In ancient times watchman would mount the city walls in times of stress to survey the scene outside the fortifications. He was situated on a spot from which he could monitor the approaches to the town. If a threat appeared, he would sound a warning and the town would shut its gates and prepare for battle.
Wednesday, January 30, 2013
BREAKING! Are we on the brink of Isaiah 17? Israeli warplanes bombed research center near Damascus - Syrian state news agency
End Of Days News
Israeli fighter jets targeted a military research center near Damascus early on Wednesday morning, Syrian state news agency SANA said citing army officials.
The Syrian army’s general command has issued a statement, saying an airstrike was launched by the IAF targeting a military research center in Jamraya, rural Damascus.
“Israeli fighter jets violated our air space at dawn today and carried out a direct strike on a scientific research center in charge of raising our level of resistance and self-defense,” the statement said as cited by SANA.
“Israeli fighter jets violated our air space at dawn today and carried out a direct strike on a scientific research center in charge of raising our level of resistance and self-defense,” the statement said as cited by SANA.
Great article by Are we livin the last days about the difference in the Psalms 83 war VS GOG/MAGOG war
End Of Days News
Looking at the road ahead, Israel is on the verge of a preemptive strike on Iran’s nuclear facilities. It is likely that this strike will either initiate this war or start a chain reaction of events that will quickly lead to this war.
The Bible tells us that the nation of Israel accomplishes all the prerequisites for the War of Gog & Magog via a military solution. In victory, they will become primed for the future events of the Russian-Iranian coalition destined to form against them. At the conclusion of this war [the war preceding the War of Gog & Magog known as the Psalm 83 War], Israel’s conquest over the inner circle of the surrounding Arab populations of Palestinians, Syrians, Saudi Arabians, Egyptians, Lebanese, and Jordanians will see Israel’s borders enlarged, prosperity increased, and national stature remarkably enhanced.
The Bible tells us that the nation of Israel accomplishes all the prerequisites for the War of Gog & Magog via a military solution. In victory, they will become primed for the future events of the Russian-Iranian coalition destined to form against them. At the conclusion of this war [the war preceding the War of Gog & Magog known as the Psalm 83 War], Israel’s conquest over the inner circle of the surrounding Arab populations of Palestinians, Syrians, Saudi Arabians, Egyptians, Lebanese, and Jordanians will see Israel’s borders enlarged, prosperity increased, and national stature remarkably enhanced.
OVER MY DEAD BODY! Chinese Communist Party Mouthpiece Demands Obama Disarm Americans
End Of Days News
Global Times, a newspaper described as an “angry Chinese government mouthpiece,” recently published an editorial in which it called for “urgent gun control,” in the United States, the second Chinese Communist Party publication to do so within the last month.
The newspaper’s January 17 front page editorial entitled Political inertia hinders gun control action, states that there is “clearly an urgent need for gun control in the US,” lamenting that it will “be impossible for the country to ban guns.”
Striking an authoritarian tone, the editorial notes how, “The difficulties in promoting gun control show that US society lacks authorities willing and able to push forward reform.” Presumably, if the United States were a one party dictatorship like China, such “reforms” would be far easier to implement.
The editorial goes on to claim “how different China is from the US” and how the failure of gun control legislation “has become an institutional defect” of the United States. The piece even uses the gun control debate in the United States as an example of why the power of China’s ruling Communist dictatorship should not be weakened, arguing that, “China’s social transition cannot be developed into a process of decreasing of authorities.”
According to an investigation by Foreign Policy Magazine, Global Times is a “hyper nationalistic” publication “located within the sprawling Haiwaiban campus of the People’s Daily, the stodgy old organ of the Chinese Communist Party.” The People’s Daily owns the newspaper, which FP’s Christina Larson describes as an “angry Chinese government mouthpiece” that specializes in “attacking American values.”
Global Times is China’s third largest newspaper with a daily print readership of 2.4 million and a web audience of 10 million.
The Communist Party of China has not been shy in its advocacy for gun control in the United States.
As we reported last month, the Chinese press agency Xinhua, which “is subordinate to the State Council and reports to the Communist Party of China’s Propaganda and Public Information Departments,” published a report on December 15 which urged Barack Obama to wage “a protracted war” on the second amendment.
The editorial noted that the Sandy Hook massacre provided Obama with an opportunity to push his agenda and that there should be “no delay for U.S. gun control.”
The bleak irony of Chinese government mouthpieces pushing gun control in the US is of course the fact that the Communist Party was founded by Mao Zedong, whose policies killed 40-70 million Chinese citizens during the cultural revolution.
