy, like the one embodied in the best elements of the Constitution and Bill of Rights along with the beliefs and morality that existed before the banksters came to rule the land. The present day currency cargo cult will come to an end.
I have optimism in that. But until we go cold turkey on a century of debt and take the cure, these things will not happen. The longer we wait, the worse will be the reset.
The US economy contracted by .1% in the 4th Q. We are back into recession, not that we left it. Anything that you hear from the government and others that we are recovering is false hope and muddled thinking. But that is no surprise to regular readers here on SD. Most of us are living that reality and are prepared as best we can for the reset.
I think that when bond rates go back to their historic norm of 5%, or higher, the bond bubble will rupture. This will remove 25% of the bond values and start the reset. That might take a while, maybe mid 2013 or into 2014.
THIS BETTER OPEN YOUR EYES FOLKS! Judge Napolitano on Obama's Drone Strike Policy 'This Is the Power Claim...
End Of Days News
Judge Andrew Napolitano rips President Obama's drone policy and the Justice Department for resisting attempts to gain access to the legal opinions that the drone policy is based on.
"Suddenly it shows up in an NBC newsroom earlier this week! It could only have come from a governmental source. So they really have made fools of the federal judges who’ve spent hours and days and weeks struggling over the laws involved here," Napolitano said.
"It says ‘any informed high-level U.S. government official can strip an American of his or her constitutional protections and order the killing of that American if the person is overseas, if it’s difficult to arrest that person," Napolitano explained on FOX Business.
"This is the power claimed by kings and tyrants. This is about as un-American a power as one could imagine," Napolitano concluded.
Judge Andrew Napolitano rips President Obama's drone policy and the Justice Department for resisting attempts to gain access to the legal opinions that the drone policy is based on.
"Suddenly it shows up in an NBC newsroom earlier this week! It could only have come from a governmental source. So they really have made fools of the federal judges who’ve spent hours and days and weeks struggling over the laws involved here," Napolitano said.
"It says ‘any informed high-level U.S. government official can strip an American of his or her constitutional protections and order the killing of that American if the person is overseas, if it’s difficult to arrest that person," Napolitano explained on FOX Business.
"This is the power claimed by kings and tyrants. This is about as un-American a power as one could imagine," Napolitano concluded.
DHS Insider: Obama’s cyber warriors & preparing for collapse
End Of Days News
By Douglas J. Hagmann
6 February 2013; The following information was provided to me by my DHS contact on two different occasions. Information from my first contact was previously published in two parts (here and here). I was asked to withhold the final portion of the information that was provided to me at that time until after the inauguration. The following resumes where part II left off. At the request of this source and for the sake of continuity, the following combines the information withheld and the information from our most recent contact on 4 February 2013.
DH: Do I have your permission to record this conversation?
RB: Please do.
DH: We’ve spoken at different times since the information you gave me was published. You have since given me additional information on top of the information you asked me to withhold until after the inauguration. First, what was the reason for asking me to wait to publish the remainder of our discussion until after the inauguration?
RB: This bunch, top level DHS brass, is clamping down on leaks. One way they are finding leakers is to put out false information specific to certain individuals. They can trace the information directly to the leaker due to the nature and specificity of the information. It was part self-preservation, part vetting one of my closest and most important contacts. It was a test to assure that I am not being used for disinformation purposes or being targeted as a leaker. It was something I felt I had to do, and I’m glad I did. I feel more comfortable now about my sources.
DH: So, if I understand you correctly, your sources “passed” whatever test you were performing?
RB: Yes.
DH: And you still have access to information, I mean, whistleblower type information?
RB: I know what you mean, so I guess that’s one way to put it. Okay.
DH: For continuity and to refresh your memory, I’m going to play the remainder of our recorded interview from our contact last month.
[At this point, we listened to the dialogue previously recorded. After the recording concluded, this DHS source suggested that we combine new information with the previously recorded information to avoid unnecessary repetition. It was agreed and the recorder was turned back on with his consent].
DH: Just to be clear, let me hit this again. The main reason you asked me to wait to publish your previous statements had more to do with you, your sources and well, your own self preservation than the content of our discussion.
