In ancient times watchman would mount the city walls in times of stress to survey the scene outside the fortifications. He was situated on a spot from which he could monitor the approaches to the town. If a threat appeared, he would sound a warning and the town would shut its gates and prepare for battle.
Thursday, February 14, 2013
A Warning I Have Received This Week From Two Different Former Government Officials (One top rank Military – One Intelligence Officer) from: WWW.THEDAILYSHEEPLE.COM
End Of Days News
I am going ahead and writing about some conversations I have had this week with two different individuals.
Both are former government officials. One was a top ranking Military official and another was an Intelligence Officer. I confirmed both were who they said they were after they had contacted me originally. I have not written about them on this blog or our conversations, as we will discuss current events etc on the phone. They have never given me any “top secret” type information (FYI – for any govt. officials reading this). But they do give me what is real or not real when events happen.
Both had contacted me awhile back and I was very leery in the beginning. I did not know if they were trying to get information about me etc. But after a short amount of time I found they were both genuine and sincere of their contacting me.
This week both of them have contacted me and have been giving me “warnings.”
Two things from past conversations with them about current events:
First they have both told me “Sandy Hook was a false flag.” It is to get into the mind set of people that their children are at risk it is the psychology of fear for the masses. Also the intelligence person said that the Dorner thing, something was really not right about it and he believed the manifesto was written by a few different people due to the way it read and how it was written. We were not able to get into a long conversation about it so I really can’t say much about that here. (He did say that Dorner will be killed because of what he knew about LAPD)
Second, I was told all the listening into people’s conversations and reading of the emails, people don’t really need to worry about that. The intelligence officer said “Yes, they are, BUT they don’t give a Sh** about all of our opinions. They care about money. They are paying attention to the big corporation phone calls and emails and to know who is making a big money deal with who, so they can make money off that information.” He said “The rest of it is boring to them and they couldn’t care less what people think. It is all about money.” He said all that is going on from the top down is not about money, it is simply about Control of the people. They have more money than they can ever spend it is the control and power and making downtrodden slaves of the people.
He told me…. Officers that are in government agencies (FBI etc) right now, know the truth about 9/11 and the Oklahoma bombing but they don’t say anything and evidence proves the truth that has never been released (especially with Oklahoma).
The warnings both called me about this week has been about the break down of the U.S. They both said it is coming this year, with an estimated time of 6 to 12 months at the longest. They both told me the most important things people need to do right now is to have food, water and something to protect that and your family with.
They have both stressed that to me this week, individually. I had mentioned to both that we had expected this in 2008 and 2009 and it didn’t happen so people were weary of those type warnings. They both said “It will happen this year.”
I am not writing this to “freak” people out or to cause “fear or panic.” In fact the intelligence officer said one time to me “Giving predictions just gets people upset and if it doesn’t happen they look at you as a fool, if it does happen they won’t ever remember that you gave that warning out in the first place.”
The Former military officer sent this article from SHTF to me this morning with the subject line: “Warning Report”
They have said the food part will be because there will not be fuel to get the food to the stores and the shelves will be empty.
So again… I am simply passing along information about “Warnings” I have been given and both were very somber and serious about the warnings when they called me.
It will be up to all of us individually to decide if the warnings have any meaning to each of us and take actions of various sorts if they do.
OH… something else…the Military officer said ”A new government Will be born from this and that it is going to be a difficult time… but it will be a Good government and a government that is suppose to be for this country.” (one that is actually BY the people – no more “elite” at the end of our last conversation.
May we always be guided by Truth and Higher Intelligence as we go forward.
Both are former government officials. One was a top ranking Military official and another was an Intelligence Officer. I confirmed both were who they said they were after they had contacted me originally. I have not written about them on this blog or our conversations, as we will discuss current events etc on the phone. They have never given me any “top secret” type information (FYI – for any govt. officials reading this). But they do give me what is real or not real when events happen.
Both had contacted me awhile back and I was very leery in the beginning. I did not know if they were trying to get information about me etc. But after a short amount of time I found they were both genuine and sincere of their contacting me.
This week both of them have contacted me and have been giving me “warnings.”
