In ancient times watchman would mount the city walls in times of stress to survey the scene outside the fortifications. He was situated on a spot from which he could monitor the approaches to the town. If a threat appeared, he would sound a warning and the town would shut its gates and prepare for battle.
Friday, September 20, 2013
Moscow pulls away from Kerry-Lavrov deal on Syrian chemical disarmament. Assad gets to keep his WMD
End Of Days News
Russian leaders have picked apart the
Kerry-Lavrov understanding for Syria’s chemical disarmament - less than a
week after it was unveiled in Geneva. Thursday, Sept. 19, Vladimir
Putin said he was not 100 percent certain the plan would succeed. His
Defense minister Sergey Shoigu denied Russian plans to destroy Syria’s
chemical stockpiles on its territory, while Bashar Assad mocked the
option of their destruction in America. At the Security
Council, Russia’s UN delegate blocked the measure for underpinning the
deal, as Secretary of State John Kerry fought to retrieve it.
Special Report
Sep 20, 2013, 9:20 AM (IDT)
Netanyahu warns against Rouhani’s deceitful words
End Of Days News
September 19, 2013, 11:27 PM (GMT+02:00)
We must not be
taken in by Iranian President Hassan Rouhani’s false promise that his
country will never develop nuclear weapons,” Prime Minister Binyamin
Netanyahu said Thursday, in response to Rouhani’s NBC interview. This is
the man who once boasted that he had hoodwinked the international
community in nuclear talks.
The proof of Iran’s intentions is in its deeds, not words. What Tehran is after is a deal for letting go the unimportant part of its nuclear program, while preserving its capabilities for building a nuclear weapon whenever it chooses to do so, said Netanyahu.
Rouhani says Israel is the source of regional instability when all the while his country sends men to butcher innocent Syrians and promotes terrorism across the world.
Asked by the NBC interviewer if he subscribed to Ahmadinejad’s denial of the Nazi Holocaust, Rouhani replied “I’m not a historian.” The Prime minister capped this comment by saying: You don’t have to be a historian to admit to the Holocaust, just a human being.
The proof of Iran’s intentions is in its deeds, not words. What Tehran is after is a deal for letting go the unimportant part of its nuclear program, while preserving its capabilities for building a nuclear weapon whenever it chooses to do so, said Netanyahu.
Rouhani says Israel is the source of regional instability when all the while his country sends men to butcher innocent Syrians and promotes terrorism across the world.
Asked by the NBC interviewer if he subscribed to Ahmadinejad’s denial of the Nazi Holocaust, Rouhani replied “I’m not a historian.” The Prime minister capped this comment by saying: You don’t have to be a historian to admit to the Holocaust, just a human being.
Will The U.S. Military No Longer Be Able To Fight And Win A Major War If Sequestration Continues?
End Of Days News
Will The U.S. Military No Longer Be Able To Fight And Win A Major War If Sequestration Continues?
*US Military Could Not Handle One Major Theater Operation If Sequester
Sticks -- Colin Clark, Breaking Defense*
CAPITOL HILL: Even the cameras stopped clicking in a hushed Armed Services
hearing room today as Rep. Jim Cooper told the Joint Chiefs of Staff and
his colleagues on the biggest committee in Congress today that America’s
lawmakers had failed the country.
“You gentlemen make life and death decisions in the Tank almost every day,”
a somber Cooper said at a House Armed Services Committee hearing on the
automatic budget cuts known as sequestration, looking straight at Army... more »
After Last Weeks U.S. - Russian Syrian Agreement On Chemical Weapons, Turkey Feels Isolated
End Of Days News
After Last Weeks U.S. - Russian Syrian Agreement On Chemical Weapons, Turkey Feels Isolated

*Davutoglu: Shooting Down of Helicopter 'Punishment' for Syria -- Kadri
Gursel, Al-Monitor*
First, let’s have look how the Justice and Development Party (AKP)
government’s spokesman and Deputy Prime Minister Bulent Arinc voiced his
own and his party’s reaction to the US-Russia accord on elimination of the
Baath regime’s chemical weapons: "Until today, according to official
counts, about 120,000 people have died in Syria including children, women
and youth. None of them were killed with chemical weapons until Aug. 21 at
Ghouta. About 110,000 people have been killed with conventio... more »
New research shows Earth’s core spins in opposite directions
End Of Days News
New research shows Earth’s core spins in opposite directions
September 20, 2013 – GEOLOGY – According to new research from UK and Swiss
scientists, the core of our planet is more complicated than we thought,
with layers rotating in different directions, and it all may solve a
mystery about … Continue reading →
Dead Sea being eaten by sinkholes: huge chasms appearing in the region at a rate of one per day
End Of Days News
Dead Sea being eaten by sinkholes: huge chasms appearing in the region at a rate of one per day
September 20, 2013 – Israel – The Dead Sea is drying up at an incredible
rate leaving huge chasms of empty space in its wake. These chasms appear in
the form of large, devastating sinkholes and are increasing in number … Continue
reading →
DAYS OF LOT: Public Masturbation Declared Legal in Sweden After Landmark Trial
End Of Days News
DAYS OF LOT: Public Masturbation Declared Legal in Sweden After Landmark Trial
Sweden is now “okay” with public masturbation. On June 6, a 65-year-old man
took off his shorts at a beach near Stockholm and began masturbating into
the ocean. The man was charged with sexual assault, but was acquitted last
week after a judge ruled he was not targeting a specific person. Even
though the Södertörn District Court’s judgment […]
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