In ancient times watchman would mount the city walls in times of stress to survey the scene outside the fortifications. He was situated on a spot from which he could monitor the approaches to the town. If a threat appeared, he would sound a warning and the town would shut its gates and prepare for battle.
Monday, March 4, 2013
‘Religion Of Peace’ Cleric In Saudi Arabia Calls Upon Islamic World To Engage In ‘Wonderful’ Suicide Operations Against Israel
End Of Days News
Saudi Cleric Muhammad Musa Al-Sharif, Saudi TV 1/17/2013: “In my view, the martyrdom operations that we are witnessing are the pinnacle of Jihad for the sake of Allah. They have caused tremendous damage to the enemy… I encourage my brothers in Palestine to continue these wonderful, Jihadi, martyrdom operations… The impact of martyrdom operations on the monstrous country of the brothers of apes and pigs is greater than the impact of all the Arab armies combined since the beginning of the Palestinian cause… I admire the Palestinian mothers.
Hadith, Tabari 7:97, “The morning after the murder of Ashraf, the Prophet declared, ‘Kill any Jew who falls under your power.’”
Ezekiel 35:1-6, “Again a message came to me from the LORD: ‘Son of man, turn and face Mount Seir, and prophesy against its people. Give them this message from the Sovereign LORD: ‘I am your enemy, O Mount Seir, and I will raise my fist against you to destroy you completely. I will demolish your cities and make you desolate. Then you will know that I am the LORD. Your eternal hatred for the people of Israel led you to butcher them when they were helpless, when I had already punished them for all their sins. As surely as I live, says the Sovereign LORD, since you show no distaste for blood, I will give you a bloodbath of your own. Your turn has come!’” (NLT)
As my Uncle Joel would say...Welcome to the new Amerika!!!
End Of Days News
Obama's Now Added $6 Trillion to the National Debt
"Without fanfare, the Bureau of Public Debt at the Treasury Department quietly posted its daily debt report showing the total public debt of the U.S. government topped $16.687 trillion. (To be exact: $16,687,289,180,215.37)," reports Mark Knoller of CBS.
"On January 20, 2009, the day Mr. Obama took office, the debt stood at $10.626 trillion. The latest posting reflects an increase of over $6 trillion."
Egypt Struck by Swarm of Locusts Ahead of Passover
End Of Days News
As a reminder to those who thought the account related in the Passover Haggadah might have been an exaggeration – think again. Millions of locusts have swooped down in a swarm from the sky on to the land of Egypt.
The locust plague struck over the weekend in the Giza region, home to a cluster of famous pyramids, according to reports in Arab media.
Officials estimated that at least 30 million of the insects have swarmed on to the fields and farms about 15 miles southwest of Cairo. The locust swarm is causing massive damage to agriculture in the area, Alwatan News reported.
In some parts of the Middle East, however, locusts are used for food – and one particular ancient type, known to Yemenite Jews, is actually considered kosher.
Residents were warned not to try to drive away the locusts themselves in order to avoid creating further damage. Instead, “Egyptian armed forces and border guards are attempting to fight the swarm with all means at their disposal,” said Egyptian Agriculture Minister Dr. Salah Abd Al Mamon.
“I ask the families living in the locust-plagues areas not to burn tires,” Mamon appealed. “This does not chase away the locusts, but only causes damage and could ignite large-scale fires that would cost in lives.”
The locust plague struck over the weekend in the Giza region, home to a cluster of famous pyramids, according to reports in Arab media.
Officials estimated that at least 30 million of the insects have swarmed on to the fields and farms about 15 miles southwest of Cairo. The locust swarm is causing massive damage to agriculture in the area, Alwatan News reported.
In some parts of the Middle East, however, locusts are used for food – and one particular ancient type, known to Yemenite Jews, is actually considered kosher.
Residents were warned not to try to drive away the locusts themselves in order to avoid creating further damage. Instead, “Egyptian armed forces and border guards are attempting to fight the swarm with all means at their disposal,” said Egyptian Agriculture Minister Dr. Salah Abd Al Mamon.
