Nation mired in debt, Obamas set to take another $4 million Hawaiian vacation

The inconvenience has become an annual affair for homeowners in the area, as the Obamas have spent the last five Christmas seasons there.
The First Family is expected to arrive on or around December 17th and stay through January 6th.
So, how much will the trip cost the taxpayers?
The exact cost is never actually announced, but the cost of flying Air Force One alone, is $181,757 per hour (based on 2011 U.S. Air Force figures), making the cost for the nine-hour flight from Washington to Hawaii and back again a whopping $3,271,611.
...let’s not forget that a USAF C-17 cargo plane is also needed to bring Presidential limos, helicopters and other essentials along. This, too, comes at the tune of thousands of dollars. Plus, there’s security for the president and his family. A team of between four and six Marine Corps will travel along on a separate flight and require per diem and hotel, coming in at $258,000 (estimated).
Read about the costs in more detail...The Obamas do cover the expense for their own private beach-front home in Kailua, Oahu, which costs up to $3,500 per day ($75,000 per month). However, taxpayers are responsible for housing monies associated with the U.S. Secret Service, Coast Guart and Navy Seals. There are seven houses needed to accommodate these individuals, which amounts to about $21,600 per home.
Depending on exactly which day the Obamas arrive and whether or not any member of the First Family arrives or departs on a separate flight, as Michelle Obama did last year on a military flight, estimated to cost taxpayers $100,000...the entire trip will cost this cash-strapped nation well over $4 million.
As the country slips deeper and deeper into debt and the so-called Fiscal Cliff deadline is set to hit on December 31...It is more than a little disgusting for the president to take such a luxurious vacation, or any vacation, at our expense.
Don't think so?
Then consider the fact that Obama is taking this trip which would make any sultan blush, only a few weeks after low-income college students were notified that the Obama administration has cut the Pell Grant program by 33 percent.
Yes, that is yet another item the mainstream press refused to cover before the election!
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