Friday, August 1, 2014

PROPHECY UPDATE: Gaza Truce Collapses As Rockets Hit Israel, Five Soldiers Killed In Mortar Attack, Islamic State Creates 'River Of Blood'

End Of Days News

Gaza Truce Collapses As Rockets Hit Israel, Five Soldiers Killed In Mortar Attack, Islamic State Creates 'River Of Blood'

*Gaza Truce Collapses As Rockets Hit Israel* *The Times of Israel is liveblogging events as they unfold through Friday, the 25th day of Operation Protective Edge. Thursday saw 90 rockets fired at Israel, several Israelis hurt by mortar fire, ongoing IDF strikes at Hamas targets in Gaza and tunnel demolitions, and US criticism of an Israeli strike that killed a reported 15 people at a UN school in Gaza on Wednesday. The US and UN announced a 72-hour truce from Friday morning to be followed by negotiations, but the truce quickly collapsed and fighting resumed.* *Sirens wail in ... more »

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