The Swedish city of Malmo surrendered to Muslims, now Stockholm bows down to their god.Placating to an ideology that hates all things non-Islamic will not stem the rising tide of anti-Semitism in Sweden. It will not eliminate attacks against converts to Christianity. It will not bring about a swift end to Islamic cruelty and terrorism and “rape jihad.” It will do nothing but encourage more of this behavior, for the Ummah will not settle with just one mosque broadcasting the Islamic call to prayer. They will not settle for just one city. They will not settle for just one nation. They will not settle until every country and city and mosque in Europe proclaims loud and clear that “there is no god but Allah, and Mohammed is his messenger” …
This is what Swedes in the Stockholm municipality of Botkyrka will have to get used to, now that the decision rendered by the Botkyrka Municipal Assembly and authorized by the Botkyrka Police to approve the public call to worship, has taken effect. Whether or not Swedes find it offensive, loud, or disruptive, they have no choice but to listen every Friday to the live three-to-five-minute amplified recitation of the Muslim declaration of faith that calls the people to come together and pray. To pray for what?
Has anyone ever wondered, or taken the time to understand what these prayers, to which Muslims are now being publicly called, are all about? One of the Friday prayers consists of the seven verses of the opening chapter of the Koran, Al-Fatiha (The Beginning). This prayer, which is repeated twice during Friday noon prayer, and repeated 17 times a day by religious Muslims, instills distrust of the non-believer by asking Allah to keep Muslims away from the path of the Jews and Christians:
Guide us to the Straight Way, the Way of those on whom You have bestowed Your Grace, not (the way) of those who earned Your Anger (such as the Jews), nor of those who went astray (such as the Christians).
According to Louis Palme who often writes on Muslim apostate websites, Friday prayers include recitation of two additional Koranic chapters, chapters 62 (Friday) and 63 (Hypocrites). These chapters encourage hatred of not only Jews and Christians, but also of those who renounce their Muslim faith. Jews are compared to ‘the likeness of a donkey who carries huge burdens of books (but understands nothing from them)’ and are told to long for death if they pretend to be friends of Allah. Non-believers (i.e., Christians, Hindus, Buddhists) are condemned to a state of error until Mohammed purifies them ‘from the filth of disbelief and polytheism’ with his verses. Hypocrites or apostates ‘are the enemies so beware of them. May Allah curse them!’
The application to demand permission for the amplified call to prayer in Botkyrka was submitted in January 2012 by the President of the Botkyrka Islamic Cultural Association, Ismail Okur. He convinced the majority of the Botkyrka Municipal Assembly members to concede to his demand after telling Swedish newspaper Dagen that ‘now we want to have religious freedom.’