Two things from past conversations with them about current events:
First they have both told me “Sandy Hook was a false flag.” It is to get into the mind set of people that their children are at risk it is the psychology of fear for the masses. Also the intelligence person said that the Dorner thing, something was really not right about it and he believed the manifesto was written by a few different people due to the way it read and how it was written. We were not able to get into a long conversation about it so I really can’t say much about that here. (He did say that Dorner will be killed because of what he knew about LAPD)
Second, I was told all the listening into people’s conversations and reading of the emails, people don’t really need to worry about that. The intelligence officer said “Yes, they are, BUT they don’t give a Sh** about all of our opinions. They care about money. They are paying attention to the big corporation phone calls and emails and to know who is making a big money deal with who, so they can make money off that information.” He said “The rest of it is boring to them and they couldn’t care less what people think. It is all about money.” He said all that is going on from the top down is not about money, it is simply about Control of the people. They have more money than they can ever spend it is the control and power and making downtrodden slaves of the people.
He told me…. Officers that are in government agencies (FBI etc) right now, know the truth about 9/11 and the Oklahoma bombing but they don’t say anything and evidence proves the truth that has never been released (especially with Oklahoma).
The warnings both called me about this week has been about the break down of the U.S. They both said it is coming this year, with an estimated time of 6 to 12 months at the longest. They both told me the most important things people need to do right now is to have food, water and something to protect that and your family with.
They have both stressed that to me this week, individually. I had mentioned to both that we had expected this in 2008 and 2009 and it didn’t happen so people were weary of those type warnings. They both said “It will happen this year.”
I am not writing this to “freak” people out or to cause “fear or panic.” In fact the intelligence officer said one time to me “Giving predictions just gets people upset and if it doesn’t happen they look at you as a fool, if it does happen they won’t ever remember that you gave that warning out in the first place.”
The Former military officer sent this article from SHTF to me this morning with the subject line: “Warning Report”
Report: Realistic Urban Training is DHS and DOD “Conducting Desensitizing Exercises”
Small Portion:Preferring to remain unnamed for obvious reasons, he told me, “DHS and DOD are conducting desensitizing exercises all across the U.S.,” he paused, then added, “we’re being prepared for mass civil unrest in major U.S. cities. DOD will be expected to help – when we’re requested.”I asked if there was a timeline for expecting civil unrest in our cities and why should we expect it to begin with.I am going ahead and writing about this and I will simply say: Do what feels right to you. Watch what is going on and see if the current events hint to a break down this year where getting food won’t be as easy as it is right now.
I was told that there were many reasons, but that the continued devaluation of our currency, the predicted history-setting prices for gasoline this summer and the continued gun control debate are forming a perfect storm of civil discontent. When this storm hits, it will most assuredly produce mass casualties. When does DHS expect this to happen? This summer.
They have said the food part will be because there will not be fuel to get the food to the stores and the shelves will be empty.
So again… I am simply passing along information about “Warnings” I have been given and both were very somber and serious about the warnings when they called me.
It will be up to all of us individually to decide if the warnings have any meaning to each of us and take actions of various sorts if they do.
OH… something else…the Military officer said ”A new government Will be born from this and that it is going to be a difficult time… but it will be a Good government and a government that is suppose to be for this country.” (one that is actually BY the people – no more “elite” at the end of our last conversation.
May we always be guided by Truth and Higher Intelligence as we go forward.
Guns And Ammo Production Maxed Out: “This is a Society Preparing For War”
End Of Days News
The following guns and ammo industry report indicates that every major gun and ammunition manufacturer in the country is running at 100% capacity, with many so far behind that they’ve stopped taking new orders altogether.
But this may only be a part of why there’s so much demand. There are millions of Americans who are genuinely concerned with not just the government taking their guns, but all of their other Constitutionally protected freedoms as well.
We understand what happens in regimes that disarm their people. We’ve seen the democide of the last century, which left hundreds of millions of people dead or displaced when their governments turned on them.
We are determined to prevent it from happening in the land of the free.
Back off. Stop encroaching on our personal liberties. Limit yourself to your Constitutionally granted powers and nothing more.
(Image courtesy Net Gunsmith)
President Barack Obama is, arguably, the best gun salesman ever. Over 65 million guns have been purchased since the President took office in 2009. FBI background check statistics indicate that, over the last twelve months, Americans purchased a new gun every 1.5 seconds, a figure which suggests there is much more to the recent panic buying than people just stocking up to go hunting or sports shooting.The following guns and ammo industry report indicates that every major gun and ammunition manufacturer in the country is running at 100% capacity, with many so far behind that they’ve stopped taking new orders altogether.