“I ask the families living in the locust-plagues areas not to burn tires,” Mamon appealed. “This does not chase away the locusts, but only causes damage and could ignite large-scale fires that would cost in lives.”
A reminder that our government is prepared for civil unrest!
End Of Days News
This is getting a little creepy... According to one estimate, since last year the Department of Homeland Security has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. DHS also purchased 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles (MRAP).
This is compiled by visit their site they do more domestic news than I do!
Click title below and it will take you to the article!
This is getting a little creepy... According to one estimate, since last year the Department of Homeland Security has stockpiled more than 1.6 billion bullets, mainly .40 caliber and 9mm. DHS also purchased 2,700 Mine Resistant Armor Protected Vehicles (MRAP).
- Palin: Washington Buying Bullets for us!
- DHS built domestic surveillance tech into Predator drones
- Tens of thousands of domestic drones already in use nationwide, with more to come
- Robot warriors: Lethal machines coming of age
- Rise of the machines: Army robot that can run faster than a man throws huge cinder blocks around like a child throwing a toy
Israel warns Iran over nuclear weapons
End Of Days News
"It is Iran's pursuit of a nuclear capability which is the greatest challenge facing Israel, the region and the world today," Barak told delegates at the annual conference of the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) in Washington.
World powers leading negotiations with Iran to rein in its suspect nuclear program concluded talks in Kazakhstan last week, after putting forward a proposal to Iranian leaders to halt their uranium enrichment.
But Barak, stepping down as defence minister as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu draws up a new cabinet, cast doubt on whether the negotiations, due to resume later this month, will have any success.
"Frankly, while exhausting all diplomatic means is understandable, I do not believe it will lead to a moment of truth when the ayatollahs will give up their nuclear situation. Therefore, all options must remain on the table," Barak said on Sunday.
ISRAELI Defence Minister Ehud Barak has warned Iran that Israel will never allow Iran to develop a nuclear weapon.
World powers leading negotiations with Iran to rein in its suspect nuclear program concluded talks in Kazakhstan last week, after putting forward a proposal to Iranian leaders to halt their uranium enrichment.
But Barak, stepping down as defence minister as Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu draws up a new cabinet, cast doubt on whether the negotiations, due to resume later this month, will have any success.
"Frankly, while exhausting all diplomatic means is understandable, I do not believe it will lead to a moment of truth when the ayatollahs will give up their nuclear situation. Therefore, all options must remain on the table," Barak said on Sunday.
Reports: Iran is building 3,000 advanced centrifuges
End Of Days News
DUBAI - Iran is building about 3,000 advanced uranium-enrichment centrifuges, Iranian media reported on Sunday, in a development likely to add to Western concerns about the Islamic state's disputed nuclear program.
Iran announced earlier this year that it would install the new-generation centrifuges at its Natanz uranium enrichment plant, but Sunday's reports in Iranian agencies appeared to be the first time a specific figure had been given.
Report: North Korean test may mean Iran has a nuclear missile warhead
End Of Days News

The American Foreign Policy Council said the administration of President Barack Obama was quietly mulling the possibility that Iran and North Korea succeeded in a joint nuclear weapons project. The Washington-based council cited the North Korean nuclear test last month of what was believed to have been that of an Iranian missile warhead.
“During Secretary of State John Kerry’s listening tour of the Middle East, one troubling regional issue might go unspoken: the possibility that
Iran already has nuclear weapons capability,” the council said in a report.
The American Foreign Policy Council said the administration of President Barack Obama was quietly mulling the possibility that Iran and North Korea succeeded in a joint nuclear weapons project. The Washington-based council cited the North Korean nuclear test last month of what was believed to have been that of an Iranian missile warhead.
“During Secretary of State John Kerry’s listening tour of the Middle East, one troubling regional issue might go unspoken: the possibility that
Iran already has nuclear weapons capability,” the council said in a report.