RB: I guess you could say that. But the information is still valid and becomes even more important when combined with the latest information I have for you.
DH: Okay, we can get on with it, then.
RB: First of all, two days after the inauguration, at exactly 7:00 a.m. on January 23, something called “the Cyber-Warriors for Obama Project” was activated. I heard about this the week after the election, but only saw a hardcopy draft in late December. From what I was told, I believe this is a project that is being paid for through funds from Obama’s political corporation, the 501(c)4 Organizing for Obama, I believe it’s called. I can’t be sure, but that’s what I was told.
At that time, I was shown a white, three-ring binder with Obama’s circular campaign logo imprinted on the outside of the binder with the name “Cyber-Warriors for Obama” printed in blue across the top. Inside were the names and e-mail addresses of 3,575 “cyber assets,” or “warriors,” listed in alphabetical order under about a dozen or so “team leaders.” From a separate sheet I was shown, most of these “assets” are being paid just over minimum wage, but as I understand it, they work from home and have no overhead. I believe there are about two dozen supervisors who make substantially more.
Now I only had the binder for a minute, and could not take it from the room I was in, so this is strictly from memory.
It was tabbed, and one section with the word “targets” had a list of religious web sites, web sites I recognized as Christian. Another section was a listing of conservative Internet sites. There was another tab with the label “problem sites” that seemed quite extensive. I looked at that section, and it was broken down further into “birther” sites, “pro-gun” sites, “anti-abortion” sites, just to name a few.
There was also a section of the usual news sites, like CNN, ABC, you know. Numerous e-mail addresses were conspicuous under each news organization, which also included Fox… [unintelligible]. I figured you were going to ask.
The first page of the binder had bullet points labeled “objectives” and instructions for the cyber-assets. There was also a very detailed non-disclosure agreement with the word “DRAFT” typed in big, light grey letters across the body of the two-page agreement. The agreement and the instructions were typed on white paper with a warning, printed in red on each page, that the document was not to be copied or disseminated.
DH: Where did you see this? I mean, was it at DHS?
RB: Yes, and that’s as much as I can say on the location.
DH: What’s the magic behind the number 3,575?
RB: I asked the person showing me [the binder] that question. Supposedly, it has to do with their budget, or the project funding.
DH: Go on.
RB: The instructions seemed very specific. Infiltrate web forums, collect screen names, avatars, and posters’ tag lines, and attempt to resolve these to their actual identities. I read one paragraph that listed circumstances when the “asset” was only to monitor but do not disrupt without authorization. There was another section titled “Divert, Disrupt and Destroy,” listing “how to’s” in certain cases.
There was also a section on maintaining a social media presence, and another on the most effective use of Twitter.
Lastly, there was a “reference section,” which included statistics, specific language to use to marginalize different posters, and effective methods to discredit people while maintaining a sense of legitimacy.
It was surreal, to say the least.
Oh, one more thing that’s important. As I said, these “kids,” or young people I believe, are known collectively as “Cyber-Warriors for Obama.” The subheading was “And the truth shall set you free.” Truth? Really? They were hired on their hacking abilities, or more precisely on their abilities to make postings through proxy servers and effectively use alternate identities and multiple e-mail addresses. Their purpose is to spread disinformation, not truth.
There were also motivational statements on various pages, including one that referred to Obama as the “Pharaoh of the Internet,” which I thought was an odd characterization.
But what’s important is that suddenly, through the use of Internet aliases, multiple e-mail addresses, and screen names, a project that employs 3,575 people will have the appearance and effectiveness of maybe 10,000 or more different people.
DH: Do you know if these “team members” have their own copies of the binder you saw?
RB: No. I was told that these people were hired through the campaign offices located throughout the country, and that training meetings were held at various locations. The binders were for instructional purposes, not to hand out. Although I think the people have, or were given, a list of web sites.
I don’t know any more on the actual mechanics of the project.
DH: During our previous contact, you said that we should listen to Obama’s comments about the economy, I mean during the inaugural speech. What’s so significant about that?