Smith & Wesson-is running at Full capacity making 300+ guns/day-mainly M&P pistols. They are unable to produce any more guns to help with the shortages.Many who have exercised their Second Amendment protections are first time buyers concerned with Federal and State gun grabs being spearheaded by politicians who are using the Sandy Hook school shooting as a pretext to restrict access to personal defense rifles, larger capacity magazines, and even ammunition.
RUGER: Plans to increase from 75% to 100% in the next 90 days.
FNH: Moving from 50% production to 75% by Feb 1st and 100% by March 1. Remington-Maxed out!
Armalite: Maxed out.
DPMS: Can’t get enough parts to produce any more product.
COLT: Production runs increasing weekly…bottle necked by Bolt carrier’s.
LWRC:Making only black guns, running at full capacity…can’t get enough gun quality steel to make barrels.
Springfield Armory: Only company who can meet demand but are running 30-45 days behind.
AMMO: Every caliber is now Allocated! We are looking at a nation wide shortage of all calibers over the next 9 months. All plants are producing as much ammo as possible w/ of 1 BILLION rounds produced weekly. Most is military followed by L.E. and civilians are third in line.
MAGPUL is behind 1 MILLION mags, do not expect any large quantities of magpul anytime soon.
RELOADERS… ALL Remington, Winchester, CCI & Federal primers are going to ammo FIRST. There are no extra’s for reloading purposes… it could be 6-9 months before things get caught up. Sorry for the bleak news, but now we know what to expect in the coming months. Stay tuned, we’ll keep you posted…
But this may only be a part of why there’s so much demand. There are millions of Americans who are genuinely concerned with not just the government taking their guns, but all of their other Constitutionally protected freedoms as well.
We understand what happens in regimes that disarm their people. We’ve seen the democide of the last century, which left hundreds of millions of people dead or displaced when their governments turned on them.
We are determined to prevent it from happening in the land of the free.
Manufacturers were running full-bore, but couldn’t come close to keeping up with market demand.With over 300 million firearms in America in the hands of private citizens, the people are sending a loud and clear message to their government.
It wasn’t just the AR-15s, the AK-pattern rifles, the M1As, and the FALs that were sold out. It really hit me when I realized that the World War-era M1 Garands, M1 carbines, and Enfield .303s were gone, along with every last shell. Ubiquitous Mosin-Nagants—of which every gun store always seems to have 10-20—were gone. So was their ammo. Only a dust free space marked their passing. I’ve never seen anything like it.
Every weapon of military utility designed within the past 100+ years was gone.
This isn’t a society stocking up on certain guns because they fear they may be banned. This is a society preparing for war.
Source: Bob Owens via
Back off. Stop encroaching on our personal liberties. Limit yourself to your Constitutionally granted powers and nothing more.
ANY religion that believes in so much bloodshed of God! Satan is the ruler of this world! New estimated Syrian death toll rises to 90,000
End Of Days News
US Secretary of State John Kerry said Thursday that the death toll in Syria
may have reached 90,000, citing figures given to him by his Saudi counterpart
Prince Saud al-Faisal.