Mao himself once remarked that “political power grows out of the barrel of a gun,” an understanding he ruthlessly put into action by disarming people who had no means to defend themselves against his genocide.
“The communist party must command all the guns, that way, no guns can ever be used to command the party,” Mao stated before applying gun control laws he had inherited which “made it illegal to import or possess rifles, cannons, or explosives without a permit.” The laws were updated in 1957 when the National People’s Congress outlawed the manufacture, repair, purchase, or possession of any firearm or ammunition “in contravention of safety provisions.”
China is routinely rocked by riots staged by residents furious at the arbitrary theft of their land by the state, which under the Communist system claims that the government owns all land and that private property rights are non-existent. However, the state-owned media ensures that news of the protests does not reach a national audience.
Those subjected to brutal forced relocation programs, some of which end in state-sanctioned murder, have no means to defend themselves against heavily armed police and PLA troops.
The fact that Americans would be angered at being lectured by propagandists working on behalf of a one party dictatorship about their inherent rights is understandable. That is, unless you’re someone like Peter Beinart of the Daily Beast, who in response to CNN host Piers Morgan’s crusade against the second amendment, wrote that Americans are going to have to “accept” being lectured by the likes of Morgan and “Chinese officials” as part of “Globalization 2.0,” under which Americans must submit to “increased interpenetration by foreign immigrants, products, money, and mores.”
‘Russia is ending its dependency on the global superpower’ – Pushkov
End Of Days News
Moscow announced that it has terminated an agreement with Washington to cooperate in law and drug enforcement, continuing the trend of deteriorating diplomatic relations.
“Russia is reforming its relationship with the US. We have terminated the third agreement with the U.S. in the last six months,” Aleksey Pushkov, the head of the Foreign Affairs Committee of the Russian Lower House, commented on Twitter.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to terminate the bilateral deal, the government said in a statement on its official website on Wednesday. The agreement, formalized between Russia and the US on September 25, 2002, was declared “out of touch with today’s realities and has exhausted its potential,” the statement read.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has been instructed to notify Washington of the decision.
As part of the now-defunct bilateral deal, the US agreed to provide financial assistance to relevant Russian entities for anti-crime measures, among other activities. Such philanthropy, however, has raised eyebrows in Russia and prompted questions over the real motive behind Washington’s efforts.
It was largely due to these suspicions that Moscow informed the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in September that its services in Russia were no longer wanted or needed.
In a recent interview with NPR, outgoing US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton commented on Russia’s decision to shut down the USAID office: “We can take our aid money and go elsewhere and help people who welcome us.”
Clinton’s comment goes far towards explaining the rift in Russia-US relations: Russia has largely escaped from the clutches of its post-Soviet depression, and is now has a dynamic economy with a growing middle class and huge natural resources, which no longer needs handouts from Washington.
The Foreign Ministry said that Russian civil society has become fully mature, and did not need any "external direction" from USAID, which was also blamed for attempting to manipulate Russia’s internal political processes.
Is Washington, feeling a bit like a jaded partner in a tumultuous relationship, seeking to break off the honeymoon in dramatic fashion?
Last year, the decision by a group of US legislators to implement the so-called ‘Magnitsky Act’ against specific Russian officials – who the US Senators believe should be held accountable in the death of Sergey Magnitsky, an accountant with Hermitage Capital who died in prison in 2009 amidst a tax evasion investigation – has triggered a diplomatic domino effect between the two countries.
Shortly after the passage of the Magnitsky Act, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Dima Yakovlev bill, which bans American citizens from adopting Russian orphans.
In an interview with US media, Prime Minister Medvedev emphasized that Russia’s decision to introduce the adoption legislation had no connection with US legislation against Russian citizens.
“This law expresses concerns of the Russian parliament, the Russian State Duma and the Federal Council over destiny of our children… Therefore, despite the fact that many saw it as targeting individual American citizens who want to adopt Russian children, that’s certainly not the case,” Medvedev told CNN.
The US also recently said it would end its cooperation in the Russian-American Bilateral Presidential Commission on Civil Society.
This ongoing atmosphere of animosity between the two former Cold War rivals shows that relations between Moscow and Washington have entered a cooling period. It also shows that Russia is less willing to depend on the United States for services that it can afford on its own.
Meanwhile, Russian experts say that relations between Moscow and Washington have entered a dangerous tit-for-tat stage and warned against further escalation.
