Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Obama's Orwellian World Persecutes Christians

End Of Days News

The Obama Regime must be reading its Orwell. Anyone remember 1984? War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength. The Obama Regime is adding a few more to that list such as bigotry is tolerance and weakness is strength.

What is the Orwellian Obama Regime doing now and why should we be all worried about it?

Since the Obama Regime took power in 2009, it has been blatantly hostile towards not only conservatives, but in particular those who are conservative Christians. Now the Obama Regime is putting one of the top anti-Christian bigots on the payroll as a consultant to help the Pentagon formulate policies on religious tolerance.

Mikey Weinstein is the founder of the Orwellian named "Military Religious Freedom Foundation." As with many far left groups, his mission is just the opposite of the title. He does not want religious freedom for the military. In fact, he wants just the opposite. He wants the military to be a religion free zone. Specifically he wants it to be a Christian free zone.
In a column he recently wrote for the far left The Huffington Post, Weinstein said:

"Today, we face incredibly well funded gangs of fundamentalist Christian monsters who terrorize their fellow Americans by forcing their weaponized and twisted version of Christianity upon their helpless subordinates in our nation's armed forces. Oh my, my, my, how 'Papa's got a brand new bag.'

What's Papa's new tactic? You're gonna just love this! These days, when ANYone attempts to bravely stand up against virulent religious oppression, these monstrosities cry out alligator tears in overflowing torrents and scream that it is, in fact, THEY who are the dispossessed, bereft and oppressed. C'mon, really, you pitiable unconstitutional carpetbaggers? It would be like the utter folly of 1960's-era southern bigots howling like stuck pigs in protest that Rosa Parks' civil rights activism is "abusing" them by destroying and disenfranchising their rights to sit in the front seat of buses in Montgomery, Alabama. Please, I beseech you! Let us call these ignoble actions what they are: the senseless and cowardly squallings of human monsters.

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