East vs. West: Russia becoming mired in more of the world’s deadliest conflicts
End Of Days News
February 14, 2013 – AFRICA - Russia said Wednesday it was delivering military hardware and light weapons to the governments of Syria and Mali, as it expands sales and maintains its footing in some of the world’s deadliest conflicts. The head of Russia’s arms exporter Rosoboronexport, Anatoly Isaikin, said Russian deliveries to the Syrian regime of President Bashar al-Assad included air defence systems but not the advanced Iskander missiles sought by Damascus. “We are continuing to fulfill our obligations on contracts for the delivery of military hardware,” Isaikin was quoted as saying by the Interfax news agency. He also rejected reports that Russia was planning to supply advanced MiG29-M fighters to Damascus while confirming that it had a deal outstanding for Yak-130 trainer jets. Isaikin said Syria currently ranked “13th or 14th in terms of volume” on the list of nations receiving Russian arms supplies. Russia has been repeatedly condemned by Western and Arab nations for maintaining links to the Syrian government despite violence that UN estimates show has claimed more than 70,000 lives. Its shipment this year of repaired attack helicopters to the regime was disclosed by the media and drew a furious response from former US secretary of state Hillary Clinton. Isaikin also revealed that Moscow had recent military contacts with the government of Mali as it wages a French-led campaign to expel armed groups of Islamic militants from its land. He said small amounts of light weapons were already being delivered to Mali and that new sales were under discussion. “We have delivered firearms. Literally two weeks ago another consignment was sent. These are completely legal deliveries,” said Isaikin said. “We are in talks about sending more, in small quantities.” –Space Daily
East vs. West: Russia becoming mired in more of the world’s deadliest conflicts
U.S. Army drills in Texas City, La Marque
End Of Days News
U.S. Army drills in Texas City, La Marque
U.S. Army Air Calvary servicemen walk away from an AH-64 Apache helicopter after it landed in the parking lot at the Kemah Boardwalk last November in preparation for the Salute to Military Service weekend. The helo is similar to the one that will be used in today's Army training exercise in Texas City and La Marque. Photo: Johnny Hanson/Houston Chronicle
U.S. Army Air Calvary servicemen walk away from an AH-64 Apache helicopter after it landed in the parking lot at the Kemah Boardwalk last November in preparation for the Salute to Military Service weekend. The helo is similar to the one that will be used in today's Army training exercise in Texas City and La Marque. Photo: Johnny Hanson/Houston Chronicle
Photo By Johnny Hanson/Houston Chronicle
If you see a UH-60 Black Hawk helicopter hovering over La Marque and Texas City today, not to worry: we're not under attack.
It's all part of a U.S. Army training exercise involving a small contingent of servicemen that should wrap up today, or Thursday at the latest, officials said.
"This is an Army exercise to test their equipment," La Marque Police Chief Randall Aragon said. "The area resembles a theater of operation they might be using. We want the community to understand that if they see a helicopter flying over their rooftops in this area, to not be alarmed."
Much of the training will take place around Industrial Boulevard in La Marque, Aragon said. The roughly 100-acre wooded area is owned by Dow Chemical.
Army spokesman Larry Jackson said the operation would not disrupt the day-to-day activities of residents.
"We pose no threat to the public," Jackson said. "Let me be clear that this isn't urban assault training. We are a small group of folks, doing some activities."
Jackson declined to say what type of training would be involved in the operation.
The attack helicopter is not expected to land during the training exercise, he said.
The drills come on the heels of Special Forces training in Galveston, Houston and Texas City. A training exercise in late January at the Old County Jail at 715 19th St. was cancelled out of concerns that too many spectators would come out to watch the operation.
Get a Cross Removed and Get a Reward?
End Of Days News
Get a Cross Removed and Get a Reward?
Get a Cross Removed and Get a Reward?
Do you need some money? Find a cross somewhere in the public and help get it removed and you might score a reward from the FFRF atheist organization. Two students recently complained about the cross on their school’s football logo and received $1,000 bounty a piece for their efforts.
Here’s the story from OneNewsNow:
The Freedom From Religion Foundation celebrated its victory in removing all things religious from the football uniforms of a combined Catholic / public school team.
… a Wisconsin co-op football team composed of the private Catholic Messmer High School and the public Shorewood High School was forced to remove its new team logo last fall. The logo affixed to the team’s helmets (above) mixed the images of both schools — the Shorewood greyhound and Messmer’s bishop’s hat with a cross. …
A $1,000 reward given to both Mayan and Balen Essak for their role in getting rid of the cross — and a generic logo replacement having nothing to do with either school, simply reading “2012 PLAYOFFS” …
<Read the whole article>
Response: Now there are rewards for eradicating crosses?
The cross use to be a symbol of honor in America and in the West but now it has become an object of scorn to fight over in the courts. For those who can’t afford the legal battle it is now a casualty in the ultimate culture war of all time- against religion and Christianity in particular.