RB: Well, this is perhaps the most important issue people need to understand. There will be, and was, talk of a recovery and a stronger economy, but it’s all propaganda. As you heard me say in the recording you just played, the complete inaugural address will be a “Baghdad Bob” moment, and it was. Many economists will use false figures and statistics to deceive the American people. People must not downplay the importance of the economic aspect of this address. The sudden collapse of the U.S. dollar (however it actually plays out) and everything that goes with it (such as social chaos and riots) will be one part of a plan that was set in motion a long time ago.
DH: And you are getting this from your current intelligence sources? Frankly, I’m not sure I completely understand the connection between DHS and what’s going on with the economy. Seems like it should be separate.
RB: What’s not to understand? The economic devastation that will take place is an attack, a planned attack on the U.S. Just look at it that way. This “regime” already knows the outcome, which is the debasement of our national currency. Like I said, it’s been in the works most recently since the 1990′s. A collapse does not happen without a lot of pain - people losing everything in their retirement accounts, savings and so on. Don’t you think that will cause one hell of a national security problem? And who is running our national or domestic security? DHS.
Oh, and one of the reasons I wanted to include more recent information into our discussion relates to something you did last month, after our talk. I know you said you did not want to source your own work, but there was one important radio program you did that caused a very angry response inside DHS.
DH: How so?
RB: You had a financial insider on your program who went by some letter, like the first or last letter of his name.
DH: Yes, that was “V” who is a source for Steve Quayle. We did a program at the beginning of January, I think – I’d have to look. [Edited to add that the actual program was 11 January 2013.]
RB: Yeah, that was it. If you ask your network, I think you’ll find a request was made for the transcript of that program by DHS. The information given by that source was protected, or confidential, especially regarding the actions of big bankers here in the U.S. and the foreign markets. These international bankers are playing a big role in killing the U.S., and although they’re bold, they still don’t want certain things disclosed before their time.
DH: But that information had nothing to do with national security. I mean, how would this relate to DHS?
RB: Now you’re giving me a headache [laughter]. Let me spell it out for you, and this is the crux of everything. We have Obama (or whatever his real name is) in the Oval Office. You’ve said it before, that America is a “captured operation.” Well, it is, and every top level operative at DHS and Justice knows it. They have his dossier.
Think about Obama’s mother working in microfinance with Timothy Geithner’s father. What are the odds? And that’s just one “coincidence.”
A lot of people won’t get this until it’s too late, or maybe never get it. But take a good look at Obama and the people who surround him. Look at the 2008 economic crisis under Bush. Look at the run up to where we’re at today. The orchestrated boom of the 1990′s. The GLB Act signed into law under Clinton that changed the complexion of our domestic economy. Look at the people who are still around, the architects of this. It’s a big lie! It’s all been rigged, and the insiders know this! Look at the continuity of agenda since “Bush senior.”
Now listen to what I am telling you. This is a continuing operation that involves many of the same people on both sides of the aisle in Washington. This is one of the reasons why no one wants to talk about Obama’s past. He is the product of a continuing intelligence operation, put in power to oversee the dismantling of the U.S., with the economy being the lynchpin of our destruction. Obama, Jarrett, and the Clintons are in constant contact with all high level operatives inside the DHS. Perhaps not directly in all cases but through their contacts. They are working together to see to it that the U.S. economy is brought down, robbing the people of their wealth and then blaming partisan politics for the crash.
For the first time in recent history, you’re going to see people hungry and out in the streets. Those unprepared or those thinking this is all [expletive deleted]. Desperate and begging for food. Think Katrina, but on a national scale. That’s what is being planned for Americans, and few people are willing to see what’s happening, or willing to believe it. Now here’s where DHS, my sources and information comes in.
Everybody is looking at the gun “problem” in America. Fights over the Second Amendment. State laws that go against the Constitution. Blame it on Sandy Hook or Colorado. Tell people we need to be disarmed because it’s for the children. It’s all [expletive deleted]. Most people know it’s all [expletive deleted], but that’s where their rational assessment stops. Why do you think the people in power want to - no – need to disarm the public? It’s because they are planning an economic collapse, and an armed and informed populace is a danger to their plan.