Honorary chairman of the Foreign and Defense Policy Council, Sergey Karaganov told RIA Novosti news agency that in his view Russia and US have put themselves on a path that is very difficult to step off. At the same time, the analyst noted that the so called ‘reset’ had not created any solid foundation for better relations between the two countries.
Karaganov added that he hoped that the leaders of the two nations would be wise enough not to allow further deterioration in relations.
Viktor Kuvaldin of the Gorbachev Foundation also urged the leaders of Russia and the United States to put an end to the standoff as soon as possible.
“Unfortunately, when a spiral starts unwinding it acquires its own logic. People tend to forget who started what and resort to the ‘eye for an eye tooth for a tooth’ policy, Kuvaldin said.
Russian authorities should stop the process and reach an agreement with their US partners so that they (Washington) would follow suit.
Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev signed an order to terminate the bilateral deal, the government said in a statement on its official website on Wednesday. The agreement, formalized between Russia and the US on September 25, 2002, was declared “out of touch with today’s realities and has exhausted its potential,” the statement read.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has been instructed to notify Washington of the decision.
As part of the now-defunct bilateral deal, the US agreed to provide financial assistance to relevant Russian entities for anti-crime measures, among other activities. Such philanthropy, however, has raised eyebrows in Russia and prompted questions over the real motive behind Washington’s efforts.
It was largely due to these suspicions that Moscow informed the US Agency for International Development (USAID) in September that its services in Russia were no longer wanted or needed.
In a recent interview with NPR, outgoing US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton commented on Russia’s decision to shut down the USAID office: “We can take our aid money and go elsewhere and help people who welcome us.”
Clinton’s comment goes far towards explaining the rift in Russia-US relations: Russia has largely escaped from the clutches of its post-Soviet depression, and is now has a dynamic economy with a growing middle class and huge natural resources, which no longer needs handouts from Washington.
The Foreign Ministry said that Russian civil society has become fully mature, and did not need any "external direction" from USAID, which was also blamed for attempting to manipulate Russia’s internal political processes.
Is Washington, feeling a bit like a jaded partner in a tumultuous relationship, seeking to break off the honeymoon in dramatic fashion?
Last year, the decision by a group of US legislators to implement the so-called ‘Magnitsky Act’ against specific Russian officials – who the US Senators believe should be held accountable in the death of Sergey Magnitsky, an accountant with Hermitage Capital who died in prison in 2009 amidst a tax evasion investigation – has triggered a diplomatic domino effect between the two countries.
Shortly after the passage of the Magnitsky Act, Russian President Vladimir Putin signed the Dima Yakovlev bill, which bans American citizens from adopting Russian orphans.
In an interview with US media, Prime Minister Medvedev emphasized that Russia’s decision to introduce the adoption legislation had no connection with US legislation against Russian citizens.
“This law expresses concerns of the Russian parliament, the Russian State Duma and the Federal Council over destiny of our children… Therefore, despite the fact that many saw it as targeting individual American citizens who want to adopt Russian children, that’s certainly not the case,” Medvedev told CNN.
The US also recently said it would end its cooperation in the Russian-American Bilateral Presidential Commission on Civil Society.
This ongoing atmosphere of animosity between the two former Cold War rivals shows that relations between Moscow and Washington have entered a cooling period. It also shows that Russia is less willing to depend on the United States for services that it can afford on its own.
Meanwhile, Russian experts say that relations between Moscow and Washington have entered a dangerous tit-for-tat stage and warned against further escalation.
Honorary chairman of the Foreign and Defense Policy Council, Sergey Karaganov told RIA Novosti news agency that in his view Russia and US have put themselves on a path that is very difficult to step off. At the same time, the analyst noted that the so called ‘reset’ had not created any solid foundation for better relations between the two countries.
Karaganov added that he hoped that the leaders of the two nations would be wise enough not to allow further deterioration in relations.
Viktor Kuvaldin of the Gorbachev Foundation also urged the leaders of Russia and the United States to put an end to the standoff as soon as possible.
“Unfortunately, when a spiral starts unwinding it acquires its own logic. People tend to forget who started what and resort to the ‘eye for an eye tooth for a tooth’ policy, Kuvaldin said.
Russian authorities should stop the process and reach an agreement with their US partners so that they (Washington) would follow suit.
Israeli jets reportedly attack convoy on Lebanon-Syria border
End Of Days News
Israeli warplanes attacked a target on the Lebanese-Syrian border overnight Tuesday, foreign media reported on Wednesday. While some reports said the purported strike was carried out on the Syrian side of the border, according to one source the target was a weapons convoy that had crossed from Syria into Lebanon.
