Monday, June 24, 2013

Signs of the times!!! Petition Filed on White House Website to Ban the Teaching of Creation in U.S. Schools

End Of Days News

Petition Filed on White House Website to Ban the Teaching of Creation in U.S. Schools

A petition urging the Obama administration to ban the teaching of creation and intelligent design in U.S. schools was recently filed on the White House website. Written by an individual simply identified as “A.J.”… Read More →

1 comment:

  1. The 'Read More' link does not work. That's my poke for the day. :)

    Man... it is hard to stress intelligent design in anything these daze... with all the idiots we have running the system. Ha. I'm Lovin' Ben Stein for touching on such an important topic in "No Intelligence Allowed". It's hard to doubt the idea of intelligent design when universities worldwide denounce it and do not even entertain the idea of discussing it... that's proof enough even without all of the biblical evidence and all of the accumulating facts from recent years to today.

    It's like Dr. Zaius is running ALL of academia and high learning in general. Those Darn Dirty Apes! :P
