Monday, September 2, 2013

Texas Pastors Rally Against San Antonio Bill ‘Promoting Intolerant Agenda Directed at Christians’

End Of Days News

SAN ANTONIO – As San Antonio lawmakers consider a new anti-discrimination ordinance that would outlaw protect residents based on “sexual orientation” or “gender identity,” local pastors and Christian legislators are gathering to oppose the controversial measures, which they believe actually discriminates against Christians.

As previously reported, San Antonio city council members have been working on “unprecedented” non-discrimination policies for the past several months. One of the sections of the proposed ordinance equates “sexual orientation” and “gender identity” to race, religion, and veteran status, saying it is illegal to “discriminate” against anyone based on these qualities.

Following public outcry over the proposal, the city council recently released a new draft of the ordinance, which was obtained by local affiliate In referring to the controversial non-discrimination policies, the ordinance now states that “[n]othing herein shall be construed as requiring any person or organization to support or advocate any particular lifestyle.” Councilman Diego Bernal—one of the primary supporters of the ordinance—says San Antonio residents have no reason to be wary of the proposal.

“We are not breaking new ground or doing anything revolutionary,” Bernal wrote in a recent statement. “We are merely doing what more than 180 cities and towns have done, which is to say that everyone deserves to live free from discrimination. Houston, Austin, Dallas, El Paso, Ft. Worth, Waco and Brownsville already have theirs in place. Every member of our community deserves the same.”

A few local religious leaders have voiced support for incorporating sexual orientation and gender identity into the proposed law. At a city council meeting open to the general public, Mick Hinson of San Antonio’s Metropolitan Community Church praised the new measures, saying homosexuals today feel threatened and insecure. More

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