The report, titled “Does Iran Already Have The Bomb?” said Iran was
believed to be testing its nuclear warheads in North Korea. Senior fellow
James Robbins, who wrote the report, said the likelihood of an Iranian
nuclear weapons capability would top Obama’s agenda during his visit to
Israel on March 20. The national security specialist said the emergence of
an Iranian atomic bomb would “represent a U.S. foreign policy failure of
historic proportions.”
believed to be testing its nuclear warheads in North Korea. Senior fellow
James Robbins, who wrote the report, said the likelihood of an Iranian
nuclear weapons capability would top Obama’s agenda during his visit to
Israel on March 20. The national security specialist said the emergence of
an Iranian atomic bomb would “represent a U.S. foreign policy failure of
historic proportions.”
Endtime News Updates 3-4-13 with Hummingbird027
End Of Days News
We are aiding the muslim brotherhood...THEY WANT US DEAD! U.S. Releases $250 Million in Aid to Egypt After John Kerry’s Meeting With President Morsi
End Of Days News
CAIRO (AP) — U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry on Sunday rewarded Egypt for President Mohammed Morsi’s pledges of political and economic reforms by releasing $250 million in American aid to support the country’s “future as a democracy.”
Yet Kerry also served notice that the Obama administration will keep close watch on how Morsi, who came to power in June as Egypt’s first freely elected president, honors his commitment.
“The path to that future has clearly been difficult and much work remains,” Kerry said in a statement after wrapping up two days of meetings in Egypt, a deeply divided country in the wake of the revolution that ousted longtime President Hosni Mubarak.
Islam's Latest Contributions to Peace
End Of Days News
Islam's Latest Contributions to
Peace"Mohammed is God's apostle. Those who follow him are harsh
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29
to the unbelievers but merciful to one another" Quran 48:29
2013.03.03 (Gubden, Dagestan) - A moderate cleric is murdered in his home by Islamic extremists. |
2013.03.03 (Karachi, Pakistan) - Four dozen worshippers are massacred when Sunnis set off a massive car bomb outside a Shia shrine. |
2013.03.03 (Baghdad, Iraq) - Bomb blasts in two Shia neighborhoods leave four dead. |
2013.03.02 (Karachi, Pakistan) - Two Shiites are murdered by Sipah-e-Sahaba terrorists. |
2013.03.01 (Mogadishu, Somalia) - Two suicide bombers manage to take out one civilian at a beachfront restaurant. |
2013.03.01 (Kunar, Afghanistan) - Hardliner fundamentalists murder nine locals with a roadside
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Another asteroid similar to Russian meteor zooming past us harmlessly
End Of Days News
A newly found asteroid will pass by Earth at about the distance of the moon's orbit, with its closest approach coming at 2:35 a.m. ET (7:35 a.m. UTC) Monday.
Named 2013 EC, the asteroid is roughly the size of the space rock that exploded over Russia two and a half weeks ago, measuring somewhere between 10 and 17 meters (33 to 55 feet) wide. The asteroid that sparked the Russian meteor is estimated to have been about 17 meters wide when it entered Earth’s atmosphere.
Named 2013 EC, the asteroid is roughly the size of the space rock that exploded over Russia two and a half weeks ago, measuring somewhere between 10 and 17 meters (33 to 55 feet) wide. The asteroid that sparked the Russian meteor is estimated to have been about 17 meters wide when it entered Earth’s atmosphere.
2013 EC was discovered by the Mount Lemmon Observatory in Arizona on Saturday. There is no chance this asteroid will hit Earth.
Trial starts in UAE for 94 charged in coup plot
End Of Days News
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Ninety four people have gone on trial in the United Arab Emirates on charges of trying to overthrow the state as authorities barred international media and several rights groups from the proceedings.
ABU DHABI, United Arab Emirates (AP) — Ninety four people have gone on trial in the United Arab Emirates on charges of trying to overthrow the state as authorities barred international media and several rights groups from the proceedings.
The trial marks is the culmination of a crackdown that started last year on Islamist groups in the Emirates with suspected links to the Muslim Brotherhood. Rights groups have criticized the crackdown and it has also raised tensions with Egypt, which is governed by the Islamist group.