The reports come amid rising concern in Israel and the West regarding the sizable chemical weapons stockpile in the hands of an increasingly embattled Syrian regime.
Lebanese officials said a dozen Israeli warplanes violated Lebanese airspace on Tuesday and overnight into Wednesday, flying close to the ground in several sorties over southern Lebanon.
The Israeli military and the Prime Minister’s Office had no comment.
A Lebanese army statement said the last of the sorties was at 2 a.m. Wednesday. It said four warplanes, which flew in over the southernmost coastal town of Naqoura, flew for several hours over villages in south Lebanon before leaving Lebanese airspace.
The Lebanese army said similar flights by eight other warplanes were conducted Tuesday, but added that it had no knowledge of an airstrike.
Reuters cited an unnamed Western diplomat and anonymous security source saying the planes had attacked a target near the Lebanese border with Syria.
“There was definitely a hit in the border area,” the source told the news agency.
The target of the attack was a weapons convoy, the French agency AFP reported, citing an unnamed security source.
Israel has been deeply concerned that chemical weapons from Syria could make its way into the hands of the south-Lebanon-based Hezbollah terror group due to the chaos of the Syrian civil war, and has said on several occasions that the transfer of chemical weapons to non-state actors, especially Hezbollah, would be a casus belli.
Another chief fear among Israeli security officials is that Hezbollah could get its hands on Syrian SA-17 anti-aircraft missiles. If that were to happen, it would change the balance of power in the region and greatly hinder Israel’s ability to conduct air sorties in Lebanon.
Israel believes that Damascus obtained a battery of SA-17s from Russia after an alleged Israeli airstrike in 2007 that destroyed an unfinished Syrian nuclear reactor.
Israel Military Intelligence Chief Aviv Kochavi is in Washington for consultations at the Pentagon, including with Joint Chiefs of Staff head Martin Dempsey.
Vice Prime Minister Silvan Shalom said Sunday that such transfer of arms to Hezbollah “would be crossing a line that would demand a different approach.”
The Lebanese army report did not mention if the planes entered Syrian territory, although the area of Lebanon where the flights reportedly took place borders southern Syria. The report of the flights was not corroborated by an Israeli source.
Israeli violations of Lebanese airspace are not uncommon, but Beirut officials say they have increased in the past few days.
On Tuesday, Air Force chief Amir Eshel said Israel needed to be wary of both conventional and non conventional weapons finding their way out of Syria.
“There is in Syria an enormous arsenal of weapons, some state of the art and some nonconventional. All of it could find its way to our borders and not just to our backyards,” he said.
Western sources: Israeli aircraft target Hizballah missiles in Zabadani. S. Syria
End Of Days News

Israeli warplanes carried out overnight sorties up until Wednesday, Jan. 30 against missile and arms convoys standing ready in southern Syria for transfer to Hizballah in Lebanon, according to Western sources.. debkafile’s military sources report that the consignments were destroyed. The Lebanese army reported the heavy presence of an approximate 12 Israeli jets over its territory during the night up until 0200 hours Wednesday. Our sources report that it was suspected in Israel that Syria and Hizballah would take advantage of the rainy and overcast weather conditions in the last 24 hours to push advance weapons systems across the border from Syria into Lebanon.
The operation aimed at giving teeth to Israel’s longstanding threat ever since 2011 to hit military targets in Syria if necessary to prevent the handover of those sophisticated missiles to Hizballah.
It was also a warning that Israel would again send its bombers to destroy chemical weapons or nerve gas to prevent them reaching the hands of Hizballah or any other terrorist groups.
Israeli warplanes carried out overnight sorties up until Wednesday, Jan. 30 against missile and arms convoys standing ready in southern Syria for transfer to Hizballah in Lebanon, according to Western sources.. debkafile’s military sources report that the consignments were destroyed. The Lebanese army reported the heavy presence of an approximate 12 Israeli jets over its territory during the night up until 0200 hours Wednesday. Our sources report that it was suspected in Israel that Syria and Hizballah would take advantage of the rainy and overcast weather conditions in the last 24 hours to push advance weapons systems across the border from Syria into Lebanon.
The operation aimed at giving teeth to Israel’s longstanding threat ever since 2011 to hit military targets in Syria if necessary to prevent the handover of those sophisticated missiles to Hizballah.
It was also a warning that Israel would again send its bombers to destroy chemical weapons or nerve gas to prevent them reaching the hands of Hizballah or any other terrorist groups.
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