DH: Wait, wouldn’t it make sense to let the guns stay in the hands of the people and have the people shoot it out among themselves? Wouldn’t this fit in with their desire for chaos, and make it easier for Martial Law to be implemented?
RB: In a way, but you’re still not thinking big enough. The way this is being planned includes that scenario, but they are very afraid that once total chaos breaks out, they will become the targets. So to a point you’re right, but then a crackdown must take place.
DH: But the elected ones are well protected.
RB: Yeah, but you are not thinking like them. There are several scenarios or models they have commissioned. They exist in printed form and have been given to Obama and Jarrett specifically. It’s war gaming with the American people. That caused some mid-level military people with a conscience to ask what the hell is going on, and some even refused to take part in these exercises. By the way, Napolitano is the go-to person for these models.
Anyway, there is a fear that their own people won’t be loyal to them when everything begins to implode. You’ve been seeing purges lately. Remember what Jarrett supposedly said about being “hell to pay” after the re-election? That process has started.
DH: Those who have been “purged” – why haven’t we seen anyone speak out about what’s going on?
RB: They’ve been threatened. Some were not worth even being threatened and became “examples.”
DH: Like who?
RB: Oh c’mon, look at the recent mysterious deaths. Pick one.
DH: Okay, but wouldn’t they be safer by speaking out, by telling everything they know? Some ordinary people might call them cowards. Why not just go public [interrupted/over talk]
RB: Yeah, how’d that work out so far? And go public to who? CNN? They are in real danger, and so are their families. Anyone close to them. Even if one or two would go public, how do you think that would work out for them? I’ll tell you how. They would make [Senator] McCarthy look like an American hero, which he was, but that’s… They’ve made it so that no one will be able to make any real difference to their agenda. They know that.
DH: So no one is going to say anything – ever?
RB: That’s not what I said. Some will talk when the time is right. Some have “insurance policies” that will be used at the right time, when they will make the most difference.
DH: I feel like we’re getting off point. So, what is being planned?
RB: The DHS will oversee the domestic crackdown that will happen when the perfect storm bears down on us. And the perfect storm is the economy, meaning the U.S. dollar collapse and hyperinflation, racial or class riots sparked by a high-profile incident, and another mass causality event involving guns. Watch for these three things to happen all at once, or in close succession.
The polarization caused by these events will be sufficient to cause a second civil war.
DH: When? How soon will all of this happen?
RB: I don’t have a crystal ball, but I have seen various reports referencing unprecedented “drills” to take place in later March and April. I’ll mention this because I know a lot of people on the inside at DHS have seen this. A document called “Operation Thunderdome.” It’s maybe 50 or 60 pages, I’m not certain. It describes an economic collapse in the U.S., followed by an attack on the government by “a made-up patriotic group.” It combines gun owners, Constitutionalists, and even Christians into an enemy group that pulls off an attack in Washington.
But don’t fall into the trap of trying to pick the time of these events. Their plans are flexible, but their objectives are carved in stone.
DH: Sounds like a Reichstag type event - sometime.
RB: Exactly. Maybe not just one. They have plans and back-up plans and back-ups for the back-ups. And in spite of the warnings, and history, enough people will be outraged and side with the government. This brings me to my final point. What do you think all of the prepositioning of paramilitary assets, caches of ammunition, and the opening of non-descript buildings owned or leased by the federal government are for?
It’s for you and people like you. It’s for those who are turned in by their neighbors, friends, co-workers, and others who are hungry, broke and broken. What we are about to experience will be like it was during the Civil War, only worse. People will be outgunned, surveillance will be everywhere, and it will be much more difficult to hide and fight back. Not impossible, but more difficult.
DH: So you’re painting a picture of a Mad Max scenario, hence the reference to Thunderdome?
RB: Believe it or not, part of the model, or at least one of them, includes the depiction of a somewhat “normal” society, at least after the initial “hostilities.” People will be controlled by the national government, centralized – in order to escape the chaos. Think of it this way. You want food and medical care? You will not be able to own a gun, period. The current federal legislation is all window dressing – a distraction. No one expects anything meaningful to pass. It won’t have to. States, yes, but those states are lining up for federal money. The elected leaders are of the same ideology as Obama, but aside from those, we’ll see many people turning in their weapons for food, shelter, medical care, and false guarantees of safety. That’s what the new normal will look like.
