Thursday, May 30, 2013

Doctors Of 'The Hartford Consensus' Draft Plan To Help Cities, Towns Prepare For Mass Shootings

End Of Days News

Dr. Lenworth Jacobs Of Hartford Hospital


Hartford Hospital trauma physician met with doctors from theFBI, the Navy, the Dallas SWAT team, the New Orleans Police Department and elsewhere one day in April to begin work on a plan to help cities and towns better prepare for a mass shooting.
The goal is to coordinate teams of first-responders and increase the number of survivors.
The idea was hatched by the American College of Surgeons in response to the shootings at a movie theater in Aurora, Colo., and at Sandy Hook Elementary School in Newtown.
The meeting place was Hartford Hospital, partly because it is close to Newtown, one member of the team said, but also because it has a level one trauma center and is the center for disaster preparedness for northern Connecticut.
The group of doctors has become known as The Hartford Consensus, a committee of eight people from medicine, the military and law enforcement.
Dr. Lenworth Jacobs, director of trauma and emergency medicine at Hartford Hospital, said the group hopes the plan it is drafting will be a blueprint for each community — something towns and cities would use as a starting point for coordinating emergency response efforts. The short paper that came out of the daylong conference will be published in the June issue of the Bulletin of the American College of Surgeons.
Jacobs chaired the committee and is lead author of the paper.
"Active shooter/mass casualty events are a reality in modern American life," the authors wrote. "As our experience with these events has accumulated, it has become clear that long-standing practices of law enforcement, fire/rescue and EMS responses are not optimally aligned to maximize victim survival."

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