Monday’s hearing was attended by about 200 relatives of the defendants who were bussed to the security court in the capital, Abu Dhabi.
Jordan takes part in Arab League meeting
End Of Days News
CAIRO (Petra) -- Arab League ambassadors meet tomorrow ahead of a ministerial session on Wednesday which will tackle a host of political, economic and social issues and the Palestinian cause.
Jordan will be represented by its ambassador to Egypt and permanent Arab League representative Bishr Khasawneh at the pan-Arab organisation's 139th session.
Tomorrow's meeting at the Arab League's Cairo headquarters will tackle issues pertaining to joint Arab action, the 2002 Arab peace initiative, Jewish settlements, Palestinian refugees and a deficit-stricken UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency that helps the refugees.
Jordan will be represented by its ambassador to Egypt and permanent Arab League representative Bishr Khasawneh at the pan-Arab organisation's 139th session.
Tomorrow's meeting at the Arab League's Cairo headquarters will tackle issues pertaining to joint Arab action, the 2002 Arab peace initiative, Jewish settlements, Palestinian refugees and a deficit-stricken UNRWA, the UN Relief and Works Agency that helps the refugees.
Report says Obama plans to extract timetable for Israeli pullout from West Bank. Is it true? It feels true.
End Of Days News
“The sources said Obama’s demand has sparked concern in the office of the Israeli prime minister.”
Is it true? It certainly feels true. It fits with the President’s approach over the past four years to pressure Netanyahu to make unwise concessions to a Palestinian leadership that can’t even stop Hamas in Gaza from firing thousands of rockets, missiles and mortars at Israeli civilians.
Just last week, Secretary of State Kerry told us the President just wants to “listen” on his visit to Israel, not push his own plan. “We’re not going to go and sort of plunk a plan down and tell everybody what they have to do,” Kerry said in Germany. “I want to consult and the president wants to listen.”
That could be interpreted in two ways. One, this visit doesn’t have a hidden agenda, and dealing with Iran is truly the main topic. Or two, the President isn’t going to impose a plan but to force Netanyahu to give him a plan that will give away far more land and security that Netanyahu and the Israel do or should feel comfortable with.
“U.S. President Barack Obama has demanded a timetable for an Israeli withdrawal from the West Bank,” says a report in the World Tribune. “Israeli sources said Obama, scheduled to arrive in Israel on March 20, wants a detailed Israeli withdrawal plan from Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu during the president’s visit. The sources said the Israeli plan would be considered in what could be an imminent U.S. initiative to establish a Palestinian state in the West Bank in 2014.”
“Obama has made it clear to Netanyahu that his visit is not about photo-ops, but the business of Iran and a Palestinian state,” a source told the Tribune. “The implication is that if Israel won’t give him something he can work with, then he’ll act on his own.”“The sources said Obama’s demand has sparked concern in the office of the Israeli prime minister.”
Is it true? It certainly feels true. It fits with the President’s approach over the past four years to pressure Netanyahu to make unwise concessions to a Palestinian leadership that can’t even stop Hamas in Gaza from firing thousands of rockets, missiles and mortars at Israeli civilians.
Just last week, Secretary of State Kerry told us the President just wants to “listen” on his visit to Israel, not push his own plan. “We’re not going to go and sort of plunk a plan down and tell everybody what they have to do,” Kerry said in Germany. “I want to consult and the president wants to listen.”
That could be interpreted in two ways. One, this visit doesn’t have a hidden agenda, and dealing with Iran is truly the main topic. Or two, the President isn’t going to impose a plan but to force Netanyahu to give him a plan that will give away far more land and security that Netanyahu and the Israel do or should feel comfortable with.
Kerry talks economics, finds Morsi preoccupied with Islamizing Egypt
End Of Days News
When visiting US Secretary of State John Kerry sat one-on-one with Egyptian President Morsi in Cairo, Sunday, March 3, he talked at length about Egypt’s calamitous economic straits, relations with Israel, democratization and essential reforms. He had hoped to find the Egyptian president amenable to getting to grips with his country’s fast approaching bankruptcy. In the event, Morsi nodded politely but, debkafile’s Middle East sources report, he was far more preoccupied with pushing forward the three-point plan he and the Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme leader Mohammed Badie have begun implementing:
1. The Muslim Brotherhood will not settle for a parliamentary majority in the coming general election – most likely in April or June; it is aiming for 100 percent of the seats.