As I said, you’ve got to think bigger – much bigger. The lies are bigger than most people can imagine. The people at the top are laughing at us. Think about that. They are laughing at us because it’s right in front of our noses. And you know, the bigger the lie…
DH: Yes, the more people will fall for it.
RB: Right. I think we’re done here for now. I’ve given you as much information as I know, as I have seen. Watch the economy – the indicators. Watch for a false flag. We are being baited. Let people pooh-pooh this information, seek information through FOI requests. Not gonna happen. We’re talking about an operation so black and so big, and one that has to be done in the next few years, under Obama. This is something that is international in scope. The plan is international, and is dedicated to the dismantling or destruction of America. It’s happening right in front of us, but too few can actually see it.
DH: I’m sure you, well… We’ll be accused of scaring people without citable evidence.
RB: People need to wake up. Believe me or don’t. It’s their choice.
DH: Wait, one more thing. What should we be looking for next?
RB: Look around. You’re seeing it. We’ll talk again. Please shut off the recorder.
By Douglas J. Hagmann
6 February 2013; The following information was provided to me by my DHS contact on two different occasions. Information from my first contact was previously published in two parts (here and here). I was asked to withhold the final portion of the information that was provided to me at that time until after the inauguration. The following resumes where part II left off. At the request of this source and for the sake of continuity, the following combines the information withheld and the information from our most recent contact on 4 February 2013.
RB: Please do.
DH: We’ve spoken at different times since the information you gave me was published. You have since given me additional information on top of the information you asked me to withhold until after the inauguration. First, what was the reason for asking me to wait to publish the remainder of our discussion until after the inauguration?
RB: This bunch, top level DHS brass, is clamping down on leaks. One way they are finding leakers is to put out false information specific to certain individuals. They can trace the information directly to the leaker due to the nature and specificity of the information. It was part self-preservation, part vetting one of my closest and most important contacts. It was a test to assure that I am not being used for disinformation purposes or being targeted as a leaker. It was something I felt I had to do, and I’m glad I did. I feel more comfortable now about my sources.
DH: So, if I understand you correctly, your sources “passed” whatever test you were performing?
RB: Yes.
DH: And you still have access to information, I mean, whistleblower type information?
RB: I know what you mean, so I guess that’s one way to put it. Okay.
DH: For continuity and to refresh your memory, I’m going to play the remainder of our recorded interview from our contact last month.
[At this point, we listened to the dialogue previously recorded. After the recording concluded, this DHS source suggested that we combine new information with the previously recorded information to avoid unnecessary repetition. It was agreed and the recorder was turned back on with his consent].
DH: Just to be clear, let me hit this again. The main reason you asked me to wait to publish your previous statements had more to do with you, your sources and well, your own self preservation than the content of our discussion.
RB: I guess you could say that. But the information is still valid and becomes even more important when combined with the latest information I have for you.
DH: Okay, we can get on with it, then.
RB: First of all, two days after the inauguration, at exactly 7:00 a.m. on January 23, something called “the Cyber-Warriors for Obama Project” was activated. I heard about this the week after the election, but only saw a hardcopy draft in late December. From what I was told, I believe this is a project that is being paid for through funds from Obama’s political corporation, the 501(c)4 Organizing for Obama, I believe it’s called. I can’t be sure, but that’s what I was told.
At that time, I was shown a white, three-ring binder with Obama’s circular campaign logo imprinted on the outside of the binder with the name “Cyber-Warriors for Obama” printed in blue across the top. Inside were the names and e-mail addresses of 3,575 “cyber assets,” or “warriors,” listed in alphabetical order under about a dozen or so “team leaders.” From a separate sheet I was shown, most of these “assets” are being paid just over minimum wage, but as I understand it, they work from home and have no overhead. I believe there are about two dozen supervisors who make substantially more.
Now I only had the binder for a minute, and could not take it from the room I was in, so this is strictly from memory.
