Our lawless, Godless nation is a disgrace!
End Of Days News
This is our world today! We have allowed our nation to remove God from everything, no praying in schools, no 10 commandments on the court walls, God is barely in these feel good prosperity preaching churches! All in all you hear a nation asking where is God when a school gets shot up, or where is God when someone was sentenced unjustly, where was God when a bombing happens? Where were you when God needed you to speak up and tell this once democratic nation that you will not stand for them to remove what we were founded on, God! Since you have no need for God to watch over you the GOVERNMENT will do that for you instead by putting up extra cameras, listening to your phone calls, and monitoring your Google accounts! Since you have no need for God to guide you the GOVERNMENT will do it for you by telling you everything the Bible says is bad is really good like abortion, homosexuality, promiscuity, pornography, and immoral principals straight from the Bible! Since you have no need for God to protect you the GOVERNMENT will do that for you, they will fly drones over your home, microchip you like a DOG
, and they will even protect you from yourself and stick you in a detainment center because you, my friend are danger to yourself! CAN'T YOU SEE! YOU DON'T NEED GOD, THE GOVERNMENT HAS IT COVERED! We did not get here overnight! If I were God I would flood this evil, sick, and satanic world AGAIN! Good thing I am not, but he is returning soon and you better repent and get right because this is only the beginning! Maranatha
Love, Crystal
Love, Crystal
Questions surrounding purported attacks on faith in the United States military CONTINUE
to abound. Over the past few years, many critics have decried perceived attempts to remove Judeo-Christian values from the ranks. A new report claiming that the Army has mandated that troops remove Bible inscriptions from their weapon scopes will likely only add to the debate.
Fox News’ Todd Starnes is reporting that soldiers were recently told to turn in their scopes so that a Biblical inscription purportedly etched into serial numbers could be removed. Active-duty members of the Army at Fort Wainwright in Fairbanks, Alaska, apparently reached out to let the outlet to shed light upon the situation.
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