2. To set the stage for this campaign, the Brothers have installed their loyalists in the governates of Egypt’s 19 provinces. The spreading of Brotherhood values in the national constituency is going full steam ahead across Egypt.
The MB turned to this course when they saw they had no hope of exercising total control over the restive capital and the protest movements springing up regularly in Tahrir Square. So they decided to build up their support in the country at large in the hope of making Cairo an isolated Island in the predominantly Islamist country.
3. To boost their popularity in the coming election, Morsi and Badie decided they could not afford the painful measures required by the International Monetary Fund for a $4.8 billion loan to tide the economy over its current crisis - spending cutbacks, downsizing the vast Egyptian civil service, reducing food subsidies and cutting away dead wood.
Instead, they dropped their credit application to the IMF altogether and so avoided mass unemployment and widespread hardship in the months leading up to the election.
However, the US Secretary of State sternly called the Egyptian president’s attention to three major concerns which need to be addressed with the utmost urgency:
a) Egyptian foreign currency reserves continue to bleed dangerously and no one knows how to stop the disastrous drain. By April, it is predicted that no more than $4 billion will be left to sustain a population of 80-90 million souls.
2. Egypt’s industrial plants are working at just 50 percent capacity because fuel is scarce and the money to buy it even scarcer.
3. Gas for powering electricity is running out. More and more areas no longer receive regular electricity – some none at all. The water supply is also affected.
debkafile’s sources report two conflicting approaches on how to resolve Egypt’s calamitous economic emergency:
When visiting US Secretary of State John Kerry sat one-on-one with Egyptian President Morsi in Cairo, Sunday, March 3, he talked at length about Egypt’s calamitous economic straits, relations with Israel, democratization and essential reforms. He had hoped to find the Egyptian president amenable to getting to grips with his country’s fast approaching bankruptcy. In the event, Morsi nodded politely but, debkafile’s Middle East sources report, he was far more preoccupied with pushing forward the three-point plan he and the Muslim Brotherhood’s supreme leader Mohammed Badie have begun implementing:
1. The Muslim Brotherhood will not settle for a parliamentary majority in the coming general election – most likely in April or June; it is aiming for 100 percent of the seats.
2. To set the stage for this campaign, the Brothers have installed their loyalists in the governates of Egypt’s 19 provinces. The spreading of Brotherhood values in the national constituency is going full steam ahead across Egypt.
The MB turned to this course when they saw they had no hope of exercising total control over the restive capital and the protest movements springing up regularly in Tahrir Square. So they decided to build up their support in the country at large in the hope of making Cairo an isolated Island in the predominantly Islamist country.
3. To boost their popularity in the coming election, Morsi and Badie decided they could not afford the painful measures required by the International Monetary Fund for a $4.8 billion loan to tide the economy over its current crisis - spending cutbacks, downsizing the vast Egyptian civil service, reducing food subsidies and cutting away dead wood.
Instead, they dropped their credit application to the IMF altogether and so avoided mass unemployment and widespread hardship in the months leading up to the election.
However, the US Secretary of State sternly called the Egyptian president’s attention to three major concerns which need to be addressed with the utmost urgency:
a) Egyptian foreign currency reserves continue to bleed dangerously and no one knows how to stop the disastrous drain. By April, it is predicted that no more than $4 billion will be left to sustain a population of 80-90 million souls.
2. Egypt’s industrial plants are working at just 50 percent capacity because fuel is scarce and the money to buy it even scarcer.
3. Gas for powering electricity is running out. More and more areas no longer receive regular electricity – some none at all. The water supply is also affected.
debkafile’s sources report two conflicting approaches on how to resolve Egypt’s calamitous economic emergency:
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