It was tabbed, and one section with the word “targets” had a list of religious web sites, web sites I recognized as Christian. Another section was a listing of conservative Internet sites. There was another tab with the label “problem sites” that seemed quite extensive. I looked at that section, and it was broken down further into “birther” sites, “pro-gun” sites, “anti-abortion” sites, just to name a few.
There was also a section of the usual news sites, like CNN, ABC, you know. Numerous e-mail addresses were conspicuous under each news organization, which also included Fox… [unintelligible]. I figured you were going to ask.
The first page of the binder had bullet points labeled “objectives” and instructions for the cyber-assets. There was also a very detailed non-disclosure agreement with the word “DRAFT” typed in big, light grey letters across the body of the two-page agreement. The agreement and the instructions were typed on white paper with a warning, printed in red on each page, that the document was not to be copied or disseminated.
DH: Where did you see this? I mean, was it at DHS?
RB: Yes, and that’s as much as I can say on the location.
DH: What’s the magic behind the number 3,575?
RB: I asked the person showing me [the binder] that question. Supposedly, it has to do with their budget, or the project funding.
DH: Go on.
RB: The instructions seemed very specific. Infiltrate web forums, collect screen names, avatars, and posters’ tag lines, and attempt to resolve these to their actual identities. I read one paragraph that listed circumstances when the “asset” was only to monitor but do not disrupt without authorization. There was another section titled “Divert, Disrupt and Destroy,” listing “how to’s” in certain cases.
There was also a section on maintaining a social media presence, and another on the most effective use of Twitter.
Lastly, there was a “reference section,” which included statistics, specific language to use to marginalize different posters, and effective methods to discredit people while maintaining a sense of legitimacy.
It was surreal, to say the least.
Oh, one more thing that’s important. As I said, these “kids,” or young people I believe, are known collectively as “Cyber-Warriors for Obama.” The subheading was “And the truth shall set you free.” Truth? Really? They were hired on their hacking abilities, or more precisely on their abilities to make postings through proxy servers and effectively use alternate identities and multiple e-mail addresses. Their purpose is to spread disinformation, not truth.
There were also motivational statements on various pages, including one that referred to Obama as the “Pharaoh of the Internet,” which I thought was an odd characterization.
But what’s important is that suddenly, through the use of Internet aliases, multiple e-mail addresses, and screen names, a project that employs 3,575 people will have the appearance and effectiveness of maybe 10,000 or more different people.
DH: Do you know if these “team members” have their own copies of the binder you saw?
RB: No. I was told that these people were hired through the campaign offices located throughout the country, and that training meetings were held at various locations. The binders were for instructional purposes, not to hand out. Although I think the people have, or were given, a list of web sites.
I don’t know any more on the actual mechanics of the project.
DH: During our previous contact, you said that we should listen to Obama’s comments about the economy, I mean during the inaugural speech. What’s so significant about that?
RB: Well, this is perhaps the most important issue people need to understand. There will be, and was, talk of a recovery and a stronger economy, but it’s all propaganda. As you heard me say in the recording you just played, the complete inaugural address will be a “Baghdad Bob” moment, and it was. Many economists will use false figures and statistics to deceive the American people. People must not downplay the importance of the economic aspect of this address. The sudden collapse of the U.S. dollar (however it actually plays out) and everything that goes with it (such as social chaos and riots) will be one part of a plan that was set in motion a long time ago.
DH: And you are getting this from your current intelligence sources? Frankly, I’m not sure I completely understand the connection between DHS and what’s going on with the economy. Seems like it should be separate.
RB: What’s not to understand? The economic devastation that will take place is an attack, a planned attack on the U.S. Just look at it that way. This “regime” already knows the outcome, which is the debasement of our national currency. Like I said, it’s been in the works most recently since the 1990′s. A collapse does not happen without a lot of pain - people losing everything in their retirement accounts, savings and so on. Don’t you think that will cause one hell of a national security problem? And who is running our national or domestic security? DHS.
Oh, and one of the reasons I wanted to include more recent information into our discussion relates to something you did last month, after our talk. I know you said you did not want to source your own work, but there was one important radio program you did that caused a very angry response inside DHS.
