Monday, June 3, 2013


End Of Days News

The Oklahoma Tornados. —Why God? —-What did They Do—-Wrong or Right? We are always so quick to blame God for every thing that goes wrong. There is even a name for natural disasters calling them ; ‘Acts of God”. Does God send storms to flatten school houses full of children, and punish everyone in a whole city? Is this the “God of Mercy and Truth- The Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ?” Or is there another “god” of this present world, i.e. the bad old Devil? Does the Devil have power to send storms and cause death to humanity? If so, why? The Bible in the book of Job has something more to say about this; “Your sons and daughters were eating and drinking wine in their eldest brother’s house, when a great storm came from over the desert and seized the four corners of the house, and flung it down upon the youths, and killed them–.”Job 1:18-19. This passage most clearly gives the blame to Satan for the storm and the resulting death of Job’s children. Job was not being punished for doing wrong, he was being tested and shown as an example of a righteous man! Could it be that Oklahoma is being attacked by Satan,and God has allowed it, because of your righteous stand against evil? We must remember that Satan is called the “Prince and Power of the Air”, and does have dominion over this planet at the present time. When a storm arose over the Sea of Galilee, threatening to sink the boat carrying Jesus and his disciples, the Lord rebuked the wind and the waves saying; “Peace Be Still”. Mark 4: 39. Of course God has the power to still the storm, but sometimes he does not.
The recent devastation of schools and houses in Shawnee and Moore Oklahoma has prompted many to ask; ‘Why does God Punish Them?” In effect people are implying ; “What did they do Wrong?” The better question is; “What did they do right?” Oklahoma is one of the most “Christian” states in our whole country. It has recently elected a “Christian” majority in the state Legislature, and has been a leader in restoring God honoring relationships with the Native American Tribes who’s land they now occupy. It appears that Oklahoma is doing many things right, and because of their stand for Jesus Christ, Satan in angry and attacking them.
          The fury of destruction seen this last week in Oklahoma, is this also a “Last Days” sign, or is it only “random chance” that all the weather patterns converged on one small spot on the planet? Isaiah 9:10 not withstanding, the only thing that seems clear is that the Devil is angry, knowing his time is short, and is releasing great wrath upon the planet earth. Let us not be quick to blame God for every disaster. One thing is certain, Jesus will soon be choosing those whom He deems worthy to join Him. Is the “Carcass” (Church)–ready to go? Will the “Vultures of this Age” ( the Devil and his angels) defeat the “Body of Christ” in all out warfare during these Last Days? I think not! The Second Coming of our Lord Jesus Christ is not far away. We must keep our eyes on Jesus in these perilous times.

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