Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Do people want to know what God has shown others? Are you part of the body of Christ?

End Of Days News
In 2 days I have tried talking to 3 people about the end days and what the Bible says about the things to come. None of which have done a lick of research on it! ALL 3 shut me off and go into what they know, not giving me a chance to share with them some of the things God has shown me. I try to always hear out others because sometimes God answers us in the most unknown ways and I care what people have to say! God does not reveal all the secrets directly to me so I try to put the pieces together by hearing what others have been shown by God.

I honestly feel like everything is a debate and if they want one up on me FINE! I pray we can have a conversation with others and it be in love. If you shut someone off before they share with you what they have been blessed with, you may shut off God. The things that God revealed to your friend may have been for you!

I am just putting this out there because I think it is important to know that as a body, the church should be able to communicate without it being a competition. If we can't simply communicate, how will we be useful to the Lord in his kingdom? For a whole body to work, there are many parts that have to work together or it is useless! As the body of Christ we are to put on the mind of Christ and learn to work TOGETHER, NOT AGAINST each other!

I love you all brothers and sisters!!!


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