DH: How so?
RB: You had a financial insider on your program who went by some letter, like the first or last letter of his name.
DH: Yes, that was “V” who is a source for Steve Quayle. We did a program at the beginning of January, I think – I’d have to look. [Edited to add that the actual program was 11 January 2013.]
RB: Yeah, that was it. If you ask your network, I think you’ll find a request was made for the transcript of that program by DHS. The information given by that source was protected, or confidential, especially regarding the actions of big bankers here in the U.S. and the foreign markets. These international bankers are playing a big role in killing the U.S., and although they’re bold, they still don’t want certain things disclosed before their time.
DH: But that information had nothing to do with national security. I mean, how would this relate to DHS?
RB: Now you’re giving me a headache [laughter]. Let me spell it out for you, and this is the crux of everything. We have Obama (or whatever his real name is) in the Oval Office. You’ve said it before, that America is a “captured operation.” Well, it is, and every top level operative at DHS and Justice knows it. They have his dossier.
Think about Obama’s mother working in microfinance with Timothy Geithner’s father. What are the odds? And that’s just one “coincidence.”
A lot of people won’t get this until it’s too late, or maybe never get it. But take a good look at Obama and the people who surround him. Look at the 2008 economic crisis under Bush. Look at the run up to where we’re at today. The orchestrated boom of the 1990′s. The GLB Act signed into law under Clinton that changed the complexion of our domestic economy. Look at the people who are still around, the architects of this. It’s a big lie! It’s all been rigged, and the insiders know this! Look at the continuity of agenda since “Bush senior.”
Now listen to what I am telling you. This is a continuing operation that involves many of the same people on both sides of the aisle in Washington. This is one of the reasons why no one wants to talk about Obama’s past. He is the product of a continuing intelligence operation, put in power to oversee the dismantling of the U.S., with the economy being the lynchpin of our destruction. Obama, Jarrett, and the Clintons are in constant contact with all high level operatives inside the DHS. Perhaps not directly in all cases but through their contacts. They are working together to see to it that the U.S. economy is brought down, robbing the people of their wealth and then blaming partisan politics for the crash.
For the first time in recent history, you’re going to see people hungry and out in the streets. Those unprepared or those thinking this is all [expletive deleted]. Desperate and begging for food. Think Katrina, but on a national scale. That’s what is being planned for Americans, and few people are willing to see what’s happening, or willing to believe it. Now here’s where DHS, my sources and information comes in.
Everybody is looking at the gun “problem” in America. Fights over the Second Amendment. State laws that go against the Constitution. Blame it on Sandy Hook or Colorado. Tell people we need to be disarmed because it’s for the children. It’s all [expletive deleted]. Most people know it’s all [expletive deleted], but that’s where their rational assessment stops. Why do you think the people in power want to - no – need to disarm the public? It’s because they are planning an economic collapse, and an armed and informed populace is a danger to their plan.
DH: Wait, wouldn’t it make sense to let the guns stay in the hands of the people and have the people shoot it out among themselves? Wouldn’t this fit in with their desire for chaos, and make it easier for Martial Law to be implemented?
RB: In a way, but you’re still not thinking big enough. The way this is being planned includes that scenario, but they are very afraid that once total chaos breaks out, they will become the targets. So to a point you’re right, but then a crackdown must take place.
DH: But the elected ones are well protected.
RB: Yeah, but you are not thinking like them. There are several scenarios or models they have commissioned. They exist in printed form and have been given to Obama and Jarrett specifically. It’s war gaming with the American people. That caused some mid-level military people with a conscience to ask what the hell is going on, and some even refused to take part in these exercises. By the way, Napolitano is the go-to person for these models.
Anyway, there is a fear that their own people won’t be loyal to them when everything begins to implode. You’ve been seeing purges lately. Remember what Jarrett supposedly said about being “hell to pay” after the re-election? That process has started.
DH: Those who have been “purged” – why haven’t we seen anyone speak out about what’s going on?
RB: They’ve been threatened. Some were not worth even being threatened and became “examples.”
DH: Like who?
RB: Oh c’mon, look at the recent mysterious deaths. Pick one.
