Tuesday, March 5, 2013

State Rep: Surrender Your Guns For Obamacare?

End Of Days News

Montana lawmaker Krayton Kerns warns that President Obama’s recent executive orders on gun control could lead to a chilling future scenario where Americans are forced to hand in their firearms in order to receive critical hospital treatment under Obamacare.
Republican Kerns, sponsor of a recently passed bill that prohibits “a healthcare provider from refusing or conditioning care if a person refuses to provide information relating to firearm ownership, possession or use,” blogs about his personal experience of ammunition shortages in gun stores before warning that his legislation could represent, “the single act which stands between your fundamental right to keep and bear arms and their confiscation.”
“On January 16, 2013, President Obama released 23 “Gun Violence Reduction Executive Actions” of which Action #2, #14, #16, #17, #21, and #22 utilize the national healthcare system to collect gun ownership information. As Obamacare grows over the next decade, unwary citizens will voluntarily divulge firearm ownership information including serial numbers in exchange for routine healthcare. Through the power of incrementalism, placing this information in a federal database seems harmless at first,” writes Kerns.
“However, someday in the future, imagine a loved one in your care needing critical medical attention, so you rush into an Obamacare facility because no other option exists. Healthcare enforcers examine your medical records and announce the Public Safety Authority has handed down Rule 1040 declaring all semiautomatic rifles, including .22s, are applicable only for military purposes. You must surrender your previously identified Ruger, 10/22 prior to your loved one receiving treatment. With no other choice you do. Scoffers might dismiss my warnings as fear mongering; something which would never happen. If you believe me and I am wrong, America has lost nothing. If you ignore me and I am right, America has lost everything. How much are you willing to risk? Shouldn’t we stop this now?”

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