Does anyone out there (besides atheist activists) really think that it is healthy and real progress to offer rewards for the discovery and eradication of crosses in America? Particularly in this case where the cross was representative of the Catholic Messmer High School which was part of this combined football team. The logo merely demonstrated the reality of the situation that included public and private funds supporting a team that was both public and religious. The logo probably could have survived a court battle but what school or schools in America have the money to fight the FFRF? SOURCE
Tanzania: Christian Pastor Beheaded By Angry Muslim Mob, Demand That All Christian-Owned Meat Shops Be Closed
End Of Days News
Tanzania: Christian Pastor Beheaded By Angry Muslim Mob, Demand That All Christian-Owned Meat Shops Be Closed
A PASTOR with the Tanzania Assemblies of God (TAG) Church at Buseresere has been beheaded during religious-linked conflicts at Buseresere town, in Geita Region.
A spokesperson for the Geita Regional Police Commander’s Office, Mr Denis Stephano, identified the deceased pastor as Mathayo Kachili.
He said conflicts had been boiling for quite a while now in the area where a section of what are believed to be Muslim leaders had demanded immediate closure of butcheries owned by Christians.
He said that a group of youths believed to be Muslims assaulted several Christians using sticks and machetes and attacked a butchery owner at Buseresere town. During the confrontations pastor Kachili was beheaded.
According to Mr Stephano, several people are believed to have been injured, some in critical condition and were admitted to Buseresere hospital to receive treatment. He said the Chato District Commissioner (DC), Mr Rodrick Mpogolo, visited the scene and called for calm and religious tolerance among believers of the two faiths.” Read more.
Flashback: Tanzania: Mob Of Islamists Destroy Dozens Of Churches, ‘We Want The Heads Of All The Church Pastors’ – “Dozens of Christian worship places have been destroyed by Islamic extremists in Tanzania and church leaders are fleeing its heavily Muslim island of Zanzibar, as the persecution of Christians spreads throughout East Africa… a mob of Muslim protestors carrying clubs, swords and machetes invaded two churches shouting ‘We want the head of Bishop Shayo’ … When they failed to break into the church, the mob moved on to the Anglican church of Reverend Emmanuel Masoud where the crowd broke windows and were seen hacking at the doors while chanting: ‘We need the head of Masoud!’ and We want the heads of all the church pastors in Zanzibar!’” Read more.
Flashback: Tanzania: Muslim Mobs Torch Churches, Seek To Behead 14-Year-Old Christian Boy After Allegations Of Qur’an Desecration – “Violent clashes erupted in Dar es Salaam’s Mbagala suburb yesterday when scores of Muslim youth stormed a police station and demanded that a 14-year-old boy accused of urinating on the Quran be handed over to them. In the aftermath of the confrontation, at least five churches were attacked, several car windows smashed and passersby injured as the angry mob moved from street to street at Mbagala Kizuiani protesting the desecration of the holy book… The incident turned deadly after the angry Muslims mobilised more support during Friday prayers, reportedly in an attempt to grab the boy from the police station and behead him.” Read more.
Indonesia: Islamists Attack Christian Church, Police Jail Church Minister
End Of Days News
Indonesia: Islamists Attack Christian Church, Police Jail Church Minister
“The wife of a church minister who was jailed two weeks ago for allegedly conducting a service without a permit also faces arrest for defying an order from local authorities to stop holding services at a church in Sumedang, West Java.
Minister Bernhard Maukar and his wife, Corry, were holding a service at their Pentecostal church (GPdI) in Mekargalih village, Jatinangor subdistrict, on Jan. 27, when it was attacked by members of the Islamic Defenders Front (FPI), who claimed that the church did not have a valid permit to operate.
CCTV footage obtained by the Jakarta Globe shows details of the attack where a gang of about 50 members from the hard-line organization scaled the gates of the religious facility, caused havoc and destruction within the place of worship and physically threatened the minister — at one point using Bernhard’s necktie to strangle him.
Bernhard was arrested by officials from the Sumedang Public Order Agency (Satpol PP) two days later for continuing to hold services without a valid permit, which breaks a 2005 local government law.
The minister is currently serving a three-month sentence at the Sumedang prison as he could not pay the Rp 25 million ($2,600) fine ordered by the district court.
Corry said this is the third major act of violence the FPI has inflicted upon them in the past two years.
The grandmother explained that the latest attack on the church, which has been running for 26 years, had significantly traumatized the 400-member congregation, many of whom are now too afraid to return.” Read more.
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