DH: Okay, but wouldn’t they be safer by speaking out, by telling everything they know? Some ordinary people might call them cowards. Why not just go public [interrupted/over talk]
RB: Yeah, how’d that work out so far? And go public to who? CNN? They are in real danger, and so are their families. Anyone close to them. Even if one or two would go public, how do you think that would work out for them? I’ll tell you how. They would make [Senator] McCarthy look like an American hero, which he was, but that’s… They’ve made it so that no one will be able to make any real difference to their agenda. They know that.
DH: So no one is going to say anything – ever?
RB: That’s not what I said. Some will talk when the time is right. Some have “insurance policies” that will be used at the right time, when they will make the most difference.
DH: I feel like we’re getting off point. So, what is being planned?
RB: The DHS will oversee the domestic crackdown that will happen when the perfect storm bears down on us. And the perfect storm is the economy, meaning the U.S. dollar collapse and hyperinflation, racial or class riots sparked by a high-profile incident, and another mass causality event involving guns. Watch for these three things to happen all at once, or in close succession.
The polarization caused by these events will be sufficient to cause a second civil war.
DH: When? How soon will all of this happen?
RB: I don’t have a crystal ball, but I have seen various reports referencing unprecedented “drills” to take place in later March and April. I’ll mention this because I know a lot of people on the inside at DHS have seen this. A document called “Operation Thunderdome.” It’s maybe 50 or 60 pages, I’m not certain. It describes an economic collapse in the U.S., followed by an attack on the government by “a made-up patriotic group.” It combines gun owners, Constitutionalists, and even Christians into an enemy group that pulls off an attack in Washington.
But don’t fall into the trap of trying to pick the time of these events. Their plans are flexible, but their objectives are carved in stone.
DH: Sounds like a Reichstag type event - sometime.
RB: Exactly. Maybe not just one. They have plans and back-up plans and back-ups for the back-ups. And in spite of the warnings, and history, enough people will be outraged and side with the government. This brings me to my final point. What do you think all of the prepositioning of paramilitary assets, caches of ammunition, and the opening of non-descript buildings owned or leased by the federal government are for?
It’s for you and people like you. It’s for those who are turned in by their neighbors, friends, co-workers, and others who are hungry, broke and broken. What we are about to experience will be like it was during the Civil War, only worse. People will be outgunned, surveillance will be everywhere, and it will be much more difficult to hide and fight back. Not impossible, but more difficult.
DH: So you’re painting a picture of a Mad Max scenario, hence the reference to Thunderdome?
RB: Believe it or not, part of the model, or at least one of them, includes the depiction of a somewhat “normal” society, at least after the initial “hostilities.” People will be controlled by the national government, centralized – in order to escape the chaos. Think of it this way. You want food and medical care? You will not be able to own a gun, period. The current federal legislation is all window dressing – a distraction. No one expects anything meaningful to pass. It won’t have to. States, yes, but those states are lining up for federal money. The elected leaders are of the same ideology as Obama, but aside from those, we’ll see many people turning in their weapons for food, shelter, medical care, and false guarantees of safety. That’s what the new normal will look like.
As I said, you’ve got to think bigger – much bigger. The lies are bigger than most people can imagine. The people at the top are laughing at us. Think about that. They are laughing at us because it’s right in front of our noses. And you know, the bigger the lie…
DH: Yes, the more people will fall for it.
RB: Right. I think we’re done here for now. I’ve given you as much information as I know, as I have seen. Watch the economy – the indicators. Watch for a false flag. We are being baited. Let people pooh-pooh this information, seek information through FOI requests. Not gonna happen. We’re talking about an operation so black and so big, and one that has to be done in the next few years, under Obama. This is something that is international in scope. The plan is international, and is dedicated to the dismantling or destruction of America. It’s happening right in front of us, but too few can actually see it.
DH: I’m sure you, well… We’ll be accused of scaring people without citable evidence.
RB: People need to wake up. Believe me or don’t. It’s their choice.
DH: Wait, one more thing. What should we be looking for next?
RB: Look around. You’re seeing it. We’ll talk again. Please shut off the recorder.
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